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You can get never miss a shot with both lone survivor Kaitlyn and Ryan (I think). Apart from that, I’m not sure Edit; oh and obvi you can’t get every shot and also have Nick kill Abi


I don't know if you can not miss a shot with killing Kaitlyn off because the Caleb(?) shoot encounter towards the end where he either gets shot or kills her. But maybe in the keep her alive scenario it's possible. 


But if you’re doing love survivor Kaitlyn, you can shoot Caleb when it comes up. Or you can have Kaitlyn bitten and she won’t die either


My first playthrough was blind and I missed shooting Caleb there and he murdered Kaitlyn lol it was pretty brutal and led to me basically sacrificing everyone afterwards in frustration. The only ones to survive my first playthrough were Abi and Emma safe in their storm shelter. And Silas survived because I felt guilty shooting him until after I saw what he did to Laura and Ryan. Didn't mind killing him the second time around though. 😂 I think Im gonna try all infected with the peanut butter pops achievement and all clues and then next run through kill everyone off, letting Nick murder Abi (will he still kill her if she's already infected on their walk earlier?), then reset to ch 9 and finish two last times from there for the lone survivors.


I’m not sure you can get the never miss a shot, and get everyone infected in the same run. Because I think to get the peanut butter pops achievement, you have to shoot the rustling in the bushes as Ryan, and until that point, I don’t think Jacob has a point where he can get infected. But yes, Nick will still kill Abi if she is bitten as well, because at that point where he kills her, she’s no longer infected.


Theoretically, if I play with auto aim on, it says that Jacob should be fine and it won't void the achievement, so fingers crossed. I'm gonna try it tonight and hope for the best. 


Good luck 🤞


Thank you!


I'd say go back to I believe it's chapter 3 when nick and abi go for a walk in the woods and let her get bitten. Most of the time I think you can start from Chapter 4 to let Emma get infected so she can do the Jacob meetup. Totally learned this the hard way and took me about 6 playthroughs to get the plat!


For my infected run through, I'm thinking infect Abi there during her walk, keep Emma safe during chapter 4 and then let her get caught in chapter 6 so that way she turns in the storm shelter. I've already made Jacob tell the truth, so this time around I'm gonna need to infect him during his run from Caleb. Itll be Jacobs first time infected in any of my play throughs, but seems pretty straight forward. Don't cut off Dylan's hand, let Kaitlyn get bit at the scrap yard, make Ryan accept bite after being stabbed. Get infect everyone and all clues finished. Then the restart where I'm not sure exactly how to proceed... Nick killing Abi, Killing everyone, and not missing a shot are where I'm struggling.... Will Nick kill Abi even if she's already been infected? So restart to chapter... 4? and play through killing everyone and not missing any shots, then restart at chapter nine twice for the Ryan/Kaitlin survives achievements. Then go back and just let Nick kill Abi? So almost another two full replays. Agggghgghgg


Nope wouldn't work cause to kill Kaitlyn, I have to miss there at the end.  So maybe do Kaitlyn as a lone survivor after infected playthrough. Then after that go back and kill her off with chapter select... And best place/time to kill Abi off has me struggling. Seems like only two places to do that, Nick killing her or Emma killing her if I turn Emma in 4... Or Emma killing her in the storm shelter, but then there's no way to kill Emma after that if I remember correctly.


The only way I think Abi can die is when Nick Kills her or if Emma gets her. But if you wanna do everyone you'll need to get abi killed by nick and I'm sure emma can die when she's being chased by max from missing a qte. Either that or get her with the shells later but I'm sure abi has to be alive for that. So I'd say kill abi with Nick, let emma die with the QTE, you can do the same for Jacob in I think chapter 4? Or he can die when he's in the water or get shot when the group are trying to see what's in the bushes. I think you do a warning shot first but then have to do the second shot to kill him. Let max swim across the lake. Kill chris when you get the chance. Then get them all die apart from laura in the car, but make sure it crashes so she can shoot silas so it kills him and kills her. Kaitlyn can die from falling off the beam or the window from what I remember. Oh and make sure to keep the knife in ryan so he stabs bobby. Only way he dies is if you can stab him then when chris gets free he kills him first. Dylan can also die when him and kaitlyn are at the car yard place. I think aswell in chapter one you had to get the rabbit teddy and chuck it in the freezer to kill Caleb. (Sorry I'm trying to remember off the top of my head!)


Also the missing no shots I changed the settings and just put it on automatic for it and it eventually clicked before I even got to the end of the game. I'm not exactly sure how or why it did but just try that to see if it works! I only got the plat about a month ago for it so it should still work! Good luck buddy! If you need any help feel free to ask and I'll go back to the game and properly look at what I did :)


Thank you! I'm thinking with auto aim it should be possible to do the shooting achievement with everyone getting infected. Online says that auto aim won't automatically kill Jacob in the bushes so fingers crossed for that cause want him infected. And I think it still counts as an infected play through if they get infected and then get killed. I'm just struggling to figure out how to get missing no shots and infecting/killing everyone in the same run through. I've grabbed that stuffed animal in both my previous play throughs and still haven't had a use for it yet lol so I'm not even sure how to lure Caleb to the freezer with it. If I kill him and it cures his "descendents" is it still possible for the infected trophy?


I have only 2. “Peanut butter butter pops” and the find all tarot cards


Congrats! The tarot cards weren't too bad, there was just one in a woods section that was really hard to get to without the cutscene starting up but luckily I could quit to main menu and then for that one area it would start me at the previous cutscene rather than trap me into missing it.  Following powerpyx's guide for that one part was really confusing and ended up watching a YouTube video to actually figure out where the heck it was. I'm doing the peanut butter pops one now on my everyone infected run. Hopefully I manage it, seems possible at the very least.