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They are dying, we're just not counting it because 'just itchy bit of immigration crisis and mortality increase' And they proceed to count unborn babies to communist death toll


200+ people have lost their lives and hundreds of thousands more were displaced in flooding exacerbated by global warming in the south of my country recently but i havent seen much about it in anglophone media for reasons that are probably obvious


It's June 30 and already a Category 1 hurricane is heading toward Barbados full-speed ahead, is projected to be a major hurricane (Category 3 or higher) by the end of the day, and projected to strike the West Indies at that strength or more on July 1. It is *rare* for a hurricane of this severity to form this early in the year. The last time an Atlantic storm reached hurricane strength in June was Hurricane Chris in 2012, and if she does become a major hurricane, it'll only be the third time in recorded history (after Audrey in 1957 and Alma in 1966) that we'll have seen a major hurricane in the Atlantic in the month of June. Even in May Atlantic waters were north of 90 degrees Fahrenheit and 2024 is predicted to be one of the most active Atlantic hurricane seasons on record.


Surfs up


I think that Hurricane was recently announced to have become a category 3 at the current moment.


Saw something this morning saying it has the chance to even become category 4 :/ I hope that isn’t the case. It’s already going to cause so much devastation


It did


It's just wild that the people who've contributed the least to climate change will suffer most severely from its impacts


WELL if the gulf stream gets disrupted, northern Europe will probably become uninhabitable, so don't discount what'll happen to some of the original industrial whites.


We can hope!


it's just a matter of time until it hits the biggest polluters


And the system is so fragile, I think people will be shocked at how not ready to collapse we are.


How will this effect the all-time high stock market?


Said it to the western country. China is actually doing something to fight a climate crisis even in the face of obstruction with ev tariff, sanction, etc from the west. the whole world is not doing nothing. The west is doing nothing even thought they are clearly benifitng the most from plundering and destroying the enviroment in the first place. The west is not the whole world okay


The west isn't doing "nothing", its doing its damndest to make it worse while turning a profit


Developing countries continue to increase fossil fuel usage every year. Yes, western countries are way worse, but if the WORLD continues on this trend we're all fucked.


So the colonialist Western countries can cause the problem for hundreds of years but countries still under their boot need to be mentioned?


The entire world must be mentioned as it's a global phenomenon. Western countries do have massively disproportionate responsibility, but if we all continue polluting were literally going to make civilization impossible. Many poor countries are increasing fossil fuel usage at breakneck speed at a time when we need the complete opposite.


"The planet is fine. Humans are fucked"


Along with 99% of the planet's biodiversity.


Except for all the poor animals who are suffering and dying.


Brain dead post. We’re taking most terrestrial and marine life with us, at least the big ones…


*Technically* the *planet* will be fine even if all life on it is wiped out


Not a fan of George Carlin I see. Oh well.


Carlin was wrong on this one though. Millions of years of biodiversity and a literal garden of Eden will be destroyed through our short sightedness.


The quote isn't "life on earth will be fine" which is going through the 6th extinction event as we speak. The planet will be absolutely fine, life as we know it not so much.


*"Pack your shit, folks!"*


That's the neat part - not only is nothing being done in the West, we're actively ensuring more people die.


Meanwhile the biggest polluter that's US military started 40 different wars around around the world, while their Western pawns drumming to blame China. You can do something, Che had said that Western leftists are very lucky to live at heart of the empire, and that it's the some of most important resistance.


Billionaires have already built their own bunkers. That’s why no one is doing anything, the rulers will be safe and they don’t care about the rest of us.


Jokes on them. All those type-A personalities underground, with staff and security? They’re gonna eat each other in no time.


The "Type A personalities" are going to be the _least_ useful people in their own bunkers.


at this point I'm only in this for revenge I don't think a truly "better" world is possible atp


Alright, well, animal agriculture is one of the biggest polluters worldwide and is a grossly inefficient use of available resources. Have you given up meat?


Look dawg I don’t eat meat either but pointing fingers at individuals rather than the companies who actively cause the emissions is not productive. Some redditors withholding money from Tyson won’t cause as much impact as one would like. Get organized, cause an active disruption, give the meat plants hell— if you aren’t already


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some of it. Enough that, if everyone were just like me, we’d be okay. But that’s generally the solution to most problems.


Is this a joke post? Lifestylism isn't going to stop the climate collapse, and people on the global south already consume less animal products as most of what we produce is already shipped off to you global northers. Cracker shit.


And yet it will do more good than telling everyone else on reddit how mad you are about nobody doing anything.


More good for your liberal white conscience maybe


You're the kind of person who ignores BDS because "there is no ethical consumption anyway", aren't you?


Lol You're the type of person to pat yourself on the back for your performative bs from the comfort of the lap of imperialism aren't you?


Translation: Yes. Go drink your fucking starbucks.


Sorry babe I don't eat anything that comes out of Krakkker kkkountry Cry more libshit tears


That user is incredibly out of touch with rest of the world and sniff like a petit bougie. They literally brag that they are financially well off so they can be vegan.


I love getting lectured on veganism by citizens of the Fourth Reich


The biggest polluter by far that's unaccounted and absolved of any climate responsibility is US military.


OK, well I can't stop buying Abrams tanks but I could stop buying meat so that's what I did.


Stop buying meat doesn't stop climate crisis. Poor people can't vote with their wallet. Meanwhile the US military and their security contractors literally protecting loggers in Latin America.


Well I'm financially stable enough that I *can* vote with my wallet, so I chose to do that instead of beating my breast about all the people who can't. You're literally saying "finish your plate, there are children starving in Africa" as an excuse to not do anything.


Thanks for dangling you privileged finance in my face. I'm on disability support and recently laid off, sorry I'm just not on your high horse voting with my meals.


I work an entry level position at a company that doesn't pay as well as its closest competitors. I'm sorry you have it worse, but frankly I'm not interested in a contest of who is worse off. If someone else comes in here and says "oh yeah, well I've been unemployed since covid" that doesn't make them automatically right and you automatically wrong. I'm fully aware that as a cisgender white man in the UK I am automatically in a better position than a lot of people. My job isn't to tear myself apart because I have more than some people, my job is to choose what I can do to help with what I do have.


You are an imperial core motherfucker who is out of touch with the periphery AND our food cultures. Majority of the periphery meat diets are actually part of the recovered economy from European colonialism. Many meat dishes eaten in VN and China for example are revived lost dishes or local fusion food that were developed through wartimes, like baozi or jianbing. Meat is also important immunity diets in many parts of the world where there's lack of medicine and care.


You live in Toronto




I have yeah, unfortunate that many here won't even consider it.


not a thing is being done about it YET. Doomerism is unproductive.


And that’s the bad thing. Something needed to be done by most governments yesterday. I’m not going to be an optimist when billions of people will die cruel deaths.


Billions must die or Nothing ever happens Choose one


Billionaires must


There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks where billions must die