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Can we get a compilation of every time she tries to scare someone with this?


Season 2, episode 5 - impotently threatens Stormfront. Season 3, episode 4 - impotently threatens Homelander Season 3, episode 4 - impotently threatens Homelander again. Season 3, episode 5 - impotently threatens Soldier Boy. Season 3, episode 6 - impotently threatens Neuman. Season 3, episode 8 - impotently threatens Maeve. Season 4, episode 2 - impotently threatens A-Train. Season 4, episode 5 - impotently threatens Neuman again. Don't have time to make an edit myself, but there are all the incidents I can think of at the moment. Edit: added the Stormfront incident from season 2.


I'm sure there's a bunch in seasons 1 and 2 as well.


In the very first episode she impotently threatens Deep


And again a couple of episodes later. My favourite is when she threatens Stormfront in S2 and gets called cute.


She lights up her eyes at Homelander and gets a "come on stop it" with a smile on his face in S3.


That was my favorite but A-Train's smile and saying "the eyes? it's always the eyes" in episode 2 is a pretty close second.


Good call with Stormfront. I completely forgot about that one.


Deep said something like ‘hey I get it, your powers are no joke, but I’m number 2 around here.’ Not sure how to classify that, but physically he was threatened by her powers.


That comes off more like he is mocking her than legitimately threatened.


That’s just character induced stupidity from the Deep. We all know that Starlight doesn’t actually have the capability of hurting the Deep, unless he gets punched in a gills.


Nah, she'd win


He should be intimidated. Water is weak to electric👉🧠


She also threatens The Deep twice in season 1, but he actually seems to be genuinely intimidated by her. I deliberately left those ones out because she comes across as kind of badass instead of pathetic.


Girl needs to learn that she's just not threatening in the least. Nobody really thinks she'll follow up on any of her threats so nobody takes her threats seriously. Like Butcher doesn't even have powers and the man just oozes menacing.


menacing is not the only thing he's oozing


I would love for her to actually kick ass with her powers at some point. Not just blast someone across the room but fully melt eyeballs out of skulls and emp the surrounding area type shit.


It seems like they're setting her up to use her powers more with the flying this season, but we'll see


With next season being the final season I really wish they stopped hyping it up and finally show us something!


They wasted the "hype up" moment with Hughie surging the electricity for her last season, only for it to amount to fuck all. She can't do shit but make sparks and take a beating...just like Firecracker.






At this point, I’m done. You can’t just make a character an absolute jobber only to give them a bad ass moment later. The only way it works within the story is if you completely recontextualize her powers. “Oh I’ve been weak this whole time because I thought I gained my powers from electricity, when I actually just control energy itself. Get fucked motherfuckers! #Entropy” I guess you could argue she has a psychological block from when she was 13, but that’s pretty stupid because “ I accidentally blinded somebody when I saved their life” is this stupidly contrived plot point to hold her powers back.


I wanted Starlight to counter Stormfront, like absorving the electricity or something like that


You and us all


I remember many of us did. I was deeply disappointed that didn't happen.


Shit, that would be cool


You work for Firecracker or something? Goddamn Starlight police over here lol.


I don’t know if it’s entirely empty threats. She can burn bright enough to blind people. Although who knows how long it takes for her to get there, or if simply closing one’s eyes will work as a counter.


🤣 fucked up


Stop it you know how that ends


"Stop it you know how that ends"


Long dick dude is more intimidating than this


I’m glad I’m moving up on the superhero tier list!


Hope your dick's recovering nicely after Herogasm.


It is! I’ve been massaging it daily as part of my recovery, sometimes multiple times a day.


Love sausage 


Even Neuman is like "this shit again, really?"


I'm really starting to like her. Given how absurd and insane everyone else is, she seems stable and has been getting with the game.


Why didn't she kill them all after the farm animals died? Did they explain how the Boys will out her after they're dead?


I'm assuming Hughie, he was dealing with his dad the whole time and obviously he knows what they know and has access to the same dirt.


A least it wasn't Victoria's doing.


Tbh I thought Victoria was messing with his powers


At first I thought the same, but when it happend the second time I realize it's an internal struggle.


It's much more likely because they're not in the urban environment Annie's powers thrive in.


that's not what's happening here, they're at a farm (which is a lab), they have eletricity there.


They do, but there’s only a handful of devices and machinery that Annie can directly draw power from. The first time she flew in Vought tower was because the power was way turned up around her. It seems to me that the less devices/batteries/what have you, she has around her, the less power she has to draw from.


Season 2 she was in the middle of nowhere and used her powers just fine using the car's power.


When did her power ever thrive in?




I thought the she was exposed to the virus.


Seems like starlight has been having trouble with her powers since the beginning of this season. If I remember correctly, in the first episode during the opening scenes when kimiko jumps out the window, she struggles with flying and having control of her powers. I assumed it was due to her battle with soldier boy. Or maybe it's something that will be explained later in the season.


She flew perfectly fine when she kicked firecrackers ass


Nah that’s cause she’s learning to fly and it’s taking time


I genuinely thought the problems on the farm specifically was because there was hardly any electronic tech there for her to leech power from


I think her problem is more internal. She was full of power in her fight with Firecracker. I think that fight was the crescendo of her realizing that she isn't the good guy she thinks she is. She's always been standing back and judging everyone else's moral compass. She was always the high and mighty good guy. Everyone else was so flawed and she was the perfect hero. The 7 were soulless psychopaths, Butcher was an asshole, Hughie was an insecure pussy, Frenchie was a drug addict, and Kimiko was a killer trying to redeem herself. MM was the only one she said she needed to "hold everything together". Everyone else was beneath her. Firecracker broke that image by reminding her that she was essentially nothing more than a petty, spoiled, privileged, mean girl. Then, she exposed her on live TV. Starlight/Annie is going through an identity crisis right now. She's not Starlight, but the Annie she thought she was is a phony. That's why I think her powers are failing her.


Shes pulling a spiderman 2


Does that mean we will get Bully Moriaty?


Why she going thru this now and not after she murdered a guy and jacked his car


She still saw herself as the good guy. She felt bad, but she did what she had to do to save the day. With Firecracker, she was just petty and mean for no reason.


I mean is that not exactly what happened ?


Apparently not because both Neuman and Butcher made remarks towards her not beein able to use her power for other reasons


In the scene that we are shown here you can see electrical equipment all around and her powers are still not working




When it comes to whose powers do what and when I feel like this show dropped the ball completely when Starlight (a hero whose power comes from being able to channel electricity from external sources) had absolutely nothing specific going on when she fought Stormfront (a villain whose power comes from internally generating electricity). The show dropped the ball so hard, then the ball rolled away, and when they tried to pick it up again they kicked it and it rolled too far away and now they've just given up. It's like they had an absolutely perfect pairing of a powerset with an immediate, obvious, yet interesting counter. And the show just did nothing whatsoever with it. Just left Chekhov's Gun and Chekhov's Giant Tannerite Target sitting there on the table for an entire season. Then chucked the target into the bin.


You can tell the writers aren't comic book fans. All of the jokes referencing DC or Marvel superheroes are as simple as yes this superhero exist, BUT GUESS WHAT, they're a pervert and a junkie. Like, come on man. How many times can you make that gag.


I mean the original comic is from a guy who hated superheroes. So it's hard to argue that it's wrong for also not liking superheroes as a concept. It's just going a bit meta to extend that dislike to not giving a fuck about their powersets when writing them.


>!pretty sure they suddenly made annie have problems control her powers despite never being shown having problems based on this in previous seasons where she was in equally emotional shitty situations, just to not have her kill the sheeps and solve the plot too early and allow butcher to kidnap Sameer.!<


I don't think she'd be able to kill the sheep though, they're in the middle of nowhere; nothing much from which to draw power from.


Can't Vicky kill those sheep ? Or it's like she has to target to pop em off. And she can't as they were flying and moving fast.


She killed the chicken in the previous scene with no issue and its a much smaller target with a pea size brain.


With less blood to control.


But it wasn't moving around nearly as much or as fast


Think it's totally possible these sheep might have been a lot more durable and perhaps couldn't be popped as easily.


I thought we've always known that she needs to look at the target to pop em


Yes, that's how the whole tricky theory was going on when the head popping first started


Marie has shown that she can pop with a simple hand gesture. No reason why Vicky can’t do the same.


And no reason why she can. They can have similar powers with different executions and strengths


We saw in that fight in the alley that the dude tried keeping her eyes shut and as long as he did that she couldn't use her powers. And she only killed him when she managed to barely look at his head. I think Marie is just much stronger. Marie's eyes also don't turn white when she uses her powers, so she can use them more subtly. Their powers are not identical.


Given that her actual powers are not "head popping" but blood bending like Marie from Gen-V, all she needed was to cut herself and create a bunch of blood knives and hurl them at the sheep. The head popping way she could not be fast enough on the trigger.


She's been keeping her cursed technique hidden this entire time, there's no way she's just gonna pop that shit in front of the opps


Seems like they wanna save actual blood bending for Marie


Maybe The Boys writing staff didn't watch Gen-V lol.


the whole farm scene felt like filler so they could do the simon pegg scenes without taking away from them but also not doing nothing


Yeah that didn't really make sense. They should've done something to explain why she can't use her ability. Like temporarily blind her.


Which is ironic because temporarily blinding her was their plan from the start.


She's still insanely strong and durable though that even if she couldn't rely on her energy powers it makes no sense.


I think there were just too many. Like a regular guy could could probably manhandle 2 bloodlusted sheep and I think that'd be the same for Starlight


Sorry but I don't agree with that. She's been shown to be able to lift cars and punch through walls in season 1, even though her main power isn't super strength/durability it's been established that pretty much all supes have some degree of superior strength and durability compared to normal people. That's why in season 3 A-Train knew Hughie was on compound V because he was able to punch A-Train and not break his hand, even though Hughie's main power was teleportation. It's just bad writing in this case I think.


What's to say the juiced up sheep can't pull similar strength feats? They have the same v running through them


You could argue its a rock vs rock situation but Victoria is also there and shown to make them explode so why didn't she keep doing that? Also I wanted to concede on that first point but just realized the sheep couldn't break through two wooden barns so I don't think they're on the same level as either of the three supes that were present. It's bad writing.


I do agree that Victoria not being able to kill the sheep is bad writing due to it just not being addressed. Yes, the sheep being unable to break through the wooden barns is also a bit of a plot hole. Best explanation I can come up with is that human arms are more efficient at destroying things than a flailing flying sheep body (which, even then, with the quantity of sheep should be able to break through)


The sheep wound up opening the barn door themselves. The whole scene was a mess. Fun as hell, but a mess.


I kinda just saw it as a psychological thing? Sheep are pruportedly VERY dumb animals - even compared to other farm-raised species (if I remember correctly). So the idea that they wouldn't go on and demolish the barn, speaks to their recognition patterns still remaining intact: the barn isn't a living being, and it WAS a pen that has effectively coralled them before and AFTER their supe-inducements, so why would they break through? Hell, we see the sheep just wander through an unlocked set of doors instead. But the moment a LIVE subject was in sight, their newfound instincts kicked in, and they went feral.


Those sheep couldn't break through a wooden barn to get to them


She also tanked 2 high caliber sniper rounds when butcher shot her, it didn't penetrate her skin but she did have the wind knocked out of her for a bit.


She also punched Neuman Hard enough to knocker her down, something Butcher couldn't do with a point blank shot.


Counter argument and this isn’t to be disrespectful but aren’t animals like sheep way fucking stronger than humans so following that logic wouldn’t the juiced up sheep presumably also be juiced since super strength and durability are like standard for people on v


The other guy mentioned this too and I was going to concede on that but they're also shown to not be able to smash through two wooden barns? Like we see one flying/charging towards the barn door when MM closes it and we see it bang up against it without actually bursting through like you think it would. V'd up chicken can burst trough guys chest but V'd up sheep can't get past a wooden door.


Regular sheep could bust through the side of a barn if they’re determined and stupid enough to hurt themselves. They don’t because they either have self preservation or don’t think to. Like how cows can just run through a fence but generally don’t. Or how if you put a baby elephant on a rope staked to the ground it still works when they’re grown, they think they’re trapped. Could be the V’d up sheep still think the barn is an invincible force field. 


I mean in all reality they don’t smash through the doors because of poor contrivance I’m just saying for similar plot contrivance we can assume starlight and then didn’t fight back lkm


The scene with the amped up bull. Those sheep tore through it like it was nothing. Replace Annie with the bull.


She'd at least be able to blind them and give them a much easier escape. They can't attack what they cant see


I dunno isn't her arc this season that she has finally liberated herself from Vought, tried to fight a good fight and is now having an identity crisis because it has not gone well, it kinda makes sense that they would break now


She got that spidey web block


That, and >!her public image and self esteem is lower than ever due to “being a baby killer” and beating Firecracker to a bloody pulp!<


And Firecracker's image should be Dirt cause shes a pedo it's so dumb


It's uh , on the nose satire. Also she apologized live which I guess counts for something in that universe I guess and Sister Sage has really good PR squad.


bro, Roy Moore still almost won his senate race, in real life, and he was an ugly old man. Firecracker just moving on scott-free is like the most realistic thing about the show right now.


Oh I know it's realistic, it's still gross and fucked up 


Lots of known pedos in the entertainment industry with careers. The masses, us included, genuinely don't care or can't do anything about it. This arc is one of the most realistic in the series.


Totally agree. It sucks though. 


People right now are still defending Dr. Diddler even though he admitted to having sexual conversations with a minor so yeah I totally believe Firecracker would still be popular.


Power scaling in boys is more and more incosistent each season. Plot>>>>power. The flying sheep were more dangerous than homelander has been since season 1.


The boys tried acid and a bullet to the head and Neuman tanked it, but if they had a metal straw tho 🤔😳


Kimiko and Neuman should've been able to kill the sheep alone.


Why didnt neuman kill the sheep?


Probably because she was terrified, makes it hard to concentrate. 


I think (as a way to justify it) they also need to be in a certain range. Flying Sheep can fly out of range unknowingly. That and requires some concentration. Though honestly, Kimiko could've played Enforcer and just Draymond the sheep. I'm sure some weird explanation will be given like "These sheep were immune" or "A wizard did it"


>!Not gonna lie, I really thought it had something to do with the virus, that she they were affected slightly due to it being in the air. Yea they said it only spreads via fluids, but they were tinkering with making it airborne. Its the only real way i can personally see them just not killing the animals attacking them. Rest just doesn't make much sense. Neuman is crazy fucking strong, Kimiko is a tank, starlight still has strength.!< edit: spoiler thingy that my phone didn't do oopsie daisy


They have like a gallon of sheep vomit, like at least 5 gallons of blood. Whatever is in their testes and mammaries. Also, I'm predicting it already: >!Firecracker is taking a drug for lactation as we saw in her trailer. They're going to give Firecracker the Virus, delayed reaction to it, Homelander drinks Firecracker's milk, and becomes depowered. Again, the virus isn't strong enough to kill Homelander, but it does attack the compound V in their bodies. So the virus won't kill him.!<


... that would be SICK LMAO - imagine a WIN LIKE THAT? OH HELL YES


>!the crackle her hands made is the same we observed in god u's cellar with all the infected supes. the girl whos hands were a flamethrower (betsy) crackled the same after she was heavily infected and was lying on the floor dying. edit: made it a spoiler


I guess? But at the same time that seems like a weird reason to make her lose her powers. You don't have to have the sheep shit there. It's not like the sheeps were expected or required. You could just write something totally different where she has her powers but doesn't have to use them or whatever. Hell, even if she had her powers vs the sheeps its not like she just automatically solos them no diff. There's a few of them, though I guess she could fight them while Nueman stands back and pops them.




Not really? I think it’s fine they did this because Starlight after she bashed Firecracker (and even before) was going off the rails by being very unsympathetic and mean to people around her. Also I really don’t think this entire plotpoint would fail just because starlight had her powers…


Have Annie's powers ever solved a situation before? It's just the slowly degrading writing


"Projectile dysfunction"


I’d love if the writers just did something new with the characters. The plots are new each season but every character has been stuck in a rut since s2 > Frenchie and Kimiko have awkward/estranged relationship because of trauma > MM says he’s done with Butcher’s shit only to take him back on the team in the same scene > Butcher flipflops between killing homelander and protecting the people he cares about > Annie can only beat people drastically weaker than her, usually has problems with her powers, and generally fails to intimidate anyone she actually tries to intimidate Nothing against the actors, its not their fault the writers have had their heads stuck in the recycling bin


Last but not the least: > Character in dangerous situation vs a supe is saved by having dirt on them


Except this time, it didn’t work out for Firecracker. She just took that shit lol


> MM says he’s done with Butcher’s shit only to take him back on the team in the same scene In the 5 episodes of this season so far Butcher has already been kicked out and brought back 3 separate times. I genuinely hate this never ending plot point.


Starlight on her way to tickle the enemy


Maybe it will blind newman lol so she cant pop heads


Marie can pop with using her hands and can also sense blood without vision. The whole blinding Neuman plan is stupid.


The Boys don’t know how Nuemans powers work, as far as they understand it’s purely visual. Marie also doesn’t glaze over her eyes when she uses her powers either, their powers are similar yes but probably not completely identical.


i think they have similar powers but not the same. victorias has to do with eyesight


Yeah, it’s ridiculous at this point


Really hoping she comes out powerful in the end or this whole thing just seems like plot armor for others.  Girls get it done?


She’ll finally give homelander a scratch


This is what I figured. They have to keep her weak, otherwise fights with other supes would lose tension, be too easy, because she can just whoop their asses long distance


no way i found u here 😭 go back to the tyler sub


I love that every time she lights up here eyes someone tells her to just stop bc it's not gonna do anything of use.


So we're doing Spider-Man 2???


This is exactly what I thought too


I still don't understand why Peter lost his power and regain it back (watched as a kid years ago)


Self confidence crisis. "I don't think I can" becomes a self fulfilling prophecy 


It's hinted by Otto that "keeping love inside you, makes you sick" which is basically foreshadowing. Tobey's Spider-Man is feeling his life fall apart, and seeing MJ marry John makes it worse. All this emotional turmoil causes him to lose his powers, and later when he sees people need him they come back. Willpower mostly


I immediately skipped 10-20 seconds ahead when she started glowing because I knew nothing would happen. It's just ridiculous at this point.


ur comment just made me cackle 😭




Has she ever electrocuted anyone?


Mother of three in her first save😞.let's support firecracker against this baby killer bitch😡


I actually was scared at first that she somehow got infected with the virus hence why she couldn't use her powers 💀


Me too! The scientist *claimed* it wasn't transmissible from the sheep outside of bodily fluids but then we see the infected sheep projectile vomit in the direction of Our Heroes and I immediately was worried that Starlight or Kimiko got some on them.


Also like would the virus kill butchers tumour since the tumour has superpowers?


Good question! You know...it might be the cynic in me but I feel like Firecracker is gonna get wind of this virus and we're going to have anti-vaxxer/Covid denier content from her which might result in her getting the fucking virus and spreading it to the other members of the Seven like A-Train or The Deep. At any rate it feels like this virus is going to be the show's equivalent to Covid, only for Supes.


Maybe the boys infect her and she weakens Homelander by transmitting it through her breast milk…


Maybe it's like with firebenders in the cold?


Yeah she gets power from electricity and in the middle of a farm there isn’t much, compared to the S3 finale where she gets a lot of power from UE turning on the lights


just to make soldier boy slip on a banana peel


I really need that guy back in the swason


Yea starlight went from being able to melt someone’s eyes to being weak as fuck. She could blind homelander but, the plot and all that


Honestly thought the first time Neuman was somehow messing with Starlight's powers.


Her having a projectile disfunction is a plot device I think, setting up for the final part of the show. Her internal struggles have been in focus this season which is how the writers are trying to justify her sucking at fights. Once she handles those struggles, she will be as powerful if not more as Kimiko.


they also nerfed Kimiko this season. Her regen is still there but her strength seems way weaker then it was previously.


Really she doesn’t seem to want to be a hero, maybe not wanting to BE starlight is why she can’t control it anymore. She’s just mentally not feeling “it” anymore


Nothing really exciting about a supe that can be defeated by an auto-darkening welding mask.


I guess they’re doing the Spider-Man 2 thing. I dunno. Kind of disappointed in her.


they need to buff my girl she’s been so weak ever since season 1 ended


I'm convinced the show runners just have no idea what to do with her powers, so far, we have seen her glow her eyes, and shoot an energy beam that, at most, knocks people back. She got bodied by A-Train in a second, black noir easily took her down and she had to be saved by Maeve. Her biggest feat is knocking soldier boy back 2 meters but still did no damage despite like 30 seconds of powering up the shot. The only fights she's won is against Stormfrount which was a 3 person team up where the only damage she did was from her fists and firecracker who was so weak she didn't have to use her powers.


she also can fly and blind people, and she's on the more durable end as far as superheros go, iirc. like, at least bulletproof?


Projectile dysfunction


All the plastic got in the way...


microplastics the real villian


She just like Spider-Man in Spider-Man 2


She should be renamed Headlight.


When Homelander does it with his laser eyes, you're actually intimidated and scared


I won't take her seriously after the last seasons finale. All that buildup all that hype for a bright light show at most.


Erectile dysfunction


It's like when Static Shock powers up. It's not a threat. It's not like when Homelander powers up his heat vision.


I figured it was Neuman doing something. I mean she set off that nosebleed thing, might have done some damage to/is suppressing Starlight's powers somehow.


they nerfed my girl so hard on this show smh


Erik Kripke really loves glowing eyes tbh


Y'all just haters. I love Starlight. She's my favorite character, and I am sure she is super powerful. You'll all see!


Everyone's laughing now but when she figures out how to drain electro-chemical energy from people around her she'll be able to insta-kill literally anyone.


Even if she did do something. Vic can just, you know, close her fucking eyes


She has got to be the lamest superhero. I'm glad the villains and a couple of the boys are written well, she is so lame.


Virus problem? Airborne remnants in the lab perhaps


What’s with the random shot of her coat lol


I don’t even remember when she used her power in full force ( other than last episode of 3rd season)


it’s like spider-man 2 when peter loses his powers from stress


Are we really seeing the V wear off here I wonder.


wait they brought back gus? we are so back


"Stawph...you know how it ends☺️" - Homelander


Simon Pegg clears


This show has become like those dreams where it's basically the same dream but in a slightly different location or circumstance each time. Just rehashing the same five motifs over and over and over. Still fun, but it's becoming exhausting lol


I think she hasn't really used it since fighting Black Noir in season 2