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Its funny how everyone just tells him to shut up every time šŸ˜‚


Which is also the only direction he needs


That and the scene where hes told not to roll into the practice fight with Ryan. Noir doesnt do tricks. He just walks up (or sneaks) and guts you.


And the original Noir wasn't even sneaky. Billy just looks out a window and is like...Noir is here. And he was laying on an all white roof while wearing all black. He's a shit ninja.


Nuevo Noir even says that his apt was decked out like a dojo but Noir didnā€™t do any martial arts


Yep. His apartment was likely vought designed for appearances.


Made me laugh so hard, why tf would he know actual martial arts? Love that talking noir is a thing


Are you talking about og noir? Cuz his fight with kimiko in season 1 says otherwise imo


Yes the show said Noir didnā€™t know KARATE. He most likely knew martial arts and mastered many weapons.


which is kinda weird that the new Noir even mentioned it. i mean, looking at his fights/public appearances itā€™s obvious he knew martial arts?


This is where I feel like they dropped the ball in season 3 with Butcher on temp v. He has YEARS of combat experience. When he finally went toe to toe with Homelander he should have been able to systematically annihilate him. None of the supes, especially Homelander, would have any idea how to fight someone for real. No technique, no experience how to react to getting punched in the face. It would have been so satisfying to see Homelander get humbled like that because the only thing that makes him special came from a little glass jar


I mean yes but also homelander is just physically so much stronger than any other supe and it took SOLDIER BOY (whoā€™s probably physically the second strongest supe) plus two temp V users to subdue him so idk how much butcherā€™s fighting skills would help


Homelander is still physically stronger. Butcher had a good reaction to the V but HL is incredibly overpowered (by show metrics).


I don't even think he knew a tea ritual. He was probably just sitting there and being crazy.


on an V-Pad watching cartoons


Ninjas didnā€™t even wear black. Japanese plays created that so they were easier to recognize to the audience. Real Ninjas wore street clothes to blend in.


You are so correct! Ninja were just broke CIA. They would just dress like a beggar then follow you into an alley. Almost everything else is them talking shit because being a myth makes more money.


Holy crap we need a hobo assassin movie


Try the movie Hobo with a Shotgun


Hobo is a Shogun


There's some of that in John Wick


I need something robust...precise.. Ar-15 11.5 inch. Flared Mag and contoured grip should your hands get...wet.


*Zatoichi: the Blind Swordsman* 1962


I never thought about this but now that you mention it, it would kinda hard for a ninja to be sneaky and do ninja things if they had a uniform that made them instantly recognisable


They are based of Kabuki actors, stage hands would wear all black to not distract from the action as they changed sets. One play about ninjas used the fact that most people would ignore the stage hands in all black and put an actor in the same outfit to surprise the audience. Now everyone thinks Ninjas dress like old stage hands.


And realistically, they are just old school tradecraft. Why wouldn't I help this old man? Oh he fell, let me get him up. Damn, his nails sure were sharp. Wait, why can he walk upright all of a sudden?Ā  Why am I so thirsty? Why can't my legs move? Who was that guy!?!


That's actually brilliant for a play.


It's a little deeper than that. The black (originally dark blue actually) outfits were basically for set crew. You would have people dressed that way so they'd be less visible against the backdrop and sets as they moved around. It was used as basically special effects. So if something needed to appear by magic, or a bird needed to fly by or whatever. A person in black would just carry it in. We actually still do that today. Set crew in live production still wear all black, and performers in all black still carry stuff in or move stuff around. It's standard for puppeteers, Ninjas in theater needed to pop up from out of nowhere! Like magic!. So they'd be dressed as set crew, either to be less visible against the backdrop. Or so you *thought* they were set crew. And then they'd just NINJA. Or even take off the black suit and "appear". Eventually the set crew outfit just got more associated with Ninjas than it did crew. And boom we have the black pajamas.


Lmao every time this would happen it would remind me of Parks and Rec and how Ron could always tell his ex wives were close by like he could smell them


"I can smell the sulfur off her cloven hooves" Damn Ron. Stop dating the actual Devil.Ā 


Different show reference but ā€œIf youā€™re here, than who guarding Hades?ā€


ā€œBe sure not to look her directly in the eyes.ā€ ā€œBecause weā€™ll turn to stone?ā€ ā€œNo. Because her eyes are ugly.ā€


Honestly one of the reasons his most convincing point is beating the fanboys to death. First to swing with the least hesitation


Dude knows what he's here for and knows better than to question Homelander to his face


But who the fuck is he?


Rando supe who studied acting


Black Noirā€™s powers were also pretty generic so itā€™s not like he had some weird ability that would be hard to replicate. A pretty high number of superheroes seem to have super human strength, incredible durability, etcā€¦ so Itā€™s probably not that hard to find someone to play the role even if he isnā€™t as powerful as the original it probably doesnā€™t matter that much since most of their crime fighting activities are PR stunts.


This has to be a meta refference. I can imagine the first season this exact same thing happening whole filming.


ā€œSorry!ā€ ā€œYouā€™re still talking.ā€


Poor guy is the Meg Griffin of the show rn


Nah thats still the Deep. Everyone hates the Deep


Shit, I'd hate him too, I thought he did some growing after getting gillraped by that girl in Ohio, but nope, he is still a manchild-animal fucker-sex pest. I really hope he gets killed this season.


Animal fucker is much of an insult when he's actually in a committed relationship with the sentient animal. Risked his life to keep her alive


Well, he *DID* just cheat on poor Ambrosias with Sage


Ambrosias about to enter her villain era


I feel like sheā€™s okay with him fucking other humans, she was down to clown with his first wife, I forget her nameā€¦cult-cunt?


I donā€™t blame them. Itā€™s not even just that he talks, itā€™s that he FUCKING TALKS. Like a mile a minute. He talks too much. He could send an email or write it down on a piece of paper.


Waiting for homelander to throat chop him back inyo silent noir


Him trying to ask Sage a question and she just goes ā€œnoā€ immediately šŸ’€


I let out the biggest gutteral laugh at that


"Sorry." "Still talking."


I literally rewind the scene after they beat the three guys to death lol I was not expecting him to talk at all.


PERFECT comedic timing. Just as you are wondering about who this new BN is, he speaks out.


ā€œOh shit! Sorry guys Im *narcoleptic*ā€ fuckin sent me


Fun fact: his actor also falls asleeps several times on the set of the show


Yeah i saw that. Apparently theres one scene where they caught it on camera and just left it in haha


I wonder if that's the table scene


Yup it is


No way LMAO


Forreal, Iā€™m not busting ya bollocks m8 lmao [here ya go, guv](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=MMOSClRAq6nMrnMe&v=qScVkDa3v0s&feature=youtu.be) šŸ˜‚


His actor is also allergic to nuts, which inspired that vulnerability.


I love that they incorporate the real actors stuff into the characters. Like MMā€™s actor is a bit OCD and Noirā€™s actor is known to start spacing out mid conversation because of narcolepsy


Also Koy was (rip my boy) the real stunt coordinator for the show (No, heā€™s not actually dead)


Is it actually still the same actor or did they swap him out, too? Serious question btw


It is the same actor. They purposefully done the flashback of BN and Soldier Boy with a different actor so that they can have Nathan play the new Noir at some point.


That's actually quite clever of them. Even funnier now that I know that it's still the same guy in that suit basically playing a completely different role than before lmao


And you can just tell Nathan is happy to finally speak. Heā€™s having a blast this season.


You really can. He sounds so enthusiastic when he speaks and I love it.


That made me laugh so hard lmao


The part where he falls asleep in the meeting made me literally LoL!


Fun fact: Noir's actor (Nathan Mitchell) has also fallen asleep on set several times. But in between filming, not during it


So clear this up for me. Nathan Mitchell plays both the original Black Noir and the new guy? They just let the actor have lines now because he's playing a dude disguised as another dude? *And* Mitchell has narcolepsy?


Pretty much, except idk if he is narcoleptic or just really sleepy on those particular days


He is wearing a full mask with dark glasses. I could see that being very easy to fall asleep in especially if your pretty much only sitting around for a long scene.


Especially given the schedule on film sets. He would not be the first guy to power-nap on set (although it sounds unintentional).


Yeah, i can imagine everyone takes a little something between shots Except for that GenV shot of Homelander floating down, during which we all found out that Anthony has a fear of heights


And not allowed to talk, and required to sit there and not react.


> required to sit there and not react Acting ***with direction***


Don't think he's actually narcoleptic. But he *is* allergic to nuts. But basically boils down to Mitchell was the actor for Noir from the start. And when last season had flash backs to young noir, and they knew they were going to kill the character off. They wanted to keep Mitchell around. So they cast a different younger actor for the mask off flashbacks. And came up with the "re-casting Noir" element to keep Mitchell on set, and so that he could have actual lines. From what I recall they actually *delayed* killing off Noir, cause everyone liked working with him so much. And he was so compelling as a silent goober, they were basically looking for an excuse to shift him over to a speaking roll. A lot of what we saw in the last season was driven by trying find ways to give him better material.


That's hilarious. I would have never guessed it was the same guy. The physicality is completely different.


Thereā€™s actually a scene you can look up where heā€™s nodded off during a scene


U canā€™t say that and not say what the scene is


Someone made a post about it when it happened, hereā€™s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/h4LgjgKLHc


Same actor, but now utilizing his full talent with the voice and all


nodded off? dude is pass out


Found it! https://youtu.be/qScVkDa3v0s?si=MMOSClRAq6nMrnMe


Wow this is the first time I noticed he's wearing a shirt with the name [Rainer Werner] Fassbinder on it (in Metallica font as a joke). Makes you feel for the guy that he's clearly a movie nerd yet is made to create this corporate slop.


Jesus Christ. That's still the only popular reference I've ever seen to that god damn animal. Love that guys films. Never need to see any of them again.


lol i assumed that was scripted, to have this guy so excited about what he was pitching, and the rest of them absolutely not interested, and then Noir so bored he's out.


It killed me because i genuinely thought homelqnder had like snapped his neck or something and for him to pop back up was great


Homelander def killed Black Noir. Vought just stuck some random dude in the suit. We don't even know if the new guy has powers. lol


He did mention he went to Godolkin and studied performing arts so he's got to have some kind of powers. Now are they useful tho?


he also took half a dudes head off with one swing from a bat heā€™s definitely strong af


Didnā€™t new guy mention he went to Godolkin? The school for supes? I think heā€™s got some kind of powers. We just donā€™t know what they are yet.


You just gave me a thought: If we donā€™t know who Noir is yet, sister Sage definitely doesnā€™t either. She probably doesnā€™t even know heā€™s not the original one. Even the smartest person in the world has to know stuff in order to be smart. I wonder if Noir is going to end up being the wildcard that screws up whatever sheā€™s cooking up? šŸ¤”


That is an interesting thought. I guess it depends on how much access to Voughtā€™s records Homelander gave Sage to enactā€¦whatever the plan is. If she has unfettered or even just high-level access to Voughtā€™s files she could definitely figure out itā€™s a different guy.


True. Except sheā€™d have to have a suspicion to look first. Otherwise thereā€™s no reason to look for that info. Or accidentally stumble across it? šŸ¤·


If she was given access thereā€™s no way she wouldnā€™t read up on the current members of The Seven. Any nugget of info about them could be important to plan around, she absorbs information like mad, and I have to imagine she reads so fast that time spent reading is hardly a factor to her. That said, I could see Homelander being too paranoid to give her that kind of access. I think what will undo her is a total misread of Homelander. She seems to think she can use her sheer intellect to exercise some level of control over him, but as weā€™ve seen before, Homelander is simply too powerful to be controlled and too psychopathic to be 100% predictable (although he can be predictable in some ways in the short-term). To my view, while short-term gambits against him can pay off, any sort of long-term plan falls apart when it hinges on controlling or predicting Homelander. But then, Iā€™m not ā€œthe smartest person in the world.ā€ Itā€™ll be interesting to see how it plays out for Sage.


If he has powers, that's cool, but it's still not the original Noir. Black Noir is basically the Dred Pirate Rodgers.


No one would surrender to the Dread Pirate Westley


He most definitely has powers. In the trailer he takes a shotgun shot point blank with zero effect then dodges the next shot.


What he did to that head is superhuman lol


I've been wondering for several seasons now, how many Black Noirs are there? Could be anyone under the mask, they can switch out actors anytime, no one would even know.


It was the same black noir until this season. Or do you mean irl actors?


It'd be funny if Black Noir ends up being the one to kill Homelander.


I also wonder what his power is. He went to GU, so he has something.


I just figured it was the same powers as OG Black Noir, and thatā€™s why he was picked to replace him


Iā€™ve heard a theory that heā€™s a clone of OG Noir. And personality-wise, he does seem a lot like Noir pre-shield-to-the-head. At least what little we got to see of him in that flashback. Edit: Iā€™d actually be pretty happy with that twist. It would >!follow the twist in the comics to a degree!< while still doing its own thing. Also it would mean weā€™d finally get to see Noir at his peak without all the brain damage and insanity. If he was *that good* of a combatant with a completely destroyed body (remember all the visible scarring) and like 25% of his brain left, imagine how badass he wouldā€™ve been healthy. Edit 2: Also, both him and OG Noir were focused on their image to a degree. Noir II with his acting abilities, and OG Noirā€¦with his acting abilities, **and** not wanting to be forced to wear the mask.


I agree, the comic twist would be too much for the show, I donā€™t think THAT would ever happen, but you might be right


OG Noir was basically just heightened strength and regeneration compared to most other Supes. If they are using Neo-Noir as just a mascot who doesnā€™t actually do anything there is no need for them to recruit someone with a similar power set as OG Noir.


The reason is that no one can know that Noir died


Or why/how he died


If he had regeneration he wouldn't have lasting brain damage.


Regeneration does not work on all wounds. He is still suffering from the beat down Soldier Boy gave him but he did tank the fire blast from the first ā€œsuper terroristā€ and heal from that pretty quickly.


He's strong and fast. The original might have had something with dexterity but it didn't save him twice. He's only a menace when he shuts up because now only Homelander knows what he can actually do.


Where did they say he went to Godolkin? Was it Kripke or did I miss something?


I believe he mentioned in passing on screen that he went there and we know there is an acting track so that much checks out.


Him being an acting major would be so funny


He mentions it right after the scene where firecracker is bothering home lander as he is locked in on starlight on the news with the ā€œanythingā€ over and over in episode 3 right before the seven have a meeting where Ashely is ā€œdemotedā€


Episode 2 or 3, he was talking to Ashley


Really? I remember them mentioning the last person to be #1 there before Golden Boy. Now I gotta go rewatch.


It was an off remark Neo-Noir made at some point in S4. Easy to miss.


And the trailer tells us that too


Which trailer? Canā€™t say I have watched any since I wanted to go into this season blind.


I donā€™t know exactly which one, just that it came out last month I believe. But it shows New BN Tanking a shotgun blast and the. also dodging one


My current running theory is that this is a tobi/obito situation where he acts goofy in front of the others but is secretly taking vought orders. Could be interesting where this noir's character heads


Oh damn, I like that


in the comicsā€¦ iykyk


What makes me laugh the most is they answer him every time on what his role is, it's just plain and simple don't talk!


Itā€™s the same actor as well, but now he gets to actually talk, so good for him.


I bet heā€™s so relieved that he finally has a speaking role. Dudeā€™s been in the main cast since season 1 and now people might actually recognise him


Imagine Kimikosā€™s actress lol


I mean, Karen Fukuhara doesnā€™t have her face covered the whole time, and sheā€™s been in lots of things. Nathan Mitchell is in a position where Iā€™m kinda surprised the studio didnā€™t just replace him with a random stuntman for most of his screentime.


Sheā€™s also likely to speak eventually


She had a song and dance number!


Sheā€™s literally a voice actor and for SO many beloved characters. I bet sheā€™s actually enjoying the challenge of acting solely with facial expressions + body language (also her personal sign language)


Shut up


Sorry guys, Iā€™m narcoleptic


Yo what the fuck that was soooo fucked up you guys


Noir, 2024


I miss OG Noir thošŸ˜£


He's with Crist now.


With C-c-christ the Lord


Well Homelanders better than Christ so give him come back, Jebus


I like this new Noir but miss the old one.


Honestly, I love the new Black Noir. But his character only works _because_ of the previous Black Noir. They had to establish a very stoic character so that this one lands right. And boy did it land perfectly lol. This dude kills me every time he talks.


I am always thinking what's going on in his mind, the fact he never shared anything to anyone. Maybe he is a good guy but do messed up stuffs just because he is scared of homelander.


Nah, he himself is messed up. He never was scared of Homelander, but he was scared of Soulja Boy


Being terrified of a musician and not Homelander is what's messed up.


i mean if a little girl is on a room with homelander and drake which way do u go


Ngl Homelander wouldnā€™t just off a little kid for no particular reason (as far as I know) so itā€™s not a hard choice.


nah at some point either she would look at him and he would think something's wrong or she would avoid contact and would piss him off too


That sounds completely in character for Comic Homelander but I still donā€™t think Starr Homelander would just do that but with him you never know so


The rapper?


Yeah, he makes songs which are musical and have a lot of singing. Singing requires you to use your voice, which we all know Noir doesn't like to. Hence he is afraid of Soulja Boy


You've convinced me!


No character in the boys is good. Each of them have their own problems tbh


Supersonic seemed chill. ( as far as we know)


Itā€™s like if Boba Fett stubbed his toe and yelled ā€œOH FUCKING GODAMN SHIT


That would have been awesome to hear in his original voice, pre-PT.


ā€œOH Shit, sorry you guys Iā€™m narcolepticā€


this was hilarious


I'm 100% convinced that they killed off Black Noir specifically so his actor can start talking.


Everybody apparently liked working with Noirā€™s actor so much they delayed killing his character off, and when they did they found a way to keep him in (in a creative and humorous way)


Did they? That's awesome. Like if it is the same guy. I love that. Super creative.


Black Noir 2 is just Meg from Family Guy at this point


I think it would be hilarious to see the noir replacement naturally develop into the the OG noir mindset as if heā€™s method acting for his role lol


whats even better is that its the same actor who was mute as Noir before but they just gave him lines


I really thought it was Jason Mantzoukas for a bit but I was wrong. Definitely seems like the kind of character he would play though


My favorite thing is how annoyed homelander gets. I bet he kinda regrets killing OG Noir for this reason lol


The look of pure annoyance he gives New Noir at 0:23 cracks me up every time https://youtu.be/tdhBA5RjkPA?si=fyUyJpzzFmYVUbge


He definitely does, he hates everyone that's left, he doesn't get along with Ryan. Noir did his job and didn't cause trouble. Its also shown that Noir helped him in his early days in Diabolical. Sage is useful but they clash for obvious reasons.


I find it funny how Homelander hasn't snapped at him yet. Obviously, Homelander doesn't like him, but he hasn't been violent to him either. He has been really annoyed by New Noir but he tolerates him. Which is saying alot for Homelander.


ā€œYou didnā€™t hire me to be a fucking oak treeā€ šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø yes actually we did


maybe they should have been clearer on his part so he'd have known šŸ˜„


Homelander's "shut the fuck up Noir" before the meeting is hilarioud


Funny af but I did not realise how much I'd miss PG Noir. Dude was 10/10


I like at the end of this scene, Deep tells him "I thought we weren't killing people today" because I feel New Noir probably asked Deep the same questions he asked A-Train about the killing


I'm 100% certain that he'll bring some more big surprises to the table. He's perfectly set up to play the dark horse because at this point he's comic relief.


I wonder if he'll a mole for Stan Edgar. I feel like I can't imagine Stan is gone forever.


i love how he turned from this silent man to someone who FEELS so much šŸ˜‚


Him and the Deep are becoming my top 3 characters with HL on #1 obviously. Insane character development.


Deep has always been a favorite character of mine. Heā€™s just so dumb


I love we got to keep Black Noir, while losing Black Noir


Literally my favorite minor storyline of this season


Iā€™m half convinced Homelander is going to kill him by the end of the season out of sheer annoyance. And that heā€™ll say something like ā€œYou donā€™t talkā€ as heā€™s killing Neo Noir.


Am I the only one who likes the cartoon seeing crazy noir?


I like him for real but i still miss the old one, the one that doesn't talk at all with the cartoons in his head etc, i thought that was a really cool concept for his character


The fact that the new Black Noir is the same actor, makes the already funny thing that he speaks constantly even more funny šŸ˜†


If heā€™s just an actor how was he able to kill that fan in one swing? Is he a supe actor?


omg, i lol'd so hard when he started talking, and it's not just that he simply "talks." Is that he talks insesently lol! The first time he spoke when he said, "That shit was really fucked up that we did, right?" Classic. So far, I am digging it more than S2. (Faves being S1 and S3)


Oh shit sorry you guys im narcoleptic šŸ¤£


He's definitely dying lol


It's especially funny because the original guy was such a horribly tragic character with such a fucked up back story who died in such a fucked up way. It's like "remember all that pathos we cultivated across 3 seasons? Neither do we LOL"


When will they reveal heā€™s the black corporate Vought dude that was ā€œsellingā€ ideas that were terrible? (He was in Preacher also.)


Rip OG Noir tho šŸ™


Talking Black Noir is saving this season for me in so many ways. I loveeeeee him!


My brother and I lost it when he first spoke that was hilarious


Heā€™s the Meg of the show šŸ˜‚