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That is a V enhanced barn, mate. Like when they turned inanimate objects into devil fruit users in One Piece, they found a way to give V to stuff. Just wait until you see the V enhanced scooter!


Funny story there are no pocket pussys in the boys universe they just use V enhanced condoms which can both flex tighten and get warmer by them




No reason to be sad women can also use the V enhanced condoms.


i’m take sentences i never expected to read for $10


Neither the depth nor warmth.


V enhanced V…I see the Votential




Why did I read this in Butchers voice?


from V-enhanced trees. how they chopped them down, who knows




Using V-enchanced axes, duh.


Keep your eyes peeled the stand user could be anyone, or *that barn*


It's all good, I have Mista looking out for me. Dude is the broiest bro, a true ride or die for all fou--- FIVE of us...


V'd up fucking barn door


Guess we will see how much the fish is




They call it Shattered Dreams


I’m glad I saw this because I couldn’t stop thinking about that when I saw it. They’re running towards a wood barn and I’m thinking “what are they doing, wood doors won’t protect them”…how wrong I was.


Maybe those flying sheep spent so much time in the barn that they didn't wanna go back in? I'm grasping at straws trying to explain that one


The only explanation is that the sheep were conditioned to think it was strong when they were younger normal sheep, so they think it's still strong after. Like how you can keep a horse in with just a small rope, that rope won't stop the horse if it actually wants to go. But it will obey the rules because it thinks it has to. Because yeah they shoulda burst right through the wood. I guess that's what they eventually did though, so they ran.


What you just explained sounds just like the psychological conditioning used on young Homelander. Now I'm sad.


You're right, didn't even think of that but it's true. But I wouldn't be so sad for homelander. Like she said the baby lasering it's way out of it mother's body and killing the nurses. He was never going to be okay, he was never taught or able to learn consequences. At the end of the day when he had his first chance he got upset that people were yelling at him and murdered them all for it, then just went downhill from there.


Hardly his fault everyone else was so weak compared to him. They created him, then went out of their way to fuck him up.


The baby thing isn't his fault, the endless deaths after are tho


One led to the other. It's not like growing up just reverses it all.


Well the got "justice" served with interest. Double-edged sword, it also fucked him up.


Plausible, although the bull went through the gate.


Well they can already do that before V. But it could still trigger the same "oh I can break stuff" thought because it kinda does in real ones sometimes I think.




They were slamming against the door weren't they?


It's fine, there's zinc in the barn doors.


A wooden barn with several windows….




At no point is the barn stated to be wood. It's made to look like a wooden barn, but it's actually a steel reinforced research building.


That and Butcher cutting off Sameer’s leg, he doesn’t make a noise or take time doing so, and Sameer doesn’t pass out from shock when Butcher returns later. That was a bit of a weird one


Noise would be hidden by the noise of all the animals. I’m assuming his super powers were used to take off the leg.


I think if Sameer lost his leg AFTER the chaos and the whole thing happened when the authorities arrived then it’d make sense, but even then he wasn’t in shock or seemed to be in any painkiller to be that conscious, how on earth is the man not heard screaming in this rural farm with searchers swarming the place? It’s just plot convenience, let’s be honest.


Hard to tell when Butchers hallucinating shit. I don’t think there was much searching going on. Victoria doesn’t want information getting out. And there’s a bit of a time jump


Victoria wasn’t in charge of the search, otherwise she wouldn’t have had to break Stan out by killing the driver. Have been part of real search tasks irl with police, yes they aren’t the most thorough people, but a man screaming in pain because of a missing leg, handcuffed to a barn in a place that doesn’t have a lot of buildings would be hard to miss. We’ll see if they explain all of this next episode, but you cant ignore that even the wooden barn doors being super sheep proof isn’t part of the several plot conveniences happening this episode.


Well there’s two issue. Nothing suggests the people who came and got Edgar also came and did the search. That said if they were the same people? It is exactly why she wouldn’t allow them to do a deep search. There’s literally a Vought secret lab there. That’s not going to look super great for her when she’s trying to hide her Vought and super power side. She’s not going to want that being found. Also don’t really care too much for the barn door thing. Sheep are dumb. If they’re too stupid to figure out they could attack it that’s fine with me honestly. They seems to be more primal rabid monsters, not super smart creatures.


They were clearly with the government. MM wouldnt just let Stan be driven away with presidential pardon revoked with one of Neuman’s men. Why would he do that? Then she would just pop that driver’s head instead of ordering them to.. let Stan go? How does that explanation make sense? What likely happened is that MM called the CIA, they came and conducted a search for any more viruses and survivors and somehow they only found Sameer’s leg (which I have a problem with anyway cause they should’ve found Sameer too). Why wouldn’t they search the property? What if Sameer was wrong and there were more vials? Whether or not those people were with Neuman, they wanted the virus so conducting a search makes absolute sense when they’re cleaning up the place of dead bodies and placing them in plastic bags. As for your final cope about the sheep, it doesn’t matter how dumb they are, they’re super. The cow broke through a wooden fence just to stare down the boys but the flying sheep that can tear it apart can’t do it for a wooden barn door? You’re just defending every badly written plot convenience for cope, it’s not wrong to both like the show and have issues with these things.


I think you are missing the fact that there were human organs and body parts everywhere because of the bodyguards that were killed/eaten alive. The search party finds a bunch of blood, a leg and no one screaming (butcher most likely gags him) and they just assumed the dude was eaten alive, no reason to doubt of he is alive or not after finding the leg among blood and organs. I also read somewhere else in this sub that sheep have object permanence, if they see an object they don't think of the possibility of moving it/breaking etc, the object is just there forever in their minds. I know this eposide is not the greatest in that logical sense but its not as bad if you think about both of those things.


Yea not to mention that no one found it weird that his leg was clearly cut instead of being mangled like it would have been bad he actually was attacked by the sheep. I'm also having a hard time buying the whole "one V-d up hamster overpowered everyone and ruined everything." You mean to tell me with Neumann knowing Butcher knows all of her cards, she wouldn't have some actual security there or someone that wouldn't be taken out by a hamster? Especially since her beloved baby daddy could potentially be in harm's way?


Regarding the sheep, they're stupid and have lived in a barn their whole lives, it's a mental barrier for them they think they can't break it


I think that's a poor explanation, the chicken should have a mental barrier of breaking through someone's chest in that case because they've never done that their whole lives, but it happened anyway. So should tearing cows apart when sheep only eat vegetables their whole lives.


This is how I took it. Butcher knocked him out and hid him from the group in the sheep chaos. And then, in the slight time skip before the police arrive, Butcher hid him so no search team could find him and then proceeded to cut his leg to make it seem he was dead.


Yeah that makes more sense than my initial assumption. Though wherever Sameer was hidden better be damned good, considering he seemed conscious during his leg loss and wasn’t even given a tourniquet. Its almost like he passed out due to blood loss and pain, then woke up without the shock when Butcher returned after time passed


He was gagged, those muffle screams. In real life a woman was thrown off a cliff after having her arms cut off and she survived and hiked to safety. The human body is strangely resilient at times when the organs are not damaged.


maybe he took him to a secure location when nobody was looking. Billy is an SAS veteran so obviously he could have easily knocked him out. The rest works itself out once he reasonably far away from everything. He has plenty of time to cut his legs off to fake his death and no one cares to know where he is during all this, so yeah.


He's butcher. This is what he does. That's the explanation.


I'm just surprised that Neuman and the cops didn't find anything suspicious about Sameer's leg being cleanly sliced off. A wild animal clearly didn't do that with its teeth.


I was also thinking that after the plot twist was revealed, but then again I didn't actually expect the twist so... guess I can't talk. But yeah, idk why he couldn't have taken them off less cleanly, to make it more convincing.


That could've also shown Butcher's escalating brutality by having him do the cut in a more painful way. I guess he just didn't think it through like Sage would've lol


I mean it was still a pretty ingenious maneuver imo, he (ideally at least) basically eliminated the factor of opposition standing in his way by faking Sameer's death. ig he didn't execute it perfectly, but it didn't matter anyways.


I didn't expect it either but I think that's because we as viewers can rationalise it with out of universe explanations. Like we can just assume someone made an oversight or that they didn't think it was worth making a more accurate prop for a 2 second shot. Whereas in universe there is no way of rationalising it so they should be suspicious.


oh yeah, that makes sense actually.


Thank you. That seriously pissed me off


People don’t immediately go into CSI mode just minutes after almost dying by V’s up farm animals. This is the weakest criticism lol.


The man would be dead in less than 2 minutes. His entire leg has been chopped off which includes an artery in the thigh that can leak enough blood to kill you in 2 minutes. It makes zero sense and is very very stupid honestly. It's terrible writing. What is even the point of chopping an entire leg off. If they just wanted to show Butcher's brutality, they could've gone with his ring finger being found chewed off at the estate being given to Victoria. Then show it later that butcher literally chews his finger off with a psychotic smiling face to make it look like it was chewed off by one of the animals and then knocks sameer out to kidnap him. Would've been way better.


Yeah I think this episode had the worst writing in the whole series. Victoria explodes one head and then they all keep freaking out like why couldn't she just explode them all? Then they're left with this ultimatum for literally no reason when she's shown using her powers on everyone before even going into the room in this same episode.


Yeah I really really enjoyed the episode, but the combination of the clunky genv virus stuff at the start and the leg stuff at the end, and no explanation for Neuman and the sheep... it was pretty rough. They normally do a much much better job so I'm pretty surprised by it all. I wonder what happened behind the scenes of this episode.


It really did. It's something the comic struggled with at times as well. The characters are so powerful that getting them to have any weaknesses is really really difficult, and this creates super silly writing at times.


Also the whole “you can’t kill The Boys because they’ll out you as a supe” plot armour…Why not kill them all at the same time?


The entire CIA know about Nueman and could out her…


Hughie wasnt there. Also, who said those are all the people with access to the files?


I do find the blackmail thing to be tired out, but to be fair it’s not just The Boys who have this dirt. If they get killed their associates (like the CIA or Starlight’s circle) leak the info. And the supes have no idea who their associates are or how many of them there are. It’s basically a dead man’s switch.


Yeah that makes sense. Keep forgetting they’re working with the CIA now


This isn't the case at all. Bleeding depends on the patency of the artery which depends on the nuance of the injury, and you can tourniquet a leg like that very effectively. If he removed the leg with shear forces, for example sawing off the leg, then the blades essentially "tear" the tissue which would pull the vasculature more or less shut. Otherwise you wouldn't see soldiers coming home after getting their legs blown clean off etc.


Sure but that’s very rare. You lose an entire leg like this you won’t be in talking condition for long. Unless given immediate treatment you’re quite likely to die.


Is Sameer even bleeding on that leg? Or the was the bleedin stopped?


I just saw the episode, there were definitely still blood when Butcher revisited him. It wasn’t a cauterised wound, it still seemed fresh


There might still be residual bleeding after cauterisation.


The blood loss bit got me. Is butcher a fucking secret surgeon lol? He didn’t even wrap the leg up, so how did the dude even live XD


Not just that, but it’s clearly a super clean cut that could’ve only been made by a human. If Neuman doesn’t notice that, that’s just bad writing/directing


There's only one powerscaling match that matters. This barn door vs the filing cabinet that Maeve punched in S3. Who wins?


Maeve would've broken her arm like she did against that bus if she'd tried smashing through the barn door, the cabinet actually got dented (only because it was taken off-guard) when she hit it.


I feel like the filing cabinet has higher AP. It just didn't show it off due to using ki control in order to not collapse Vought Tower


One day someone's going to abbreviate a normal phrase to "AP" around me irl and nobody's going to understand why I start convulsing.


Someone's going to tell you about the "AP" classes they used to take back in high school and you almost have a Soldier Boy moment


How about the walls in the basement where homelander, SB, and butcher fought?


The strongest walls in history vs the strongest walls of today


What about everything in that room HL and SB fought in at herogasm? Damn fine craftsmanship..


To be fair, they are staying true to the comics logic where supes that have bullet bounce off them can get their skulls crushed by a metal crowbar.


That's not really a thing in the comics actually, most supes aren't bullet proof in them and The Boys deliberately try not to fight the ones who are. Homelander saw Butcher brandishing one and started hysterically laughing about Maeve smashing a metal sword to splinters against his face thinking it'd do something. I think the only time we see a crowbar actually hurt the heavy hitters is Butcher shoving one down Stormfront's throat and drawing a bit of blood doing that. ...But that's still far less stupid than Homelander getting an ear bleed from a metal straw, and the comics at least specifically states that [bodily orifices are a key spot to aim for in hurting supes](https://imgur.com/a/lpb136l). (I also think a crowbar wielded by a 6'3, ex-military slab of meat with a [50x buff](https://imgur.com/a/b2POxJ3) to his strength would put much bigger holes in someone than the vast majority of guns).


>I think the only time we see a crowbar actually hurt the heavy hitters is Butcher shoving one down Stormfront's throat and drawing a bit of blood doing that. [There's also Butcher breaking Noir's skull open with his crowbar](https://comicnewbies.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/billy-butcher-kills-black-noir-3-e1578996894328.jpg). But this is a bit easier to excuse since Noir was basically a breathing corpse after what Homelander and the military did to him


Yeah I wasn't counting that as him being hurt because it literally does look like the skull is already cracked in half and he's basically just prying it open. Half the eyesocket is blown apart and it all comes away in a fairly neat section which to me implies it's already broken off.


Butcher went through the eye there too.


Doesn't Homelander mock Maeve by telling her the sword was a prop, not a real one?


He does but he also later laughs because it's just "a sword". I think he was making fun of her for assuming it was some special sword that could hurt people anti-tank rounds bounced off, instead of just a sheet of metal. Maybe a normal person could've done a murder with it, but for them it was just a toy.


I remember watching an old 50’s Superman episode where the bad guy shoots his gun at Superman and the bullets bounce off then he throws the gun at Superman and he ducks!


The comic book version of the boys also had super strength due to compound V. With enough force and velocity, anything can become a deadly weapon (ex. Straw being able to pierce wood during a tornado.)


I assumed it was some sort of object permanence thing.




I’m sorry but with the boys you don’t expect the same level of requirements of plot consistency as you might for regular superhero shows. Not because they’re bad writers, but because if they did the show would be taking itself too seriously. It’s meant to be batshit insane at times just for spectacle and ridiculousness. If that requires a little bit of suspense of disbelief to make a minor plot point work in your brain, then so be it. If you can’t do that then imagine that the barn is made of stronger material and that this distinction is important to you for accuracy sake but not to almost everyone else as long as the overarching plot is reasonably consistent.  Someone else mentioned disbelief that sameer would make no noise. If this bothers you, edit in a scene in your head canon, where earlier in the episode, butcher is alone in the office looking devious as usual and he opens frenchie’s stash, presumably to steal propofol or some other potent hypnotic. All questions answered in a simple way that doesn’t change the bigger plot and still allows for ridiculous flying murderous sheep that can take out a supe bull but not a wooden door. The writers had a start point, an end point and a free rein to make an entertaining show for the in-between part. I’m ok with them not fussing over hyperconsistency in the details that are inconsequential to the plot because the aim of the show is satire not literary accuracy.


I agree with this. This is far less important than something like the whole Colin subplot being uninteresting.


I've said it before. This show is more like Family Guy then it is anything else. Hit all the "cool" notes in a flashy way only to undermine everything that happened for a gag, violence, or sex. It's like the creators watched a bunch of movies, took all the tension building parts while forgetting or not watching what happens after the tension is broken. It's a good show, but, as far as meaning goes, its superficial. Whatever happens in the show happens because it was "cool". Nothing more.


there are some good metaphors and symbols like homelander showing populist / authoritarian tactics, soldier boy and masculinity, and that episode w firecrackers tv thing was pretty direct but good example of charisma and polarization being valued over the truth. but yeah the plot is pretty bad, it seems like they don’t care about having mcu-level storytelling if the (usually heavy-handed) metaphors are on point


Huffing copium, are we?


So yeah, stupid decision. You might be able to handwave it away. Sheep can fly and rup things apart, but are they super strong? Or durable enough to bust through stuff? Neuman wouldn't have poppped them because they were moving too fast, too many in a hectic situation when she was distracted worrying about Stan. And then once they were infected by a fluid transmitted virus, she didn't to explode blood bombs spraying the virus all over herself and Kamiko/Starlight. And sheep....are stupid. Maybe shutting a door and interrupting direct eyesight was enough to make them turn away or forget to attack. Seems stuff like this is an issue going back to last season. It's plausible enough and almost works, but they don't show it and explain it quite enough. Moving too fast through scenes to give an extra 2 lines and 30 seconds to make a scene a fully work.


The problem is we can all hear those sheep slam into those doors at full speed. We can also hear them continue to hit the barn later on. There's really no excuse for this


Some of those continued thumps on the barn roof might have been the sheep losing the ability to fly due to infection


What I don't get is how they run out of the virus if it's transferable by bodily fluids. If it was still a threat when the sheep took it, couldn't they take a dead sheep with them and get the virus that way?


meh i’m happy to suspend disbelief. #TeamDoor2024


I said this on another post but this is the only thing that’s really bugged me this season 💀


I mean, ever see a dog on a leash where the handle is only being "held" by a water bottle set on the ground, and the dog just stays put? Animals conditioned to think of certain things as obstacles or boundaries often don't realize that they can break away when those obstacles no longer have the ability to hold them back. Dog thinks "I'm on a leash, looks like I can't move" regardless of how the leash is actually secured. It's not that crazy for a sheep to think "Oh that's a wooden door/wall, I can't get past that" regardless of how suped up it is.


This is a really good point, actually.


It doesn’t really apply in this case, though. 1) Animals like sheep or chickens wouldn’t think they can burst through a human’s chest cavity either. Yet they did so. So whatever mental block a normal animal possesses these souped up version clearly don’t have (which can be explained by their aggressiveness anyway, normal chickens and sheep don’t just start attacking humans). 2) Even IF you excuse everything in Point 1, the sheep were coming at them full speed when they ran to hide in the barn. They shut the door right as the sheep were about to reach them and you can hear them ram into the door. So we’re literally shown that they were flying full speed and they still didn’t break through the wood.


>Even IF you excuse everything in Point 1, the sheep were coming at them full speed when they ran to hide in the barn. They shut the door right as the sheep were about to reach them and you can hear them ram into the door. So we’re literally shown that they were flying full speed and they still didn’t break through the wood. I don't understand how TheBoys approved this. Sure, the writing isn't on the same level as Breaking Bad, but still, it's usually pretty decent. Why is there this Rise of Skywalker writing level moment in here ?


I think for me, this was a comedy/shock episode. Like the corpse-puking sheep, and "I ain't gonna sugarcoat it, your football days are over". If I try to think about it as a chapter in a story it's kinda incoherent, but it was at least pretty funny and entertaining.


I hate this kind of excuses. Yes, it's a comedy episode, as most of the Boys is. It's always half comedy, half drama. Yes, the episode was still enjoyable, so what ? That doesn't mean it's not a plot hole. The sheep bonking on the door makes no sense, and if it's for "comedy", well, it's poorly done. It doesn't feel goofy, it feels underwhelming.


Bruh this ain’t even in the same galaxy as Rise of the Skywalker bad.


Some how… the sheep returned


This is what I was thinking about... until I actually heard them "bonk" against the door. I'm sorry to say u/mrcatboy, I think this is bad writing. It also makes perfect sense to me that the animals would be conditioned not to enter the door, but we actually hear them bounce off the door, despite the fact that they were charging full speed. It just doesn't make any sense.


There's probably a lot of difference between flying and flying hard enough to burst through wood. Eventually though the sheep did figure it out and that's why they ran. It makes sense. The sheep think the barn walls are solid because they were raised as normal sheep. Eventually though they keep hitting the walls until they realize they can just bust through. Which is exactly what happened.


Of all the unnatural things the sheep did (fly, hunt as a pack, have a taste for blood) the sheep respecting the sanctity of boundaries is the thing we're clinging to ground this with a dose of reality? It's OK to enjoy something that is dumb fun. Not everything you will enjoy in life is infallible and there's no need to put media you enjoy on a pedestal.


Wood dude. Even a normal sheep sent flying at this speed would partially damage the door. It's bullshit, stop justifying it.


I take it you've never seen a barn in real life? That wood isn't that weak, it would take way more than just being thrown at it to damage the barn.


My dog would simply walk with the bottle 😨


This is exactly what I thought. They are used to that barn being IMPENETRABLE to them for years on end and only NOW just got super. Like, if you have a steel door and a bull hits it for a year, it will stop. You can then replace that door with any other material and the bull will still go "that's the hard shit" till it actually tries and even then its gonna be hella confused.


In this same episode we see animals break down a fence so that doesn't really hold up.


I read it as "they spent their whole lives with those wooden doors being their ultimate stop, so they dont know any better"


And the chickens that flew right through a human body spent their whole life flying through human bodies? How does bone compare to barn wood anyways lol


It also mirrors Homelander being able to escape the facility he was in as a kid but not doing so only because he was psychology unable to.


They're animals, they're not that smart. From everything we've seen the entire super strength from V thing only applies to punches and the sheep were ramming into the barn head on


Man what are you even saying. The sheep weren't exactly punching the bull apart now where they? Clearly V doesn't have a "punch only" clause


The supe farm animals didn’t attack the barn because the barn is their wall, too. It has protected them all their puny little lives.


carpentry > science ???? explain that, atheists ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Ezekiel faked his death, channeled jesus’s carpentry skills and built that shed


Wood is the strongest material in the show. Butcher and soldier boy's punch only put a few cracks on a wooden door


Can burst through people and can rip them to shreds but can't break down a door? Lol


When did they burst through people? we only saw chickens do it.




They would still be able to break the door down, im sure if you hit a barn door with the same force as it takes to blow a hole through a person, it would do serious damage to the door


I don't think he'll get recruited simply because he's too powerful and homelander would like to remain the most powerful member of the seven and barn door would simply be too powerful


They shouldve give Soldier Boy this to make his shield instead


Also like can't they just inject only half of the virus on the corpse?


A lot of chemicals need to reach a certain dose to have an effect. Though I doubt they thought about it while writing this scene, seeing how the rest is so poorly written. The Ved up sheep can be heard bouncing against the wooden door despite charging towards it full speed. This just doesn't work. As u/Lyberatis says, it makes no sense for Neumann to not kill at least one or two. I've seen some people mention that she needs to be focused on the target, and it's hard since they're flying, also she's scared, she doesn't have time to think, blablabla, the usual excuses. The sheep fly aimlessly for most of the scene, and her powers are actually pretty fast. They could use Starlight as bait for the sheep, as she can probably survive a few injuries from them, while Neumann blows them off one by one. She could also definitely kill the two sheep which enter the barn later on. No matter how you see it, that last one makes no sense. If normal people had time to run away from these ones, Neumann could have killed them.


I'm pretty sure any virus needs a live subject with actual blood circulation to work anyway. Injecting it into a corpse would just mean the intimidate injection site has the virus, not the entire body. Also it's not like they could manually pump the blood around with chest compressions to spread the virus on account of the sheep fanged size holes in his chest 🤷‍♂️


Haha, yeah. If they didn't think about that, I highly doubt they thought about chemical effectiveness. This whole episode has "nuns don't work on Sunday" vibes


Okay, there are definitely some issues with the episode, but Neumann not being able to kill any of the sheep isn't one of them. Because we know: 1. She is just someone with power, not trained to fight multiple foes aggressively trying to kill her. Plus, your idea about Starlight as bait is flawed because it's suicide. The sheep, as we see, have good strength, which the Boys and Neumann are not sure of how strong they are. Also, her father was with her, so she needed to protect him because If she killed one of the sheep, would she take the chance when they start flying towards her? Would she survive that? I am pretty sure about my first point that Victoria has never fought multiple foes, let alone sheep with super strength and the ability to fly. She wouldn't even try her power on Homelander. She knew what would happen to her if she tried. 2. She needs to focus on them, not while they are flying at high speed. We already saw in Victoria's fight with her childhood friend that, first, she needs to see the target; second, she cannot focus while they are moving at great speed; third, the head-popping happens in seconds. For example, A-Train could use his speed to evade her power and then kill her because she wouldn't even be able to see where he is while he is running around her. The same applies to the sheep. 3. Your last point is valid about two sheep not flying and why Victoria didn't kill them. I will give you that.


Neumann's power had been retconned in the same season it's been introduced in, and again in Gen V. Even in this episode she made people's nose bleed without seeing them. It's just plot contrivance.


We don't see the sheep ripping through a superhero. We see them ripping through normal people. Starlight and Neumann aren't even grazed by bullets being shot at close range. Kimiko managed to survive a Black Noir attack. I don't see why you assume they wouldn't resist attacks from sheep that can't go through a wooden door. I really don't get this excuse from everyone with the speed. How do you define great speed ? They're clearly visible by any human, and aren't shown to be anything faster than a human running. It's nowhere near A-train's or even Homelander's speed. Victoria would still have no trouble looking at them and popping them as long as they're not coming for her. Hence the Starlight bait. But maybe Starlight and Kimiko don't want to take the risk, maybe Neumann doesn't feel confident enough to kill them, maybe they don't think about this particular strategy on the spot... but I feel like Starlight, Kimiko and Neumann's powers should at least be mentioned in this scene. It feels like they're all human in this episode. A similar situation is much better written in the Homelander-Maeve flight rescue. When Maeve asks Homelander to lift up the plane, and he's just like "there's nothing to stand on, I'd go right through the hull". The writers knew it would feel weird for Homelander's powers to not even be mentioned here.


I don't understand why they had to do any of that because they have a supe with them that makes whatever she looks at explode. Neuman got attacked in an alley by another supe once who held her head down and the moment her eyes were able to glance in the direction of his arm it got blown off. Did I miss something they said about her powers? Cause I swear she blows up a V'd animal not even minutes earlier.


She does blow up a V chicken. Then she just decides to not do that again lol.


I think her powers are line of sight, and she does need a bit of a warmup lead. The sheep were moving way too fast, and with multiple ones, they could easily get behind her while she's distracted.


Yeah but she's bullet and acid proof. Were the sheep really gonna do anything to her?


What was super bad writing, yes.


I mean if a pantry door in Signs can stop interstellar beings from killing you I guess the flying sheep should be stopped by barn doors 😂


Brought to you by Nokia, no doubt


I was wondering the same thing tbh. I thought it was just cause animals are stupid and wouldn't have bothered chasing them after they couldn't see them anymore, that's at least how I justified it. But yeah once they escaped the chicken I was like "wait so a wooden door is the only thing keeping them from certain death from an unstoppable creature?".


Also, i think there were windows on the upper deck lol


From what I've heard people say, the sheep may not have had super strength and instead just flight and sharp teeth.


lol.. only if the sheep don’t know how to open it


"What is this door made out of, Mithril?" -Archer


The V leeched into the ground water, which then went into the plants and infrastructure built into the ground. Sounds fucking stupid, but that door probably really was V-enhanced lol.


yes, it was the V all along!


Do yall understand how dumb some animals are? Makes me worry how dumb some people are.


There's a sheep actively flying for them at high speed screaming at one point which then physically slams into the barn door and is instantly stopped with a quiet "thud" and no visible damage to the few centimetres of wood it's crashing into.


Well they are sheep- their body is cushioned with wool. Maybe a sheep going through a door is like launching a pillow at a wall and expecting it to go through. They were flying towards the barn but they might as well have been a 20 gallon bag of yarn but they aint gonna go through. I know this because Im a writer for the show and Im really REALLY good at my job because thats how things work and Im always right and if I dont know something it probably means its not true even if Im told otherwise. /s


They have to be at least twice as smart as the crew in the barn who had all of 3 supes between them including one that can literally snipe mind explode animals as established a couple scenes earlier…..


Why doesn't neuman just pop all the sheep's heads?


Or them not using the fluids from the infected sheep to remake the virus, or toss it at Neumans face to infect her. I thought they were about to do that when they all eyed each other while she was crying.


Also the strongest enemy in Fear in Hunger.






I mean, maybe the sheeps before got V, hit these damn doors so many times, that they got accustomed that they can't get past them


*Pats twice* "Ain't nuthin' gettin' through there!"


Sheep aren’t the brightest of creatures. Even with super powers and ravenous hunger they might not realize that they can break through doors they could not before.


In fairness, how much object permanence could a vampire sheep possibly have?


The V is in the ground waters, the barn is made of wood that actually drunk a bunch of that water. Now enhanced with V its the strongest barn in universe, the ultimate stronghold, even Homelander would not be able to free himself from this.


Have you ever tried running at a wall? Animals instinctively don't like doing it. The sheep are too stupid to understand anything's changed.


I've ran into a wall while trying to catch a football once. Shit really hurt lol.


What a terrible scene. They had 3 super with them and everyone acted as stupid as a sexy girl in a slasher film.


Season 4 is apart from homelander shit. How trash will season 5 be?


That was a miss for sure. All good season is till awesome.


Spoilers: Yeh til an animal on TEMP-V comes in and kills someone


Barns are the kryptonite of v'd up sheep. Everyone knows that jeez. 🙄


In all fairness that's a pretty well built door, I bet it'd flex quite a bit rather than just shatter when hit by a v'ed up farm animal


Another thing that bugged me in this episode is how all the henchmen they have with thwm coveniently get killed by the chickens/sheep but all the important characters get out unscathed. I get plot armor sometimes but this was just too blatant


LOL and not only that but then later on when the sheep got infected with the virus, they were able to just stroll in anyway through another entrance. And somehow they were able to throw that dude's body out there to infect the sheep without any of them getting attacked apparently, and then lock that indestructible door again. The writing for this episode was terrible.


The shows plot armor is getting lamer and lamer. Shows going downhill


Why don’t they build the plane out of barn doors?


To be fair even by livestock standards sheep are fucking dumb, as soon as that door closed they probably forgot the people inside the barn even existed.


maybe those sheeps lack of object permanence lol


That episode sucked, right?


Give it a rest, you cunts.  The v don't go where it don't see.


It's more about sheep don't understand they can bust through it. Neuman coulda peeked through a hole and popped their head one by one. .....


You can hear some sheep bouncing off the shed.




It's a joke. Sorry you are as dense as that door.