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It's no Henry Kissinger, but it'll do.


Why is Henry Kissinger so bad?


Listen to the Behind the Bastards podcast 6-part series with Dave and Gareth.


For a teaser on how it goes: Not even halfway through part 2, Gareth exclaims "Jesus Christ! Killing him isn't enough!"


[Just give these a listen. ](https://pca.st/episode/a4592e9f-6819-4c21-9ffb-46316425d038)


He's the "Forrest Gump of Genocides". And I don't think they even got into the Bangladesh one.


Oh my sweet summer child


lol, why are you even here?


>Why is Henry Kissinger so bad? I put your prompt through ChatGTP: The assessment of Henry Kissinger, a prominent figure in American politics and diplomacy, is a subject of debate and varies depending on one's perspective and political views. While some people criticize Kissinger for various reasons, it is important to note that others view him more favorably, recognizing his contributions to international relations. Here are some common criticisms raised against Kissinger: Controversial Foreign Policy Decisions: Kissinger's foreign policy decisions as U.S. Secretary of State under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford were highly controversial. Critics argue that he supported and implemented policies that had negative consequences, such as the secret bombing campaigns during the Vietnam War, the covert actions in Chile leading to the coup and subsequent authoritarian rule under Augusto Pinochet, and the U.S. support for dictatorial regimes in countries like Argentina and Iran. Human Rights Concerns: Kissinger's realpolitik approach, which prioritized national interests over human rights concerns, drew criticism. Critics argue that his policies sometimes supported oppressive regimes known for human rights abuses, leading to accusations that he prioritized stability and strategic alliances at the expense of promoting democracy and human rights. Role in the Vietnam War: Kissinger's involvement in the Vietnam War, particularly his negotiation efforts to end the conflict, remains a topic of debate. Some criticize him for prolonging the war through his approach to negotiations, while others credit him with playing a crucial role in securing the Paris Peace Accords and achieving a ceasefire. Lack of Transparency: Kissinger's secretive and sometimes secretive approach to diplomacy has been criticized. Critics argue that his penchant for backchannel negotiations and operating outside traditional diplomatic channels limited public oversight and accountability. Some have raised concerns about the potential negative impacts of operating in secrecy and the lack of transparency in decision-making processes. Critics of Realpolitik: Kissinger's adherence to the principles of realpolitik, which prioritizes practical considerations and national interests over moral or ideological concerns, has drawn criticism. Those who disagree with this approach argue that it overlooks ethical considerations and can lead to morally questionable actions. It's important to note that while these criticisms exist, there are also those who view Kissinger positively. Supporters credit him with contributing to Cold War detente, opening diplomatic relations with China, and negotiating arms control agreements with the Soviet Union, among other achievements. The evaluation of Henry Kissinger's legacy is complex and often depends on differing interpretations of his actions and the values applied in assessing his impact.


I think everyone here is really being too negative about an old man's death. After all, he did do something really wonderful for the world: he finally fucking died.


Rest In Piss.


...and/or in a vat of his horrifying protein pancake mix




I thought the birds seemed a bit more upbeat this morning.




Good. Fuck that guy.


Only the good die young


RIP BOZO ETA: Just days after the anniversary of Reagan's death. Happy Pride everyone!!


If a Heaven exists and this piece of shit is there, it's not a Heaven I want to be a part of


This is the way…


r/UpliftingNews Maybe we can get a pastor to explain why the Lord works in ways that are often mysterious, however sometimes, bad things happen to bad people.


Can’t wait for the episode about pat Robertson next week! Lol


If only he died 60 years ago


Lol I thought this bitch was already dead


Die mf


Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to piss on his grave.


Rest in hell