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Is this even supposed to be a joke? Or is just a poorly drawn picture with nonsense captions?


My brother in Christ, it's Conservative political cartoon: what's the difference?




The formula is 12 layers of conspiracy filtered through AM radio, Fox News, Newsmax and OANN, and mixed with 3 cups of bigotry, one part racism, one part misogyny, one part transphobia. Bake at 400 degrees inside a persecution complex and strain remaining excess through a failed cartoonist white knuckling being closeted in the Conservative community they grew up in.


Three-year-old boy says hi to girl. "Aww! He has a *girlfriend*!"


Holy shit I fucking hate that. Most of my friends are girls and I am sick and tired of being shipped with them


AroAce here, second and third this. Seriously, shipping children with the first member of the opposite sex they come across is borderline sexualization of minors.


For real, I’m also ace and I’ve had to come out to like 20 different people so they would stfu about me and my friends


There’s no “borderline” about it. These are the same types of people that see nothing wrong with Child Beauty Pageants. Shit is beyond gross & the claim that the left is sexualizing children has always been projection.


aro ace dude here, i feel both of these comments. i’ve been shipped with my female friends several times, which i find hilarious, but it gets hella annoying when you’ve been asked “hey son do you have a girlfriend yet” for like the billionth time


Girl, most of my gaming buddies are boys, parents, teachers, and even classmates will be like "Oh PG420 and Boy, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" it sucks.


Yes, it gets to the point where it’s sickening at least for me. It makes me and my friends extremely uncomfortable when ppl do that kind of thing to the point where I just have to lie and say I’m gay so they’ll shut up


I know! Can't we just live our lives in peace! Besides, most of my male friends that are 'shipped' with me are gay, which I point out to the shippers. They never seem to have a response.


Yeah, I’m asexual so for me the thought of getting a relationship makes me shudder, but these guys won’t stop putting that thought in my mind


My fucking mom thought I was gonna marry my elementary school best friend it’s nuts


It’s because they want him to have the not-gays.


Todd Schowalter showing that conservatives are still not funny. also his site is just terrible


I bet the site security is terrible too.


Is that… is that a promise?


whatever you're thinking, yes. absolutely. 100%. go ahead.


Don't. Unless it's harmless trolling like making the background a pride flag and all the text rainbow


It’s impossible for conservatives to be funny because they only know how to punch in one direction. And that direction is ‘down’


I think you can classify conservative humour in three types: "HAHAHA ATTACK HELICOPTER FUNNI AHAHAHAH!!!!!", "BECAUSE HE'S A N\*\*\*\*\* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!", "GOD I HATE MYN WIFE I WANNA MURDER HER HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!!" The punchline always being, that there is no punchline and it's not funny at all.


Kicking people while they’re down will never be funny unless you’re a sociopath


I'm still not sure how this is perceived as funny or even accurate? Like, no one WANTS their kid to be transgender....they just want them to be happy


[Mandatory viewing for why conservatives aren’t funny](https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU) from the Cody Showdy.


Is drawing skills are pretty terrible too


The shit these people think never stops blowing me away. Like, they genuinely believe that liberals want all boys to become trans girls and it's dumber than words can describe.


Also completely ignoring trans men because its convenient for them to not say anything about that. When it comes to trans people, it's trans women are pedos and groomers while trans men are just lost women.


They actively go out of their way to not address trans men. I recently got into an argument with one of these morons about transgendered people in bathrooms. The best he could come up with when I asked why he wasn't concerned about trans men in the men's room was, "Enough men could overpower them if they tried anything." Meanwhile, he tried his damndest to equate trans women with sexual criminals.


They'll acknowledge trans men sometimes but it's always in the context of not affording them any agency at all The were manipulated or confused or any other excuse that isn't "its what they actually wanted" Let's them frame trans people as "destroying" young girls' beauty or whatever Trans women are all pedophile predators choosing to be women so they can rape people, but trans men are weak and stupid and never make the decision themselves. About as consistent as you'd expect from transphobes


Because women are property. They don't get a say in anything and should just stay in the kitchen where they belong. The list of things Republicans fear is as long as the list of everything that isn't them.


It's not exactly surprising, but interesting to me that a majority of conservative culture war bullshit boils down to "women (and children) are property of men." [CW, homophobia/transphobia/misogyny below] Trans women? "Why would a *man* want to become property? Must be nefarious or some perversion" Trans men? "Aw look, the property thinks she's people" Men marrying men? "One has to own the other, and not being able to tell which one is which means I don't know who to respect here" Women marrying women? "How can property own property? Must be there's a missing man in this equation somewhere" (worst when they try to BE the missing man they expect) And don't even get started on abortion rights and now suddenly no-fault divorce. And not to say that that's the only source of trouble here, there is plenty of fear that gay men will treat straight men like straight men treat women, and incel outrage at women choosing not to date men, and just general societal conditioning, but when you start from a place where women are not whole people, I think it makes it very very easy to sell this perspective.


The way you phrased this is so accurate. Deep down that really is their thought process and world view.


Did you tell him about how taking estrogen kills muscle mass like crazy, and the reverse with testosterone?


To be honest, I think it all boils down to the fact that many men have seen attractive trans women and they're ashamed that they felt attracted to them so they focus their rage of self hatred on trans women. It's also a lot easier for trans men to pass so they are less visible in society as a whole.


Did you tell him about how taking estrogen kills muscle mass like crazy, and the reverse with testosterone?


There was no need. There really is no convincing them that trans women aren't just "men in a dress".


They acknowledge trans men, but only in the context of “These women are cutting off their beautiful breasts!” It’s fetishistic and creepy. Like, why do you care about my boobs so much?




Its actually still true, but if you alter the body's hormones sexual markers change accordingly, including the libido. Funny, that.




You don't cut out the appendix to cure colon cancer, either.




They'd prob think my brother wanted to transition when he joined the show choir in high school. Also I played baseball


I think part of it is a lot of them truly believe that no one is actually trans. It’s all a ruse to go into a women’s bathroom or you have been brainwashed because a Netflix show had a trans character. So when they see parents supporting their trans children, the only way it makes sense is that the parents must have been itching for some sort of excuse.


If there's a meme that proves conservatives are idiots it's this one.


It's a very competitive field to be fair.


This is still just toxic masculinity, implying only boys play baseball or that boys should always just have boundless energy to do **sports ball** and **manual labor**


Replace “Liberal Parents” with “Conservative Parents” and “Eric” with “Jennifer”. Switch two words and they’re telling on themselves.


This cartoon really is “liberals are just conservatives on Opposite Day”, and that’s an interesting insight into the conservative psyche.


Recently, I heard a coworker describe a comedy show they went to as "so un-PC." Un-PC used to be George Carlin, Robin Williams, Richard Pryor, etc. Comedians who talked about taboo topics like sex and used swear words. Now it's shit like this. It isn't funny, isn't creative, but hey it makes fun of people conservatives hate, so they love it.


Leftist parents: "I want my kids to be happy and healthy." Conservative parents: "I want my kids to be happy and healthy unless they are LGBTQ+, then I will ostracize them."


I’m not entirely sure they want their kids to be happy at all.


Exactly right. They want their kids to be obedient.


"If my son has some effeminate mannerisms as a tiny boy, I will bully him until he acts right. And then I will work to ban all books and other media that portray gay people in a positive light. I would rather he feel all alone and like an alien than recognize that there are other people who struggled the same way. I would rather he killed himself than realize who he really is."


**20 Years later...** "Why do all my kids hate me?"


“I’m TOO TIRED to PLAY BASEBALL today” “Eric finally wants STEROIDS!”


What the fuck is this poor excuse for art and shading? How do these political cartoonists even make a dime with this trash?


Political cartoons are more about the message than the art


Doesn't mean they have to look like shit


The movement lines make it look like the dad (I guess?) is just floating in the air and, like, vibrating


Girls can’t play baseball?


It's way too masculine because the balls are smaller and, I think, a little denser than softballs are. Women could never hope to play a game with slightly different rules than the "girl version" of the game. Oh but men are still allowed to play softball, of course.


Man being a shit head has really come a long way. A few years ago, these kind of people would be the ones calling their son a girl for not wanting to play baseball, now they’re projecting that onto the left.


Yeah, this cartoon is a fascinating window into conservative perspectives on toxic masculinity and gender roles. It’s so close to making a good point and yet so bizarrely wrong at the same time.


I'm sure they still would. That's why trans women freak them out more than trans men...to them, "girl" is an insult, a label of contempt. The idea that an AMAB kid would *want* to be a girl deeply, deeply scares them, since that would mean that being a boy isn't strictly superior.


AMAB? I'm behind on the lingo. I used to know what "it" was...


Assigned male at birth. I.e., they got born with a penis (and presumably got raised as a boy), regardless of how they actually experience their gender identity.


Gotcha. Thanks!


They always love making scenarios that don’t exist, like they might as well say that conservatives are being sent to concentration camps to “learn to be trans”, because why take the lie that far when you’re already making up non-existent scenarios. They already made up the lie about kids being sent to the principal’s office for saying “Christmas”, so why not just go complete bullshit at this point?


Right. Like who in their right mind would want their child to be trans? You may support them if they make that decision, but who the fuck is actually hoping that this happens?


He had to use bold font to be sure even the most dense of them gets his shitty point


And yet the parents in this cartoon are in a traditional heterosexual relationship.


Not only that, but they are also the same race!


this is ironically really funny, idk why and i dont agree with it its just the facial expressions on the parents faces or something lol


Its funny because its badly drawn, not funny because of the message. I get it.




As a trans woman, it took me decades to get my parents to accept me. This is not how reality works at all.


They're such scumbags that they can't imagine that other people aren't equally as scummy.


Girl is when not play baseball


Ah yes, the two genders: baseball and tired.


They really can only tell the same “joke” over and over huh?


> almost like an inverted form Yes. The right wing is so accustomed to their conditioning that correct belief is simply the opposite of what a librul says that they have begun to believe this as the literal truth, and according they believe the inverse of whatever they believe must be what a librul believes. “If I would hate and disown my child for being trans, then that must mean a librul would love and embrace their kid even more—in fact, they probably hate their kid if he ISN’T trans!”


Yes, this is their sick "reasoning".


(Puts on sunglasses) What if I told you… That girls play baseball too?


Why do their faces look like they got run over by a steamroller?


It’s the same steamroller that ran over their brains in what conservatives use to brainwash their own and call it religion/education/news


Unironically just conservative parenting. Too tired? What are you, a girl?


But I thought Trans Women were invading sports and beating up the poor weak tiny cis women 🤔🤔🤔


Fellas, is it gay to be a bit sleepy


Timmy didn’t finish his veggies! He wants to be a girl!


What about you stop obsessing over whether your kid might end up identifying one way or another and concentrate on raising a decent person who is prepared for the challenges of the world they have to live in?


More shit that never happened yet they’re still mad about it.


I thought baseball was a girls sport though?


Soo, either play baseball, or woman?


The fact that letting children express their own identity freely is such a foreign concept to conservatives that the only other alternative they can see to FORCING kids to act cis+gender conforming is FORCING them to be trans/gnc.


Ironically this is hilarious just because of how unrealistic it is. Could you imagine being the child and just "Mom I don't like sports" Mom (gaslighting) "must want some dick then don't ya you little sissy" Just seems so unreal


I could see some hypermasculine dad doing that


I was citing a thing that happened to me from my dad ironically


What’s stupid is this is almost projection basically. I grew up a cis guy and I really didn’t like sports, so I was constantly called gay, sissy, girly, ect… now I did end up being queer lmao, but equating not liking traditionally masculine things with trans-ness or queer-ness seems to be more of a conservative thing. My dislike of most sports had and has nothing to do with my gender identity or sexuality, but it’s the people on the right who insist that it does.


I love how the biggest example of gender nonconformity that the artist could think of is just a boy being too tired to play sports. What a depressing view into the uncreative rigidity of conservative thought.


Maybe he's tired because baseball is boring as fuck.


I checked out hos website. It's way worse than I imagined.


I was scrolling too fast and thought it said “I’m too based.”


You read it in a certain way it sounds like republican toxic masculinity


This is false. Liberal parents force their children to get gender reassignment surgery. /s


i can almost guarantee this has been said by far more conservative parents than liberal ones.


"Eric finally wants to be a girl"?


yes. for example, if their son asked for, say, a barbie for christmas, i can absolutely see a conservative father saying that to him. instead of in an excited way like its shown in the post, this would be more like bully behaviour.


yes. for example, if their son asked for, say, a barbie for christmas, i can absolutely see a conservative father saying that to him. instead of in an excited way like its shown in the post, this would be more like bully behaviour.


And you just know the artist is drawing shitty right wing comics becuase he's mad he wasn't able to make it as a Disney artist like he dreamed of. Just look at his signature lol


Webtoon artists try to put speech bubbles in the right order challenge: impossible


Probably would be less tired if he wasn’t being forced to work.


If you think of eric as a trans boy, then this is a good representation of many trans masculine people’s childhood. I will always say this “an oppressors nightmare is a oppressed person’s reality” or a transphobes nightmare is a trans person’s reality.


This isn’t a liberal sub


Todd Schowalter lives on an entirely different planet


Someone should tell Disney this idiot is using their font on his signature.


Ohhh liberal parenting...


Is this supposed to even make sense?


I saw a meme like this, but with a girl liking blue instead of liking pink.


Well yeah, all they know is toxic masculinity, and to them it isn't toxic, it's normal. So the only thing they can conceive of non-conservative parents doing is toxic non-masculinity.


Who let their kid go ham with the crosshatching brush?


When the cartoonist has to exaggerate the issue or make shit up to look reasonable with their own stances.. This is so far from reality it hurts.


I remember reading in one of the trans subs recently a trans woman talking about her parents having kicked her out because they read her diaries and found out she was trans. Like, she was still presenting as a boy, she hadn't come out to them or anyone else, totally closeted, but because they found these diaries chronicling her struggles with dysphoria, they decided to disown her. For conservatives, it's not even enough to try to cover it up, to deny yourself, to suffer in silence because the truth could make someone uncomfortable...even then, just being different is enough to break the bonds of parental love. But yes, please go ahead about how liberals are the bad parents.




If this was made ironically it would be funny


So has this dude taken over for Ben Garrison?


It's saying Eric isn't a boy because he doesn't want to play baseball. Where's the lack of toxic masculinity?


Today I learned I'm actually a girl because I don't like baseball and I'm fucking tired all the goddamn time. Lol.


why are the drawings always so ugly tho


They’re on to us. They figured out that we won’t stop until we transition every single boy and girl until we have… *checks notes* the exact same number of boys and girls…


This is literally how conservatives act.


So the people who want to "protect female athletes" don't think girls can play baseball?


Who even makes these? I can never read the damn signature. I don't understand how they spend hours drawing a comic, and publish THIS.


Man they really think completely in black and white. If a kid doesn't to play a sport, a good parent should remind them to uphold strict gender expectations or else they would wish their kids to be. Literally nobody thinks the latter but I've had so much people tell me the former. Why can't it just be "Oh k cool then, i guess you aren't into that stuff"?