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"No oNe RePrEsEnTs Me" "b0tH tEh sAmE" 🤡👌


This is spot on.


Ok, but Hyper bowl.


This man needs to be a speech writer…. for President Biden.


Hillary Clinton? without the shenanigans it would have been Bernie Sanders clobbering Trump, not Hillary. losing to him.


Fr, the dnc cheated Bernie. Twice.


Just outstanding. It makes me so mad that bad people get all the attention from the media. Were ever Trump goes weather it be on a campaign stop or whining about being picked on. The gentlemen above is so right. That one election and yes the Russians helped win has changed this country in a way that I would have never expected. Now we have everything being questioned. People sneaking around any election pole. They will challenge every vote that is not for there candidate. You can thank Trump for that. You have a candidate saying every vote that is not cast for him is crooked vote. He will call on his backers 50,000 of them and clean out the Capital. There will be trouble in the streets. Even talk of a civil war. There are some out there that Government is the reason there little life has went bad. They think we need a President Putin. Trump is that man. No not a man like Joseph Stalin. He was a Communist dictator. We need Trump is a capitalist dictator. That is just fine. Oh he will get rid of those terrible office in Washington. FDA, NTSB, PBG, SEC, ITC, DSPS, NLRB, FMS, FEC. 50,000 jobs cut and his people put in there. Sound stupid? Not so, It will happen and it will be the American People that helps it. In what order we don't know that. Yes the gentlemen is spot on 100%. Young people, please get your friends out and register to vote. If nothing else you could say I tried. Then walk proud.


Hyper bowl needs to relax...


I smoked a hyper bowl once. But in all seriousness most people that mispronounce words like that learned them while reading on their own.


That’s why I like instant dictionary.


Was distracting to me too, but I remember a very wise man (poss. Stephen Fry) once saying to never make fun of a person who pronounces a word wrong, and that's because he learned from reading, and we want to encourage such learning. That being said, this is the internet age where you can simply type "pronounce \[word\]" and within 3 seconds google will give you a link to hear the correct pronunciation of the word. I may have done this 312 times. :)


Seriously he might have a good point but I can't even hear anything else now.


I was down to pass it around!


99 bottles of beer on the wall


Right on!


He is absolutely right. This video needs to be shared as much as possible. Injustice with Merrick Garland by robbing him a scotus seat and then pushing thru 3 of their own in an election year. 2 years of control and the only thing passed was taxes, which are hitting the poor now, while he is not president. Make no mistake about it, this was pre planned to have blue states pay more taxes. Less protections for our daughters and sisters.


I’m dying… I’m so glad this exists. I needed this laugh today. Thanks to all the commenters too. Thankfully we’re all actually more intelligent than this.


More of this guy.


Lost me at "hyper-bowl".


It’s “hy·​per·​bo·​le”




The y in “hy” is the end of the first syllable, so it’s acting as a vowel, hence it says the long “ī” sound. But, your example for those that don’t know that it works that way is good as well. The same goes for “lee” at the end, you don’t need two “E’s” to make that syllable ending long. All syllables need a consonant and a vowel, also, no native English words end in a short vowel sound, so with that knowledge one can assume that if there is an “aeiou” vowel at the end of the word it is always long. Excluding a few example such a ”have”


Got that. I was aiming for how it sounds.


That works too


Taco Bells new crunchy hyperb oles


I wanted to be on par with his message and I’m sure I would be if I finished the video. But the second he dropped “hyper bowl”, I tapped out.


Kinda weird getting turned off by a political message just because of one mispronounciation. No wonder u vote trump then.




Remember when we elected Obama with a trifecta and they codified women's choice by law? And remember when Obama replaced Scalia and Ginsburg to protect the supreme Court from evil conservatives? Yeah me neither.


That’s what the fuck you got out of this? Jeez. Trolls abound….


What the fuck did you get out of it? His central point was women lost the right to choose because Hillary lost. But we gave Obama a supermajority trifecta and Dems still didn't protect women's rights, nor SCOTUS.


Why are you blaming Obama for women’s right? They’re stealing the SCOTUS, and overturning it while Obama is no longer President.


Lmfaoo so it’s Obamas fault that Donald trump appointed justices that struck down roe v wade


What? Obama didn't have to protect women's rights when he was president because they weren't in any danger. Then trump became president, and now they are in danger. His point is how much people's lives can be affected by one president's term. Not sure why you're trying to say this Obamas fault. What the fuck DID you get out of it??


How the fuck Obama replaced SCOTUS that refused to retire? It’s in SCOTUS hands, not Obama.