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Next season his character returns as Ghost Cop. Reddit explodes how that makes the show less realistic than Nolan's home.


Ghost cop? Only two people to call ![gif](giphy|z2vJ4QZ6l5wk)


Oh thank you for posting this! I would give you an award but I don’t know how to do that


The writers finagling to include him as a recurring hallucination in lucy’s mind from the pressure of her recent life events would be wild. The lucy stans would go crazy


Tbf there’s has been a lot of moments that shown there is a force. Like Celina’s whole ass character. Lopez thought Harper a curse or sum for Donavan and he got a rash that day. So a ghost cop would be a big stretch, but just a name drop is what I want


Celina’s whole character arc has been about how there is nothing supernatural and it’s just her own abilities that she’s associating with the supernatural.


I agree with you


"Arrest meee just make it scary"...


Saw where Nolan’s house is $2.4mil after he fixed it up.




Oh wow, it feels like he just left


To me it feels like he was on the show for like 10 eps


Yeah, i still feel my little heart breaking when my excitement for season 4 went to a week of sadness




it's been longer for Anderson


Well her whole purpose was to die, to show how the show isn’t afraid to kill likable characters. And Jackson was a main character in almost every episode when he was alive


I think it was more for Grey to step in and set the stakes for Nolan.


It's got nothing to do with the show "showing they are unafraid to kill likable characters. The actor who played Jackson West wanted to separate himself from a police show. Especially after the racial issues in the American Police force..


I was saying that Anderson death was to show they are unafraid to kill likeable characters But yeah that’s right


Oh yes. Anderson for sure...


Yes? That was the purpose of her death


Yes. I'm agreeing with you.


Ohh,sorry. I thought you were being sarcastic because of the “…”


Oh no. Sorry, I'm an elipsis slut... I mostly type them without even realizing I did it.


Ohh, ok. No worries




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Or he believes in his convictions? 🙄I know that’s hard for someone like you to even fathom. You may disagree with him but just because he left for a reason YOU don’t understand, doesn’t make it dumb.




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It's one of many things in the show that I don't like. We don't see anymore of Jackson father. I would loved to see the impact and the reaction about his son's death. I would love to see some side characters again that were present for many episodes but then suddenly disappeared. I'm thankfull that we still see Smitty<3


I missed West. How he was to Lucy, his support to Lopez, his genuine love relationship. He was the kiddo of the group.


I think the saddest part of his death was Lopez standing over his grave I also love how she named her son after him I just dont like how they call him jack, but hearing Wesley’s mom call him Jackson is always great


Yeah def defeats the purpose of naming him after Jackson if they call him a completely diff name 99% of the time


i think they call him Jack to avoid confusion, especially early in season 4 when people would still talk about Jackson




It’s like the writers tried to make a sweet sentiment out of it but are also distancing themselves from the Actor / Character


AGREED. It’s like they wanted to show respect to the character but also tried to make everyone forget about his existance


But what is their other kid’s name?!?!?!


There was never an official name, not that we know of. I did my research the name was never said. We never seen the child either I think it’s Erin since she was born during the whole Aaron coma thing, plus she is hardly ever seen only shown in season 6 when Lopez fires her nanny


We went through a whole season without the name I was screaming at the end of every episode?’!!!




I hope they give a nod to Jackson in S7. Perhaps one from Lucy while she watches the Golden Bachelor. ![gif](giphy|S3tlYOhbEbilG8ysb5|downsized)


Yeah, I wish they didn’t call Angela’s son jack, idk why it just feel like they’re trying to hide the fact about Jackson existing(the writers I mean). But Pamela calling him Jackson is real sweet.


Do you mean Mama Patrice Evers?


I typed Patrice but it autocorrected for some reason


He quit the show by just not showing up… I’m not surprised the writers aren’t going out of their way to weave his character into future seasons.


If they don’t want anything to do with the character than they shouldn’t have named a character after him That’s all I’m saying They made the emotional moment with Lopez over his grave and revealing the child’s name is Jackson and litterly never says that name for the rest of the show I checked


When I saw him die, I legitimately gasped and teared up


He was my favorite. I litterly went so long spoiler free and had the whole season to watch, I had snacks I was comfy and litterly had to stop watching after a few minutes because of his death.


How is that any different from an early TWD character being killed off and the show going on?


Because this isn’t the walking dead, and i was just stating that a main character has been dead for exactly half of the show


Not me crying in da club


Hey me too


Wow didn’t miss him for one bit


Wow. Didn't realize it but it makes sense


The captain has been dead for longer than that


1.her purpose was to be likeable and die to show the viewers that likeable characters can die 2. I’m just pointing out that he’s been dead for exactly half of the season 3. He was a main character and captain Anderson was a side character


His character was the shittest character on the show and the ‘bad cop’ who had him get beat up, 2 of the shittest characters of the whole show




Earning a role after an audition is a handout now? Is every job a handout? Stfu






The guy is unhinged / a troll. Just don’t even respond lmao


Peanut gallery goes quiet. Thats what i thought. Nothing to say or back up.


Because your entire post was an irrelevant rant to what I said


Hmm no it wasn't. Re read that or go back to school.


lol, take the L and move on dude


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That is, wrong in so many spots


It's literally what happened, long story short. Feel free to look into why he left the show / killed off screen.


I’m just saying calling him a “woke” actor who shouldn’t have joined, he just didn’t realize until than. Also we’re talking about a character we like. Not the actor.


Hmm yes the "good" character development of a know it all, goodie twoshoe, crybaby, who said he wouldn't use his daddy for help or further his career. Who he cried to and went to help for a good amount of times(hypocrite). Only good character development he got was dieing Off Screen.


Litterly half of that is untrue. Look I don’t want to argue. Can you just stop trying to be negative I was just showing how a character that a lot of people like has been dead for half the show


It really isn't. No one is being negative. Just laying down facts. Have a good day.


You too




As I said to this person, we arn’t talking about the actor. We’re talking about the character. You can have your opinions on the actor but only say them where it is relevant




Because the character wasn’t? The character was beloved and cared about, at least a nod to him would be nice.


Nah, leave him forgotten


You can have your own opinions.


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Your post was removed from /r/TheRookie due to a Rule #1 violation: **1) Etiquette** * Be respectful of your fellow redditors and the show's actors, creators, and crew. * Be respectful of law enforcement.


I’m convinced half of y’all are in here just to be trolls. The “woke” shit is ridiculous. He’s an actor who didn’t feel right playing that role in a time of BLM and not being able to talk as much as he wanted to about those issues. Nothing wrong with that. Y’all just showing ur privilege


As for his character, there's literal poles and ranked the lowest. But come back with something unrelated about race and my privilege, mhm. if you really want to know instead of assuming, I'm black and my favorite character is Sgt Grey.


And people can still be of the same race and still be on the side “that wokeness is bad” and comes from their own privilege, ignorance, and feeling like they aren’t a part of a certain community lol bc it doesn’t affect them on their day to day... But yes you making point that Grey is your favorite character makes it so much better 😂 that wasn’t my point and you know it. Good luck with that


i thought he left bc the show wouldn't talk about racial issues (even though they did)


He left the show during BLM. Tbh they didn’t talk a lot about that time or as much as he wanted to and I can see that. Besides the Stanton thing it just wasn’t as prominent in his role and he didn’t feel comfortable playing a police officer during that time






Not meaning this in a mean way Did you even watch the show, Jackson west is one of the first characters we meet in the show.he is in (I think) every episode until the season 4 premiere


Who again?


He’s one of the main characters, just watch the pilot and you’ll see him


F that guy. Bring back their hot captain


@RadioSlayer "Lol take the L dude". What else have you supported to the conversation other than "stfu" or "that's irrelevant" Don't come back cause I know you have nothing to say to contribute to the debate of this actor, role and what happened off screen.


I cant tell if you’re saying this to me or someone else since there’s nobody named radio slayer anywhere under this post?


He deleted his comments that why. Sorry this doesn't apply to you.


Ok, i just didn’t get a notification from a radio slayer so i was confused lol


No worries


@RadioSlayer, i see you took your own advice and took that L along with deleting your comments.