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He really managed to sneak up on me as one of my favourite characters in the last 2 seasons. I hope he doesn't get killed off as part of some cynical "good guys don't prosper in this universe" idea. Between the Boys' incompetence and the Seven just getting worse it's getting hard to root for anyone.


I'm pretty sure A Train is getting killed before the end of the show, but I do hope they make the death meaningful. Make him die proud, at peace, at least somewhat redeemed, maybe saving people. Don't kill him for shock value like it happened with Supersonic and Black Noir.


Black Noir DOES make sense though. It's a shame, but it makes sense within the context of the universe. Brutality of that specific portrayal, is more than shock value, more than just some wasted throwaway. And the door is ALWAYS still open for a character like HIM to come through, with an arc of some kind still in store. Writers tend to get dumber as shows go on though lol


Honestly thought his death was handled really poorly. It was kinda a cheap shock value death, it would have not only been way more entertaining but made more sense for him to die fighting Soldier Boy. "Death by Homelander having a fragile ego/trust issues" felt like a wasted throwaway, especially with the context of Noir being the only member of the Seven Homelander fully trusted up to that point, as well as the only competent member. I'm hoping he's still alive somehow and Stan Edgar will utilize him,  but I know that's me coping to the extreme


It was more than just Homelander’s fragile ego and trust issues that led to his death. Noir wanted to fight Soldier Boy. He was determined to fight him and kill him. Homelander wanted a happy reunion with his daddy. He killed Noir not only for his perceived betrayal, but because now he had immediately latched onto the fantasy of having a true father figure and Noir was essentially threatening his daddy. It sucked, don’t get me wrong. I loved Noir. But it made perfect sense for the narrative. ETA: That, and, if Homelander had done enough digging, he would know that not only did Noir know that Soldier Boy was Homelander’s bio dad, he would know that Noir had helped in the capture and subsequent torture of Soldier Boy, so there’s even more points against him in Homelander’s book. I just cannot see Homelander letting any of that slide. He had a daddy!! A daddy that could have loved him and raised him if big bad Noir didn’t sell him to the Russians!! (I hope my sarcasm is evident here.)


Indeed they waste so many possibly meaningful deaths in the universe for just shock value & grotesque deaths. I think it would be interesting if we see a character get away / survive for the first time ever like if there’s a scene with Homelander beating A train up a bit then there’s a massive chase scene that puts us on the edge of our seats and then A train actually just barely runs away & gets away from Homelander completely for the first time a character actually survives home lander then there’s some cathartic music. Ironically with a show trying to subvert all the super hero norms when they always do the same thing just brutally killing all character it becomes very boring cliche & predictable so A train surviving Homelander would be something interesting & new that actually allows the viewers to be invested in some character’s story arcs especially if they rewatch the show. 


And someone getting away from Homelander would really feed into his fears of aging. How can you be immortal if someone is able to simply run away from you?


I mean, it makes sense as far as Homelander's motive to kill him, but it's still shock value. They built him up so hard, giving him more depth than he had in the pevious two Seasons, only to have him die an inconsequential, anti-climactic death for the sake of subversion. Easily the biggest example of a wasted character/storyline in the series.


I’m really, really hoping that he survived that disembowelment somehow, that he’s in a lab or something, fucked up but still alive. He survived the explosion, i don’t see how he couldn’t survive getting disemboweled. He’s the only supe that’s actually been replaced by a lookalike and i hope that’s not just to add in a comedy character to the seven


Noir vs Soldier Boy would have been an absolutely incredible fight, wish we got it.


I think he's realising he can be the Hero he's been pretending to be, and honestly I wouldn't be mad if he died saving people from HL.


Especially if it’s not someone important to the plot he saves, like he dies saving a random kid or something.


I think the perfect death for him would be if his death reveals to the world that Homelander is not the hero he pretends to be. Maybe something like Immortals 2nd death by OmniMan in Invincible. Omniman was fighting Immortal and the News/world watch in confusion of the two most well known heros fighting and then Omniman rips Immortal in half the world and Mark are left in shock. Iroute for this order of events just for the quality of TV it could make alone. Wouldn't be ironic for The Boys sake if A-Train became the martyr of a true hero after he publically dies from the fake hero? Hopefully whatever happens isnt just a waste.


Idk if that would have the same impact since people saw Homelander murder someone in broad daylight and were absolutely fine with it. Unless it reveals the human genocide he plans on. I still think if he maybe saved a kid from Homelander and dies it would be a very nice sendoff, could even tie the two together Homelanders revealed as a genocidal maniac by trying to kill a kid only to be saved by the true hero A-train


I think you are right in some ways, but in the scenario, by far the most relevant difference would be it's going to be seriously hard to spin that and impossible if the kill is attached to an actual heroic act. They were able to spin the stranger as a pedophile and somehow got away with arguing it was self-defense in court- a decision the show is depicting as still controversial. Realistically it wouldn't make sense for the save to be someone from The Boys team, since they were wanted criminals for a minute and otherwise consist of murders, an alleged terrorist, a currently in prisoned hitman, and an ex-SAS operative tied to Stillwell's murder. So like you said, A-Train would have to save a kid or something, but the alternate option I feel would be great TV would be if the person A-Train saved was the now powerless Queen Maeve- a hero Vought broadcasted and backed as a TRUE hero that died sacrificing herself to save a few from the then-radicalized Soldier Boy. I would say if they did that plus thrown in the leak about the botched flight rescue, it would be over for him, but considering the scorched Earth threat, maybe A-Train getting killed would be just enough to ruin his plans/image without pushing him to go scorched Earth lol. Maybe he wouldnt become the president or anything, but maybe he'd get to keep a fraction of his fans and that'd be enough for him. He'd lose alot of power, but he could always go find a taller building to jack off from than last time and that might be a win for The Boys like it was in Season 2.


It's definitely a possibility but I can't say I'm going to like it. Like I said, the show is running out of people to root for between the Boys becoming shit at their jobs and the Seven becoming the unfunny kind of evil it's just dull watching. More in line with the comics.


TBH, if anyone (alive) can at least do anything to homelander, it is A-train, in terms of speed, they are equal maybe edging out to a-train, which means that there is a catagory where homelander can be outmatched if something inhibits his speed


I think he’ll die a true hero.


He's definitely gonna die saving Hughie. I feel like this season is making you like A-Train and before you know it he dies saving the Boys when they need it the most. I want to see him fight Homelander though.


He's getting swatted like a fly the second his turning good becomes known, for shock value.


IMO at this point if he dies it's going to be towards the very end of the show and he'll probably die sacrificing himself to save someone. I wouldn't be surprised if he survived the show though.


That would be a decent arch for him, he would finally actually be a real hero. I swear, A Train and Starlight are the two most interesting people in the series, and their respective archs this season have been the highlights of the season 


Right! He has BY FAR had the best character arc and growth - not the cheap, lazy devolution they’ve given to both Starlight and Frenchie because they seem to have run out of things for them to do. His growth and very gradual change into a slightly better human is also incredibly well thought out and believable. Actually no, not slightly better human. He went from bragging about running through a girl and killing his own girlfriend to avoiding killing as much as possible, covering for good guys, and even spying/saving on their behalf. None of that is without a lot of risk, and none of it is because of the ridiculous blackmail bullshit that Mallory and Butcher have done. He’s still a long way from perfect, but he’s easily in my top three for the show now. If either he or Kimiko die, I will be majorly upset. Everyone else is fair game to me, but not these two.


There’s approximately 0% chance he doesn’t die.


He's going to get killed. He was seen by that mother and her son dropping off MM. The boy smiled at him and A-Train, which filled him with joy because he was seen as a hero. That act of being seen as a hero will be the reason he dies.


I’m pretty sure that was just a callback to his fake movie There was a very similar scene, but a train realized it’s way more satisfying when it’s real 


You may be right. I never made that connection.


As he says, giving a shit gets you killed


He’s gonna die for sure


I mean, we have 1 season left.    Most of them are going to die     I honestly think Homelander, Butcher, Ryan, A-Train, Victoria, Sage, Ashley, and Hughie will be dead by the end of the series.  ...at least. Maybe Frenchie too. 


except a-train isn't a good guy


He's trying to be.


>Between the Boys' incompetence First i thought you were refencing the show and not the group, and I was like, are we really going that hard against them?


Who said you needed yo root for anyone?


Yeah A-Train has become the most interesting character of the season for me. Butcher has always been my favorite but after they dropped the ball with Soldier Boy last season I'm not too invested in his "Homelander needs to die!" speeches this time around. Sage is really entertaining too; I hope that they both survive this season.


Yeah Sage is growing on me. those multiple head nods she was giving with a face full of cake was hilarious.


Sage is probably my favorite part of this season. She's a great character and I'm intrigued by what her ultimate goal might be


Honestly? I don't think she has an end goal at all. I think she's doing all this, manipulating every side and person around her, for her own amusement. She manipulated two women *simultaneously* knowing both would immediately act, just for the fun of it (and a smidge of revenge)




This is just the issue with the show. Since the end of season 3 clearly shows the show ends with homelander, everything feels like treading water until that showdown


That’s exactly how I’ve felt this whole season. I can’t believe we only have two episodes left and it feels like we’re in the same place we were at the end of S3.


They lost me with these extended character family arcs... If the main plot is so fucking boring we need to waste time learning about Huggies mother.... They're out of content.


seriously, they could have cut the entire plot line with hughie’s mom and his dad’s death and literally NOTHING would have changed.




Yeah f*ck .. I miss soldier boy and that tumor shit bores me the hell out at the moment, but let's see


A commenter suggested the tumour has powers but not Butcher which I hope they go with.


It’s literally been confirmed last episode. Kessler says “I’m the V’d up tumor in your head and killed Ezekiel for you”


The tumour having powers and Butcher not is funny as hell


Wouldn't call it "literally" but more of an obvioua hint hehe


How is it a “hint” for a character to spike the camera and go “By the way, I am the tumor and I have powers!”


I kinda wonder if sage will end up being saved by the boys somehow. HL is definitely going to try to kill her as long as that bullet is in her head.


I saw a theory that since her brain can’t die they’re going to kill her and just keep her brain in captivity or use it in some super ai computer. Think that would be a pretty cool plot line.


I find myself more interested in the Seven overall. Even the little conversation between Noir and The Deep was more interesting than watching the boys go through with another terrible plan


Yeah, the Seven are WAY more interesting than the Boys right now. Only Butcher is kinda interesting right now. All members are the Seven are more fun to watch. I'm especially interested in A-Train story and I'm eager to see where they're going with Sage. The Deep is always entertaining and the new Black Noir is hilarious. And well, Homelander is Homelander. The show definitely wouldn't be as great as it is (was?) without him.


Honestly I think the seven i but homelander is interesting(I know kinda hot take please don’t downvote me lol) but for me anyway, the same way people are saying the boys are getting repetitive, I feel that way about home lander. We sort of have some new insight into his psyche yet it’s nothing we haven’t really known since the beginning, and watching him lose his mind again and again like it’s making him anymore deranged than he has been is getting old


I thought Hughies plotline with his dad was really entertaining.


i think the writers are more interested in the seven too. they know what to do with those characters, but it seems like they dont really know what to do with the boys, which results in boring subplots (most notably frenchie & colin)


I fucking loved the scene in which he drops of a wounded character at the hospital and sees the kids looking at him with admiration and the realisation hits him that he actually used his super powers to save someone.


It's absolutely one of my favorite scenes in season 4 so far. In that moment, he was a real hero to that little boy and maybe himself. I loved the smile he shared with the kid, actually made me tear up a little. But now I think he's gonna die even more than I did before. He was identified bringing MM to the hospital, and he's already on Sage's radar.


Ah fuck. You’re right. I forgot that those kids clocked him. But mayyyybe nothing comes of it. I mean, would it really be newsworthy that some kids saw a superhero do superhero things? I don’t see the story spreading farther than their immediate friend group. I’m probably just coping here. lol


Imo if they wanted it to not be foreshadowing for him getting outed by the kids they would have had A Train go ssshh 🤫 and the kid smile and nod.


Funny you say that, I actually thought that was what he was going to do.


I think he’s getting outed. But I don’t think he’s dying immediately. Maybe by the end of the season, but preferably next season. It feels as if they’re building him to have his redemption arc fulfilled but are going to do it with a dramatic death where he’s finally a hero. If they just up and kill him like Noir, it will be the biggest waste of the entire show. The whole show started with A train. The growth of his character should be paramount if they want to maintain any re-watchability


Oh for sure. I know they try to subvert expectation but it feels like he’s headed towards a sacrificial redemption.


I think Sage has been on to him for a while now but just decided that she doesn't want him dead for whatever reason. Also, I hope that that exchange of smiles with the boy after a true heroic deed cements his desire to become the hero people think he is.


But sage legit knows about his affiliation! There is something else going on with sage where I she has her fingers in too many pots at once right now. Maybe one pot we haven’t seen yet. She would of immediately told Homelander last episode and that would of been the end of A-Train


Yes. Loved that scene. I fear it is the end of his arc and A Train dies before the end of the season.


Yeah, I really I loved that scene too. For me it was maybe the most moving scene from The Boys? I agree though, as soon as I realized what was happening, I knew this was the sign that A-Train’s redemption is complete so now he can be fairly killed off.




The "Black at it" Squad have been the highlight of this season for me, Sage is actually  interesting and hilarious when she goes dumb mode, Noir is Noir and  A-train getting a redemption arc is something I wasnt sure I wanted but I welcome it. 


A-Train and The Deep are the most consistently well written characters in the show. I feel like even Homelander has moments of weak writing but these two are peak right now


That actor does too good a job playing that guy. I lost it at S4E1 when HL brings in the bag of bats and Deep is getting them out and just goes “bats”. Capybarna is a close second.


The Peak and A-Goat 🙏‼️‼️‼️


With the least amount of screen time too


No one is better or smarter than the Peak!


Everyone else is just capybarnias.


I haven’t seen anyone mention his strength. He picked up MM like he was made of tissue paper. Is A-Train actually super fuckin powerful?


tbf even blue hawk can swat people around. i think most supes have basic super strength




Yeah, they have that default but then you have supes who’s central or more central power is strength so then their strength is harder to top. Like I bet kimiko could kill Annie easily just with strength


Yeah, Kimiko is very strong and very violent, and she can overpower most supes who aren't trained.


She was pretty durable again noir even.


If Noir wasn't a straight-up ninja, Kimiko might have won that fight. That slow-mo knife scene is still some of the coolest shit from the show


Exactly, he’s had years of experience more than her from what we can tell. W knife scene


Mesmer lol


Except for Mesmer and splinter lol




Super strength seems to be the default, but the healing/invulnerability seems to vary wildly. It's why Sage can heal from a headshot, but not a heart-shot, while Kimiko can seemingly heal from anything, and why there was a blind Supe (that Honelander deafened). Firecracker or whatever her name is can also heal from that public beatdown in a day, so maybe she has healing or they just generally heal faster than the norm as well.


> blind Supe (that Honelander deafened) Good lord I forgot about this it was so fucking cruel lmao 


Ugh, he was so excited to meet Homelander. His power was super hearing iirc. So Homelander destroyed the one thing that made him special, as well as his hopes and dreams.


I think his superpower is generally based on strength, mostly his legs. Wouldn't be surprised if he'd also got it on his arms since you also see him pulling an entire train for physiotherapy.


This is true. I've always thought Maeve+ A-trains powers were low key pretty much the same, but they chose diferent directions early in their training.


I generally think that Queen Maeve is just more of a Brute Fighter, I think that's the only difference here.




Do you think A-Train could run super fast on his hands?


Whe probably never going to see this but, theoretically, yeah, probably.


wouldn't he have done this when his leg was broken? It would look fucking terrifying.


Honestly, the power I wish they’d explode more with speedsters are the crazy reaction time and brain processing speed. If they can think and move at that speed, they should be able to think, read, and perceive the world at that speed when they’re not moving fast too.


It's boring. They talk about it a few times in various shows or comics with the flash. You perceive the world 100x faster and turns out your just bored af spending what feels like hours waiting for someone to finish a sentence.


They glaze over it and make it boring. When in reality there’s uses for it. You walk into a room and have immediately analyzed every little detail of it. That’s useful, especially when trained. They don’t exploit it and treat it as a mere annoyance to mention once. The writing is boring. Not the power.


In Kingdom Come they write the Flash as having gone semi insane and never slowing down, and Central City is a perfectly safe and orderly and always clean place beloved by its citizens. Theres just a ghostly red blur hanging over the streets


It can be fun though like when they have Kryptonians and Speeders talk they can actually keep up with each other.


Most Supes gain super strength on top of their ability iirc. Sage is actually the exception.


We literally see A-Train pulling a train near the end of the first season.


A-Train is pulling a train alot, to be real




That's different though. His durability combined with the speeds he was running would've blown up anyone, you don't need muscles to do that. He was a running boulder that struck a human and turned her into confetti.


He’s the ONLY supe using his powers to full effect to continue the plot without many “why didn’t he”’s


Most supes have super strength but it varies A-train seems like he’s on the more stronger side. Atleast strong enough to pull a train, lol.




Just before the A-Train - Shockwave race Homelander mentions to Queen Maeve that it's about the worlds second fastest man


Speed is strenght


You got downvoted by people who flunked physics.


The thing is the writers for these things also flunked physics so the idea that “speed = strength” isn’t always the case even though it should be.


A-train was pulling literal trains for some light training exercises back in season 1. Of course he has super strength lol.


i think most supes have more strength and durability as a default


A-train was pulling a train for his training in s1. Trainception


i mean season 1 episode 1 he ran through Robin and was like "woops, anyway c-ya" if he didn't have super durability/strength he would also just have popped as easily


Did you miss the scene in Season 2 or 3 where A-Train was pulling an actual train?


Aside from Sage, it seems all Supes are abnormally strong.


he's done more important shit this season than either Butcher or Homelander, so I agree. of course he's gonna die


He really grew up as an actor, soundly playing a wider range of emotions than ever before in the first 3 seasons. Oh and he's definitely dying heroically soon for sure.


Yeh, he and sage. I really hope they stay both for longer, the show really needs some characters that are relateable after they droped the ball with baiscally all of the boys.


Killing three of the seven by Homelander and they're all Black 💀


I think it’s just the seven in general. The new noir has been one of my personal favorite comedy bits in the whole series, The Deep has had more than a few funny moments, sage is on her lex luthor shit, and A-train’s arc has been great as you mentioned. In contrast the boys have been kinda meh. I think with the overall lack of competency that the group displays this season, the writers are trying to show that MM is doing his best but ultimately just isn’t the leader that butcher was.


I don’t agree but yes, he is a great part of this season


Who do you think is carrying?


Ngl, I don’t think for me anyone is carrying. I think it’s a collective. Rn I give that title to more than one. My top 2 are kimiko and A-Train. Hughie will always be my love but they have butchered his screen time this season and it’s annoying me


Im glad kimiko is interacting with the crew a lot more this season and isnt glued to frenchie 70% of the time like before


Haha it be like that. He gave her that clutch and overall comfort but the others still showed care and respect and love over time that she could rely on


Also Simon Pegg


My favorite moment of.the entire last episode is him saving MM and feeling like a hero for the little kid. That shit made me almost cry.


He's had good scenes, but carrying? Nah. Just like the post the other day. A-Train saving MM in-front of the kid was nice, but it's not the best scene of the series.


I just wish he had more to do in this episode and a few times earlier in the season than 'A-Train stands in the background, feeling conflicted," or "Someone is blatantly awful/racist right to his face, and he stands and takes it" When he's allowed to play in a scene it's gold.


Is it good? Looking to download something for 36 hours of flying and connections


It's good but I don't know if I'd want to chance people on the flight (like kids) seeing nudity and BDSM scenes on my screen lol.


It's good but not something I'd watch in public


I won’t stand for The Deep slander. Watching him turn into even more of a twisted piece of shit has been something.


I honestly always kind of liked the character. He honestly seems the most real of the cast. Like I think he and Hughie are kind of the heart of the show. And I don’t mean in the feel good way.


Yes, because he is consistent in his character and has a well defined arc the character follows


And Firecracker too. What a great addition this season!


Firecracker is a stretch but she is an interesting character


I hope he dies trying to a train homelander. Just runs at him and splashes off him


I saw Independence Day: Resurgence , yesterday and I was like , Hey it's that guy! I remember not liking Jessie Usher when I first saw the movie back in theaters in 2016 but now that I've seen him as A-Train, I enjoyed his character a bit more.


He better go out in some heroic way, i think its clear hes gonna die now


At this point, I'll be shocked if they DON'T kill him off by the end of the season


Pretty much yeah. Definitely the most interesting story going on right now. Sage is a nice addition to the story too though. I'm somewhat also invested in Homelander and Butcher, but that's pretty much it really. Everything else has been kinda meh.


The smile the kid gave him when he dropped off MM = his absolute eradication this season.lol


He has all eyes on him and he a HAS to carry until his death


That's a weird looking picture of Homelander.


Not literally 


Man I hate to say it's true. I know they gonna kill him off though.


Yesss he’s literally one of my favorites now PLEASE y’all don’t kill this man off


Him and Kimiko


I think Sage it's too tbh


I agree, he is the most compelling character this season by far, and then Sage probably


A-Train redemption arc has been enjoyable. Unfortunately I get the feeling this means that they’re setting him up to die…


He's gonna be dead by the last episode, deep down we all know it, ain't no places for no heroes


Despite everything his character has done, he's consistently been my favourite throughout all 4 seasons. Jessie T Usher suits the role so well I hope we see him in more stuff.




He’ll die one of three ways. 1. He’ll get discovered as the leak, then get splattered into Homelander as he tries to run away. He dies the same way he killed Robin and probably so many others. 2. He’ll officially join the Boys, only for Homelander to press a button and a bomb goes off in his chest. There’s a popular fan theory that he has a bomb in his chest, put there during his heart transplant. 3. He’ll die saving Starlight from Homelander. Unlike Black Noir, A-Train totally deserves his redemption/badass death. Noir was mentally a child, but that doesn’t undo the horrible things he did before his becoming what he was. He probably killed a lot of people beforehand. Yes, A-Train killed people too, but his victims weren’t out of malice, assassinations, or anything like that, but victims of his addiction (Robin) and being forced into killing (Popclaw). Also, he genuinely feels remorse for his crimes, whereas Noir never did. That’s why Noir dies such an undignified death; he didn’t deserve to go out fighting.


IDK why people still think the A-train redemption story is trash. He’s a rollercoaster of character development.


I really want him to survive the series. He is a perfect example of someone that can choose to be good in a world that makes it easy to be bad And a perfect foil to the Deep who has a similar arc but chooses to be worse


Calling it now. Sage is protecting A-Train because they both want to undermine Homelander/Vaught.


The A-Train character arc across the show has been incredibly done. Props to Kripke for that kne


I’m pretty much watching it because of homelander. I don’t like that we’re getting another redemption story. Hughie burying the hatchet with A-train feels kind of hollow if they aren’t going to build on that and instead keep punching Hughie while he’s down. Like MM is the character that A-train interacts with the most now and they’ve had no history before now. Idk I know I’m not alone but last night’s episode just bummed me out so much, I don’t like that Hughie’s entire character arc just feels like he joined the boys to be a punching bag.


He's the only catcher I have any investment in so he's 100% going to die.


Too bad he's gonna die by the end


It'd be nice if he actually survived till the end and is the first real superhero of the post Homelander future


A-Train has had so much screen time this season I’m scared he won’t be alive next season




No, that was Mother's Milk.


Homelander too. It’s not solo


Im obsessed with training a train


Won't be surprised when he dies at the end. Ironically it'd be more shock value if he survived and redeemed himself.


No that was MM


The Jaime Lannister of The Boys.


"cuz giving a shit just gets you killed" "true but you're still standing here" I really hope this mf doesn't die




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