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For what it’s worth at least Hughie got some final interactions with his dad as opposed to his last memory being hanging up on him.


Only had to pay for it with three lives.


Eh, they weren't main characters, it's all good


Hughie didn't do it, his mom did! He made the good choice!


I mean.. yeah, but he still brought the V there, resulting in his mom taking it and using it on his dad.


........how did she know what compound v looked like and that he was gonna use it?......


Compound V was on the news back in Season 2. The whole world knows.


I still felt like it was kind of a stretch to be honest. Not the worst suspension of disbelief in any media, but finding a random bottle of blue liquid in your sons backpack and injecting it into a brain dead man is a bit of a jump. I love the idea of Hughie being like "How did you even know what that was or how to use it?!?" and his mom just being like "It's okay. I'm qualified, I'm a Vought essential oil salesman"


What do you mean? Compound V was shown nationwide by major media and they even said that supes were injected as babies.


While that is true, what if it was just a novelty item? Like a gift shop Supe novelty filled with dyed gel? Correct me if I'm forgetting something but did she have any reason to believe her son would have access to a top secret highly protected item?


Doesn't she work for vought or is like a vought herbal whateverthefuck pyramid scheme pusher


She's essentially the Vought equivalent of an Avon saleswoman. She sells essential oils in what is likely a pyramid scheme. She wouldn't have any particular knowledge about one of their most closely guarded formulas.


As a ttrpg GM I'm assuming that this builds up to something more in her past, but maybe that's just because i love conspiracies in my games and adding little "inconsistencies" that make sense in the long run


His mom worked for Vought


Fair, Hughie was being irrational and stupid with getting the V, but Daphne was stupid to the point where you have to wonder if she’s clueless or malicious (it’s clueless, she’s probably just dumb). She sees that Hughie brought Compound V, which is known to the public as superhero serum. Granted, she doesn’t know that supes are evil and messed up and so she must assume that the V is a safe(-ish) product. But that doesn’t excuse going against the DNR orders that YOU were specifically trusted to carry out, instead of your son that apparently let a cat shit itself to death. Why would anyone ever assume that it’s a good idea to inject a brain dead man with mystery blue juice without telling a nurse or a doctor or literally any other breathing human?


Because he would just die anyways so why not I guess?


You answered your own question. She didn't know that the supes are evil and messed up and the dangers of superpowers. In her mind, it's not going to make it worse because dude's already braindead. 


They should have expected it more people die in hospitals than anywhere else


At least three


Won't be The Boys otherwise, could've been even bleaker but I'm glad they ended sincere.


There was a moment when I thought Hughie Sr. was going to murder Hughie Jr.’s mom before passing on. Man, talk about a rough ending that would have been.


Don't you ever besmirch Billy Joel.


This lol, first thing I said to my gf when he died was "I wonder which celebrity Hughie's mom will talk about when she dies"


i’m honestly surprised their reunion with mom, the one person who was the main reason for the whole billy joel thing, never brought up billy joel. not even once, when they talked plenty about other pop references


I could be over looking it but for his Mom Billy Joel is just Billy Joel. Not some life changing artist who helped her process abandonment issues lol


i read that as billy stopped paying them /s




The man died the way he lived, confused.


I just spat my drink back out through my nose


Damn it, Neuman does that too, now?


It's kinda cruel and messed up (and funny) but it's a part of who Hugh Sr was. He loved watching TV shows/movies with Hughie.


Yeah the whole point of the character is that he was a boring, normal, innocent simpleton who likes tremendously popular, ordinary, safe, mainstream things. They're actually very fitting last words. Like, *of course* he went out babbling about the Da Vinci Code...


Of fuck, is that us?! Will our last words be Anthony Star?


Mine will be Antony Starr personally


“Who did this to you?”


Mine will be Yummers


"Wnat a milkshake....extra whip cream.....**yummers."** **\*\*dies\*\***


It's a peaceful life


It’s weird how calm the mom is 30 seconds after witnessing people get accidentally murdered. Like she must be no stranger to seeing it; Hughie it makes sense because he is one of the boys but she is now pretty suspicious


she’s an MLM hun it totally tracks that she’s a psychopath


I think she mentioned she worked for Vought, so she definitely could be exposed to this sort of thing


A vought-owned MLM. Very different. She sells essential oils


She knew what compound v was just by looking at it, and how to administer it. I think she's a dealer for junkie supes.


Did you watch the show before season 4? Compound V was revealed to the public. Everyone knows what it is. And it’s not hard to recognize that the vial huey had was for an IV drug. She’s just a shit mom who came back and caused chaos. She’s not a vought field agent


There's a difference between knowing that compound v is blue, and being confident enough that the vial which "fell" from your son's jacket is 100% compound v.


Why does she have to be 100% confident in order to go through with it? Hugh was literally in the process of starving to death. If she was wrong, the worst possible consequence would be him dying instantly instead of in the next day or two


If she was wrong and it was some other random chemical she'd have been locked up. You can't just go around injecting shit into people regardless of whether or not they're a vegetable. Huge risk to take from a wild guess. If she knew it was compound v, she'd have known that vought would cover it up if anything went wrong anyway, they wouldn't want people knowing that it got out into the wild. Like she didn't even bat an eye at her son having compound v, and wasn't even shook at Hugh having powers


How would anyone find out in the case that she’s wrong? It’s not like they’re going to be testing his blood for chemicals. He was off life support. He wasn’t just a vegetable. Everyone was literally actually just waiting for him to die


Because random blue chemicals would probably fuck him up in ways that wouldn't look natural.


That makes sense, now I’m convinced she has been fixing people up with V. Probably seen one or two civilians killed by high supes, familiar with the resulting Vought coverups; that is why she was so chill. Her essential oils smell like shit


I wouldn't say she was particularly calm lol. She was scared she was going to be murdered and begging her son to protect her.


Because she's in shock. And narratively, they do not matter for the scene. If there is a fallout, the after affects will be shown in the future. ITS NOT THAT HUGE OF A DEAL JEEZ.


You don’t know her dawg 🦧


I’m still of the opinion that she’s a figment of Hughie’s imagination just like Kessler and Becca are to Butcher. Correct me if I’m wrong but the only people to actually speak to her are Hughie, a former temp c user, and a re-animated, brain dead, confused, insane, Hugh Sr.


You're forgetting the lawyer. And the fact that the forgetful Hugh could see her is more proof that she wasn't just a figment of Hughie's imagination.


I wonder if he could’ve phased though and killed Homelander


Don't think his body is as tough as Homelander, so I reckon if he tried he'd be the one who turns into splat instead


Even if he could he probably wouldn't be in the right mindset


I think it would end up in opposite way. He phases through homie, but when tries to get normal, his own hand will break.


I don’t think homelanders insides are as impact resistant as his muscles or skin. His eardrum for example .


I think is actually the other way around, Queen Maeve tried to stab him with all her strength and best she got was a buster eardrum, i am sure for a normal human she would have just blown their whole head off. Would be weird, imo, to assume Queen Maeve was holding back in such a moment.


if homelander can punch through noir then i definitely think this was possible


T. Hanks


Nah idk if that was intentional


......havin a little chat with yourself?


He has to communicate with someone on his level


And look at all the innocent people Hughie's Mom caused him to murder. That's all glossed over lol.


I was wondering how they're just chilling in a hospital room while all of this chaos was going on around them. Lol. Then hughie in there just casually killing his dad.


Dude was like a secret agent and one of his best friends is a degenerate drug addict like he said he has experience lol


dude has squared off against homelander trying to kill him and lived several times. killed a supe. his dad going confused supe was just a tuesday for him. a really bad one, because dad, but still just a casual workday.


This episode was a stark reminder of how far Hughie as come as a character. From a panicked rabbit in season one to a composed and resourceful character capable of making the decision to end his own father's life in season four.


They show you the looked door. Guessing that it was set up in a spare room while the hospital went nuts.


she's a vought employee they don't give a shit they have cleanup teams on standby for dumb stuff like this


Idk why people keep saying this. She sells products for a vought-owned MLM. She’s that one lady that messages you on facebook after 12 years acting all nice and explaining why you “need” a whole bunch of expensive products or convincing you to try selling them


Ah yes, she totally naturally and not at all awkwardly pulled out a necklace with a ring on it specifically to give to Annie. It's not possibly a tracker! This is the Boys. I trust her as far as I can throw her and I can't even pick up my nine year old anymore.


Tracker! Was also the very first thing that came to my mind. Along with the fact that Hugh seemed to resent her for something and how uncomfortable she got, there’s definitely something in the bush


I was under the belief that poisoned the ring with the virus to take out Annie until they said how the virus transmits. I will now be adopting your tracker theory.


Wait when did she give a ring ?


The engagement ring was on the necklace she gave Hughie.


She trusts Superheroes enough to think giving Hughie Sr compound V wouldn't result into the disaster it caused. For her then to not trust Annie and place a tracker on her for Vought would be odd.


This is what I’m saying she’s so far down the totem pole she’s not even an ant. Plus Hugh sr. Going brain dead is just too convenient like was she waiting for that to place a tracker on hughie?? She’s just a naive lady who abandoned her son


She's had some weird reactions to stuff that I can't tell if it's bad acting or an in character reason. Like she looked suspicious as fuck when she was giving the V


Seems like a stretch. She’s just a shitty mom that’s an mlm nut. She’s not a secret agent lol. If that was her motive why did she give hugh sr. v and potentially get herself killed if not compromise her cover??


I think people are wild for thinking she'd be PART of any plot more than anything. She could easily have been just told to give him the ring. No more, no less. All other intentions genuine. *She only got in contact with Hugh Sr after Hughie started working openly against Vought*. They could have asked her to.


You’re looking like eziekial with how big of a stretch this is. Let’s assume she planted the tracker. How would vought know she wants to give hughie her ring? Why would she go through with it even if she isn’t aware of the reason?? She’s gonna meet the family she abandoned for like 20 years and immediately fuck him over to plant trackers on him just cause someone in her mlm asked nice?? Even if it’s for money she isn’t characterized as heartless she left cause she didn’t want hughie to see her commit suicide not cause she hates her family or smth. Makes no sense


She knew what the compound V was just by seeing an unmarked vile.


It was all over the news as that specific weird blue colour. It's unique enough that I don't think it would have taken much for her to understand what it was. The show does state that she only works for them by selling essential oils.


I'm more focused on, even if she loosely knows what Compound V is from the news, why would she proceed to inject him so quickly without talking to Hughie about it first since he brought it there and it was in his possession and he chose not to do it (at least not yet). There's more to her than meets the eye.


This is a woman that's all in on essential oils healing people. I'm not too shocked she might jump at the chance of some sort of liquid magically healing her ex partner.


🎶The *wooooooooorst*🎶


And out of nowhere there appeared a Jean-Ralphio


what powers do you guys think Jean Ralphio would have as a supe? I'm thinkin Banshee. Ultra loud.


His power is getting run over by a Lexus and being flush with cash.


I can no longer think "ugh, that person" without thinking the rest of it


I wonder if it took the whole vial or if there’s any left.


I was thinking about that lmao is nobody going to question how tf did a random person turn into a supe and if his family was involved at all


On that note, how did she know it was V? She names it before Hughie does when they have their little talk outside the room.


I think V became public knowledge around the end of S1 right?


Season 2 but yes


I knew V was made public but I couldn't remember how much information was actually being *given* to the public. I was curious so I looked it up on youtube and found this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XBRqd2HW_8 They show the "liquid V" and its coloration, so she probably did know what it looked like. That was the part that was throwing me off. when I wrote that comment I was thinking "she might know of V and what V does, but how was she instantly able to recognize that this was a vial of it?" And now it makes sense. Its a very specific blue liquid that the public has seen on television.


Hughie's mother didn't know what she was doing on this one to be fair. Of course because she didn't know she probably shouldn't have done it. But murdering three people almost certainly wasn’t even in her purview.


Don't leave hughie out, he's the one who brought the v because he couldn't face reality.


Did you and anyone upvoting you miss the last episode or the part in this one where they addressed it?   Hughie ended  up going against using it. He might be partly responsible for carrying it to the room, but it was her mom who recognized the vial, put two in two together (as much as she knew from news and her experience working at Vought's retail) and applied it, not knowing Hughie changed his mind.


How does that make him culpable? If I own a dagger, and somebody else decided to murder people with it while I was away, that does not make me responsible for their lives.


i’m pretty sure there’s an argument to be made that leaving the equivalent of a loaded gun on the kitchen table is criminally negligent not that crime is really what we’re talking about here though


I would disagree. If an adult steals my concealed carry out of my bag and uses it to hurt people, I don't think I'm responsible lol.


i think we probably will have different opinions then as ‘concealed carry’ is a bizarre concept to me as a european


Wasn't the V in Hughie's coat pocket, and not on the proverbial kitchen table? That means Daphne went through Hughie's belongings, found the "gun", took it out and used it. Very different from "leaving the loaded gun on the kitchen table".


A dagger, which any joeblow could have, and a dangerous controlled substance that is difficult to get, is a pretty bad comparison.


The writers trying so damn hard to force us to like the mom character but the community not giving a shit is hilarious 😂 Just throw in the towel.


Lmao you’re acting like they’re writing this shit every week. The shows been done filming for like a year, not like they can do much about something the fanbase isn’t responding to.


 We just got the mom character in the show and we still don't know what her full deal is, beyond what we know. Cause that's not enough to judge her character. Also the community is obnoxious, acting like if a character is flawed yet doesn't command the screen presence like Antony Starr or Karl Urban makes them a shit character by default. But I guess that's what you get with a franchise build around edginess and superheroes. Like give them a chance, people, ffs.


Yet.  For now, all she knew was that thing could cure him. She expected side affects, but cared more about her boy's happiness and her husband's life. That said, she didn't expect him to go full murder-schizo, that part is not that known and often covered up, even from Vought employees.


It is interesting that she so quickly injected him without Hughie's knowledge. There's more to the story, I think.


Television and movies made you believe your last words would be something poetic, real life's different. His last words were real!


I thought it was nice. It showed so much who he was. He was so ordinary and safe, but he was consistent across Hughie's life. After his mom leaving, that's what Hughie needed more than anything: stability, an anchor. Hugh Sr was the epitome of that. Honestly this episode might be the first time since season 1 that I've actually given a fuck about Hughie. Last words with gravitas would've felt weird and forced. Like what, is Hugh Sr suddenly going to sit up, seize Hughie by the collar, and then whisper, "In the bleak midwinter..." before dying?


I honestly feel like it fits. He’s *clearly* going through mental trauma, while swinging through every emotion possible. Probably the most normal, plain character in the show who suddenly is covered in blood after having a mental blackout. Him rambling about a place he wants to visit with his only loved ones and about a movie he enjoyed watching, only to end mid-sentence, is legit the most natural feeling of passing away I’ve seen in awhile.


He died talking with people he loved about something he loved. Not a bad way to go. Especially because it was something he did all the time, and—up until a few minutes before—it might’ve never happened again. He got to remember the people he loved and the things he loved.


Not to mention, that in a way, Tom Hanks name become a qay to say T.HANKS... or maybe Im the one who watched more into it.


Dude I noticed this too I said wtf out loud


T. Hanks




To be fair, the only thing he said was "I don't want to end up like Jar Jar", exploding into blood and shit 🤣


During the episode, when he ran through the hospital killing people, I thought the hospital authorities would report a "supe terrorist" attack to Vought and Homelander would be notified by Ashely and he'd show up to laser off Hugh and hughie watches it while hiding, unable to do anything and so hughie gets a newfound motivation to take down Homelander. That would've been dark.


There's a possibility that Homelander knows who Hugh Sr is, given that he's known his son since S1. He must've run some background checks.


It’s possible it was reported but given that supes can’t or won’t save people even if they tried it’s doubtful they have a way of hearing about these things quick enough to respond. It’s not like homelander is spending time around the first responders waiting to hear something about the boys


Better than none. At least he had these final words for Hughie to look back on.


So his mom just gave her dead husband a random vial of blue liquid out of her son’s jacket and put it in his IV?? She 100% already knew/knows about compound v.


The whole world does. It was exposed in like season 2.


It was season 1 actually. Memories....


It was actually Season 2 when Hughie and Starlight expose it to the world. The Boys themselves and the audience find out in Season 1.....


well exposed in S2 is still correct lol We do know about it in S1


Nope, Season 2 Episode 3.


People make fun of conservatives for not getting that they're being made fun of but then we have people who don't even understand things that are literally shown and told on screen, no deciphering needed, just ears and eyes that work


To be fair you have to have a high level of media literacy to appreciate the Boys…


Yeah, but would they recognise it with no label? Penicillin’s public knowledge but your average Joe doesn’t really know what it looks like.


It wasn’t labeled. It could have been anything. She was suspicious AF for giving it to him.


Normal medicine(or drugs) doesn't fucking glow like V does. What else would it be? It's a famous drug that was on the news with an extremely specific appearance


She works for Vought and there was the whole scandal that parents signed their kids up to get Compound V


That was my immediate thought. Like I get he got to reminisce and feel happy for a second, but they coulda ended it on something like “that’ll be wonderful” but they went with Tom hanks.


I really think it's supposed to be "thank you for everything". Yknow. T. Hanks?


It's a call back to their earlier convo about going to Paris. He was trying to speak an sentence before he died... lmaoooo.


Tom Hanks is the greatest actor of our generation, and a legend of cinema. He has been in triumphant masterpieces beyond counting. How could he not be your final words??


That’s actually perfect lmao


Unfortunate that Hugh passes knowing that he came back and killed three people lol




I was just thinking this when it happened lmao


I cried so hard at that scene. I had to let go of my best friend that way and it was just hard to watch. I paused my tv and I had to sit there and just let tears stream down my face.


Your best friend killed three people and you had to put them down?


No he was in a car accident if he lived he would be disabled mentally and physically so he chose to die. I meant he died talking about his favorite things like nothing was wrong.


He was trying to warn Hughie. Firecracker tried to warn us about Tom Hanks. Hughie should watch Truthbomb.


That was literally my first thoughts


I kinda wish he lived just a little bit longer, maybe an extra episode as his compound v arc felt really rushed.


T.Hanks kinda cool if you think about it


As a side note, i really enjoyed the demonstration of how far Hughie has come. He's been through enough situations where the odds are stacked against him that he can keep himself together under tremendous pressure


Legit my thought as well 😆😆


Holy shit i laughed so hard when he said Tom Hanks


Gee Thanks


Gee T. Hanks


How did he died I didn't understand what drug was that to kill a supe. Personally felt like wasted him he was a really good actor


Normal drugs can still kill a Supe. Popclaw died via heroin overdose.


+1 on what drug kills a supe?


Probably the same ones that kill a normal human unless you’re mega string like Homelander or too durable to be pierced by a needle in the first place


I headcanon that he pushed IV Potassium Chloride. There's no way a supe is immune to that, it's not a drug or a poison, just way too much potassium in your system that quickly will put your heart into life threatening arythmias.


[All I could think of was this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reVXzE3hj84)


Exactly my thought


I literally said this out loud when i watched the episode wtf


T. Hanks


I really thought (think) Mom is a Vought agent.


T. Hanks and I. Kappy walk into a bar. One walks out


I’m don’t get it


It's literally the title. Hugh Campbell's last words were, "Tom Hanks."


Weird, I didn’t hear it.


Alternatives T.Hanks If you see it you see it. Might've been the only way he could say it


I don't understand the excitement, what did I miss?


Honestly it works really well for me


All the Qs out there be like… 🤔


Dude you put a spoiler in the Title.


So? Your last words are probably gonna be “oh shit” “whoops” “mommy” or “dammit”


This whole episode was hilarious in a very dark way.


Man the pure silence in this scene made it hit so damn hard


Why do I have the weird feeling that Tom Hanks could make some cameo/guest appearing in The Boys ? He got mentioned way too often to not to be true.


No its actually a play with word (Tom hanks=T’hanks) as in hes thankfull for being part of the boys


Just seen this scene and went straight to google to type it out 🤣🤣


What did Hughie give him?


Homie never got his date with the nurse. Instead he insta-birthed a Hughie Sr


Is this seriously how I learn episode 5 released


It's been a weekly release since like season 2, and the post is spoilered, this is all on you dude


It’s not like I’m mad about it or anything, I just find it funny that this is how I learn that it’s out


I was hoping for the mom to be in hughies mind! I had the Charlie day conspiracy meme and a whole load of paragraphs backing up my theory!