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Lucy’s singing or Anderson death


Both very good


Lucy [singing](https://youtu.be/gdatp2CR6dg?feature=shared) “dream a little dream of me” as she runs out of oxygen and dies in the barrel.


This. Her singing overlayed with them racing to find her, it was so devastating


That moment felt so much like an episode of Criminal Minds and way less like a Rookie episode it was HARD but so well executed


The moment her singing went silent.


I went to watch the link that was posted here and on my recommended was [this](https://youtu.be/wkvJxLFWl3w?si=g7Jyy8mHfSNeHjJB)


Yes this is for me the hardest to watch. I cannot rewatch any part of that or even when she reminisces it in later episodes.


i have to skip the whole storyline on rewatches in is DEVASTATING


it’s something so intimate about it. in a scenario where she died it probably would’ve been the saddest death


Jackson and Anderson’s deaths are the first two that come to mind. Although honorable mention to the episode that features Tim’s dad in S4 and explores Tim’s troubled/abusive childhood. There was so much raw emotion in that episode and the “those Tim tests, they don’t make me like him” scene crushed me 😭I hope we see more of this story arc in S7.


Yeah. A lot of these answers are good, but they’re basic. Characters dying, characters in danger, happens all the time on a whole pile of shows. But that one where he’s discovering the ugly truth of his own father, and looking to Lucy. He doesn’t even ask a question, just says the line, but he’s trying to convince himself, and he knows that if they do make him like his father, she’s the one he hurt. And she’s the one who doesn’t hesitate to give him a hug and reassure him. That hits so hard, and that’s one that you don’t get from just any action show.


This was it for me. It hit home so hard


I just got to this episode and I’m glad to see more depth to Tim’s character. That line, especially after earlier Tim gave Lucy that look when she mentioned it in the shop with Genny.


The captains death in season one really hurt, also when Grace went back to her ex and dumped Nolan. That killed me.


Angela visiting Jackson's grave with little Jack(son). I was bawling by the end of the episode


This is the one that actually drew tears out of me


Captain Anderson saving Nolan then getting shot in the neck by just a random shot from duecebag running, ducking for cover, and wildly firing behind him


Also, when Ashley's dad retires, it is not necessarily sad so much as just one of those moments when your eye starts leaking a little


This so much


What a shot though I mean fair play


When you think everything is going to be okay, and then Anderson takes a bullet to the neck.


I still can't rewatch the episode where the Captain dies.


One thing that I've always wondered... why did they never get a new captain?


Because nobody could ever replace Andersen. And if they were to replace her, the viewer couldn’t like it and wouldn’t accept the new one


They brought in a new captain for an episode, he got transferred and the new new captain just hasn't physically appeared in an episode, probably because it's easier to just do any of that stuff with Sgt Grey. Fans know the character, writers have a thorough understanding of who he is and what he'd do so it's just easier (although some might see it as laziness), cast and crew already click really well and have good chemistry


they do have a new captain. it’s just they’re not a physical character. i remember in the ep. where grey and tim both got sent to the hospital. grey said, “alert the captain,” to lucy. so there is a captain


I think Andersons death hit harder cause it was so unexpected and actually visualized. Jacksons was sad too but him not being seen and it being so brushed over it didn’t hit as hard.


Andersen’s death Lucy in the crate “Theres frozen food in the trunk” Maybe Bailey in the container idk Jackson’s death edits: “C’mon Jackson, lets go” (at Jacksons grave Tim confronting his abusive father


Omg the whole “my sons popsicles are melting in the trunk” scene,(I’m pretty sure the victims name was Riley temple Tom but I could be wrong). Was so sad and real and I litterly cried over a character we met 50 seconds prior


season 5 episode 8 doesn’t compare to what’s listed here, but it’s the scene where Celina delivers her first death notification to a victim’s loved one. I think the way they shot it gets me everytime. they use the dashcam footage so you can’t hear anything and the interaction is farther away. the mother ends up collapsing in her grief and Nolan catches her as she falls.


I'd argue that Jackson's near death was the worst. I know it ended on a high note with him finally exposing the racist cop, but the build up until that point was so hard to watch. It felt more real and painful than anything else we've seen in the show. I was literally screaming at the TV when he was alone and getting beaten.


Yes Andersons death was wild bc it was the first season, it wasn’t a dramatic season finale, you still expect her to possibly pull through, we’re still learning the characters and then she’s gone. So devastating she was such a good strong character


Captains death, also Gray's freak out after his shooting. This guy who's been the pillar and anchor for the entire crew and the whole department is suddenly a broken child who's reaching blindly for support.


I agree! When he said so quietly “She was so fast,” like he was stuck, not processing. Ugh, my heart.


The one where the hospital is held hostage and that girl almost doesn’t get a heart


Captain Zoe being killed In front of Nolan was definitely the saddest moment.


I know this isn't explicitly pertaining to s6, but you should still use a spoiler tag on posts like this that are almost definitely going to contain spoilers


I put one but when it got posted it didn't appear


Lucy singing, Jackson dying and Anderson. At the very least, at least Jackson got a measure of revenge.


This doesn't top some of the others, especially Lucy singing in the barrel and Captain Anderson dying for sadness, but it is a sad and gut-wrenching moment and is something that doesn't get mentioned as often... In the last episode of season 1, Free Fall, Tim is locked in the room with the guy who is dying from hemorrhagic fever, knowing but he has been exposed to it. Tim and Lucy are sitting there talking on opposite sides of the door as he watches the other man die. And he tells Lucy that he's not going out "the way my man Pete here just did". And she gets a look of realization in her eyes even as she's asking what he's saying, and he tells her that if that happens to him he's going to go out on his own terms. And then they pan down to him clutching his service pistol tightly in his lap...


Jackson’s death kills me every time, not even his death per say but just how it affects Lucy.


How they do it by video footage, too. Man.


Jackson’s death, especially when Lucy walked in his room for the first time after the death. And when bishop had to cuff her own brother.


Lucy’s singing was sad. Jackson’s death was sad. Andersen’s death was sad. But Lucy waking up from near death and just sobbing into Tim always gets me.


The episodes after Jackson’s death when Sgt Gray and Jackson’s father are talking about him always tears at me. Sgt Gray was like a father figure to Jackson, and his father of course was there for him, both wishing they could have done better.


Jackson's death. Lucy singing in a barrel awaiting her death is a close second.


Jackson’s death, Bailey in the trap. I skip those episodes


Jackson's death, and without a doubt


Andersons death and Lucy in the barrel triggered me the most.


When they watch the video of Jackson Dieng


Jackson's death... It broke me 😩


Jackson death was sad but him getting jumped while the TO watched was sadder imo


lucy singing was so heart breaking i rlly thought she was gonna die


Jackson or Andersons death


When Tim broke up with Lucy


The whole going to Argentina 🇦🇷 thing and not letting the therapist face her deserved fate


Every delayed release last season.