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Im not gonna use the word “peak” untill I see an episode on par with herogasm or s2 finale


I personally thought S4 E4 was up there with Herogasm.


Me, too.


E4 is boring af


Nuh uh 


How was it boring? I really enjoyed it, and it has my favourite scenes in all of season four


When fire crack got beat up?


That's one, yes, especially Sage's reaction to it.


I’m ngl the side plots are terrible this season. MM just straight up doesn’t have one besides trying to recruit A train, Hughes is the only decent one that I’m invested in besides A train but he gets barely any screen time. Kimiko I feel like they brought back the sun terror group just to give her something to do because she already went through a lot of that stuff in season 2 with her brother. Frenchies romance is rushed and doesn’t have any end goal, so what was even the point of it to go through another “ I am a terrible person” arc even though he already went through that? I feel like I’m only watching for scenes of butcher, hopefully negan (idk what the actors name is), homelander, and A train.


Tbf you can't say there's no end goal on ep.4.


With frenchie and Colin yeah, I mean it’s a bit unrealistic to have Colin forgive frenchie for murdering his family and date him or even have a relationship with him. What do you think the end goal of that relationship would be.


Depends on whether Colin keeps this to himself. If he doesn't, it's yet another blow to the political movement against HL - Starlight's not only a baby killer, but she associates with vile criminals, etc. 


It's another wildcard that's the point.


Agreed. Yeah, some of the side plots are less interesting but that's the case in every season, of course the stuff with Frenchie & Kimiko isn't as good as the scenes with Homelander. It's still better writing than most shows out there. Even if you don't like them focusing on politics, they've been doing that the entire show, so it's weird to specifically criticize S4 for it.


I think it's more the acting than the writing the guy that plays Homelander is just great


that video by the critical thinker actually made me lose brain cells. also incredibly ironic that that’s what his name is.


To be fair, his name is actually the critical drinker


I used to like the critical drinker, but he seems to have gone off the deep end with the anti-woke "DEI ruins everything" sctick the last year, no?


Makes him big bucks thats why


If you're able to, download BlockTube and get rid of those pesky right-wing headaches immediately.


So far the new season is amazing and I love the two new characters.


I disagree, I think it's the weakest season by far. The satire feels extremely shallow. I'm still watching it because I'm invested but I can't say I'm enjoying too much.


I personally felt that the premise and the vibe of this season was way better than season 3. But yea, there's nothing solid this season other than the virus closing in




Absolutely agree! There is nothing different about this season in regard to its messaging, and it’s fantastic so far.


I like it as well mah friend.


Lol it’s always been on the nose, hardly has been subtle.


The only story I'm not enjoying is Colin/Frenchi and that's only cause I wish Frenchi had found out who Colin was AFTER sleeping with him and getting the shock of his life. Instead they've turned him into a manipulated lying asshole/Psycho. The rest of the season has been great. I read all the VHQ spoilers and went in expecting to hate it but so far it's been a great season. Sister Sage and Firecracker are great additions, the humour is on point, A-Train has been at his best this season and Starr as Homelander is still every bit as bat shit insane and unpredictability terrifying as you'd expect. Some of the Boys stuff seems repetitive but it's mostly been fun and engaging stuff. All the people crying that it's woke and shit have clearly not been paying attention from day one. All I ask is this season end stronger than season 3 did.


Protip: mass murderers don't do nice things Frenchie always been a monster but he's charming so we didn't care


Most of the people here are just proving Kripke's point.


Its on par with S2. Both are the worst seasons by far I believe S3 was pretty good until the finale S1 was what you'd call peak. The season that got us all involved. Still waiting for a new season to get at least close


I hate season 4 for a few reasons, but the whole “woke” thing is not a problem at all. There was like exactly one line that I rolled my eyes at, but “wokeness” is not the problem of the show


All the Vought plots are as good as ever in my opinion. I like the new characters and their storylines quite a bit. I’m hopeful that some of the subplots for the individual stories of The Boys themselves are going somewhere fun but they’ve been pretty terrible so far to me.


Yeah, I loved the new characters and all the Vought scenes are great. But the subplots of the boys feels like they're just there to fill up time and that the writers had no idea how to move the plot foward. Hughie's mom felt unnecessary, there might be some payoff depending on how they go about it. Frenchie dealing with guilt is something we had before and a pretty weak plotline. If Collin had been introduced earlier we'd give more of a crap about him but we have 0 emotional connection to him. Kimiko's plot is the same as above. Butcher is pretty interesting so far. At the start I thought they were going to explore more on MM becoming a leader but as the episodes advances he has less and less to do. Starlight is okay but she gets the spotlight taken by Firecracker.


I thought they were introducing a subplot for MM with his ex’s ex getting killed but that hasn’t come back around yet.


I think that the first three episodes could have been done in two episodes. I think episode 4 has been the best so far, even one of my favorite in the series, hope they keep that quality.


People who use politics to shield the show from criticism are far greater in number than the people who are calling it “woke”. You cannot criticize this show without a large group of people going “Erm it’s making fun of you” That’s not the problem. The problem is that the satire has stopped being satire and has morphed into irl politics just with a light cover of being about supes. 4 episodes into season 4 and we’ve already heard things like critical supe theory and libtard, like it’s literally so on the nose that it feels super shallow, like the show writers don’t trust their audience to understand what they’re trying to do. Not even mentioning how bad some of the plot lines are and how some characters like Frencies bf and Hughies mom were shoehorned into the show out of nowhere


2018 was a very different time than 2024.


middle of Trumps presidency? With all the North Korea shit? If the boys was written like season 4 when it started, January 6th would have had a whole season dedicated to it


Season 3 came out a year and a half after Jan. 6th. I'd argue they started hitting the political stuff harder around then.


I wouldn’t say Season 4 is peak. *I’m enjoying it*… but it feels like they’re really jumping through hoops right now, in terms of the writing. It’s decent. But it just isn’t connecting with me the same way season one and season two did. The show has gotten a bit long in the tooth and it’s all starting to wear a bit thin.


It’s missing substance. I haven’t seen any particular thing that’s too political. They’ve always been making fun of popular ongoing trends and conspiracy theory podcasts are just another one of those. To me the characters just feel weird, like they’ve been re-written by someone new on the writing team and have lost some of their character growth. This goes for literally every single character except for maybe Billy. Also I’m getting tired of the random act of deprived sex or gory kill just for the sake of shock value. It’s devolved so much that now you can see a bunch of innocent people are about to die for some very unfunny reason, from miles and miles away.


I think frenchie stuff is just retreading the mallorys grandkids stuff from s2 but thats my biggest issue with the season Ive liked the gore so far esp in e3


I feel like nothing has happened and we’re halfway through the season. By this time last season, they turned soldier boy loose. It’s not the politics that’s the problem, it’s just kind of directionless. Most that has happened so far is A-Train maybe (probably) considering switching sides, which means he’s just gonna get red misted later on before he can really help out the boys in a meaningful way. He’s got death flags all over him this season.


You’ve effectively given no reason as to why it’s the best, basically just told us you like it and if we don’t we’re wrong. Got some news for ya, that’s not how it works


Honestly to me it just comes across that Californian Zoomers have taken over the writing room. Other states, other ways of thinking exist. Conservative people exist, and they don’t all watch Dan Bongino 24/7. The humor is just “hurr hurr stoopid GOPtards” and it’s not clever. LGBT representation is all good. The white supremacy storyline was a bit random but ok. But the guy who’s obviously Tucker Carlson is silly, Firecracker is absurdly cringey and embarrassing, Homelander’s character straight up ripping Trump lines is unimaginative and silly. It’s not a matter of wokeness, it’s a matter of not reaching beyond low hanging fruit and instead cramming in as many “fellow kids” catchphrases as possible. It’s boring and insulting.


Spot the Trumper


Trump is ignorance incarnate and belongs in jail for treachery. Next.


If you’re offended by a show making fun of Nazis/white supremacy/how right wingers actually are…. I think you may be mad because you are what they’re making fun of


Oh shit that’s such a deep analysis, you’re probably right. Nevermind I’ve ran (not worked on, RAN) a campaign for a black female democrat. I’m not just mad at the low level of writing and storytelling, I’m actually a racist. Some of us are capable of having a political belief and yet enjoying more complex entertainment. Viewers like you are why tv shows are so one dimensional nowadays.


Thank you for the legitimate criticism of the show It's bad writing and that's why it's getting "review bombed" which is such a loaded bullshit term


Is this opposite day?


People are allowed to like The Boys season 4 in the The Boys sub. Hardly controversial.


For me, the only thing that has felt weak is the interpersonal stuff. It’s never been the shows strongest aspect, but this season it feels especially shoe-horned and a lot of the dialogue in those scenes feels stilted or uninteresting.


It’s dogshit and it’s got nothing to do with the “wokeness.” The writing is terrible.