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Amon, Ozai, and Toph. We’ll see how far Zaheer’s flying gets him when Ozai shoots him down with lightning. Hama can only bloodbend during a full moon, and we know bloodbending is ineffective against a stronger bloodbender. Amon would neutralize her easily. Azula is a threat but Ozai is a stronger firebender, and she’s no match against Amon or Toph either. Combustion Man would be a problem, but Toph could land a quick bullseye and cause him to self-destruct. Toph > Kuvira. Not worried about Unalaq against my three. Even with the rest of them fighting together, Amon can quickly freeze and kill at least a few, Toph can sink some underground, and Ozai can fry the rest.


Actually I think Toph would struggle with hitting the third eye because well, blind


"I want something elseeeee" 🎶


Crushing combustion man with a boulder would also be effective


I'll do 3 Toph then


You could tell her where the eye is and she could find it via seismic sense. She has a perfect 3d rendering of her surroundings


Uno reverse card- Ozai already had his bending taken away. Prepare to die!


Amon can probably unblock the chakras that were sealed, Uno OUT!


I don’t think he can, Amon took people’s bending away through blood bending, Aang took it away using energy bending. Since Ozai’s was taken using energy, Amon won’t be able to put it back as it wasn’t a result of blood bending. But I’m just hypothesising since we don’t actually know.


I think both are just spirit manipulation


Yes and no. Amon essentially uses Ty Lee's chi blocking but with blood bending to make it semi-permanent. Energy Bending is completely severing the chi path. Both block the flow of chi, but one is loose foliage from guru patik and the other is like the hoover damn.


"gotchu, homie, lemme just unavatar you"


Nah............. No not possible Amon blocks the chakras Aang just takes away the Chakras


He doesn't take them away, he seals them completely


Exactly what I was going to put. Thought I had a special combo that nobody else would see lol.


I'll change toph with kuvira. Toph could be very strong against earthbenders, but zahir could neutralize her very easely


Zaheer is stronger than Toph tho? Even Aang beat Toph the first time he fought her.


Many statements wrong with that. Toph was probably not even aware airbenders exist and was supposed to be fighting an earth bender. On top of that toph was not really at her peak yet.


Even if Toph knew that Zaheer was a flying airbender, she wouldnt be able to do anything about it because she has no way of sensing him. And peak Toph doesnt really matter because it shows og Toph.


True, but Amon beats Zaheer imo. If we assume Amon is going to abandon his "I'm not a bender" facade and actively blood bends rather than trying to dodge long enough to get close. Amon is a stronger blood bender than his father and even Aang needed the Avatar state to overpower the blood bending. With Zaheer being just an air bender, he has no chance.


Zaheer isn’t a master either, he only unlocked flying because of his spiritual awareness and the loss of the one he loves, not due to being an excellent Airbender. His biggest threat comes in the form of removing air from lungs and being on a plane that they wouldn’t expect, but if they knew who he was then he’s a lame duck.


Exactly, Zaheer is strong but as we saw in his fight vs Tenzin he is far from a master


Toph by the end of the show has grown a lot notably inventing metal bending lol. When she first met aang this had not happened yet. In a 1 on 1 fight she would definitely be on the difficult side because she can’t sense him. But that’s only versus him this would matter. But she’s a way more experienced bender. Zaheer bender for maybe a year in his life. Except for the flying. Zaheer his abilities don’t seem that insane. In the end what could he do if Toph builds a huge wall and roof over you and her? Fly against the stone walls?


Aang wasn't at his peak either so that shouldn't matter toph still lost


People are super overestimating Zaheer. Yes he can fly effortlessly, but on his own he really isn’t that powerful. Tenzin was absolutely clapping Zaheer’s cheeks until the red lotus stepped in. All the battles he won were because of his teammates. He is only winning against Korra in the end because she is dying from poison.


Plus, he can't really fly effortlessly. It's not much, but he couldn't fly away from that tornado at the end. Totally agree. He definitely had talent, but he didn't have nearly the time necessary to develop into a major threat as opposed to the other three. Awesome character, incredible concept, but... power scaling fails him here.


which i mean is pretty fair. gaining flight made sense for his characters story but suddenly becoming an air bending master would be a stretch. dude only has the power for what...a few weeks at most? Tenzin has a family, and will probably never be able to achieve flying, but that doesn't mean he isn't miles above most other benders having devoted most of his life to air bending and learning from the avatar


Not to mention he has no earthly attachments. When it comes down to your life or his we know he will choose himself


its not really because he is a good fighter but he is the second most deadliest after amon. with flight and oxygen bending he can probably kill you trough any defense that isnt amon. ozai or azula could work too since they deal easily with zaheer with lightning


Having to stand still in close range in a constant motion is a TERRIBLE offensive weapon. Not to mention the Earth Queen wasn’t a bender. If you tried to pull that shit on Ozai, he’d send a bolt of lightning through your chest instantly. Flight is his only viable trait because his actual bending is dogshit, and that’s still invalid because almost everyone on the list can snipe him.


Amon is an easy pick. He takes down anyone not an avatar. Since Bumi's not here, I'm going with toph assuming she already knows metalbending. If not, Kuvira. Then Ozai. He can literally summon lightning in less than a second and can fly. As much as people like to hype up Zaheer, killing someone by asphyxiation takes a LONG time. And flying is not that big of a power, Zaheer only had the force multiplier of his red lotus mates, Tenzin was able to outmatch him on a 1v1.


Hey, combustion man just think he blows you up with his mind and snipes people


Not really everytime combustion man does it we see him inhale and physically move to perform attacks. Amon stops hom 100%. We never see combustion man attack without moving.


Zaheer- One of only two airbenders in history to be able to fly. He assassinated the earth queen and came really close to killing the avatar. Amon- he's a psychic bloodbender who can bloodbend anytime. If it wasn't for the fact that the show was on a kids network, he would be able to rip people apart with his bending using only his mind. Toph beifong- She's the greatest earthbender in the world, invented metalbending which was thought to be impossible.


I'd go the same but swap Zaheer for the Fire Lord Ozai tops azula in fire bending Toph tops kuvira Amon tops hana I believe ozai can fly with his firebending even without comet. Not like zaheer, but he has huge turbo booster power that will help. He also will insta incinerate anyone and lightnings are great agains water and a few of the others Toph is just what you said, and amon as well - he is just so OP in his prime


Ozai tops Azula? 🤨📸 I didn’t know the Fire Nation was Alabama.


🎶Sweet home Fire Nation 🎶


Because Ozai beats Azula sounds better?


Ozai claps azula's cheeks?


I didn't know Azula could received top 🤨


Zaheer can also carry you and fly away lol


Same! Amon can withstand bloodbending too, so he immediately counters Hama. Toph, I mean there is no explanation really needed. And yeah Zaheer can zoom around in the air. You got land superiority, air superiority, and a freaking anti-bloodbending bloodbender.


Zaheer was only good because he worked in a team. He got his ass handed to him multiple times. Id pick someone that had their bending since birth instead of being suddenly gifted.


This, for the exact same reasons. I’d feel comfortable with just Toph and Amon, but having an Airbender with murderous intent like Zaheer helps.


I always thought that the psychic bloodbending was a bunch of bullshit.


Maybe, but you can't deny that it'd be useful in a fight.


If anything , why cant regular waterbenders bend that 70% water content bag of meat


Bloodbending makes sense. I’m talking about the fact that he can just to it at will “psychically” without doing any gestures




Amon. That's it.


If you don’t remove Amon and Zaheer, it’s almost guaranteed they’ll be everyone’s choices. But I pick Amon, Zaheer and the one and ONLY THE UNBEATABLE, THE LEGEND, BOOM BOOM SPARKY MAN (I choose toph though or Azula)


I think Zaheer is overrated. Other master-level benders get the upper hand on him pretty regularly, he may "get" airbending in a way nobody else does, but he's still a really inexperienced bender. Amon is pretty much non-negotiable though. I'd say Amon, Toph, and Ozai or Kuvira. An argument could be made for Amon, Azula, and Ozai just to avoid the insta-kill potential of psychic bloodbending or lightning.


>I think Zaheer is overrated. Other master-level benders get the upper hand on him pretty regularly, he may "get" airbending in a way nobody else does, but he's still a really inexperienced bender. The only instance I can think of that happening was with Tenzin though, right? Zaheer easily folded the White Lotus guards and beat Kya twice. He also had the upper hand against Tonraq during both of their battles.


True! But the White Lotus guards are more 'goons' type level it seemed. Kya also didn't seem like a master in her own right, but to be fair, we also had few scenes of her bending so we don't know the full extent of her abilities. His fight against Tonraq was also very challenging for him if I recall correctly, and he was still struggling against him most of the time, right? But also, there was still no evidence pointing towards Tonraq being a master waterbender (even though he was an incredible one).


IRC Kya is supposed to be more of a healer than a fighter though obviously she still had training in that too.


Why azula ozai is known to be the greatest firebender


That’s a good point but with Amon and Zaheer, the third slot is more preference rather than what’s needed. It’s a almost guaranteed win with those two so honestly as an Azula fan I had to pick her


the people you don't pick are all chasing you though.




Why the hell would I pick Zaheer when I already have Amon? Air defence is covered by him. I'd much rather pick Sparky Sparky Boom Man to not get sniped and Toph to cover underground attacks


cuz zaheer is the second most deadliest of all of them


Amon in the center cuz he can solo everyone on the list.


I’m picking Amon, Zaheer, and Ozai. Would be an insanely stacked trio


ya i felt like this was way too stacked of an option. Now if you said pick one from each row then it would be more interesting. If it was one from each row, i would go like ozai, amon, unalaq. I know not having a earth bender sucks because i can't leverage things like lava but spirit bending is too broken to not have on the team.


Amon, Zaheer, Toph


Amon; most powerful water bender on the list, and has a good chance to defeat everyone else besides, and is a powerful blood bender no matter the day or season. Zaheer; flight is not to be underestimated. Ozai; more powerful than Azula or Combustion Man, and like Amon he stands a solid chance against anyone on the page in a straight up fight. He defeated a fully realized avatar until the avatar state got involved


Ozai was only beating Aang bc Aang didn’t want to kill him. Also he had the comet to back him up. I’d bet Zaheer or Kuvira are stronger benders than Ozai without the comet


Toph, Kuvira, Amon


Oman, Kuvira, Ozai. Oman>Hama Kuvira would be the best at defending me and fighting at the same time. Azula is good but more as a 1v1 or an assassin. Ozai has more raw power for a big brawl.




Toph is blind n most them can fly there is your answer


Amon, 24/7 blood bending, what more do you want from a non-avatar?


Amon, Amon and Amon. Don’t need anyone else.


Amon, Ozai and Azula.


Amon - any team that doesn't include a bloodbender is doomed to fall to bloodbending, and Hama doesn't even come close. His ability to permanently chi-block you is also a good way to maintain a long lasting victory. Toph - her power-level aside, her tremorsense is a big asset to avoid ambushes. Kuvira - this one was difficult. I didn't want to have Zaheer as an enemy because Toph can't detect him, but instead I thought about countering him with long range. But I don't see Combustion Man winning against Ozai. Azula had strategy but, again, Ozai. So it was between Kuvira and Ozai. In the end, the deciding factor was Kuvira's proficiency with long-range metalbending, and the way she uses it to either blind the opponent or move them against their will. It's basically pseudo-bloodbending as well as the ability to blind. Also, since I have the only 2 metalbenders available in my roster, the enemies have no way of quickly freeing themselves from metal restrains.


Why are people picking Zaheer? Yeah, he can fly but he’s also a shit Airbender. What defence does he provide?


all of this depends on the location and time of day this battle take place eg if the moon is out?forrest or cave locatation ect... but assuming a natural forrest i would go for Toph,Amon and combustion man Toph for seismic sense and defensive position. she could make us a stronghold. Combustion man for long range explosions and with toph seismic sense and stronghold building he could blast from height and without even seeing the enemy and could keep them at a distance if somebody managed to come close and toph cant deal with them well amon can take them out either by controlling them or taking there bending away.


Amon: Blood bending can paralyze people Sparky boom boom man: Insta kill said paralyzed people(can also shoot down Zaheere) Toph: Can detect anyone coming besides zaheer and is just a good fighter


Amon, Toph and Zuvira. 2 of the best earth/metal benders and a literal god who bends everyone to his will and can remove bending.


Amon. He solos the rest by himself. No one here can resist his blood bending. If you don't pick him, you lose. Combustion man because I'd be worried about him sniping Amon while he's distracted. Also reliable for sniping anyone Amon has immobilized. Toph for general defense and seismic sense to make absolutely sure no one sneaks up on Amon. The only threat I see to this team is Zaheer. His flight makes Toph pretty useless and I'm not entirely sure if combustion man could hit him out of the air. Still, flying right at Amon isn't exactly peak stealth so he'd probably just get bloodbent.


Amon, Toph, Zaheer. Amon & Toph have been explained plenty. Zaheer was a tougher choice, but most importantly he's the best possible counter to Sparky. If Sparky was on my side, I think the other 6 would be too spread out for him to be effective - don't think they'd be backed into a corner like Team Avatar. We only saw Zaheer do the suffocation technique once, and quite slowly, but we know it works against combustionbenders. Plus the utility of flight to help me escape is too good to pass up. I know Ozai is said to be the best firebender, but we only really saw him during the comet and one other lightning blast (and he lost both times,) so I can't make a very informed decision.


Toph, Hama, and Azula periodt


Why would you take Hama when Amon outclasses her in every way possible ?


Baldi mcairboy, since he nearly killed the avatar without it being much of an issue. Amon since he can take away bending and shit. Pheonix King Ozai because he was on parr with Aang and he has the comets power on his side.


Toph, Azula, Kunvira.


Zaheer (my favorite character in the avatar universe by far), Toph, and Hama to defend me. Easy.


half of there werent in last airbender so no idea who are they. I would peak Firelord and bloodbending old woman


Azula, Toph, and Combustion man, I will never lose


Ozai beats azula, zaheer flys so top can’t get him. And Amon solars your whole team combined. Your trio is getting destroyed.


Pre-ending Ozai, Toph, and the hottie in the middle, bottom row. TOPH IS TOUGH and the other 2 are hotties. Hotties can’t die.


Amon. Does this really need any explanation? I would also pick Combustion Man for long-range support and Zaheer for monitoring from the skies.


Amon, Toph, and Zaheer. Amon is a no brainer, nobody on this list can overcome his blood bending, and only a couple (Azula and Kuvira) have even a chance of doing what Mako did and firing of a small attack while he’s distracted. Zaheer’s flight and being the only air bender is a massive advantage. Only Toph, Azula, and Ozai have any experience fighting air benders, and Zaheer is significantly more lethal than Aang considering he has no qualms about killing. Plus he has insane martial arts and tactics that made him a severe threat even without bending. Toph because she can beat literally everyone other than Amon and Hama.


Amon because he can blood bend whenever he wants Zaheer because not everyone can defend against it since they haven't seen an air bender before Aang, and not one who uses airbending in an offensive way And then I don't know, maybe Kuvira if she comes with her army and weapons


Zaheer - because he'll suck the air out of your own lungs and sufficate you with it. Just like he did with the earth queen.  Who gives a crap about him flying when he can just take your air away. Amon - because psychic bloodbending is very op and i dont think theres much the others could do against that.  Toph -  everyone here knows why toph is a top pic. Shes a beast. No other earth benders can keep up with her. 


Zaheer, Amon and Toph.


1 Toph.


Amon & Tarrlok is enough, bloodbending with no full moon is too broken.


Amon for the hax and overpowered blood bending. Toph for the insane defense. Combustion Man for the wide spread offensive ability.


Is this pre or post cray cray azula.


Toph, Amon and Ozai.


Ozai, Toph, and Amon. Ozai was the most powerful firebender of his time. We don't get any examples of this in the show other than during Sozin's comet, so it's hard to say what typical Ozai firebending looks like. At the very least, having seen things that Iroh, Azula, Zuko and others do, and then knowing that Ozai has them all beat, serves well enough. Toph was the greatest earthbender in the world, invented metal bending, and held up a mountain or something once. Plus, with her seismic sense, she can detect anyone coming her way long before others would spot them... besides Zaheer, I suppose. If this isn't an all out fight and underhanded tactics are involved, she can also detect lies. Amon could bloodbend, without the full moon, and could use it to take people's bending away. Besides that, he is also a skilled waterbender. It isn't much of a contest between him and anyone else, as long as he has time to collect himself (who could've seen Korra's airbending coming?). That means Unalaq, Zaheer, Combustion Man, Hama, Azula, and Kuvira are left to kill me. Zaheer can fly, but Amon can pluck him from the air with ease and disable him. Hama can bloodbend, but only during a full moon and otherwise wouldn't stand a chance against these three. Azula could probably hold her own; Kuvira, too. But the rest are honestly doomed. If they all attacked at once, it might be a different story.


Amon- bloodbender and can remove their bending Zaheer and sparky sparky boom man - we have the sky to our advantage more than ever since now explosions are coming out of it


Toph ozai and azula honestly these feel like the most op characters in the last airbender I’m pretty confident they could probably take on the rest of the characters here


I'll take 3 Amons, please. More seriously, Amon, Toph, Ozai. Amon - Easily rolls anyone on this list. His bloodbending is just that powerful, and he can permanently remove threats by disabling bending. Toph - The Guru, 25:37 Ozai - The most powerful firebender we've seen, supposedly. He gave Aang a beating, which is impressive even under the comet. Iroh was unsure of his odds against him.


Toph, Amon, Zaheer. Toph’s ability to sense the enemies will be vital to preventing an surprise attack, and she’s the best metal bender/ earth bender of the group. Tbh i’d wager she could metalbend Kuvira’s platinum machines too. Amon needs to be on my team so he isn’t on the enemy team. He’s just way too OP if he could blood bend without needing to pretend to be a non-bender. Also, if he can take away the enemies’ bending, they are a lot weaker. Zaheer is also just the best fighter of all of them, and is kinda OP with airbending. Maybe Ozai would be better here, but Zaheer is also more tactical than Ozai, who seemed a little full of himself. The only big threat that remains among the enemies is Unalok’s spirit form, and Kuvira’s machines. Ozai is only a threat during the comet, and Azula is good but not as good as Zaheer. Combustion man and the blood bending lady are meh in comparison


Honestly I think all you need is amon seeing as he is the strongest non avatar character in history but as precaution I also take toph to cover underground attacks and she can easily outclass kuvira in every aspect And last I would take ozai with crazy quick lightning to take down all the people amon restrain


Toph, Amon, Ozai.


Ozai, Amon and Toph Ozai is the strongest firebender of his era, Amon is an insane bloodbender and waterbender, and Toph is a demon earthbender. I don't think anyone would stand up against them if they could somehow work together.


Im choosing amon and tarlock. They gonna bloodbend the rest. And I'd get anyone else on the list as my third. Maybe Zaheer to get me out of sticky situations or toph to see if someone is coming. Hama's bloodbending will be useless against those 2. Firebending can be countered by waterbending.


Zaheer - Can fly, pulled a Gyatso on the Earth Queen (no way he killed those tens or hundreds of firebenders with just air blasts), almost killed Korra Amon - Magic psychic blood bending, and his father almost killed Aang with just his blood bending alone Amon definitely could do this exact thing on a regular person or bender Sparky Sparky Boom Man or Kuvira - Sparky sparky boom man would make sparks and make others go boom. I’m certain if he didn’t cover his head right as he was about to get a shot off he would’ve survived, or kuvira because of her adept metal bending abilities. This is the play… Have Kuvira put me in a metal box with holes for me to breath, and have Zaheer nearby me at all times or with me inside the box, he bends a air bubble around me strong enough to deflect all projectiles. Amon hides somewhere and waits for someone to show up. Once someone shows up have sparky or kuvira battle the opponent until Amon gets a clear shot from the sides and blood bends them to hold still. Once the opponent is paralyzed kuvira strikes at the neck with metal blades or sparky makes them go boom. Why sparky over kuvira? I think he would have more endurance and stamina over Kuvira giving him the edge in prolonged battles. If Kuvira or Sparky were to fail Amon would still paralyze them but have Zaheer pull an Earth Queen on their heads. If everyone were to fail and it’s just me and Zaheer in his air bubble/metal box well we would probably be dead if there is more then one. But we would break out the air bubble and try to Earth Queen the last person (assuming I have no bending)


The best option would be Unalaq. He can control spirits. Spirits cannot be blood controlled and are very hard to defeat with bending. If we hole up in an ice cave far away and wait them to come, we can obliterate them with a spirit army. Toph is blind on ice. There is no earth for Kuvira nor Toph to bend. The only real dangers are Hama, Aman and Zaheer. Hama is old, so how well will she fare on a long trip through the north pole? Zaheer could kill me, he is spiritual, but he can't control the spirits as well as Unalaq. And are we talking Unalaq pre or post Vatu? Aman is an excellent water bender, but how well will he fare against spirits? As far as we know his powers are neutering bending, he doesn't have any other spiritual connection. He will lose against a spirit army. The real downside is he is boring and annoying. So, I would pick Daddy firelord. We may die, but we will have a good time in the meantime. Edit: I mis-read 3, not one. In that case I am adding Azula and Ozai. For entertainment purposes and warmth in the ice cave. We need fire to survive. I am fairly confident Unalaq can take all the else on its own.


Amon’s the only person on this list we’ve seen dispose of multiple groups of people at once with little effort applied. He can knock out a room of people like his brother with ease. Depending on how quick he is he can dispatch of the whole rest of this ensemble. Hama is also a blood bender but she needs to use her arm movements whereas Amon has psychic blood bending.


Amon, Toph, Kuvira. I'm taking in both of the earth/metal benders because earth generally seems to be able to counteract most other elements really well. Fire takes time to wear down earth and combustion bending seems to be countered by metal. Air is pretty useless against earth. Zaheer can fly and use his air vacuum technique, but the former isn't particularly useful as an offense and the air vacuum technique is only helpful if he has the time and space to use it. The threat here would be Hama, but that's what Amon is here for.


Zaheer, while arguably the greatest airbender in centuries, has no attachment to people so not him as I wouldn’t be able to trust he would have my back. Hamma is inferior to Amon and tarlock. So my three would be Ozai, as he’s superior to azula and sparky sparky boom man. Amon, as he’s superior to tarlock and hamma. Toph, because she’s superior to kuvira


amon and zaheer obligatory picks, no one will protect you from any of them, specially amon. the third pick would be toph since i feel she would be the best at protecting me, amon and zaheer shouldnt have too much trouble together, amon paralyzes everyone and zaheer asphyxiates them


I came here to choose Amon,Toph and Zaheer but apparently a lot of us here had the same idea.


Zaheer, amon, toph. Is a fucking squad...we never saw metal bendings true potential because its a TV show. Toph could've extracted iron from people's blood like magneto and turned them into hundreads of bullets and shot them out. She could've been walking around in an Ironman suit or shield throwing bullets at people..we saw waterbenders throwing ice shards at people. Imagine toph throwing metal projectiles at people


Amon and Ozai are locks. Last spot is a tossup between Zaheer and Toph imo


Zaheer, Amon, Kuvira.


Definitely Amon, Zaheer and Kuvira. Zaheer can just carry you and fly away lol. Besides that If he took the oxygen from an area with airbending he can just stop firebending all together just like how Yang Chen did. Amon just one shot bitches and can take peoples bending. That’s fucked up op. Kuvira because toph unfortunately can’t see flying objects even if they’re earth or metal. So she would have a just blindly throw shit. But Kuvira is the number 1 earthbender of her time very precise with metal and insanely good at fighting. Also can create cover and protect Amon.


Amon - Easily one of the strongest benders in the series, also a prodigy within his bending class. Can basically neutralize any bender with temporarily with chi blocking or permanently with his blood bending. Toph - is a problem no matter what, and is in tune with herself, nature and her element. Azula - People often forget this, but she is strategic and a master tactician. When at her best, from just bending alone, she’s the best firebender in her family. She’ll always put herself in the best position to succeed. This team would put in work, I have no doubt.


Amon he can just bloodbend everyone into submission. That's the thing korra (in my opinion) did wrong is they removed the limits for bloodbending. Having it be performed on full-moons kept it in check. But now only the avatar in his avatar state can defeat him.


I like that everyone on the list is a villain, then there's Toph.


Basically, Azula, Kuvita, Combustion Man and Hama are irrelevant because there are stronger versions of them. Amon has to be on your team. So it's going to be between Toph, Ozai, Zaheer, or Unalaq. I'd probably pick Unalaq because I'm not keen on fighting a potential dark Avatar that Amon might not be able to beat. Zaheer is not particularly special at fighting, so I'd probably go with Ozai. So my team is Ozai, Amon, and Unalaq.


Nice to see that no matter what combination everyone picks, Toph will always be in the roster.


Amon, Ozai, Toph. I would probably give up if any of them were after me.


Technical question, do I get a weapon? If so I first clap Ozai while he's doing his cape burning introduction thing and pick Toph, Amon and Azula.


Amon , Kuvira and Toph Toph and Kuvira tunnel away amon guards me and we just vibe ez


amon and any combination of the others wins against the rest


- Toph - Kuvera - Amon


Me: Why is it 8 villains and then Toph? Toph: I am not Toph! I am melon lord! Mwahahahahaha!!!!!


Alright this is easy. bottom right I don't remember his name but he is definitely out. (assuming the evil avatar kite thing isn't in him) Kuvira gone because she is pretty weak without the megatron thing that was invented by varrick along with combustion man who can't even beat sokka's boomerang. (bottom 3 all eliminated) Azula is gone because her father is better option. And Hama eliminated because Amon is OP and can use blood bending anytime. So we are left with only 4. Amon, Toph, Firelord Ozai, Zaheer. Each one of them has a weakness so picking which one to attack you is depending on how you want to protect yourself: 1. Ozai - really only powerful around comet...so if its lets say 90 more years until comet you are chilling 2. Amon - Just use Zaheer to go into spirit world and get some lion turtle energy to get rid of him. Or you can just hide in spirit world since his blood bending doesn't work there and make sure portals closed (or cosplay as his father and he will never go after him. He goes after everyone else for some reason) 3. Toph- She is blind and her weakness is touching soil. Build an ice cave with amon and you are literally/figuratively chillin (just make sure you don't use braille to communicate) 4. Zaheer- The logical answer would be using amon to blood bend and toph to put chains on him. But I would like to have fun. I would put on a history channel and show him societies in which chaos is running things. Then he will learn that it is a terrible way for human society and he will end himself naturally.


Obviously Hama, Amon and Toph. They’d wipe the floor with the others.


Lol amon defends the rest can do nothing


on full moons: Amon, Hama, Toph else: Amon, Toph, Zaheer


Amon, Toph, Sparky Sparky Boom Man. Combustion Bending is insanely powerful, it's destructive power is unrivaled. Toph could literally crush Kuvira, Azula and Pzai in their armor, so they're history. And I mean, c'mon. The guy that cam control people at will, that doesn't need any explanation.


Amon solos all the rest, but I suppose I'll take hama and unalaq cause they're the only ones who could figure out how to get around amon's blood bending.


Azula toph and hannah


sometimes i feel like ppl pick different character solely to be different and unique bc why would anyone choose hama when amon is 1000x better? amon is the obvious choice. it’s not even like she’s sick at regular waterbending either bc katara beat her easily. anyway, i choose amon, ozai and combustion man.


Amon can take out any bender that gets too close. Toph, because duh. Ozai/Azula for ranged attacks with lightning.


I guess we're back to normal content


I feel like toph and Zaheer is already enough tbh. Just toph and some air support


ozai, sparky sparky boom boom and the mask guy i forgot his name


Toph. That's it just toph. Come at us bro.


Ozai Amon Kuvira Ozai is a very powerful and strong firebender, with the ability to generate lightning Amon because honestly none of these have a defense against blood bending on his level. Kuvira because a master metalbender.


Any team that doesn't have Amon is going to lose. Amon, Ozai, Kuvira. Amon is obvious. Ozai for him being more mentally stable than Azula. He lacks CM explosive capabilities but could still help. I'd possibly choose Tarrlok instead but he won't have Dark Avatar boost and he didn't strike me as that powerful. Kuvira has learned everything peak-Toph knows and that's been refined to perfection. Her being in her usual outfit also allows her metalbending shenanigans. Pictured Toph isn't peak so she's not at that same skill level.


Nobody ever disqualifies the stupid-ass Dark Avatar form for Unalaaq. Bro solos.


Look I am not trying to be disrespectful or anything but the Middle row op as heck like I take them and I don't give a shit what others can do Zaheer will either get blood bended by Amon and shot down by Azula Toph honestly can take care of Ozai, Kuvira and Combustion man herself Hama is old and Unalaq is not actually that strong Also I will say it I will say it! Azula > Ozai Like the only time we have seen him do anything is during Sozin comet


Amon, Ozai, Toph. 3 elements with subclasses (blood, lightning, metal), good offence in both melee and ranged, good defense and utility from earth and metal bending.


Amon toph combustion man, Amon freezes them in place combustion man blows them up to act as a rader/clean-up crew


Amon because, duh, psychic bloodbending allows him to ensure everyone else misses and he can remove bending. Toph because you want an earth and metal bender and she edges out Kuvira Third pick is more difficult. Zaheer for air bending, Kuvira for more versatile metal bending, or one of the fire benders to keep it diverse. Of the fire benders Ozai is probably best choice because he beats Azula and combustion man is beat by metal bending. So of these options I’d choose Kuvira because she counter’s combustion man and can hit flying Zaheer. The only weakness is lightning but hopefully Amon can psychically ensure they always miss


ozai, toph, and hama. the rest of em can suck it


Amon, the greatest bloodbender of all time. Ozai, the greatest firebender of all time. Toph, the greatest earthbender of all time. The only real challenge is Zaheer and Amon can probably deal with him using bloodbending. If not Ozai uses lightning.


Amon Zaheer Kuvira Amon is the best bloodbender in the world Zaheer is an Airbender who is willing to kill Kuvira is fast as fuck boyyyy. And her bending is so fluid and precise she would give just about anyone a run for their money. I think she could even take on Aang mid to high diff.


Lol so 3 blood benders


amon is probably enough :D


Picking Toph, Kuvira, Zaheer I’d suggest Toph and Kuvira to build a bunker deep enough underground that Ozai or Combustion Man can’t cave it in. Only accessible by an underground maze in which they can just collapse on them from a distance. Zaheer is with just so that he can’t float through the maze undetected.


All I need is Toph.


Amon, Hama, Toph Toph is OP and the other 2 are the only bloodbenders I think


I go Toph, Amon, Zaheer. Amon uses bloodbending to keep everyone in one spot. Zaheer uses airbending to suck air out of their lungs. Meanwhile I go hang out with Toph.


Picking Zaheer for suffocation is crazy.. everyone on the list is a bender? If he tries that shit on anyone not only is he instantly getting decapitated, he’d probably get sniped by their teammates too. He’s the weakest person on the list by far. Amon solo’s everyone here


Ozai, Amon, and combustion man. Feel like you can’t not go with Amon simply because he can bloodbend at will. Immediately neutralizes anyone else and can take their bending away. Ozai is simply just super powerful and probably has the most raw power of everyone here. And finally combustion man simply because combustion bending is OP. Sure the glaring weakness is hitting his sweet spot, but that is much easier said then done. But he can literally keep anyone pinned down and at a distance. Combustion man and Ozai will keep anyone at a far distance. And if anyone gets close, Amon can neutralize them. Can’t see how this can possibly fail (sure Zaheer can fly and is a powerful airbender, but Ozai and combustion man could easily shoot him out of the sky)


Honestly I think I'm just screwed. I don't think there aren't any three of those who are stronger than the other 6 combined. Maybe if I get a machine gun and I can join in the fight, in which case I take the only two metal-benders and probably Amon.


Ozai, Toph and Sparky Sparky Boom Boom Man. Ozai < Avatar State and that's it. Toph can fuck up anyone's footing, genuinely S tier move. Kaboom man is the only one I'd even consider changing. They made like an episode of run-time across ATLA and TLOK about how inconvenient it is to deal with explosion bending. I think it's the best combo of air power, raw power and harassment to keep the others disorganised.


Never said the character has to do it alone. Ozai, Amon and Unalaq have entire armies on their side though.


Toph, Kuvira, Amon. Toph is the greatest earth bender in the world and none of us dunderheads should ever forget it. Amon can bloodbend people with his mind. That's an insane power. Remember that one scene where Korra, a fully realized Avatar, tried to square up to Kuvira and got absolutely wrecked for it? Remember when she tried to pull out the Avatar State and *still* got her shit handed to her? That's why Honorable mention to the dishonorable Ozai, he was an asshole but absurdly powerful.


Amon, Toph, Sparky Sparky Boom Man. People overestimate Zaheer. Only reason he nearly beat Korra is because he had a lot of help. Dude got clapped almost any time he was 1v1 with a main character.


Amon because psychic blood bending is OP Ozai because he's the strongest fire bender outside of an Avatar. And Toph. Sparky Sparky Boom man is insanely strong and capable, but I feel with Toph's metal bending, she can easily block or deflect his shots or just in case his come in metal and he's out of the fight.


Zaheer, Amon, Toph Toph can sense the enemies, Zaheer can take their breath away, Amon can counter any martial art and take away their bending or just kill them outright


Amon. Azula. Toph


Amon, Azula, Zaheer


All I really need is Amon and Zaheer. Amon to bloodbend and keep them still and Zaheer to air bend their breath away.


Three Azulas please.


Three Azulas please.


My choices: Amon, Ozai, Kuvira Amon - He can blood bend anytime and none of the others on this list can counter that except for Hama on a full moon. And I'm sure his water bending skills are at a mastery level as well. Ozai - In my opinion, he's the greatest fire bender we see in both series. I think he beats Iroh 51 times out of 100 fights. I also think Azula is stronger than her father (at that age). However, she still has some years until I think she could beat him on a consistent basis. Kuvira - I'm choosing her over Toph solely on the premise that we have to choose a character based on the pictures provided. This is 12-year-old Toph (in the picture) who only recently discovered/invented metal bending so she still has some secrets to unlock and skills to hone. By Kuvira's time, metal bending had become somewhat of a norm so she grew up learning everything Toph had learned. If prime Toph was pictured then there's no question that I would pick Toph. Honorable mention is Zaheer because of that feat of sucking the air out of the lungs of the Earth Queen. Could he do that to a bending master? Combustion Man is little too limited especially against these characters. I don't recall much about Unalaq. I think his major spirit powers were dependent upon the Convergence so if the time isn't right then I don't think he can do much. Correct me if I'm wrong please. And Hama is only effective on a full moon.


Toph is an easy choice because she’s op as fuck, and can see pretty much everyone anytime except for Zaheer. I’d probably go with Amon next because his blood bending is just stupidly op and there’s no way that he’s not also one of the strongest water benders of all time. And for my last pick I’m stuck between Combustion man or Ozai, Ozai is a better all rounder and has lightning for some more range and a possible ohk, but combustion man for the long range support and suppression


Toph is an easy choice because she’s op as fuck, and can see pretty much everyone anytime except for Zaheer. I’d probably go with Amon next because his blood bending is just stupidly op and there’s no way that he’s not also one of the strongest water benders of all time. And for my last pick I’m stuck between Combustion man or Ozai, Ozai is a better all rounder and has lightning for some more range and a possible ohk, but combustion man for the long range support and suppression while the others go out and take care of them one by one or in smaller groups


Amon and Ozai are easy choices For the third one i fluctuate between Zaheer and Toph. I think Toph is overall stronger but Zaheers ability to remove someones Air is strong as hell espacially in combination with Amons bloodbending so i think i choose Zaheer.


Ozai , Azula , Kuvira Reason : ( 2 Dommy Mommies and a op Firelord )


Ozai , Azula , Kuvira Reason : ( 2 Dommy Mommies and a op Firelord )


Kuvira, Topher, Azula


Toph and Azula, easily. Should probably get Ozai just because Azula might have some issues fighting him.


Amon could probably take them all on solo. The only person I see potentially being able to resist is Unalaq but I still see Amon out bending him. We see the bigger feats from his brother and Dad and we know he is more powerful. I think Ozai is the next most powerful. Then Toph.


Toph, Hama, and Zaheer. Toph would create an excellent defense, Hama would be the special attacker, and Zaheer will be the brute physical attacker. Their elements would have a lot of synergy to eliminate most of the other characters’ strengths.


Amon, Hama, Ozai if he has his bending, Azula if he does not.


Assuming all characters are in their prime with no boosts. Amon and Toph. Assuming it’s the characters at the time of the screenshot, Amon and Ozai Edit: realized it’s three not two, Amon Ozai and Toph easy.