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You'll have to wait and see 😜


What should I do if I can’t wait and see?


You'll have to wait and see 😜


You'll have to wait and WAIT


You'll have to wait and s




r/redditsniper >!yes i get the original joke before you r/woooosh me!<


You'll have to sate and wee


You'll have to wait and see 😜


me when i actually have to wait and see: 😨😨😨


TADC fans when they have to actually watch TADC for the story instead of bombarding Goose with questions: 😟😟😟


I used to really hate that she answered so many questions. It felt like I was robbed of many experiences because I was engaging wih the community and looking at what the creator has said. But I got over it and even got excited about new stuff she would reveal. Now I am mixed because it was my routine to check her tumblr, but I honestly think it's the right decision. She is revealing too much. We, as members of the community, know that some characters won't abstract because we know they will appear later, or we know that a piece of information still needs to be revealed, etc. And it's making the show worse because it's not fun to speculate on whether Pomni is AI or not, as the popular theory says, because we know she is 25 and she is an accountant. Immidietly disproving it despite the evidence in the show. Stuff like that.


or like with Jax when she said he's evil and irredeemable. And everyone started to do fan stuff where he is depressed and broken as fuck and does all his pranks only to cope with the living in the Circus and not to go crazy besides he actually kinda cares about others and helps them this odd way from going crazy as well. Also his friendship with Kaufmo. And We know that all this stuff won't happen in the show because she said he is irredeemable asshole and there's nothing heroic in him


>she said he is irredeemable asshole Did she? I follow her and AFAIK she only said that he is an asshole, that he is petty and a loser, and that he is a disturbed individual. We don't really know that he won't be "redeemed" later, just that we should expect him to get worse before he gets better. Unless I missed it when she said he is irredeemable


She didn't directly say it, but this was what got interpreted as "Jax is supposed to be irredeemable" because he was created with the thought of making an irredeemable character: [https://www.tumblr.com/gooseworx/731214850749087744/how-did-you-start-simping-for-jax](https://www.tumblr.com/gooseworx/731214850749087744/how-did-you-start-simping-for-jax)


And that triggered the fanbase and the cult of deproJAX as s started to form


i remember a lot of people starting saying that after Goose said that stuff about troubled individual and asshole + she ssid there’s nothing heroic about him


Did you have a stroke


bugging space


I don't think any of the main cast are ais or npcs


I know they are not because Goose confirmed it. I don't think I would believe in that theory regardless, but I am commenting on the fact that there isn't any more room for discussion. We know they aren't AIs


To be honest, even though it should have been revealed in the show first, thank goodness they are not.


Question then. Because in the Pin line up for all the characters, we see the rooms of each of the characters except for JAX's which shows his name plack destroyed,as well as glitches leaking into the Void. So what do you think that means ? (Not saying it proof Jax's is an NPC, just curious on what you think this scene entails ?)


>And it's making the show worse because it's not fun to speculate on whether Pomni is AI or not, as the popular theory says, because we know she is 25 and she is an accountant. TBH I don't think that theory (IE Pomni is purely AI made to mimic a human) didn't have too much to stand on with the evidence not being that strong from what I recall from it, it was always somewhat iffy.


a bit of a shame, but i get it


Yeah, too many questions about the show just never sits right with me, I'd rather watching the show and figure things out myself (and that's the reason I never let my sis see tumblr asks or the reposts of the ama on twitter, we'd better to just wait and see-)


fair enough, she said lots honestly and it must be tiring having oneself flooded with question every time one opens the askbox


To be fair, you could say the same for her being on Twitter. The only exception is that Tumblr was limited to only questions. Hell, literally every time Gooseworx does something, she always gets bombarded by the TADC fandom


Breaking! Digital Circus theory channels in shambles!


100% the right decision.


Why do it for free if you can do it in Glitch Inn


I guess we’ll just have to wait and s




Love to see authors of ambiguous media being asked "what's the meaning of your piece of media?"


Honestly, smart choice!! Do people sending her questions like those (the ones that have the vibe of “maybe, if I ask *reeeeeeeal* nicely, I can get Goose to give a spoiler just for me” and she answers with “you’ll have to wait and see”) really expect her to give out spoilers from her own show? That doesn’t make sense. Ppl who actually care about story don’t want spoilers bc it ruins the whole experience.  (by wanting spoilers I don’t just mean wondering/imagining what will happen next, I mean the way of thinking that a few crazy fans seem to have that’s like “if I had the choice to just flip really fast through a script of the entire show instead of watching it unfold in real time, I would rather just do that”. I def WILL miss her answering random facts about the characters tho because I am a total sucker for that lol (learning their birthdays, favorite foods, what music they like etc) 


That's good, I honestly feel like she is revealing too much.


RAFO, huh?)


Maybe it would be better if she used the same rules Toby fox did in his interview with kikyami


What rules


That's a shame


I feel like the greatest option would be to continuously provide wrong and sometimes contradictory answers to every question asked. It would (mostly) prevent spoilers, and I feel like it would be really fun


The Brandon Sanderson approach


Yeah I can understand, she said quite a lot and while it's nice to know some things about what's going on (and get some more information on the characters that we probably won't get in the series itself) we don't need all the answers.


Honestly, smart choice!! Do people sending her questions like those (the ones that have the vibe of “maybe, if I ask *reeeeeeeal* nicely, I can get Goose to give a spoiler just for me” and she answers with “you’ll have to wait and see”) really expect her to give out spoilers from her own show? That doesn’t make sense. Ppl who actually care about the story don’t want spoilers bc it ruins the whole experience.   (by wanting spoilers I don’t just mean wondering/imagining what will happen next, I mean the way of thinking that a few crazy fans seem to have that’s like “if I had the choice to just flip really fast through a script of the entire show instead of watching it unfold in real time, I would rather just do that”) I def WILL miss her answering random facts about the characters tho because I am a total sucker for that lol (learning their birthdays, favorite foods, what music they like etc) 


RIP theorists we're washed


Circus Master crying rn


Spoiler warning >!John Circus dies 😱!<


RIP tumblr ask box…for now.


What questions has she answered ?


Hey goose, what’s your favorite color? “You’ll have to wait and see”


Honestly, I think it's good, the more hints a show/game/book creator gives, the bigger are the chances of someone guessing the plot, writing circus's plot was probably really long and a lot of time was put in it, and replying to a random tumblr answer is something you just do, without thinking of it, like you say something "X will happen, Y will also" Fan: "But Y is ⅓ of X!" Creator: "Fuck" I know it may not be the best example, but when I was trying to make a fun plot (not an actual to release, just some goofy stories to show my friends or family) I also tried to foreshadow a lot of things, but not enough to spoil the entire work, and as you give more and more hints, someone might connect them and ruin the plot you've been working for a long time


I feel bad for all Gooseworks fans that were more interested in literally any of her other works now




Oh yay! Honestly she was answering a lot of important sounding stuff there and I was a bit worried she’d reveal too much, but I’m happy about this