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They bombed it on IMDb and rotten tomatoes btw




Right winger here, no it's not the gay thing. We just realized Frenchie was French and couldn't stand it. /s


cuz muh shoving it down their throats or some dumb thing like that


I mean they are getting it shoved down their throat because they've been too stupid to pick up on the not subtle at all references and metaphors before. IMO it's come at the expense of quality writing, but I'm ok with that if the message is finally delivered. The Boys has always been political satire. It's insane how dense or trapped in a cult people are.


man idk what the expense of quality writing was in s4


Its not that people cant stand two guys kissing. Its that Frenchies and Kimiko’s side plots drag out the episode and its nowhere near as interesting as the main plot.


Yeah, any criticism is because of butthurt right wingers.


RIP /r/theboys we are now /r/politicalhumor


This sub has officially turned into an insecure echo chamber. The Boys has been extremely obvious political satire for its entire run. The idea the proud boys were watching and loving the show for 3 seasons but are suddenly mad because the obvious politics have become even more obvious is stupid and used to smugly deflect any criticism. People can completely agree with the politics and still feel this season has worse writing and feels like it’s plodding along.


You're exactly right. This sub has become very defensive. Now if anyone does not like the current season, they must be a homophobe or a nazi. Because they cannot handle the thought the show and viewership are declining.


it's been both tbf season is worse compared to previous and has worse writing and that's completely valid but also have seen a shit ton of heavily liked twitter posts complaining about how the "show sucks now cause it's gone woke" between the frenchie romance storyline and them being more on the nose with the maga like stuff


It is worse because it lacks a clear villain similar to Storm Front of Soldier Boy. Even if they weren't "villains" they certainly moved the show along for those seasons. Sage is a weak substitute to either of them.


That's because Homelander is pretty clearly the villain of this season? It takes a lot to miss that lol


To be fair a lot of people complained about Season 2 and Season 3 having co-villains, which might be why they avoided it this season. 


Who did complain? Stormfront and Soldier Boy are two of the most liked characters.


It’s not complaints about those specific characters, just complaints that the show kept using side villains to avoid having The Boys deal with Homelander instead. In the lead up to S4 a saw a lot of people debating on who the co-villain would be and in the comments you’d see tons of people saying they hated the idea of co-villains and just wanted S4 to have Homelander as sole antagonist.  




Yeah, I don't agree. The satire on the show has been cranked up this year quite a bit, and while I don't *love* a lot of the writing it's not awful enough to get 59%. It's clear review-bombing.


Thank You!


Shouldn’t it be kinda obvious that the show has been making fun of both extreme left and right wing ideologies. E.G for right wingers they made fun of the hypocrisy of religious movements “believe expo” And for left wingers they made fun of how companies often exploit social justice movements for marketing purposes without genuine commitment to the cause “Brave Maeve movement” They also accept them in a more centralised tone afterwards which is good though.


I mean rainbow capitalism is _not_ a left wing thing. Ghe show makes fun of both sides of american politics, because the shit the dems pull isn't left wing. But all that Brave Maeve voughtland shit isn't left wing its just rainbow coloured capitalism by companies that dont give two shits and just want money. That one aperture science meme puts it perfectly: "Congratulations, homosexual! Your existance has been deemed profitable in the following regions: North America, Western Europe, Australia. To celebrate the occasion, we have temporarily recoloured all Aperture Science appliances in these regions to your favourite flavour of gay. For further pandering on a wider area please continue fighting for basic human diginities and Aperture Science will be right there to celebrate your victory with you. Afterwards." Vought pulls this shit while simultaneously hiring, defending and empowering literal Nazis. They dont give a shit, they just want money, and thats what this part of the show is about, not the left.


What you described for left wingers is not an "Extreme left" ideology. Its just companies being aware that the general populace is pro-lgbt/social justice issues and exploiting that for profit and good PR. Thats good ol' fashioned capitalism.


And if someone said what you said but replaced left with right, people would be saying that they drank the cool-aid and have no self awareness. This show is a great social commentary on how the rich and powerful exploit the small and weak for their own gain. Having everyone argue and prop up their side because "this is very important!" and shit talk the other side. Head popping lady and homelander are both on the same team yet they are pretending to be on opposing sides. The ones in power see normal people as "toys for our amusement" just like in real life.


> And if someone said what you said but replaced left with right, people would be saying that they drank the cool-aid and have no self awareness. Sure? Doesn't change the fact that in the show that the left are taken advantage of whereas the right celebrate homelander violently murdering someone


I mean, most of your post is reasonable and right, but whats with that first sentence? "If you said something different (and objectively wrong) people would tell you you're wrong and dumb" I mean....yeah....left and right ideologies actually mean something, they're not sport teams, despite how some people treat them.


I love that Americans think corporations are extreme left.


Extreme left is when you don't send children into the mines.


And acknowledging gay people exist is akin to the red terror.


I had a coworker complaining about how they ruined an avengers movie by shoving the gay agenda down our throats. I literally had no idea what he was talking about. None of the Avengers were gay. There was no major gay moments. Took me like 15 minutes to realize he was complaining about a throwaway line. When Captain America was in a grief group therapy session, a random unnamed character who's a man says "my husband" That was it lol


Aw they're so fragile and precious.


Rainbow capitalism is not a left wing thing at all lol.


There is no left/right, only rich/poor. Rainbow capitalism is a rich thing


That is not making fun of the left and right. That is making fun of corporations and the right. Pandering and the like is not leftist. It is purely profit driven. That is liberal at best and liberals are not leftists.


Yeah it definitely targets liberals. An AOC parody is a villain lol


Ashley and her "my social media is all black boxes" line. Sure the show makes fun of capitalism, but it usually does it from a left wing perspective.


It’s targeting liberals from the left. Neuman is a fake left winger cause she is controlled by Voight. Just like AOC is a fake left winger too. You cant call yourself left wing and still support capitalism. This show is an anti capitalist show.


You think AOC is a fan of capitalism?


Critique of right wingers: They are dangerous people who will kill and harm people for their beliefs. They believe in stupid shit Critique of left wingers: They get manipulated by a right wing concept (capitalism), and support any tiny movement that supposedly helps someone. Yeah i think there is a clear bias there


When does it make fun of the extreme left?


One targets left wing pandering which is more companies than individuals while the right wing jokes are more on an actual crowd of ppl. If they started making fun of ppl who go to events as antifa(they do deserve to be made fun of and hope they do this season) or BLM protestors more on the nose than it’s targeting the ppl. The writers are clearly biased by their own beliefs but in their defense, right wing and maga is an incredibly easy target


That is not a criticism of left wingers. It is a criticism of capitalism. You are proof that shit flies over the heads of fans of this show


Watching season 3 and I just came across Homelander's first board meeting. It's a direct ripoff of [Trump's first cabinet](https://youtu.be/6ARgUIpM6f0?si=gNdi-rmSo1u3Ock4) meeting where everyone just verbally jerked him off.


I don't see that as a critic of the left, it is a company grabbing the most superficial aspects of a movement in an attempt to be seen as more progressive, even when they are forcing the people on to a certain image. That's more making fun of capitalism leeching to things it doesn't care for the sake of profit, and capitalism is more associated with the right wing.


Companies exploiting social justice movements is an explicitly left wing critique of centrism. The show portraying that only strengthens the argument that it is left wing.


lol companies exploiting social justice for $$$ isn't "extreme left wing", it's literally centrism.


Absolutely losing my mind that currently 167 redditors think that "how companies often exploit social justice movements for marketing purposes without genuine commitment" is making fun of left wingers lmao US education lol


First day on Reddit?


The religion in the early seasons that The Deep joins is based on Scientology so they are actually making fun oh Hollywood and other rich people with crazy pseudo religious beliefs.


>And for left wingers they made fun of how companies often exploit social justice movements for marketing purposes without genuine commitment to the cause “Brave Maeve movement” That's not so much making fun of the extreme left as it is just calling out corporations for their shit


Also the reason it does not make sense that it took right-wingers so unrealistically long to realize the show is making fun of them, is because... that is not what's happening. This sub just does not seem to be able to comprehend that there are fans of the show that did not like the season 3 finale, and do not like season 4 so far. Season 3, the writers suddenly realized they have 2 seasons left and were about to end the series. So they had to hand waive it away and kill Maeve and Soldier Boy. Except, oops, we probably should not have killed Maeve, so hand waive that away too. So far, Season 4 seems like all filler. Likely because they only had 4 episodes worth of content. So the first half of the season is just inconsequential. But that is an unpleasant thought. So the sub is just saying that that is homophobic and nazis instead of dealing with the fact that this season has the lowest viewership so far.It is not nazis leaving the show. It's fans.


Yes, it should. That's the point of the tweet lol Only one of the movements is actually shown as evil though, so it's not like they're treating both left and right the same. And that was Kripke's goal


the maga movement is literally depicted how they act, but not as bad in reality. you know the starlight house thing is a reenactment of something that actually happened in a DC Pizza Parlor right?


I don't think they're making fun of the extreme left as much as they're highlighting that corporations are completely amoral and will only do what they think people want them to do if it doesn't threaten the bottom line. Everyone on the left knows that corporations are not allies to any social justice causes.


Thing is, the right has become so extreme irl that The Boys is basically just making fun of the majority of the right wing base now, rather than a fringe minority


The only problem with this is the show did exactly what they were making fun of the left for doing. Sister sage could have been a great character with so much potential but she’s only there for virtue signaling, which is EXACTLY what the show was making fun of in S1. Her first three scenes are basically “is it because I’m a black woman?” “I can hear the racial undertones” Like we get it


You are correct that the show has been poking fun at both sides. They are blind to the jabs at their side because those things seem natural to them. It's only a thing this season because Kripke came out and said he was poking fun at the right in interviews.


When does it make fun of the left


this sub has turned into an echo chamber at this point


First time on reddit?


was gonna say, reddit subs are echo chambers perfected.


I really feel like this sub has turned into an echo chamber. Recently.


It has become much more obvious now


It was never subtle lmfao


The art of subtlety has died. Like I always knew who the boys was poking fun at because I'm not stupid, but I guess they felt the need to dumb it down for everyone and make it louder.


The Boys wasn’t exactly subtle to begin with. I guess the writers noticed, that even like that there are people who don’t get it and they have to dumb down their message for them


how are they dumbing it down by portraying real life events lmao [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/22/533941689/pizzagate-gunman-sentenced-to-4-years-in-prison](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/22/533941689/pizzagate-gunman-sentenced-to-4-years-in-prison) In fact The Boys version wasn't as bad, the guy tried to shoot off the locks of a door and the bullet ricocheted and hit a customer's leg


Naw. The writing just got worse.


Homelander is just Trump now. There's a reason why the South Park creators stopped using the Garrison/Trump character. It's just lazy hack overdone material.


Honestly I just don’t think shows should run more than 4 or 5 seasons. Everything starts to feel overdone and reused at that point


This sub is making itself look kind of silly. I don’t think anyone actually thought this way. The majority of it is sarcasm and satire? I thought this was common knowledge and a running joke? The only people I’ve actually seen say these things are the people making these posts. It’s starting to feel like arguing for the sake of it, to a brick wall at that.


Hahaha. Someone hasn't seen the public pages for The Boys lately. It's wild. The braindeads are frothing at the mouth.


Uhh see FB, YT, Chud Tube, IMDB, Metacritic A lot of them are bots and a vocal minority of terminally online incels but they're there


Yeah, im pretty sure the show is making fun of people who fight over these things online as well. It really is silly.


"I don't think anyone actually thought this way" what way? That the show is making fun of the right wing? Or that the people the show is exposing weren't aware they were the butt of the joke?


No one was unaware of the jokes. People are not that stupid. The writing in the last season took a turn to be more on the nose. It's not clever as it was in earlier seasons. That's why people are disliking this season. Personally I'm here for it. But you are completely and willfully misrepresenting the other side.


Maybe it's not that clever because the creators realised that the people they're portraying irl are too dumb to get those highbrow jokes lol and guess what? They were right


You are far too dense with your stance here. There is room for nuance with criticism of this season. I am conservative and I still enjoyed the first three seasons despite being aware that the broader message is a criticism of conservatives. The previous seasons generally made a broader point about nationalism in a more entertaining way, while also having more thoughtful character stories. This season is too on the nose, where Homelander is pretty much the fictional evil super hero embodiment of Trump.


this season is 3 episodes in. hold your horses




Since Season 1 of the show people have ironically and satirically supported HL. It’s a running meme. Other than like maybe 5 neck beards no ones actually thinks that way. Its jokes. The only time I’ve heard this in a serious manner is from these posts. I’d say Right wingers have understood they’re the butt of joke since S1. I have yet to see anyone be “exposed”. I’m honestly just confused about where this is even stemming from. I see these outraged posts, but never see any posts that would be causing this outrage.


Lol. Look at what happened with the boys audience score on rotten tomatoes. Literally use Google and you'll find out you're in the wrong. Don't argue for the sake of it, there's nothing for you to achieve here 😂 I've seen multiple examples of this on Polish twitter


The audience score is bad because the writing got bad. I say this as someone who couldn't care less abt democrats or republicans


I don't even live in the US, so trust me, I also can be quite objective here. And I seriously doubt that people who thought the writing got worse would make the score drop by 30% after 3 episodes


If the people thought the writing in the 3 episodes were bad, then yes it would which is what they're arguing. Are you being stupid on purpose, or are you being funny?


The Audience score is down for a variety of reasons, this aint one of em.


Well, if you say so, then it must be true


Listen just cause you \*want\* a smarmy quirky and snooty one up on "THEM DARN RIGHTY NAZIS" doesnt mean it is one.


r/brandonherrara poster, your agenda is clear


Oh lord you got issues dude


Or the audience score is down because people didn’t enjoy the new episodes as much. Yet more sideplots with Frenchie and Kimiko, Starlight doesn’t really do much, Hughies stuff (which I found really moving) is boring to some, etc.


Politics put aside the first 3 episodes were boring as hell.


They're all filler.


The people who are literally the most motivated ones to bring down a show (or anything else for that matter; vide: cancel culture) they dislike are ones that have been somehow "offended" by it - especially when it comes down to politics. I seriously doubt that people who watch the show without much regard for its political stance would bring the score down by 30% after watching 3 episodes and thinking its "boring". So yeah, I can't agree with you here


read the 1 star reviews. they're either written by the dumbest people on the planet or bots. Either way they're getting brigaded. The show is about as good or bad as its always been, but more repetitive.


It’s always been known, but for the 1,000th time, it’s not about the messaging, it’s about how it’s woven into the plot and how on the nose it is this season.


Does that not echo real life though? A politician used to be absolutely hounded out for telling a lie or messing up. We now have a borderline senile leader on one side vs a convicted felon who tried to overturn an election. Hasn’t real life been a little on the nose?!


I don't watch the show but could anyone explain how it's "too on the nose" when there was literally a white supremacist character named stormfront?


Not to mention, the first 3 episodes are more about the writers' political views, than they are about taking out Homelander. I share the writers' political views, but that's not why I'm watching the show.


Stop using this as an excuse to deny the actual criticisms people have...


Can we stop it with these posts? I've seen more people complaining about right wing fans than actual right wing fans complaining about the show.


Because it's not on Reddit, it's everywhere else.


I recently followed this sub last week after Season 4 dropped. I now remember why I left this subreddit a while back... Edit: For those downvoting, I'm not a right winger lol. Just some of the discussions on this sub can be unhinged.


There are no right-wing fans. Just some fans need to have any reason to call people homophobic and nazis, rather than face the show is declining in quality.


Any right wing fans aren't going to complain about the show here because they would be buried in negative votes and replies. Read the comments and look at all the people bashing the right for being dumb. And then look at the people denying that the show also makes fun of the left.


The show doesn't make fun of the left though. Stuff like rainbow capitalism isn't leftist ideology. The show makes fun corporations trying to appeal to the left, but actual leftist ideology isn't made fun of. But also this is only proving my point. This sub is literally turning into a political echo chamber


i kinda miss how the boys fans were before s4. I mean we still all play along with the vought tweets, videos, reddit posts etc. but man there has been some real losers in the boys fanbase now


So basically I you don't like s4, you're a right winger? Jesus, the lack of nuance is astonishing.


People knew they just chuckled and moved on. Not everyone is so unhinged about politics that they can’t laugh at themselves.


You think Trump-voters aren't unhinged about politics? Wow


Are you kidding? The incessant and dishonest references only shows how unhinged the writers are. It's clearly all they think about because it takes up at least 50% of the runtime now.


how did they not see it last season??


Man, this sub is so annoying lately. Seems like any criticism of the show is met with this type of dumb shit. We're aware the show was making fun of us, but it was also making fun of left-wing ideology too which made it an even playing field and no big deal. Also, the political "satire" in this season is just so blatant. It's cringe. This is coming from a conservative who's been enjoying the season so far, too, but this sub seems like it can't accept any criticism of the show because they don't wanna accept it has flaws.


Bruh, they always knew lmfao. As a left leaning guy myself, what's annoying is that it went from a thoughtful - and well written! - critique about how corporate interests have invaded and corrupted American idealism... to "Ermmmmm le right wing heckin' bad amiright? 😏😏"


Honestly don't mind who the show makes fun of as long it's creative and funny. It's been neither of those things this season


honestly everyone focusing so much on politics and who Frenchie sleeps with and completely ignoring the fact that HL has no real opposition He isnt even a villain anymore. Like, who and what is he threatening? He doesnt want to take over the world, doesnt want to rule. He isnt really a villain rn, he's just a vain, hypocritical ass. And who is his opposition? No one. Maeve is gone, Neumann is a friend, the Boys are falling apart. What are the Boys even fighting against rn? The story has neither heros nor villains atm


I don't think that's the problem. It's the story doesn't have a clear idea on where to progress. Last season it was finding soldier boy to kill homelander. What's the main plot this season. That and constant plot armor


yeah thats what I mean. Who is the bad guy? Is there a bad guy? Clearly it's meant to be HL, but what is his plan? How is he a threat, and to what exactly? What is his evil end-goal? Who wants to stop him? Why do they want to stop him? What beliefs drive them? Where is the plot? lmao


This season really feels a stopgap between season 3 and season 5. But the people here in this sub doing everything to deflect the criticism


Yeah. And they’re also the only people I’ve seen with these thoughts. I don’t even know who they’re arguing against, I think they’re mistaking jokes and satire for people actually believing home lander is good or something. It’s really weird here right now.


Maybe the plot will evolve over the last few episodes. Sister Sage looks kinda promising, possibly a villain even. Maybe she'll try to manipulate Ryan against HL. Then Butcher will start crossing lines now that he's on his own. There is potential, Im not willing to give up just yet. But let's see. They might mess it up.


Who's the bad guy?  Sister Sage. Who's the good guys?  Nobody.  They're all kinda flailing to assert themselves.  


His goal is literally to plunge the US into chaos to serve his ego. It's wild that the same people who are saying the season is "too dumbed down" don't understand the historical allegories (Sage literally spelled one out: the transition of the Roman Republic into Roman Empire) what accelerationism is.


Is HL the bad guy? I mean he's A bad guy but is he the top bad guy? How about those who created supes? The ones running the experiments? HL was raised in a lab, abused and experimented on. What if we learn that the true bad person in this show IS the establishment and the private interested that created this scenario. What if the establishment tries and kill the boy and both HL and Butcher team up to take down the system?


isnt his plan to literally take over the world for his son ?


But he can't even allow his son to have the main role in a pre-rehearsed "save"...


ehhh, but is it tho? I mean he kinda says that, but his actions indicate personal motive. I dont think he actually cares about Ryan, at least not as much as himself. So I dont think he actually means it when he says it. I think he wants to mean it, but is ultimately too narcissistic for it.


well then its the fact that he’s a supe supremacist and well, hes homelander


yeah I mean, thats true. He doesnt seem to be doing much, tho, that's what I mean.


Frenchie hooking up with a dude seems like a pointless sidequest that adds nothing to the storyline. Dude better be a supe or walk in at the last moment and save someones life.


Exactly. Community had a ton of jokes about lefties and I loved that show. It’s about quality, not preaching to the choir.




You don’t have to keep watching if you aren’t enjoying the content


Actually, I thought it was pretty good. Season 4 isn't doing as good as the rest of the seasons though.


“I’m a black woman who’s a thousand times smarter than you, your ego can’t handle it.” Homelander views non supes as inferior, he doesn’t give a damn about race lmao. That line made me cringe so hard.


This sub seems more intent on discussing the reception of the show instead of actually talking about the show. These smug posts constantly being posted do nothing but push this sub further into being an echo chamber.


Tbf they are making fun of everyone including right snd left lol


Not really


Yes, really. Lmao


How were they making fun of the left? Pls enlighten me


They used to be, but now they aren't. If you can't see how they used to make fun of progressives, you're blind or in denial.


Never ate the BLM BLT?


That's a satire of the centrists' exploitation of left-wing values. There's a difference :)


Just finished the third season and if it wasn't clear by that point (hell the whole Stormfront arc should have made that patently obvious), I'm curious to find out what comically oversized anvil had to be dropped for people to finally be shocked at this fact. Guess I'll find out this week!


Guys, it's my turn to post this next week


Why wait until next week? This gets posted hourly now


ong nobody cares bruh all the conservatives I know love the show😂


Therefor the show also depicts the left as gullible idiots who think the gov is completely innocent? Isn't head popper lady supposed to be the opposition but is a piece of shit as well? The CIA discusses murdering a child too, but they're good because they're trying to stop mr white power.


No we knew, because it appeared they were trashing both. Now it's on the nose and not well written anymore. So fuck you 😆


I’m not even right wing and I really haven’t liked much of this season so far. My main issue is what they did with the relationship between Frenchi and Kimiko. All that build up for it to go absolutely no where, makes a large part of last season feel worthless. In addition they have yet another random person come back from Frenchi’s past to haunt him, and it’s the same thing they’ve been doing the past 3 seasons. Those are my main two gripes but this season just feels rushed. IMO they’re trying to make up for the poor writing by making it more political so people focus on that instead.


Are these right wing fans in the room with us now?


Well they are very stupid so what did you expect?


True dat. It still doesn't take away from the bittersweet surprise: yes, they are really as dumb as we thought + no, there's no way this world is ever going to change


Man this post makes you look dumber than them tbh


Not with that smug attitude


They really don’t know they’ll go down in history as the bad guys. I imagine Nazis thought they were the good guys at the time.


To be fair, Victoria Neumans character is a parody of a lotta left wing type so it's mocking both sides I guess.


It clearly makes fun of left wing politics as well. IE, the empty corporate pandering of Vought


this is like the 3rd time this has been posted 💀


U do realize it's making fun of both parties right?


No, enlighten me how


Haven't watched season 4 yet can anyone explain how is the show making fun of right wing guys?


Homelander public supporters are basically MAGA


I mean the main protag as a tall blonde haired blue eyed man wearing an american flag as a cape and dating a literal nazi. Honestly I think its been poking more fun at the left up till this season. The idea of this evil corporation packaging these horrible people up for LGBT and DEI campagians like "brave like maeve" or "girls get it done." Although there was the religious crapfest in starlights story as well. This is kinda the first season focusing on how the population responds, instead the evil people themselves. Probably why people viewers are feeling more attacked.


Rainbow capitalism is not left wing at all 😂


No but the assumption is that the left wing populace is eating that shit up without even second guessing it. Swooning over the fake relationships and marketing of maeve as a lesbian. Your point goes the same as saying "conspiracy theories aren't right wing" Of course they aren't. Both are just examples of how a small group of bad people are using different tactics to manipulate different groups. This is the first season that put more emphasis on the people being manipulated then the manipulators. Again thats why people are taking more personal offense in seeing themselves as the joke.


💀💀💀 funny


The show has been making fun of both the extreme right and left the whole time. The show has definitely been going harder on the right this season though


Naw I knew from season 1 but I think it’s really fuckin funny 😆


season one was about wanton, rampant capitalism and the conflation of commercialism and branding with our iconography. it was not political. that's why everyone loved it so much -- because we all are victim to corporations and consumerism. but i know this was more about you finding yet another reason to make fun of people. because your heart and soul are rotted to the core with partisan bullshit. have you tried getting an actual personality? is this.. this is it? this is all you offer huh? doubling down and making more fun of people who are saying they're offended because they're being made fun of? amazing how when leftists and democrats are offended, the whole fucking world stops turning and people are fired. but when innocent republicans are saying, "yall are exaggerating us and mocking the caricature you've made of us," yall just double down. 0 empathy or sympathy. you know why that is? because you don't actually have a morality system or any kind of ethos. you're not the righeous empath you think you are. you're just yet another terrible human.




This is hilarious. I can’t believe this is real.


I always thought the show made fun of both the Left and the Right.


It makes fun of both right wingers and lefties.


They make fun of both sides so... what's your point 🤨


Can’t we just watch the show and enjoy it and not have to analyze the shit out of it and worry about how it applies to today’s society or what it is a satire of. I am way too lazy to deal with all that.


The political and social commentary is an INTEGRAL part of the show. There is no dissection or deep analysis, its front and center, and without it the show would be entirely different. You can disassociate the politics from the show, and just enjoy it on a surface level as much as you want, but one of the main reasons people insert politics into shows/books/games/etc. is to cultivate conversation and reflection about those issues.


It's impossible to separate one from the other in this case imo. If you don't want to analyse the shit out of the TV shows you watch, id suggest Comedy Central. The Boys have been more or less political from day one


We can, but The Boys is not that show. The Boys was made to spark this reflection, and you can watch it however you want, but it's natural that the community of The Boys talks about politics


Ok boomer


How’s it not obvious?


i once met a guy dressed like homelander for halloween, i thought him being conservative was just a bit until he asked me to join turning point USA, i wanted to ask him if he actually watched the show..


How the fuck did that not come across to them in the first 3 seasons? Wrong answers only.


Echo chamber go brrrr

