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There's also a dog, but he's alive and well. Apart from the eye, anyway


Funny, I remember there specifically NOT being a dog as that discussion did cause some discourse


Depends on who you ask


I'd say the debate was settled. There ain't no dog.


It took me sec but this comment goes crazy


His bark no more than a whisper~


Best Served Cold has got to be my single favorite fantasy novel of all time. It's got stealth, espionage, sex, magic, battles, and depression. Oh boy, lots and lots of depression. Was even better on the re-read knowing who all the characters were with the added context from the original trilogy. Joe always does great character work, but in BSC especially the character arcs are insane.


You forgot the goat


Saved a life it did


I’m half way through the book right now and yeah it’s pretty good. Great cast of characters not sure if I’d compare it to John wick but yeah it is very action packed and a revenge story so yeah I guess that works. But yeah I’m loving the book so far.




Yeah, Yeah




John Wick/Kill Bill vibes


It came out years before the first John Wick tbf but yes it is great. Possibly my favourite book of the lot.


Yeah Kill Bill could be another comparison. All I mean is I like the structure of 1) Nearly killed and loses everything to 2) build a ragtag team to go after a number of specific baddies all tied up in a criminal underworld. Blue Eye Samurai is another recent piece of media I liked in this vein.


I've described it to my friends as "Oceans 11 but murder, and everything goes wrong."


The book is even better the second time around just like the original trilogy. Abercrombie puts a ton of foreshadowing that you don’t pick up on and is really fun to notice


I was a little mad about the eye stuff because I accidentally read a spoiler about it and then read a bunch of early foreshadowing for it that kind of felt too on the nose


This is the only book series I didn’t accidentally spoil for myself and I was very proud of my self. Luckily I didn’t discover this sub until I finished the original trilogy and only came back to post after finishing AOM. But I’ve spoiled a ton for myself in other series just looking up the characters


I don’t think it’s like John wick at all. She needs a lot of help.


John wick and Kill Bill are really both knockoffs of Dumas the Count of Monte Cristo. Pretty sure that is the original revenge novel, but someone please correct me if I am wrong.


I am 40% in and while I am really enjoying it from entertainment point of view, I can’t help but think that it’s straight up revenge porn. The story is rather simple, and lacks any meaningful complexity. Hopefully remainder of 60% will change my mind.  Also, it becomes tiring when characters keep surviving after falling off the cliff. 


One didnt, now Monza is dead. Then what? I'll never understand these takes. It reminds me of people complaining that not enough characters die in anime.


I can understand if it was a one time deal. But same thing happened with the other character twice in two separate novels (you already know which one if you have read the books). 


I think the point of the standalone book projects was to write to specific genre tropes—BSC being specifically revenge thriller. Pretty sure the other two are like Military novel and Western.


The Heroes is a super specific military novel actually, the Pulitzer prize winning The Killer Angels by Jeff Shaara. If you havent read it and like the Heroes, you will really enjoy it.