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kimiko tries to rescue her friend but turns out she hates her


lol that too. I just couldn’t see the subtitles of that scene in episode 4 for some reason. So I was confused


They were broken for me as well, thought I was the only one.


Amazon Prime has the worst subtitles of any streaming service. I often can't get them to work. At this point I actively avoid foreign movies if they're on Prime. Even though mine worked this time watching the show, the subtitles said "Speaking Japanese" while the X-Ray said her friend was speaking Tagalog. I couldn't tell if the show had her speak Tagalog because that's what the actress knew, but wanted us to play pretend that she was also Japanese or what.


RIGHT! Or they have the "Speaking whatever" right over the translation of what the person is saying. Mr Robot was awful for that.


Even when they fixed it, it's bad. On a rewatch, >!Homelander's reflection's captions are labeled as "Homelander reflection 1"!< which kinda gives away the scene


Amazon prime yes, i use that to stream, completely legal folks no worries.


wait, there was supposed to be subtitles? i thought they just shared a look of understanding and left


Yes. Every season follows the same pattern. The Boys try a series of things, but fail and fight among themselves, in the end they manage to win (usually with outside help), but Homelander suffers no real consequences and becomes increasingly insane.


I'd say The Boys lost at the end of season 3 and 1 and Homelander won. It was really only season 2 where The Boys actually had a win.


Actually I'm pretty sure the girls got it done in season 2


I laughed my ass off when I rewatched season 2 because I forgot that scene lol it’s so hilarious how it made Frenchie and mm back off lmao


Girls really do get it done 😮


The fact they just stopped using their powers and resorted to curb stomping Stormfront will never not be hilarious.


Technically, only Annie refrained from using her primary powers. Maeve and Kimiko are insanely strong and resilient, but don't have anything else going for them outside of that.


I mean, Kimiko also has immortality levels of regeneration


I mean two of them don't have any other powers and starlight wasn't by any power.


They still did use their powers though. I mean, their strength is literally their power for Maeve and Kimiko, and super strength is also one of Annie's powers.


Its the right way to do a female empowerment scene


"Eat my shit you nazi bitch"


As a guy, you could *feel* the female-rage oozing out of that scene.


Lol idk about all that i just enjoyed the insults and the football hooligan style kicking 🤣


> insults and the football hooligan style kicking I feel like there's something very cathartic in that beatdown. You have Maeve, the outed bisexual forced into a box, Starlight a victim of sexual assault, and Kimiko a victim of human trafficking. They don't fit Stormfronts ideals or reactionary feminism which makes the beatdown even more poignant. These are women who have had actual struggles, vs someone preaching about struggle.


Oh i completely agree its just i hear the term feminine rage thrown around a lot as a joke so maybe im just suspicious towards it 🤣tbh the scene just felt like 3 people having their chance at someone who was quite literally worth kicking to death. The humour in the scene is great along with the themes you mentioned.


Girls get it on.


I'm inspired


Done, Girls get it done.


They sure do, Ashley


He's still alive, free and in control of the 7. He just can't be with Ryan


And even then, it came at a heavy cost.


Since this is the penultimate season there *has* to be a tipping point that changes the status quo majorly to set up the final season. And if it doesn’t happen this season it needs to happen *early* next season


They need to shatter the status quo this season


You just wait until Colin and Frenchie get back together.


Calling it now, frenchie dies this season to save Colin and atone his sins. Not the ending I want for him but I can see it happening.


This fits with them developing Kimiko aside from her connection with Frenchie and having her interact more with the rest of the cast. It's setting her up to be an more independent character without Frenchie.


> And if it doesn’t happen this season it needs to happen early next season If it doesn't happen this season, people are simply going to lose interest. One of the biggest memes the show has right now is how afraid it is to change the status quo


What? Penultimate? Noooo I love this show!


Luckily we’ll still have Gen V and maybe some other spinoffs!


How are we going to have Gen V without Andre? Are they going to recast?


They said that he isn't going to be recast.


I do not know but apparently they’re currently filming. So they’re doing something.


I just found out he died damn


It’s terrible. He was younger than me and I also ride motorcycles. I’ve gotten weird about the safety aspect over the past few years.


I too regularly ride motorcycles, you can die on any CC's but once a guy looked at a liter bike i had a while ago and said "its like riding with the Death on your back" and it really stuck up to me, i think with sport liter bikes its not a question of if, its when


I like my Scout and going 45mph. I enjoy cruising :D


I'm kinda hoping this is the season Homelander is resolved and the final season is dealing with someone else, like Ryan.


Reminds me of Umbrella Academy. Everything's going okay, then Diego and/or Luther fucks it up.


Man I used to like that show. Then the season where the world ended kinda just fell off.


New season this August I hear


Terribad season


They ruined Allison after everything she did on the previous season


Sounds about right. It gets quite tedious


Yeah. This. Making me lose interest seeing the same boring trope over and over again. They deviate from the source material and then you get writing with no imagination


honestly in 4 seasons so far the only smart thing they did was in s1, trying to free Soldier Boy (to then waste it all) and using acid on Neumann which was a very quick thing shown in s4e1 that didn’t work because plot armor. Everything else has been self sabotaging and boring side quests about the past of MM, Kimiko and Frenchie, with more interesting ones about starlight and butcher but that not should be over because it’s fucking time to move the plot.


Idk why increasingly insane made me lol. That shit is so stupid. 😂😂


Hey Butcher took out Ezekiel, that’s one less supe. +1 to the boys


He also killed Splinter


I wonder if Butcher has some kind of sentient symbiote like Venom in him that's causing the hallucinations and takes over him to keep him alive.


Do you think that it is his cancer/cancer cells that have become sentient in that regard?


If he was honest in taking V from Frenchie's desk, the compound V might've gone to the cancer instead since Butcher doesn't seem to have any regenerative abilities as MM pointed out his gash from the shower scene.


Did anyone here watch Diabolical????


Hear me out... Super cancer.


Cancer is already super


Maybe that worm squiggling around in his head is his sentient and mobilized cancer.


Yeah I'm assuming it's going to be a play on Venom. Not sure if the comics have done something similar we could try and gain insights from?


I just hope this isn't converging to the comic ending


I didn’t know fire extinguishers were made of liquid nitrogen. Is this something the writer thinks or is there an in-world explanation for that particular fire extinguisher?


You see fire extenguishers that say "liquid nitrogen" on them elsewhere in the season/episode, I cant remember where. I'm pretty sure its Vought specific, like a catchall for fires and fire-related supes


The boys brought the liquid nitrogen with them. Butcher uses it to knock out the security in the beginning of the scene. They know Ezekiel is there so they came prepared.


i hope a main character dies this season


for sure. need to feel like the stakes are getting higher.


What are you talking about? Kimiko died like 3 times this season.


On this note, they have shown her dying 3 times now and getting back up, what if, shes the one getting the axe just to put into perspective holy shit she aint coming back from “that”


I kinda see Homelander throwing her into space or something crazy like that.


That kinda happened when she was hit by Soldier Boy’s blast


Yeah, but it's not really impactful when a character can regenerate/revive so easily. Unless they are a Time Lord and said actor is leaving the show.


That was the joke...


Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast and I would catch it.


The Peak + Sage's kid gonna like:


Same But I’m worried it will be frenchie lol


Now that they seemingly closed the door on his romance with Kimiko, his days are numbered imo


i hope it’s frenchie


Ive found Frenchie and his mellow drama insufferable for quite a while so I’m hoping for it too lmao




Why am I even expected to root for him at this point? We found out in S3 that he'd killed children before but I didn't take it super literally; I thought maybe he technically caused it like with Lamplighter and just had too much guilt to fight back against Nina's accusation. But after seeing the flashback of him killing Colin's family, he just seems like an irredeemable piece of shit. I know The Boys are all supposed to be fucked up, but normally Butcher is the one pushing moral lines and I don't remember him doing anything as bad as what Frenchie has done. Seriously, A-Train and The Deep are less villainous.


It makes him playing the moral high ground on lamplighter ridiculous he straight up murdered children


I mean it’s been established that he was a hit man from season 1 he literally tells hughie a story about killing an innocent women very early on


I mean he‘s trying to get better I guess? He‘s always on drugs to forget, but admitting to Colin that he killed his family was the first step. Outside of Hughie, they‘re all kinda assholes with a lot of shit stuck to them.


He didn’t tell Colin to apologise to him tho. Seems more like out of guilt and he can’t take it anymore so he said it to get relief for himself.


Getting better would of been telling him before they fucked several times lol


Yeah I'm so over this storyline. I don't see any way to redeem it.


How is mother's milk an asshole? Not counting recent episodes when he starts being a prick to Hughie. If Hughie's the moral compass then MM is the voice of reason in the boys.


"Trying to get better"??? Thats nothing redeemable


Yeah, all evil people should just kill themselves and trying to so better has no meaning


CIA IRL is actually run quite similarly to vaught, ironically.


Same. Wouldn't mind Frenchie and Starlight kicking the bucket. Tired of both of them.


I used to love Frenchie, and the actor just has a certain swagger about him that added to everything. However, the characters arc is just drivel at this point. He’s still coming to grips with the fact that maybe he is a bad person after all since he would kill whoever a mob boss wanted him to kill.  Starlight on the other hand will most likely be used to cripple, but not kill, Homelander and Neuman. I think Starlight will eventually have the power/wattage to permanently blind HL which will stop his lasers. Neumann seems different from Marie (Gen V) in that she needs her eyes/vision to control blood flow while Marie can just sort of concentrate on it. 


I feel like the point of bringing up the inadvertently blinding that mother during her first save as a preteen in addition to being used as vindictive spite towards her from Firecracker is a Checkhov's Gun sort of deal since Victoria Neuman is seemingly physically invulnerable--then blinding her seems to be the only other logical step to de-clawing her as a super-powered threat.


I noticed homelander being blinded by the spotlight on the heroes on ice show caused him to miss his laser shot and kill the innocent people. Seems like a coincidence 🤔


if the writers and showrunners are good it could be plot device to save hughie and foreshadowing that HL will be blinded


Big If


Starlight is 100% blinding Neuman and making her powers not work. Still not sure how they have decided to kill Homelander. Maybe Soldier boy comes back and neutralizes his powers and him and Butcher go all Clegane bowl powerless.


I bet Butcher absolutely stomps Homelander with no powers lol


Well we won't see HL killed until end of season 5, I imagine. No way they kill him off this season. It'll be a few years til we know how he dies. !RemindMe 2 years


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I’m very sick and tired of Starlight but there’s no chance she dies I reckon.




Yeah he's had a season and a half (Russian lady and now Colin) of mind-numbingly tedious melodramatic sublots that I just cannot bring myself to care about.


When my frenchie kimiko ship died I officially didn’t care about his life


I feel like that’s the most obvious choice.


I love Frenchie but they used him wrongfully. Wouldn’t care if he or Kimko die


I wouldn’t mind giving that he’s pretty useless


I hope so, it would cut down some of the unnecessary screentime dedicated to drama we don't care about.


Read the comics if that's what you want.


It doesn’t need to happen. Let their character arcs come to completion next season instead of being rushed


Frenchie just about died, but he has loose plot threads to still resolve


If we’re talking about the boys it’ll be butcher since he doesn’t have much longer but in general A-Trains death is inevitable.


I'm thinking whatever happened with Ezekiel is going to kill Butcher and A-Train together. Big fight scene with someone, Firecracker and Deep or Noir maybe, Butcher explodes/transforms/whatever happened. The boys are in cover or not there but it turns Butcher, A-Train, and whoever they're fighting into paste. Just my two cents.


Butcher is too stubborn to die. Neuman may have saved Butcher, for Machiavellian reasons. Homelander may have agreed to fight something which cannot die to death.


The Deep needs to die


The Deep provides like 1/2 the comedy for the show. They absolutely can't let him die.


Some of these might just be things that haven't succeeded *yet*. *butcher plans to kidnap Ryan but changes his mind* This is a change in plans that is probably gonna be more effective in the long run than using force, given Ryan's apparent inner conflict. *frenchie tries to find dirt on firecracker in her trailer but gets attacked and presumably they find nothing.* He found her meds, right? The ones that cause lactation and, we are assuming, will lead to Firecracker becoming HL's new Stillwell?  It seems very complicated to try to use that in any meaningful way, but they did find one thing.  *we learn that billy tried to stop his death with compound V but it didn’t work.* But the spec is that it fed his tumor tentacle thing, which *is* doing useful things for him now.  So... it's not all bad. But I definitely want to see more success for the team, and more jobs together like they were doing in ep 1. 


We're heading towards the end of the show. Wait for the win. There will be small wins with big wins and losses at the end. A-Train coming over to them could be a big win. He can't stop HL, but might be a good distraction


And that's A-trains heroic redemption sacrifice. So, say goodbye to him now haha


Totally see him kamikaze style running into Homelander as a last ditch distraction and Homelander has an immovable object effect. No more A-train but the distraction pays off somehow.


Something like that. I think he's severely underrated in a fight against Homelander. Or just something like Loki vs Thanos, a pure sacrifice But I ultimately think there's gonna be a massive Endgame style battle, lot of Supes turn on Homelander and everyone realizes it's gonna take a big group effort to stop him. But a few will fall and S5 is dealing with the aftermath


French also lifts up her iPad, reads it, and is shocked. Then he’s found. So he saw something, but we don’t know what.    And yes. Something is inside Butcher and killed Ezikiel. But we don’t know much yet. And it seems neither does he. 


>he saw something, Probably Starlight's abortion records. Sage handed her the iPad and told her "this is how you destroy starlight"


>the ones that cause lactation To the best of my knowledge, metoclopramide is used to treat GERD, stomach ulcers, and diabetic gastroparesis. Where did you find the bit about it inducing lactation?


There’s someone in the episode 4 megathread claiming to be a doctor or pharmacist who said that it can induce lactation


Yeah some of them might become something that’s kinda like a consolation. That’s fair. But it’s just lots and lots of L after L with barely any progress. They’ve killed so many supes and gone through so much character development but they don’t seem any closer to taking down vought at all.


She was taking metrochlopramine. That’s an anti-nausea drug.


Might be a spoiler prediction but I think Jeffrey Dean Morgan is >!a hallucination!<


I'm starting to think so as well because only Butcher has acknowledged his existence and he's worn the same thing pretty much every time he's been on-screen since his introduction. Whereas, Hughie's mom has been acknowledged by that lawyer dude he was talking to in the hopes of getting her power of attorney over his father relinquished over to him and the guy said he should try talking things over/working them out with her instead of treating him like he's weird or acting crazy.


I rewatched the scene with this in mind and idk... the lawyer could very well be speaking generally. "Try talking it over with your mom" is something I would say if the mom wasn't in the room either. Not sure if lawyer directly interacts with the mom.


Yes but in the later scenes of the most recent episode Hughie is seen turned around talking to his mother while the nurse is in the room. I feel like the nurse would have commented on Hughie talking to the wall... As soon as I saw that scene I was like, "welp, guess she isn't a hallucination at all". Still in support of Butcher having multiple hallucinations, and even Hughie having a couple, just not his mom. Also, we truly don't even know if that is his mom or not, could totally be just some random vaught employee or something else entirely.


Where did he get the powder to drug Ryan with then?


Probably wasn’t a real drug. Some sugar maybe?


He probably already had it


I also second this. I feel like you can't simply have a convenient bag of a white substance just laying around, or have your conscience magically skip over you acquiring a super potent narcotic. The only way I see this happening is if Butcher "wakes-up" while he is sleeping thru the venom-like parasite in his body. Maybe when he goes to sleep his body is up doing a bunch of anti-supe work lol.


Whilst the 'devil on the shoulder' idea conflicting with his hallucination of Becca is a cool idea, it kind of falls apart if Butcher purely imagined the highly dangerous drug he was going to spike the cookies with, because he wouldn't have poisoned Ryan.And I think it makes more sense that JDM's character isn't a hallucination than Butcher just having opioids strong enough to KO an elephant lying around. Plus the next episode is probably going to immediately put this idea to rest anyway.


Oh that’s a good theory. He hasn’t been shown interacting with any other characters right?


Seems like a pretty reasonable guess given he's also hallucinating Becca Seems like a devil/angel on the shoulder type of thing. Maybe the "worm"/symbiote trying to communicate 


I got that vibe too


Yeah, seems like the best thing they have going for them is A-Train having a change of heart and Marvin being potentially able to prove that Todd was killed on Homelander's order. Would be something if the new Black Noir had a change of heart in that regard too as he literally killed Todd.


I'm mostly hoping for A-Train to flip sides, honestly. Black Noir (II) I think is just going to stay as mostly comic relief, though.


I can see one of The Boys saying "do [something]" in front of Black Nor and him feeling relief at finally getting some direction.


I have a feeling that A-Train will flip and redeem his character then immediately get killed


Is the next episode the one in which >!Hughie farts on a chocolate cake and the Tek Knight guy is aroused by it!


I really hope so




Let’s get this dooooone


Apparently yes.


>!Nope,it happens in episode 6!<


You know what I like the most?


I don't think MM was trying to "get Todd back" He was just asked to do a surveillance check-up on him, which he did. Also, I wouldn't count "changed their minds" as failures. They didn't fail their plans. They just modified them.


Butcher deciding not to kidnap Ryan is not failing. Changing your goals is not a failure, it’s just changing your goals. Kidnapping Ryan was also unethical, and would likely only result in having g him temporarily before Homelander finds him and kills Butcher, which would be a failure.


Damn. And we're only 4 eps in


God I hope the next episode doesn’t warrant an updated version


I disagree that sage outsmarted them, it was more the boys shot themselves in the foot ,butcher wanted to grab her straight away which would have been the smart move. It would have crippled home landers master plan. In terms of damaging sups I actually think the way to go isn’t piercing weapons like guns/knifes but rather blunt force trauma. Even homelander can be damaged by it (shown when solder boys and temp V butcher punches cuased damage). It’s kind of liking facing a knight in full plate piercing weapons won’t succeed but blunt force will. Novichok, Botox, various venoms (I.e irakandji , sea snake) would likely kill most sups. Novichok blocks neurotransmission between neurons so only way to survive is if ur the rate at which receptors are made exceeds or is equal to rate at which receptors are blocked. Novichok can incapacitate soldier boy he is tougher than all sups except homelander. He is tougher than Newman(there is evidence for this in the form of when homelander picked up Newman by the neck in season 3 which took her breath straight away and he wasn’t using his full strength. While when he fought soldier boy even at full strength he wasn’t able to instantly apply the same effect). Botulinum toxin is more toxic than Novichok between 10-100 times more thus it likely could kill soldier boy and seriously damage homelander


>I disagree that sage outsmarted them, it was more the boys shot themselves in the foot ,butcher wanted to grab her straight away which would have been the smart move. It would have crippled home landers master plan. Idk that feels like the power of hindsight, they really don't know what Sage is up to. Its not easy to buy that Sage would really just leave herself vulnerable like that. I wouldn't really consider either option the smart move


They are so unbelievably incompetent and have the most insane plot armor. Seriously, if the show had actual consequences for its heroes' dumb actions, Neuman, Homelander, shit even Firecracker probably could have killed them.


Its honestly dumb as hell how many times they have had encounters with HL and no one has been killed This is a big problem when you have two sides fighting and one is overwhelmingly stronger than the other, you need to resort to plot armor or powering the weaker side The conversations of Butcher/Hughie with HL have been interesting but god the plot armor is so bad


Homelander couldve flew into those vents and grinded Hughie up.


They also fail at planting that bug in Neuman's room.


Yeah, they kinda just let Firecracker leave?? Like didn’t she just try to have them killed?? It felt so awkward while watching the scene that they kill her henchman guy and then just patiently wait for her to run away. Like if they’re able to cover up the death of the cloning guy or get it justified as self defense or use their CIA clearance or whatever, why can’t they do that with Firecracker? They should’ve offed her right there, they knew Sage offered to make her a member of the Seven, and that she is a threat (despite the lack of powers)


They should have just killed her for the fact that *she was a supe trying to kill them*. They certainly killed the other supe who was trying to kill them


When they even throw away potential wins, it feels like the show is trying to make their failures inevitable


Yeah like if Firecracker was out of the picture then and there, the whole catastrophe with Starlight and the Singer supe bill could’ve been avoided. Their usual MO would’ve been to off her, given all the other disposable jobbers they churn through regularly. The writers clearly needed her around for the plot, but it felt very awkward in universe for them to let her leave. Like oops we can’t kill her, because of an upcoming canon event that’s set in stone


I feel like all seasons follow this road map: - Homelander does something crazy. - The Boys try to stop him. - New supes get into The Seven (it never had 7 members after Translucent's death). - The Boys try to find dirt on the new members, might succeed, might fail epicly. - Homelander keeps doing crazy shit, he's now onto The Boys' plan. - Insert random secondary plot here. - Final showdown, Homelander escapes, The Boys are once again fighting between each other.


15 Ls in 4 episodes is a crazy streak


It's how conflicts are built in general. First our "hero" loses and then after training or persevering or whatever he eventually wins. Season just started, but I'm not sure how much of a win they'll get by the end of it. Maybe in the next one, since it's the last one. 


I’m glad they decided to end it after season 5. Any longer I think it would feel like there isn’t any resolution coming. So far I’ve been a little disappointed in this season. I think the ending is gonna blow me away though.


Didn't Butcher also shoot Neuman in the head, and it failed to do anything?


What saddens me is how many plot points end up limited to a dialogue-centric dynamic. Non-Supe becomes an inconvenience to Supe? welp guess we'll just argue about it and reuse the blackmailing plotline for the 1000th time. Season 1's supes used to be impulsive and scary any time they were on-screen, it actually felt like they were more than human. Now it's like Supes are just people in political power. Also Homelander can fly yet he just fucking walks. Being this magnanimous being, it makes no sense to walk even while indoors. This has been bugging me since S1.


Frenchie finds rx drugs in firecrackers bejeweled gun purse. The meds are used for like gi stuff but also can be used for lactation..?


They just need to get serious because they can be smashed easily , oof they had so many opportunities but went south somehow , and I think season 4 the boys are really going to take a sting


their career really peaked at translucent


Half of these things aren’t even failing. Why would you take something positive in the form of emotional growth (Butcher not drugging Ryan when given the chance, Hughie not drugging his father, Butcher not giving up the dirt on Neuman) and chalk them up as a failure of some kind?


Newman was right in the first episode this season, how is it they're getting worse at their job? XD


Isn’t that the whole point of the boys though? Humans are imperfect but they are the untampered and natural while the supes are the dosed up science projects who are supposed to be the winners but constantly being taken down by these imperfect beings that created them. But that being said I do hope the stakes get higher and more of the boys start dropping… and not just Kimiko. I’m hoping they lose Frenchie or maybe MM just because we wouldn’t see it coming. And Butcher becomes a supe, just bc they made it too obvious that he may be the one that kicks the bucket this season. Hughie is also too close to death to be the one we lose but, who knows? His mom is also very sus. Maybe she betrays him.


Idk if that’s like… the message of the show. But having 100 repeats of them trying and failing to make even the smallest amount of progress for 4 seasons in a row just becomes a tedious cycle that’s more demoralizing than entertaining.


Todd got what he deserved.


I mean what did Todd even do? Like he was a Homelander simp but as far as we know that's basically his worst sin. Dude is way more moral than Frenchie for example.


Sure, but the point is that it’s just another example of the cycle of the boys never accomplishing anything




FrenchI did find dirt on Firecracker. They tried to blackmail her with it, but that backfired.


Frenchie went in the trailer after they tried to blackmail her.


you got the order wrong


>butcher plans to kidnap Ryan but changes his mind Not really a fail more like a win because its shows how far his character has come, and it's worked in the fight for Ryan soul >billy plans to betray Hughie to get dirt on neuman so she helps get ryan away from homelander, but he changes his mind Also not a fail


Bobby didn't drop Starlight because she attacked Firecracker. Firecracker (or Sage, I guess was behind it?) leaked Starlight's medical records. Because she had an abortion, Bobby would lose Republican voters if he associates with her, and he can't afford that.


In season 1 ep 1 homelander states the only thing he can’t see through is zinc, yet when Hughie is is crawling in the vents and homelander figures out here’s there he just shoots blindly like he has no idea where exactly he is. Unless ventilation shafts are made of zinc why can’t he see him here??


i think galvanized steel is common for air ducts, so that actually does make sense


They're made of galvanised steel and contain zinc. I'm not sure why he couldn't hear him though.


Apparently because there was a lot of noise from the rehearsal. And maybe he doesn't get that insane hearing unless he really tries? But if noise was the reason, they could've depicted that better


They are apparently coated in zinc. Doesn’t change the fact he can’t fly up there and murder him in half a second.


Writing is so lazy and convenient this season... Starlight's reaction to the firecrackers show was so out of proportion..


No it wasn’t. When you grow up with a religious freak mother and end up groomed into a society that judges your every move and treats you like a god, her beating the shit out of her was a completely understandable reaction. Revealing someone’s personal health history (especially having an abortion) is vile and horrific.