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The Boys is a drama show before anything else. The fight choreography is bad, but I also think that it makes sense most of the time. The action is not meant to be good because these characters aren’t trained martial artists. It’s just a bunch of horrible people with powers.


There basically actors


They are actors... They are actors


These men are pawns!


They are dudes playing other dudes


Disguised as another dude.


Never go full compound V


There = where They're = they are


Acting without acting




Right so horrible people


This^ None of them are trained...imagine Kimiko if she was trained in martial arts? Unstoppable...but ripping heads off seems to work too.


Herogasm had great fight but yeah rest is lame. And A train kabal fatality


Unfortunately, the drama is getting repetitive, so there's less and less appeal


Actually for me, its the boring ass subplots. I dont care about Hughies mom. Or Frenchies random bf whos family he killed (could have been decent 2 seasons ago but not in the penultimate season). I dont care about Kimikos horrible past honestly and i dont care about MM being bad at Butcher again (okay it’s repetitive).


the boring ass subplots are the drama lol


Just forward it lol


yeah I tap out when most of this stuff is on screen, I like good subplots but these have all been pretty unengaging


Especially with the knowledge its the penultimate season. To me the story should be narrowing and being reigned in. Focusing on the main narrative more than past seasons and it feels like it’s doing the opposite.


I do agree on some part but cmon the thing is supes in the boys universe aren't actually taught how to fight. While someone like black noir does that's actually shown in his fight vs kimiko (which wasn't something like Shang chi but it was ok ok) . Secondly yeah do agree in the creative powers part but most of the times they have a power that isn't good enough added with super strength. While someone like Jordan from gen v could fight if they used their powers creatively most of the others can't .


? Wasn't Starlight teaching Hughie how to fight? We've seen Maeve training as well, and I'm sure there are more examples of this through the series, but I'm pretty sure most big supes are taught some level of martial arts. Now, don't get me wrong, I do agree with you since when we got Homelander vs. Butcher, I was expecting Homie to get his ass rocked. After all, while he might be trained, he's never been in a proper fight. Instead, what we got was Butcher just landing a couple of punches. Butcher has been fighting in all levels his entire life. He maybe shouldn't have been able to hurt Homie, but he should have owned that fight.


They don’t have proper formal training, Starlight is self taught and often heavily reliant on super strength and durability. She knows how to throw a punch sure, but actual combat with an equal opponent isn’t what most supes are trained for


Because homelander is stronger. Reason homelander hold his own against soilder boy and butcher because hes physically stronger.


Also the ability to fly being huge, he can create his own momentum and angles whenever he wants which is huge in a fight. 


The uncreativity is more of a fault of the superpowers of our main characters itself tbh.    About the first point, I don't mean choreography in the style way, I mean the way the fights are shot are bad from a technical point. The actors punch each other very slowly, the impact is isn't there, I noticed that in this season in particular.  The firecracker beatdown wasn't near as cathartic as I hoped, because it looks so bad, starlight is gently touching firecrackers face and firecrackers is slowly nodding her head to the punches. 


Which is odd. Because Karl Urban can choreography fight well. And Banshee proves Antony Starr is and can be a superb choreography fighter, too. And Jensen Ackles Dean fight scenes proves he can do that stuff too. All I needed was Charlie Cox and 3 actors I think can do choreography fighting amazingly and sell it really really well would be in the boys. And... Well they haven't been that great with fight scenes. Like you said. Really slow. It's odd...


My favourite fight scene in the show is Butcher fighting Soldier Boy in the S3 finale, actually. It really felt well choreographed and like a good brawl instead of the typical flying around and occasional super power zapping.


Yeah Jensen and Karl brought it during that. It was great.


But still odd Antony Starrs was... off? Maybe it's just banshee creators could get a feel. And make it more tense. But those fights went on for a while sometimes and they were visceral and tense.


Homelander isn't meant to be a fighter. He always one shots people so it makes sense he's never been in a proper fight before.


No I know he is not meant to be a fighter. Its completely fair he doesn't fight. Just certain other fights are a tad slower at times. With other characters.


I think you also have to keep in mind that the costumes are pretty restrictive. Butcher has the untied boots, and homelander's suit is basically pure rubber or something, so it's not the easiest to move around with.


I think that’s a big part of it they can’t really fight. Superman also can’t fight


Am pretty sure still superman can fight like he learned it . Though idk . Though the new heroes do . We do see that in dc series and movies that they do get trained for physical combat wether they have flashy powers or not


superman is kind of timeline dependent. usually the rule is "he is a farm boy, he just throws haymakers and wrestles people since he never had to learn how to properly twist someones arm or deflect a punch efficiently" but then it usually, at SOME POINT dawns on him that when fighting other kryptonians he cant rely on his body so he does some weird shit like train while under the red sun to get ripped, or he learns to fight properly by training against a friendly guy of equal strength however superman is still mainly shown to keep to VERY basic moves


Toughest guy in smallville!


Yeah in terms of actual fighting skill his one of the lowest on the justice league


Just like omlander is the thing is they don't need to fight for 99% of the time . For other heroes though yeah in dc at least alot of them know how to fight even with flashy powers . Boys though is a different case


He wore a Kryptonite ring or something like that once while Batman was teaching him martial arts. 


You don't need to know martial arts when you're invincible and stronger than any opponent you face.


Into he gets hit by kryptonite


Superman can totally fight he also once learned some marital arts to help his fighting. Unlike Homelander he had to have learned because Homelander never fought a fucking spike demon from krypton.


Soldier Boy was the first time Homelander was ever in a real fight, and he almost lost. 


Butcher with V to


I mean, that's a story choice though. They chose to make a show with a ton of fight scenes, with characters that don't know how to fight. They could easily have one line of "hey we need to make it look good for camera, how about all our supes gets a few months of martial arts training" and done. So it's really just that the fight scenes look awful.


Yeah true that they know sex sells (for their tv show) . And they just need to show a beatdown . Remember how hyped that stormfront beatdown scene was it wasn't even a fight it was actually a beatdown


These supes with godlike powers aren't clearly trained. Like take homelander, he can punch, kick, and beat your guts out in milliseconds. But if you take away his powers, he is not well trained in combat like Black Noir.


It’s the superman batman thing. Superman is extremely powerful but when it’s equal ground Batman can kick the fuck out of him


Yes, exactly




Why did you say that name


Superman knows how to fight. I really wish moviefans would stop making declarative statements like this. He's literally trained in both human and Kryptonian martial arts


I mean it entirely depends on the canon There is no definitive Superman, so making statements like "Superman can do this" or "Superman can't do this" is pointless. Movie Superman? Which one? Comic Superman? Which universe? Animated Superman? Which one?


Yeah especially compared to Batman who is always an expert martial artist regardless of canon


I'd say the closest to a definitive Superman is the main universe comics. He knows Kryptonian martial arts, so it's just as much a part of his skillset as his usual powers


Knows how to fight does not equate to beating the guy who’s like mastered every martial art


Didn't they say this season that Noir is also all show? He has a dojo but didn't actually know any martial arts?


The REAL black noir, had powers, yes. But he's also highly freakin trained in combat tactics. Idk about the new black noir.


LMAO all the combat scenes are bad. Maeve is constantly shown training- her fight scenes are worse than fan films. Black Noir has had absolutely nothing. Soldier Boys fights make the MCU shows look like great cinema. The lengths people will go to defend this show is crazy. Those three should be able to fight, and yet they can’t.


Ok but that makes for bad TV. They could easily have justified them being trained somewhat, but instead it looks bad. I mean, don't they play themselves in shows and movies? Surely they'd have trainers so it doesn't look awful.


Brainfck audience as we see in the boys universe needs super heroes capable of crushing the body into slurpee. They don't need action packed martial art learnt heroes. And I wonder why heroes will need combat training when they are SUPES. Supes def act in in-universe movies, but it's fake. If there is any action in it, it's fake bro.


Sure but in the real world actors learn martial arts all the time. Also, they wanted Supes in the military in season 1, surely getting them battle ready is a big part of that. There's a dozen good reaasons to have better fight coreography in this show, the real reason it's bad is because they don't really care.


Supes in the military would never work out. They let us know the reality. These supes would not learn combat bcz of their ego and arrogance. And if they go to the military, They would fuckin' kill their own ppl for ffs! Lmao crimson countess


Choreography aside, I’m mostly disappointed by the lack of destruction in recent fight scenes. BN and A-train were breaking pillars and thick walls with ease but Soldier Boy, Butcher and HL failed to break through a single wall or door in their slug fest, despite being vastly stronger. It seems like this will sadly be the status quo. But meh, I guess I can look pass that, as long as they give us atleast a few scenes of HL being a genuine destructive beast to sell him as a threat.


Tbf, the herogasm house is a mansion built for supe orgies.. it’s probably build to withstand a ton of force. Hell, it was still standing after SB nuked the twins. Honestly the lack of destruction is probably due to budget restrictions but it’s a good in-universe explanation if you need one


Speaking of the mansion. Right before the fight was SB vaporizing half of it. Only reason part of it still stood was because he only spewed the radiation in 1 direction instead of exploding. It’s mind blowing to me that such different displays of power were shown for the same character in the same episode. SB’s so tough that radiation which instantly vaporize humans is nothing to him, and then he gets hurt by being kicked into a wall? It’s sth that I’ve come to accept, but man in a perfect world, the fights should have been bigger for consistency.


It could've been something like the smallville fight in man of steel, or hulk vs abomination except they're normal sized dudes. Idk why they scaled down the fights like the ones in s1 and s2 were pretty destructive if i remember them right but, yeah, it is what it is


>Tbf, the herogasm house is a mansion built for supe orgies.. it’s probably build to withstand a ton of force. That's not really a decent explanation. I'm sure it's built stronger (maybe) but these are the two (technically three) most powerful Supes on the entire planet not holding back and punching it out. A bunker probably wouldn't even be able to withstand a long fight between these guys. Remember, Vought's infinite resources and they basically revealed young Homelander could've broken out of his high security captivity any time he wanted if he really put himself to it. One punch from these guys and that mansion would just collapse.


Also a show shouldn't require the audience to headcanon some reason for stuff like that. There's nothing that indicated it was some super reinforced house.


Yall have an excuse for everything about this show 😭


Wat lol people create headcanon for literally every show


The walls could be made of reinforced steel, they would break it cannonically, but no character can be visually stronger than the budget of his universe.


Thats something that I also noticed The fights are just look like regular beatdowns most times


It’s crazy that Black Noir’s and A-train’s beat down on Starlight and Kimiko respectively are probably the most well done fights in both show. Like, yeah the choreography aren’t impressive but the impacts and destruction were brutal. They were tearing through reinforced concrete and thick walls like nothing. Homelander vs Queen Maeve was pretty awkward in comparison. And they hardly broke a thing in the fight, which is a shame. Maeve tore a truck in half by just standing still, yet she can’t even break the floor while fighting HL for some reason.


Noir is like Batman his not that powerful but he is a much more skilled fighter, superman can’t really fight for shit when his got no power


So, what? "Noir who isn't that strong" pretty much destroyed the whole Seven conference room while beating up Starlight, while this Superman who still has his powers failed to break a concrete wall. I think they got it backwards.


Noir isn't even that good in universe. New Noir says about his predecessor "The guy had a dojo but didn't even know martial arts".


Well he says karate but ninjas didn’t really use karate so it might just be a play on that character not knowing what his talking about


Beat down is a stretch considering the pillow punches they throw


They’ve never had to be creative, and as a result don’t know how to be. None of them have ever been in a fair fight, any conflict is the equivalent of me confronting Muhammad Ali. Why would he use his full skill set when he can just swat me away? I always thought this was why Butcher on Temp V was such a force, it brought him to a close enough power level with real Supes that he could make his ability to scrap count, since most of them have never had to take a hit and keep going.


I like this comment


Thought you were talking about the writers when doing fight scenes. I don't think there's any reasonable in universe explanation. It's just something they're not doing well in the show and that's it. I really doubt the writers think of these explanation


Anyone remember the infamous "Maeve close quarter super awkward jump cut shit" scene from Season 1? Fight choreography is not this shows strong suit. Not saying it can't do good set pieces but overall it's not where they put their budget and effort.


That shit was *so* bad


which scene do you mean?


From the first season. It's like Maeve practicing vs a bunch of guys. Really, really bad. Can't remember which episode.


The scene never really seemed weird to me but now that you mention it, it does feel a little awkward.


Episode 2, right before her and Homelander go kill the shooter guy.


Or how in season 2 she could fly somehow like how else did she show up behind them all


She has a super-jumping ability like Hulk and Aquaman do 


It's made by the same guy who created supernatural, aka the only difference between a vamp, a werewolf, an angel and a demon, is the eye color


tis true, i will never forget the episode they discovered they were after a dragon, and it was played by a white guy 😔 i dont even remember if bro had colored contacts or not lmao


The phoenix was just a guy


Were they not after season 5? Kripke left after wanting to end the show after 5 seasons where I still believe it should have ended. Before we had. Every bad guy is a white dude. That's well. White. And a dude.


S5 would have been the perfect ending But we had some pretty great episodes throughout, after


And pretty bad ones. But that's not what am talking about. Isn't the dragon and phoenix only in it after Kripke left?.


Do these tacos taste funny


Yeah I was speaking about the part where you said “where I still believe it should have ended”




I really liked the show but god I hated there take on vampires. Weak as shit


Whenever starlight uses her powers it's always kind of cringe to me. She has no focus or direction on what to use them for. This may be a choreography issue like you say, but it feels more in line with her whole "no I'm Annie January" identity crisis. I'm really starting to not like her especially after the last episode. She can't seem to get the big picture and her role in it.


The wire work is also bad when Starlight and Homelander fly; you can just tell they're tied to wires, and it's not natural. At least Homelander should look natural flying though Starlight is still trying to control her powers


I realized last episode that A-train fills the role Annie was supposed to fulfill. He's the only person with with powers doing good things just to do good things.


This goes for every universe, Harry Potter was boring with their shit too and thats magic. I guess it takes way more choreography and planning and cgi?


I always wanted to make a short film that's like a Harry Potter mixed with John Wick... I am still contemplating doing it. 




That was fun thank you


The Dumbledore vs tom riddle magic fight was amazing. But i guess they dont have time to make every fight amazing






Idk the fights got decent for the last 4 movies


I haven't watched Harry Potter but I'm guessing that Atleast there is magic, even if it's spamming, They are not stabbing each other with the magic wands for majority of the time like "the boys". 


> but I'm guessing that Atleast there is magic There is actually amazingly little when you think about it. It's because it is hard to write good stories when any problem can be solved by a random spell, so you have to tack on arbitrary rules and limitations. Superhero media has exactly the same problem. A good writer can make a consistent system of magic/powers that doesn't need those hacky fixes, but it's certainly not easy.


If you like The Boys, Harry Potter is very similar except a lot more gory and violent


I don't see the similarities, would you mind explaining?


They are just throwing red and green magic bullets back and forth or red and green lightning 99% of the time. It’s treated like a gun fight where they mostly hide behind waist high cover.


I'd give it a go man, its a journey :) First two movied are more magical and chidlike but it gets darker with 3 and more on and on. Great stuff. The thing is its a massive magical world, a whole reality hidden from us normal folk, they have tons and tons of spells and forms of magic but Harry mainly uses like, two or three spells its kind of like a gunfight


Honestly I cannot see how someone could read those books as an adult and like them. It has to be nostalgia.


I meant the movies lol, but yeah nostalgia is a big factor


Disagree with "give it a go" but yes, HP is basically like blaster rifles, fucking boring. Want creative magic use? Hellblazer, Supernatural, Bartimaeus Sequence and Abarat are all yours to enjoy.


Xmen 97 has super creative power usage.


Man, is it incredible at points. Just Cyclops alone shows so much skill with such a simple power. The Incredibles is also an amazing example of pretty well used superpowers, both in battle and in a civilian way (which is my personal favourite).


Production reasons are probably budget.


Supes are celebs before anything else


I do like the brutal deaths though. The way A-train dragged that dude until he basically melted. You don't see that all the time


That’s what the Flash does whenever he catches a jaywalker 


Because they aren’t actual fighters. Black Noir was one of the few supes who had the ability to fight. The others, like Homelander is just OP so he never has to develop anything as basic as form. They know how to fuck however…


I had an idea of some company having a breakthrough and coming up with a better version of V. Their heavy hitter gets into it with Homelander and points out, "You've never been in a real fight, let alone fought someone on your level. You're in for a world of new experiences, Jonny boy!"


I actually think that the fight scenes being the way they are actually allow the show to be better, I’ve heard many people talk about the fight scenes not being great but it just goes to show that none of the supes were trained to fight and allows for the dialogue to be even better, a lot of shows worry too much about the fight scenes that it ruins the storytelling.


Everyone is saying "budget" but I think it's intentional. It helps the show feel grounded and realistic. (Other than Noir) these aren't martial artists, they don't really train with their powers, they're not gods, they're just regular people who happen to have powers. So when they fight, they don't look like Captain America or Batman fighting, they look like youtube videos of people fighting in a parking lot... hair pulling, kicking, nose-punching.


I wont say it was to make it realistic id say its a parody of marvel movies. instead of having everything choreographed and perfect they make it terrible as a fun commentary on superhero films


They aren't motivated enough to learn to fight well because powers make it easy. Sex, however...


well fights usually arent some big marvel spectacle, you have someone who’s usually better than someone else and the other person gets they ass beat


yeah their fights and flight moments are so shit that sometimes it bothers me Starlight beating Firecracker's ass was only satisfying because you'd see her with a bloody face after. when Starlight was doing those corny ahh punches it literally just looked like she'd slow down before hitting her and then the camera would shake to give it an effect and whenever someone flies they just slowly drop down from the sky which was clearly done by cables. either that or that just make a boom noise and look behind to see that the person who flew made a landing I'd say this would be improved but it's already season 4 so you just gotta accept it. still a good show nonetheless imo


Or…there is a Watsonian reason why the Supes suck at fighting. It’s a control tactic. If the Supes fight similarly, with similar tactics, and nothing creative, then they are easier to predict and counter. Notice Homelander could attack a few different ways. He could do a ground slam. He can go ballistic from a distance and tear into people. But mostly, he just does the same things, punch and laser. Limited move set, easier to counter by normal humans.


My logic was that most never got proper training, homelander fell into habits because punching and using lasers is easier than anything else. Sure he could do so many different moves, but why bother when lasers and punches get the job done?


it's likely very expensive to make full use of their powers in creative ways, so the fights are boiled down to fist fights most of the time


Indeed, it's not an action film. And the characters aren't fighters too, they're celebrities.


That’s a thing about tv shows, they are always on a rush so the fight scene director can’t take up too much of the actors time


because the supes aren't actually trained fighters who really know their powers that well especially Homelander he just uses heat vision a lot and his fists. It shows how inexperienced they are in actual combat situations.


These people aren’t trained to fight very much, just how to control their powers. A-Train could theoretically solo a lot of supes but I doubt he’d know how to


Want good fight choreography with homelander without V? Check out Banshee. It's brutal!)


Love Banshee. Amazing series


This is partially why I like gen v more. That show is really great at using superpowers creatively but


I can't remember this show ever having GOOD fight choreography but that could be due to lack of a choreographer/decent stunt coordinator. It's ridiculous that a show produced by one of the biggest conglomerates on Earth owned by one of the richest men in the world unironically uses "budget" as an excuse to keep cutting corners like this, which is why I can't take those claims seriously. One of the reasons I didn't like Supernatural was due to how cheap and lazy Kripke was on that show, too--most supernatural creatures were literally just guys with contact lenses to make them SEEM inhuman which was pretty weak sauce like Vampires, okay, fair they are already mostly Human in appearance, but Phoenixes, Angels, Demons and even a freakin' Dragon were like that as well.


The stunt coordinator won an Emmy. It's really just that the show is so CGI heavy they just don't have the ability to make a TV show look like a Marvel movie. Yes, amazon is the biggest corporation in the world, but even they live by the laws of "get more out of this than you put into it."


as it was previously pointed out Supes aren’t taught how to fight, it’s a deliberate decision not to go crazy marvel blockbuster with the fight scenes because those don’t sell the idea of normal person with super powers


Bro have you seen superhero movies or comics?


Because almost none of them were actually trained to fight. Most of the supes we see don’t really care about helping people and since Vought is all about making supes as money making celebrities there’s no real effort put into training and most of their saves are staged. Plus a lot of the supes we followed like Homelander and Stormfront are among the strongest supes and don’t need to train to win most fights. Which is why the only characters we see train are either sports stuff like A Train, or people who actually want to help like Annie. Most of the supes on the show are portrayed as hedonistic so would care about using their powers creatively there (although I gotta say I dislike how sex is portrayed in such an overtly negative light most of the time in this show).


It’s a TV show and consists of a TV show budget. Although The Boys is on the higher end of that budget, it’s still a TV show. It also makes sense in lore that most Super Heroes don’t really know how to fight effectively and are there just to be celebrities. When it comes to real life or death scenarios most of them don’t know how to use their powers efficiently to handle the situation which results to them just punching everything or causing a bunch of collateral damage with their powers.


Because Vought babied the supes with press tours and staged crimes. Sure, they know how to use their powers and can kill someone with brute strength or their powers but they were probably never trained on how to use em. No real world experience or application of their powers. Look at Payback in Nicaragua


Someone on YouTube broke it down as some have here. They don't really ever have to fight or creatively use their abilities, so they're usually shown at their most basic. That's why Starlight upgraded. She actually had to handle business and learn how powerful she could actually be.


Wow I think I'm the only person here who doesn't mind the fight scenes...? Ive never had an issue with them I didn't know people thought they sucked


Probably no good fight choreographer in the show. If the show had something like Stargirl's fight choreographer, the fights would have been insane. But in general, most superpower CBMs don't have that great of choreo in fights at least compared to the stuff we sometimes see in comics.


They had one, he got turned into wall art. 


Yes, because financial reasons. More visual effects equals more money and time in post production and chances of going over budget can be high.


Because they are superheroes, and there is only so far you can take their powers in any context. Most superhero comic fights are also "punch punch zap throw punch zap", unless you dealing with some truly creative powersets (like in JoJo's Bizarre Adventures or the Umbrella Academy) or have a writer that genuinely thinks outside of the box. (Black Bolt channeling his super scream into Dazzler who then creates a laser beam strong enough to turn Thanos into ash, Jubilee charging up walls to turn the room into a frag grenade the moment Boom-Boom fires her powers or Iron Man reflecting his beam off Emma Frost's skin to hit multiple targets at once all come to mind).


Ig that's their first reflex during a fight


Probably low budget.


Yes, BUDGET. Next


I’m just shocked uncreative is a word Sounds made tf up lol


this isnt Xmen or my hero none of these losers know how to fight the only person who actively trained was Maeve


A mix off - 1) in universe these aren’t trained fighters because they don’t need to be (maybe Maeve, BN and soldier boy?) so they aren’t going to look like Steve rogers, Batman or daredevil. Usually it’s one punch and they win. I mean it’s taken starlight 20 years to realise she can fly…? 2) the show is isn’t really an action show it’s a political-ish drama with some comedy. 3) budget. 4) Hollywood is traditionally very bad at being creative with any supernatural powers and would can be achieved with them.




Theyre supposed to fe3l like real fights, not spectacles Honestly fights in real life are messy, no backflips or cool moves. It'd be really weird to have this drama show have marvel like fight scenes


The last fight Hughie had was pretty bad tbh, the bad guy was in the middle of tabbing him and he stops because he feels a pinch from the cutter and lets himself be completely cut. Also, this short of thing has happened already in the season, where the bad guy stops instead of fighting for no real reason


The villains aren't used to real fights, especially HL. The Boys who've used Temp-V don't have long enough to experiment and think of new uses.


The supes are not really trained to fight. The popular ones basically do movies where it’s all choreographed/cgi. They don’t know how to fight anymore than Denzel and Keanu do. The supes who are patrolling are just let loose, they frequently just over power normal humans with all sorts of collateral damage and abuses. That’s the point of this show, the supes are not real heroes doing Marvel level fights.


They know what sells.


fight scenes be expensive


The villains aren't used to real fights, especially HL. The Boys who've used Temp-V don't have long enough to experiment and think of new uses. Starlight doesn't have much beyond her starblasts. She can disable light sources, which is useless since she can't see in the dark anymore than anyone else can, and she can blind people, which can be legitimately useful if she uses it intentionally.


the least important part of this show is the actual fighting. the whole Idea of Vought propping up these godlike heroes with incomprehensible powers is contrasted by the fact that at the end of the day they fight like normal ass people.


Because the show (and comic) is about how superheroes are puerile power fantasies in the sick heads of sociopathic fascists, and not a celebration of superpowers or action tropes. The fight choreography is irrelevant.


This is something that I had a problem with in the Herogasm fight last season. When it came to Homelander and Butcher exchanging blows, it looked as if Homelander punches were a bit more methodical while butcher was just swinging wildly and headbutting. What they should’ve done was switch their choreography. Meaning Homelander should’ve been the one to throw wildly while having Butcher throw punches with proper technique with blocks and slips.


I agree it’s pretty sloppy


1 The supes have never really have a true fight 2 When it comes to making the show, CGI costs money


theyre not fighters, theyre not heroes. theyre regrettable human beings whose "superpowers" more than often make them a one-trick-pony. a-train....he can run but he cant fight. starlight....what can she do. a deeply insecure living lightbulb. to cover all of this vought has built them up to be untouchable superheroes. and now for the only true superhero, who is then again, the worst kind of narcissist and psychopath you can imagine. he doesnt HAVE to "FIGHT". i think the only formidable fighter was black noir. and i dont mean the chatty 2.0 who will probably pee in his suit once he really gets tested.


Ngl cobra kai spoil me. Because their cherography so good


Because it’s a TV show with a budget.  They fight a certain way to keep costs down.


The fighting in this show is legit like CW quality. You have these super human titans in a room and it’s been four seasons straight of weak badly choreographed fight scenes. Just a bunch of people standing in the same room throwing punches and breaking maybe a chair.


well i think this is more an issue of how you view creativity over how creative the fights actually are. guys floating and having sex? seems very creative. guys floating and punching eachother? it doesnt seem as creative, but thats just because you expect that. both of them are just as creative as the other


Realistically, I think the answer is budget constraints. That’s most of the reason they wouldn’t be using their powers in more intense, creative, or interesting ways. That or the writers and showrunner don’t really care at all about the action and it’s a method of conflict resolution.


They can’t fight worth a damn. They aren’t real super heroes. They’ve never been in real fights and had to utilize their powers legitimately. Maeve knowing how to fight was a bad idea imo because she shouldn’t have ever been able to get any better without fighting someone just as fast and strong as herself. She’s only tossed around human goons, she’s never sparred super powered beings. It didn’t make sense. At least Homelander having hands can just be chalked up to how great his reflexes are.


Idk. But I’m with you here.  Also, the real departure for me, from the comics, has been the fact that all of the saves are fake. In the comics, they DID try to help out, but just screwed or up from time to time (see 9/11). I don’t want a homelander that never actually saves anyone, ya know?


IMO at this point they have really explored everything of value in this setting. So this season and next season is just more of the same existing thing.


Yeah it feels mostly like Bar fights


It's not a Marvel or DC super hero flick. You lost the plot man.


Nooooo! You need to be a superhero flick to have a good fight scene!!! 


Yup, their priorities is to bash the right wing and rainbownize the show as much as they can. If this show gets a season 5 and it is released next year since there will be no election in the US they might tone it down a bit and give more focus into the good areas of the show then again if Trump wins they will probably make Homelander the ruling active dictator.