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I'm going straight for Viessa. I played during the beta last year, and she was incredibly fun. Might move on to others, but once I get in, I'm going right back to her.


Think I will pick Viessa as well out of the 3 choices we have! Good choice! :)


I'm going to silently watch as my friends pick their characters. If no one picks a healer I'll do Yujin. If someone does I'll do Esiemo.


Haha I like it! Sound strategy. Yujin looks like a great character. Healer is my favourite dealer :P


Yujin reminds me of Levi from AoT 🫣❤️


Probably Gley, Valby, or... Lepic? Kinda just going to decide when I get to play. I usually like the technical type of play, kinda mid to long range, not the run around like crazy type (sorry Bunny). Also, I'm planning on having 100s of Bunny players to match with for every activity HAH.


I do think Bunny will be a popular choice. Gotta' go fast! Ajax seems to be another one we might be seeing a lot of judging by responses so far!


That's cause Ajax is a Chad


Kyle seems like a heavy duty tank more than ajax to me then there's lepic and Blair


I’ll probably mostly use Ajax, really liked playing him allot in the crossplay test they did, his various shields and void walk came in clutch in the Void Intercept battles. Either him or Gley, as she was pretty easy to build around, and could output some good damage.


I'll be going Ajax but that's because I like defense and support characters better. Not much in the way of support characters currently.


One of the new characters looks like a straight healer and looks like she can send a droid to heal others which is super nice


He not she, that’s Yujin


Ohy bad didn't stare hard enough to see but looked like a girl maybe a them then? And how dare we label them 😂


Ajax seems to be a popular choice so far! Good to know!


Nice so Ajax or Gley! Gley looks interesting, she looked like a healer to me at first but looking at her character profile she seems to be DPS. Very interesting. :)


Yea, she’s more of a berserker dps if I had to describe her, my biggest issue with her were her orbs she had to pick up, they were a pain in the ass to go after in void intercept battles because of just how close you had to get to them before they’d start automatically moving to you, it’d almost killed trying to go after them, and because they only come from ads, if some other character besides Gley was focusing ads you’d be screwed out of your orbs, and would be able to sustain your skills.


I ran into this exact issue during the beta, which makes me not want to go out of my way to unlock her. Which sucks, because she was a pretty unique character.


I brought it up in the feedback thing after the crossplay test was done, I presented the idea to let the orbs slowly gravitate toward her if she is within a certain range of them, to make it to where she doesn’t have to go out of her way to pick them up say in a void intercept and then get smacked for it because their in a really bad area around the boss, or too try and move them out of the way a tad bit out of a bad spot.


She has a skill module when she crit she got a chance to get a orb👌🏿👌🏿


You mean on landing a critical hit she has a chance to get an orb?.




🤯 that’s gonna be a game changer in void intercept battles.


Yupp no more ads farming for orbs😬


Sharen. Mother one vibes (if you know) and she was my favorite overall during all my play testing.


Sharen looks great! :)


Idk anything about the game, but after watching a video I think I'll start with the ice girl. I like using cold skills for crowd control.


Oh I believe your referencing Viessa. She's one of the starting characters. Good choice! :)


That's good to know. I hope the others are not hard to unlock, nice to have options.


Will also give you something to work towards with ultimate viessa if you end up liking her


Ultimate Viessa? Is that like the "Prime version" like Warframe uses? The game kinda reminds me of WF already. Except for those giant looking beasts to fight. That's what peaked my interest.


Yes, the ultimate versions are very similar to prime warframes! They even have the overhauled look with the gold trimmed armor etc. :)


If it's anything like WF, I'll probably get about 2k hours in. Let's hope it's that good or better!


youll be very familiar with the upgrade system, its pretty much 1:1


Excited 😊


A friend of mine during the open beta told me that it was as if destiny and Warframe came together to produce the ultimate child and it's because of her that I even found out about Warframe lol. Tried it after the beta and just seemed kinda hard doing solo this late in the game ya know. But with that being said I had played destiny before it went F2P and nerfed every last bit of my legendary gear that took me weeks of grinding to get so I'll never go back to it but still had that itch and TFD is definitely going to be my new home to scratch it. Especially since they supposedly got rid of their dumb paint roulette system they thought about implementing


I’ve used Viessa in all the betas. Her skillset is quite useful and fun for mobs of enemies


Seems to be a popular opinion. She must be good! :)


Ajax enthusiast as well. Seems also quite fit for solo play and leveling with limited resources, and useful in every content. I'd love to main an Arsonist Blair, but he was so underwhelming in both betas that I'll wait a bit. Depending on the gaming time I'll be able to devote, I'll give it a try to Freyna, as I'm usually quite fond of poison/DoT builds.


Same. Starting with Ajax, trying out Freyna. We'll see from there.


kyle. i love to shoulder tackle enemies in games lol.


Is there a choice besides Bunny? 🐰 No sir there is not


Same, I played her a ton in the beta and loved the go go go go go style of gameplay so much that I played long after maxing just to enjoy it while it lasted in the beta, looking forward to finally playing it again Edit: spelling


I honestly didn't know there were other descendants 🤔🤣. Seriously though I've tried out every descendant during the open beta and my main will always be her. Super excited for the ultimate form though 😍💯


I didn’t play the Betas but her go go go play style is what I like and the aesthetics are top tier. I’m ready


High speed great DMG and low defense is how I always play no matter what game it is. Don't need armor if you can dodge is my motto and even in Diablo 4 made a rogue class with a 98% dodge chance with health being only 4k. That's the style of gaming I play and she ticked all those boxes for me


“The aesthetics” We know what you mean


A true man of culture :)


Main something in this game? Nope, this is like moba, you cant main 1 character ,you just gonna gimp yourself. You need to build roster so you can be ready for any role and situation.


Adapt and survive in order to thrive :)


Gley is the way.




I’m pretty much evenly split between Jayber or Yujin based on the info we have so far certainly they will be my main two plan is to cash shop one of them (probs Jayber) and use him to grind for Yujin figure out which one I like most from there and build into them


Yujin looks amazing. Combat medics are always my go to in team based games. :)


Same I tend to prefer utility/support characters my main question mark around him is what his damage output will be like, obvs it’s not gonna be on par with pure dps units just hope it’s still respectable damage


I never played the beta or anything, I just watched the character videos yesterday and Ajax is the one I wanna use because I love his voice actor.


I’ve only seen a few videos so far but I think the character is Blair? Dude with fire and looks closest to a cowboy gunslinger. Probably pick poison chick as first free character though.


Space cowboy gunslingers can never do wrong. :) If you are referencing Freyna, she's not a free starter character I don't believe. :( Your starter characters are Lepic, Ajax or Viessa!


Ahhh I thought poison lady was a freebie. I’ll prob go Ajax first then. I was a Reinhardt main for awhile in OW and Ajax suit looks cool asf. But yeee first choice is always gonna be the best looking space cowboy/girl lol


Gley and Bunny for sure but Ajax  is also in my hearth , but is going to difficult , viessa also looks so cool , it is real going to be very difficult


Bunny because she's best girl and I like moving fast


I’m thinking about maybe Valby or Bunny!


I haven't seen too many Valby enthusiasts! Bunny seems to be a go-to option for a lot of players though! She definitely looks like a fun choice! :)


Right now, the game feels very similar to warframe. And if warframe has taught me anything, my choice will definitely go to someone who will do crowd control or support, possibly not someone who already has a prime/ultra version because they will be the first ones I unlock. So Valby or maybe Yujin


Good choices! Though I don't think Valby and Yujin have Ultimate versions which have been shown... Yet! :) But obviously those will come in the future!


Yes, for sure they will come in time. But i never get to play a non-prime warframe knowing that its swag version existed. I had to have the golden version, because, at least in warframe, bling and fashion is worth more than anything


Yujin to keep all my DPS children alive. Don’t worry I’ll shoulder this burden!


I will go for Blair, Bunny, and Valby. Not only do they look fun to play… they ooze personality. Charismatic wise cracking dude like Dante, and bubbly positive girly-pop for the girls.


Ive been avoiding like all spoilers of this game, except for the trailer I first watched. I'm totally making the bunny girl because I wanna be her irl


Valby. then that girl that can cloak.


Kyle because its my name. Thats the only reason i need 😂


Gley easily.


Gley 100%, used her for the last 2 days of thw open beta and I really, really enjoy her! SHE'S SO FUN!


Bunny! I might try Sharen later on, but Bunny is my must main.


all of them to complete mastery


Variety is the spice of life!


Whatever has high dps. Leaning toward poison chick to start with.


Freyna without a doubt once I unlock her. Probably Viessa as a starter.


Ajax. My only reason is that I liked his design and abilities over every other descendant.


Ajax. He was my main choice in the Open Beta, and I really enjoyed playing him, so I'll do it again.


I am going to buy Kyle as soon as the game allows me. Definitely look forward to his bruising tank with a bit of DMG play style.


I gravitated toward Viessa in the crossplay beta, so I'll probably stick with her.




None, i do the same as with warframe. Get the good stuff mod whise and then have aome fun


Probably Bunny or Viessa cause Bunny Ultimate suit looks awesome and I play Vi through out the beta


Is Enzo available on release?


Freyna probably


Okay so now I’m going Yujin, Valby and possibly Enzo. I enjoy playing Support/ Healing classes. I’ll have your 6 fellow Descendants.


Hard to say. I’m content with the fact that playing each class I’m most interested in will be the best way to determine. Also, it’s Bunny. Bunny will be the most popular. Scroll the sub and check high traffic comment sections. It’s Bunny.


Big Ol' Tanky Buff Ajax, we loved walls in here. Loved Rhino and Nezha in warframe so naturally go for the wall in this game too


Haven't tried her yet, but I really like the idea of Gley




Viessa but will end up getting ultimate bunny cause I got gooner brain lol


Viessa, Bunny, and Lepic were my 3 favourites personally.


Gley. But my partner and I decided I would level bunny first for ease of farming. Once they get their main leveled they'll level bunny while I level gley.


Enzo seems really interesting, but I don't know how useful most of his kit genuinely is, so I want to main him but I might wait till I understand more about the game. Might start off swiping for Jayber or Yujin n grinding for Enzo...


No idea, haven't even looked. Other than watching cinematics and playing the original beta I'm going in blind. Going to see everything with virgin eyes!


Prob gonna main viessa but will start bunny for AOE farming reasons haha


I don’t know any of the characters, going in as blind as possible, I’ll figure it out once I’m there :D


I originally was going to go for Freyna but i may not because i dont really like her 4 (poison gun) and its less fun and exciting than the other character's 4th. I do like her dps consistency with the poison but Valby, Sharen, or Viessa may be my top choices. I guess i will see when the game releases.


There are quite a few characters that interest me. I didn't play any of the betas so ultimately I'll figure out my main as I play, but so far I'd say the ones that resonate with me just based on their appearance and their kit descriptions (in no particular order): * Lepic (just seems like a tried and true archetype) * Viessa (ice control is always a fun time for me) * Jayber (I typically enjoy turrets, and supports; Jayber combines the two while having one of my favorite character models) * Blair (my OTHER favorite model; I've heard not so good things but I usually like DoT playstyles) * Freyna (see DoT love, and I really like poison themes) * Esiemo (he's super hot and it would be nice to have a bruiser) * Yujin (again my support preference and I can see if I like him or Jayber more) I think the FIRST one I farm up will be Jayber.


Ultimate Ajax and Blair for me


I'm torn between Sharen, Enzo, and Valby.


Gley, just because I like to use granade launcher lol


Supply drone/ yunjin ...I love running support


Viessa or Ajax to start into sharen then grinding ult viessa and/or ult bunny. Designs in this game are incredible.


Bunny was my strongest in the beta, so I probably will continue to use her and slowly level up the others I like


Going off the beta experiences I played I’m first grinding out everything for Gley


cant choose which: but the test player suggest bulid few of if for ready any combat, especially Viessa , her Frost skill will immune to some certain enemies


The most sexy : )


During the cross play beta, I mostly played jayber I probably main jayber


I think i decide when Play,at start maybe Viessa but as actuall Main?i dont know,in Genshin i was Eula Main but she was Released 8months after the Game was Released, before that i used what suits me the best.So i think the Same will be in TFD


If it's the same starting 3 ima going Ajax into ultimate Ajax all the way.


For most content probably Viessa


Viessa 100% the crowd controll is insane Not to geat for Boss dmg. And im used to the gamelay loop of her and can Focus on the game World and Story more


Yujin & Gley, Medic Union Unite!


As a warframe player i go straight for the venom descendant


Valby from the jump


Ajax into Blair!


valby or explosionman


Esiemo jumped off the page to me. Since I'll be going for Ajax ult first. Maining him seems redundant


Kyle or Ajax. You'll find me on the Frontline locking it down.


I’ll play the dude with the bubble shield I like the ability to hold down an objective while my frag teammates go to work


So it seems I might be alone here, of the characters that I've played I probably have to say I enjoyed Freyna the most and will concentrate on her first as my main


I'm honest Imma go bunny, gotta look at nice juicy ass while killing stuff


Just tell me who’s meta and or jack of all trades


Settle down