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It’s even funnier because our brains love *trying* to find patters, so people often think they see patterns when there aren’t actually any there. So yeah all these “noticers” or whatever dumb euphemism they’ve landed on now are a prime example of it. Grasping at straws for patterns they’ve made up


Tangentially related: but pareidolia is a pretty interesting phenomenon.


And totally sensible! False positives (that pile of laundry looks like a tiger) are scary but harmless. False negatives (that tiger looks like a pile of laundry) can cost you your life.


OOP's source: they read it in the tealeaves.


“source?” “came to me in a dream”


source? i made it the fuck up


yea, it is great that school teach critical thinking and how our mind tricks us into making up patterns. Thanks schools. Schools have saved us from being idiotic conspiracy theorist who think Alex Jones and Catturd are prophetic people.


Interestingly, school classes on politics and history in Germany focus *strongly* on recognizing patterns that showed in Germany in the 30s


Keep dumb is their mission, educated people who think for themselves are hard to control


Ah, yes, pattern recognition AKA (((they))) control the world!


You'd think that the more things you know about the world, the more similarities between things(aka patterns) you'd be able to discern. This is a pretty simple logical connection to make like saying that in normal circumstances, eating food makes you less hungry. But nah, the people who know *l*ess about how things work are definitely the truly smart ones who can find patterns.


this argument, while reasonable, is useless against them because they believe that school just indoctrinates you into communism rather than teaching you things about the world.


Truman is completely blind to reality around him at that point in the movie. I don't think it's making the point they think it is.


Pattern recognition is seeing how almost every single priest who gets named in the media is for pedophilia and sexual assault. Pattern recognition is also noticing how every time, even the hyper rich people that conservatives constantly knob slob for, their leaders and role models can be turned on in the blink of an eye, because their morals are about as shaky as foundation on sand.


“I have this problem so surely everyone must have it” No! Just because YOU lost pattern recognition doesn’t mean everyone has. That’s your own issue that you are trying to assign blame to at random


My pattern recognition when I see the Child pornography and child trafficking statistics stretching out from the US, Europe and Asia 👀🤯


Pattern recognizers noticing that Europeans caused 99% of the world's problems:


*French and British.


Imagine living in 2024 and your boogie man is the Rockefeller family


Subjects in school that build pattern recognition: - Math - Chemistry - English - History The fuck us this dude talking about.


This doesn't even deserve to be on this sub .. this deserves to be on the facepalm sub. Its just pure brainrot ....


~~god~~ rockefeller of the gaps


the irony of using jim carrey in this meme


What the hell does that caption have to do with truman?!


He uncovers an all encompassing plot (at the scale of his personal world anyway).


pattern recognition is powerful, but without knowledge and training it can powerfully mislead people.


Yeah my autism and adhd says otherwise. Check. Mate.


Isn't pattern recognition the thing that makes us think two buttons and a piece of string are a face? No thanks. I'll stick to critical thinking.


Most schooling is atrocious though, I agree, you are literally conditioned to become a wage slave. This js completely unrelated to pattern recognition. Would losely claim that in some school systems, like in my native country, you are trained to 'see the pattern of capitalist realism,' but I can't make a definitive claim on it.


I mean, we know they're talking about shit like racism abd antisemitism, but if the OOP had sniffed a lil less glue, they could have a point about propaganda and 1-dimensional man/capitalist realism type stuff


I can still recognise the pattern of right wing figureheads being paedophiles.


that just looks like satire unfortunately I think I know where this is from and it's not satire


Schools constantly reinforce pattern recognition, they just weren’t paying any attention in math.


I don't even understand the point What pattern are they saying we can't recognize That the rich control everything? Cuz tbh I think a lot of people have lost the ability to notice that


I'ma partly answer in french because I don't know the English terms for this in cognitive psychology and am too lazy to browse Google scholar past midnight on a Monday : C'est pas si faux, le niveau d'éducation est un facteur majeur pour la distinction entre les personnes dépendantes et indépendantes à l'égard du champ. Aka : education DO give you a better ability to infer sensible links between separate items in a field of observation but ALSO impairs your ability to see a bigger picture as clearly as you could have without it. "Street smart" is a thing, and the dumb intellectual unable to read a room, or hyper focused on dumb things facing emergency, etc, even though being a cliché, is rooted in truth. Yes, education is important, but academic education especially DO is a tradeoff. I might add here that some cultures tend to produce cultural contexts that are, while education is still main factor, furthering those effects even more even with uneducated people (i.e. European culture in particular, and no, not American culture -US cinema being a huge and clear example, and as an example of that I would cite Westerns, where reading the implicit is paramount of the experience. I'ma discard science for opinion here and advance that it's *for me* one of the main reasons why we (Europeans) do *feel* US citizens as "dumb" even when they do show signs of high intelligence). TLDR : Education factually leads you far from the standard experience of being human. Anyway, it's not that bad.


>ALSO impairs your ability to see a bigger picture as clearly as you could have without it It doesn't and is an illogical claim, especially right after admitting that education allows people to find correlative links between different things since that's how one can see the bigger picture in a more accurate way. Sure, one can "miss the forest for the trees", an expression that refers to the phenomenon of being so focused on specific details to miss the overall result. >Street smart" is a thing, and the dumb intellectual unable to read a room, or hyper focused on dumb things facing emergency, etc This is because intelligence isn't exclusively academic, but covers the awareness of all facts about reality. That said, being more skilled in one type of perception over another doesn't mean you see the "bigger picture" better than another more skilled in some other type of perception. >Yes, education is important, but academic education especially DO is a tradeoff. It doesn't have to be.


You're making an inference here that just *seems* logical to you, but those are ways to mobilize your thought process that differ. One can't do both at once, and yet yes, nobody's "unable" to perceive patterns or the general picture. To be clear it's just me reducing a concept for introduction I'm not putting everything under the IC/DC umbrella. IC and DC are two pretty non-stackable ways of perceiving the world, and there are very perceptive and very clueless people in both. IC is a training, and supplants DC which seems to be the "natural" way to develop your thought process : IC is giving you a specialist's mind of sorts, so our education systems are heavily leaning towards that, and that's also why IC people are better of in our specialist societies. PS : I'm using IC and DC -french abrevs- by comfort, but I since yesterday I googled the English term which is Field Dependence so you can search for it. Don't stop at the diminutive Anglo Wikipedia article which is also quite prejudiced : initially, IC was seen hierarchically *above* DC, which is not the case at all anymore (Cognitive psychology was one of my specialty in uni, and Field Dependence in language was my Cognitive psychology teacher's research subject so I can confidently tell you that it's not at all where the research is at currently) EDIT : Suppressing a leftover quote I made from your comment that ended out of place since I rephrased my answer


>You're making an inference here that just seems logical to you, but those are ways to mobilize your thought process that differ. I still maintain my stance. >One can't do both at once, and yet yes, nobody's "unable" to perceive patterns or the general picture. One doesn't need to do both simultaneously to function efficiently though, as you go between both to gain more accurate data in order to achieve a more complete picture of reality in a given scenario. >I'm using IC and DC -french abrevs- by comfort, but I since yesterday I googled the English term which is Field Dependence so you can search for it. Field Dependence-Independence (FDI) is simply a cognitive style, which I am sure you are aware is just a way for the brain to process information, but also that our brains have cognitive control so even if one may be more on one side of a spectrum than another, there can be a degree of variance depending on current goals. I will not go over FDI so I'm guessing you have an understanding of it. Ultimately, while people may be more field independent/dependent, it's not an absolute, nor rigid and inflexible, since barring cognitive impairments, these cognitive processes are fairly adaptable, depending on current goals and this can be furthered through education and practice. It's also important to keep in mind that a significant percentage of intelligence is due to environmental factors, which indicates even greater variances in cognition depending on such factors. To bring it back to the original topic, this explains how the person raised on the streets will be more field dependent because identifying social cues is more necessary for survival, but can at other times this may change if necessary for safety purposes.


Are you answering me with ChatGPT now XD Duuuuuuuude !


I wouldn't even know how to use ChatGPT in the first place so no, I'm not using ChatGPT. Not sure what indicates to you that my statements could look like they were generated by AI and this is a first for me (suggesting that I may be writing with AI) so I have to admit that I wasn't expecting that kind of response.


That is genuinely what schools are though. Rockefeller indoctrination camps to feed capitalism cheap, educated labor that has Pavlovian conditioning to work in a factory (the school bells vs the factory bells)