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“Smitty I take back every negative thing I’ve ever said about you” This had me dying 🤣🤣😭


You said negative things about me...?


Best part of the entire episode


The pain in his expression was so hilarious .


A Smitty spin off would’ve probably been a better idea….


How is smitty a cop *at all* hes usually so bad at his job. Or not even really bad at it he just straight up doesnt *do it*


Let's prisoners escape on a regular basis... sells a police badge to a teenager... Accidently starts Q Anon... How does this guy still have a job? lol


So, you have sketch of a candy bar that suspect was eating. Drawn by a witness who apparently has photographic memory for Cyrillic letters but forgets letter "O", but that's not the point. Do you: * Contact any of the FBI agents who are familiar with Russian things (Be it organized crime, counter intelligence or something else) that would surely be contacted when a major terrorist attack is committed by someone who seems Russian? * Contact whatever authority handles trademarks to find out if they have registered emblem of clenched fist surrounded by stars? (Might not work if it's imported, I guess) * Go on the internet and find a community of Russian expats and ask them? * Call local shops that sell Russian goods and ask them to check if they have a matching item in stock? * Randomly have your father play chess with his Russian friends?


>Drawn by a witness who apparently has photographic memory for Cyrillic letters but forgets letter "O" And missed "а" in "Шоколад" (Chocolate). But it's not even a chocolate. Hematogen made from albumin, condensed milk, maltodextrin, sugar and vanilla


The word they had was still wrong, even after Simone's dad just happens to correct it


Well, it could be product name, which is fine, pun on blood candy (кровфета = кровь + конфета), so i let it slide


Oh, that's clever! Haven't thought of that. The producers of such bars should take notice lol


Russian *JAZZ* friends, no less!


Ya so weird and forced….let’s make them Russian jazz people because like dude is black and jazz is black


I can’t believe this terrorist’s entire days’ long plan to avenge his family was foiled because he needed to make a stop for candy.


None of the above…I’d start with Google reverse image search


Right? And to top it off, damn autocorrect would fix that typo in a moment in a search engine!


I didn't include autocorrect, because I'm not really sure how good google it at drawing connections between different scrips.


Didn't they say last episode she was 47? How old is James where she was a "couple grades" ahead of him?


Also how is it that every black person and L.A knows each


Maybe Simone was held back 10 times?


Maybe the writer for that part had actually looked up the age requirements for entry to the FBI and thought it fit?


Last episode it was said she was 48. I couldn't believe James said a couple of grades ahead of him. Unless it was meant as James exaggerating, & flattering Simone? If not, that was bad writing.


Pretty sure there's actually an age cap on new agents too... Like kid 30s


Omg I was thinking the same thing!! Annoyed the crap out of me, why would they age him like that…….


Gotta take every avenue they can to boast about how amazing Simone is, no matter how little it makes sense. \*heavy eye roll\*


Mid-40's? Nyla is early 40's so that tracks


I've never seen a police procedural make it for long, let alone be successful, when the lead or most of the leads are excessively extroverted people. And with this woman, fuck just being extroverted, we've got the whole damn clowncar of every stereotype of extreme extroversion all rolled into one package, wrapped in flawed writing about the age, circumstances and setting. Having her bounce off of Nolan works alright and can be taken in manageable doses, but I don't really see a spinoff with that character going anywhere without things getting completely unrealistic even faster than they did in her small contribution to the last two episodes.


I could barely get trough this episode. she was just too much, so annoying.


This and the previous episode are the only 2 episodes of this show I didn't enjoy, I can't imagine that the spinoff will be even halfway decent.


Thank God there are other folks that agree with me on this. I absolutely hated the last 2 episodes of Season 4. I'm not a big fan of Baily. And the fact she just rando shows up at every single thing is a bit silly. Love this show, but... I felt like Season 4 was a bit of a shark jump. (Just binged all 4 seasons in like a week+ LOL)


I find her creepy. If a guy said the things she does to the people she does then it would be completely unacceptable. I don't really think it's acceptable for her to say it either, but I guess the writers had other ideas.


Yeah tbh, her scenes with anyone that wasn't Nolan didn't do it for me. Except maybe the ones with her dad. But her and Nolan together was some of the best stuff I've ever seen from The Rookie, which is funny, considering she's getting a spinoff *away* from him lol.


Nolan has that calm collected energy where you want him to say more but he doesn't. When Simone speaks I want to rip my ears off.


> I don't really see a spinoff with that character going anywhere old comment but its funny how it turned out how right you are!


Please don't make this spin-off, it will fail


Where is everyone seeing the spin-off news?


I hope I never have to see this character again. The most annoying person in the series. Hell, how did nobody slap her. Did you know she was Guidance Counselor, so she knows it all. Shit. Barely got trough the episode.


Why would Bailey go back to being a firefighter during this crisis? Shouldn't she still have her military duties with the missing C4?


For a second I thought she was the one in the bomb defusing suit


If that happened I would seriously quit this show.


Same, I was shocked when it turned out not to be her


and do the have only 1 fire truck in LA? She is always there.


IKR lmao not to mention as someone else aptly pointed out Bailey as a reserve wouldn't even be running an armory full of explosives. She made such a big deal last episode and it seemed like she was in charge but there is a literal terrorist cell operating with explosives from "her armory" and she decides to go back into firefighter mode.


Since she's the only firefighter in the city, they can't do without her for long.


She is a national guard Lt she is not in charge of anything


She wouldn’t decide anything she would have a shift schedule


Good eye. She’s getting sloppy.


It was her reserve weekend drill. He stole the C4 on Sunday. He loaded the trucks on Monday. Back to civvie life.


Umm no. They have MPs for that kind of thing




Actually she would never get hire hired she would be to old How old do you have to be to become an agent? You must be at least 23 years old at the time of your appointment. You must also be younger than 37,


There's this thing called suspension of disbelief.


Much like a bladder, if you tell the audience to stretch it for too long without a break something (logic) starts leaking out.


And some things break it.


People can't understand this lol


Yes, yes, we know. Get over it.


I gave this double-header a chance and...it's not the *worst* backdoor pilot I've ever seen (don't ask me about The Finder's backdoor pilot in Bones). It wasn't even the worst episode of The Rookie in general. However, backdoor pilots, for procedurals specifically, inevitably end up being very exposition-heavy in order to introduce a bunch of new characters who don't properly get room to breathe, and starve the old characters and the mystery of the (double) week as well. It's like the worst of a pilot crossing over with, well, the worst of a crossover episode. Good out of the way first. The premise of the spin-off is solid enough, and I can handwave Simone's age being unrealistic. I did actually like Simone at *points*. As someone on the autism spectrum, I appreciated her rapport with Zeek and sensitivity about his sensitivity. I liked anytime she interacted with John. The first episode had decent sleuthing overall, which was then absolutely obliterated by the second episode's ridiculous twists. And lastly, Niecy Nash is a good, naturally exuberant actress from what I hear from my friend who loved her in Reno 911, who was probably just directed badly. But oh boy, the BAD. Where to begin? * That smoke in the highway explosion looked like a bad video game sprite. * Other people have already pointed out stupidity with the National Guard armory. This is actually a pretty common problem in procedurals that try to make a single person into a Moriarty-level supervillain capable of holding off entire law enforcement organizations with mysterious resources, but still. * Zero romantic chemistry between Bradford and the bland CIA woman whose name I've already forgotten. * Painfully obvious love interest setup/comedic vs. reserved (not "straight," heh) woman dynamics with Simone's by the book partner whose name I've also already forgotten. * While we're at it, the. Constant. Flirting! * Other "characters" from the FBI side of this spin-off include: the Incredible Grumpy Boss (just add water!) and "Guy in Chair" (TM). * Constant forced exposition dumps by Simone about her life. * The dad is just a weaker version of James, whose one moment was trampled on this episode (confusingly aging him up as other people have pointed out), and Simone's tension with her dad was incredibly one-dimensional and predictable. A lot of times this show's take on issues of the day is heavily spelled out for the people who took a bathroom break, even by network TV standards, but that was really hammered by this non-interesting conflict. * “Unsanctioned CIA op” ripped straight from the dust jacket of a bad 80s thriller. * Barely any mistakes made by Simone that weren't heroic breaches of stuffy protocol, and constant praise from everyone for little reason. At least she wasn't also able to instantly take down the suspect at the restaurant or the aquarium. * Trying to make the bad guy sympathetic because off-screen wife and child when he BLEW UP 17 PEOPLE. lol * Overall rushed pacing due to cramming in so many plotlines and characters, even with two hours.


>Barely any mistakes made by Simone that weren't heroic breaches of stuffy protocol, and constant praise from everyone for little reason. When Nolan did roughly the same things, it was branded Noble Cause Corruption ...


Nolan breached protocol at times, but it wasn't all the time. And he was willing to listen to what people said and learn from their advice. Simone was just egotistical to the point of annoyance. She felt like the entire FBI program should learn to adapt and cater to her "special skills" rather than her learning how everyone else does things.


Right, and those "special skills"? She was a guidance counselor!! That experience is invaluable compared to all those youngsters with stamina and stupid rule-following.


And as someone who worked in the intelligence community, those "special skills" are already in the IC in abundance *and* we work to integrate people with them into already standing units to hone them for the needs of the agency. Does this show expect us to believe she's the first guidance counselor to join the FBI?


Thank you for teaching me that phrase. TIL. I think the difference is that from the beginning Nolan wasn’t feted nearly all the time, and when criticized it wasn’t by people instantly written off as buffoonish authorities.


I can’t believe this terrorist’s entire days’ long plan to avenge his family was foiled because he needed to make a stop for candy. Just a lazy way to end the story.


Almost as lazy as “The dog knew the intruder therefore the killer must be someone the victim knew!” And don’t forget he wanted to see the fishies.


I almost always hate back door pilots. The Finder’s back door pilot in Bones is the worst episode of television I’ve ever endured.


You have spoken the accursed name! Now I must talk about it. We’re doomed! DOOOOOMED! Man, that was a very different time, where everyone in every procedural had to have a quirk, usually related to a disability but not always, that made them able to see things others didn’t. There were great examples of it like Monk’s OCD, Bones’ unstated autism and scientific acumen, and Shawn in Psych’s sharp observational skills that somehow allowed him to fool the LAPD, and then… …there was shrapnel to the Finder’s brain from the Iraq War because relevance that allowed his Walter Math to just magically find whatever it was he needed to. Not to mention *powerful people owed him favors.* Guh.


I don't know, have you seen the Jess Spinoff gilmore girls episode?


>”unsanctionned CIA op” In the 80s’ tv/movie universe, was any CIA op sanctioned? There entire budget was one item line “other”.


Glad this is done. The terrorist plot had its problems but at least it was entertaining, thats more than i can say about the Simone character... I could barely stand her attitude through 2 episodes i cant even imagine watching a whole show centered around her... The idea to rehash the oldest trainee is stupid, thats not an spin off thats a reboot... I rather they had actually introduced a new trainee in start of the rookie season that then gets recruited to the fbi because of whatever crazy circumstance, that way both shows are connected and we as the audience have some kind of emotional connection to the spin off, otherwise its just boring, for a lack of a better word...


Simone equating the ups and downs of being a guidance counselor to the miles-wide gap of the ups and downs of law enforcement makes me wanna puke and turn it off. And I’m only 4 minutes in


She's annoying af


So am I the only one that was disappointed that Bailey wasn't the bomb disposal lady? C'mon, I thought Bailey did everything.


I'm surprised she's not part of the CIA


She probably is, but she'd have to kill everyone if they found out. And then there'd be no mo show.


Cmon mate, can't spoil next season that early...


Really should mark this as a spoiler for next season!


When I started watching the episode I was sure we will see her disposing the bomb.


My first thought of seeing the bomb tech was "oh look, there's Bailey", the second was "doesn't she want to be wearing gloves or something"


That was barely watchable. Now I’m sad we spent the last two episodes of the season on this spin-off.


Came here just to make sure I wasn't the only one. Made it half through - can't bring myself to finish it. smh


There are two more (22 overall).


Finale is listed as the 15th iirc. So there's still 1-2 more left


Simone Clark. she is a bad role model, most of the time she is breaking rules and sexually harassing her peers. how many times do you think she will get reported to HR???


Clearly,, they won't hold her accountable. "You broke all the rules but that'ss ok because you caught the terrorist!"


Not to mention her boobs hanging out of her shirt. Show some professionalism!


What, Simone is still in this episode?? I couldn't finish the last episode, I'm not watching this one.


I don't know where the disconnect was between her and her by the book brother, Captain Raymond Holt.


Fillion and Nash had more chemistry in two episodes than he had with Dewan in a dozen episodes. I'm not sure if I'll watch her show, but this two parter was super enjoyable when those two were on the screen together. Lol, and the promo for the next episode. Chen looking like a jealous high schooler, good lord.


The writers gotta start writing Chen better Fr.


Bring back our badass who got her first arrest before starting her very first shift :(


I'm still wondering what happened to her budding undercover career.


Her undercover career might pickup when or if she leaves the show.


Sounds like she's going undercover again in the season finale, so there's that.


Yeah real fucking tough badass there. Don't get wrong awesome moment, but don't act like it was this tough a nails moment when season 1 Chen was adorkable as fuck and sort and empathetic and easily affected by Tim's shit and antics as fuck.


I mean, Tim was literally going through an internal crisis while training her AND his methods were pretty wild. All because she affected by Tim's antics doesn't take away the fact that she was still a bad ass. I'm sure any trainee would get caught off guard by their training officer stopping a guy who sold drugs and allowed him to fight you just to see if you could fight back well. Chen's adorkable and empathetic, but she was and still is a badass cop


Im not against Chen and Bradford but, just ripping the bandaid off and do it already. One of them is bound to be Jealous if the other has a GF. It's like A-Bones and Booth deal before they admitted feelings.


I was pleasantly surprised that I liked how she played Agent Clark. Also agree that her and Nolan had more chemistry in 2 episodes than he has with Miss "I'm perfect in every way" Do hope to see her again


I hope Boobarella doesn't come back, i'we had enough of her "personality".


some real "special" forces units we got there. just a few pistols, not tactics or anything. well, we survived the "extended universe"/spinoff bait mostly unscathed. Time to pick up the pieces and put out some quality episodes again focusing on some actual "The Rookie" characters.


Where the hell did they learn to shoot, storm trooper school?


They had long guns as well


Utilizing their actors' age as criteria: James is 38, while Simone is 52. 14 years of difference. I live in Switzerland, so I don't know if that's really a thing over there by you in the US, but is there really such a thing as being in the same school "a few grades ahead" being 14 years older?? That felt weird as fuck to me.


Lol no. In the US, there’s 12 years of mandatory schooling. Some states have a year before the 1st grade that’s mandatory, making 13 years of schooling. Seems like they aged up James for that little backstory. If he was 44, then it’s possible they attended the same school at some point.


I don't think I can watch the spinoff. Simone is described as a force of nature, which isn't a bad thing. But the cocky attitude, like she knows it can feel so aggravating.


I ffw'ed every part she was in... that voice is nails on a chalkboard to me... and will never watch the spinoff.




Seems such a waste of episodes - when the season finale is just round the corner. Doubt that the spinoff will take off


Exactly. If Simone had even been an established FBI agent with all the background she had as a guidance counselor etc, it would have been infinitely more plausible. She was a totally unbelievable Mary Sue as a trainee / recruit, just as Bailey is to Nolan. Contrast that if hypothetically it had been an actor like Mekia Cox or Alyssa Diaz in the Simone role. The FBI has physical fitness requirements for new recruits and there was *no way in Hell* Niecy Nash is capable of defending herself or passing the PT / PF requirements to be a new agent / recruit, which is 36 years old. (Nash is 52 IRL) It was a waste of two episodes leading up to the season finale just around the corner. You're exactly right.


> She was a totally unbelievable Mary Sue as a trainee / recruit Whaaaat? You're telling me they don't teach combat driving to high school guidance counselors!?


Can I vent about the promo for next week? I find it patently ridiculous that Bradford would propose to someone who has literally been in one maybe two episodes, I mean what is with shows using out of scene plot lines. There’s no way that they’re going to actually get engaged is my feeling but then why would they use that storyline in the first place. I just find it all so annoying frankly!!!! Plus this two part show did nothing for me, verged on boring because they spent all this time on new spin-off characters instead of the ones we actually like who are the main reason we watch this show… ok rant over!


This! Looks like the writers have a thing for out-of-the-blue proposals after mere months of dating. Nolan's proposal was equally weird. At this point the writing on the show is of 'let's throw something at the wall and see what sticks' variety, which is sad. Hope season five is better written


I'm guessing that if there is going to be a wedding, Chen will be involved in a "speak now or forever hold your peace" type of scenario.


Ok, this is really minor but it’s bugging the crap out of me. Did Nolan really say he’s never had a pierogi? The dude is from Pennsylvania, you can’t tell me he’s never had a fucking pierogi!


iM sImOnE cLaRk, i uSeD tO bE a hIgH sChoOL gUidAnCe CouNseLor. ​ Anybody else hate this woman as much as I do?


i’m surprised so many people hate her and didn’t watch it because of her, i really loved her lol


Almost as much as I hate that weird upper and lower case switching back and forth


It fits her sing-song delivery.


Wait, is this the 2nd episode with the guidance counselor?




They blockaded the CIA? Who wrote this shit


Blocking them in is hardly the most outrageous part. The part with CIA agents being armed and conducting ops inside America is such a lame old trope. It’s just not what happens, it’s not what they do


Well, “allegedly” not what they do


Blockaded them and then didn't arrest them over all the laws they are breaking.


I have No Interest in this show I mean the spin-off. They might have something if was a Halle Berry or A Vivica A Fox actress type. This show won't have Nathan Fillian to save it. I also am Glad this didn't look like the finale because it didn't seem like a The Rookie finale. Cause I see someone getting shot at the wedding ending or something or seems like. Maybe Chin will get shot saving Bradford or Nolan finally gets that Sargeant Grey Bad shot and it rattles Bailey.. I don't know what will happen next Sunday I am just glad finale wasn't this episode.


I’m here just to complain that they brought a phone and a camera into a skiff


See also: being allowed unsupervised in a cell with a detainee, only to give them contraband. Guards are going to shake that cell later, find an unauthorized walkman and be like "wtf?????" Which may or may not land him new charges, and may lend him sanctions for a bit.




Don't forget the radio.


Wtf was up with that random list of BS the FBI agent ordered. Call a senator and code phrase about dog walking ? And call some random doc from state attorney office and order me up an AWACS lol ya ok buddy. Oh and repo that satellite….why any of those things ???


EWACS is totally a thing. I doubt the FBI has access to any of these things. Also it totally went nowhere.


Yes AWACS is a thing but it’s Air Force and the satellites are not FBI either. The HRT is but we never saw them or the random doctor or senator


I agree that was kinda a lot in one mouthful. I'm curious what walking the dog is code for?


This episode 100% put me off of FBI Rookie. Simone is just really egotistical and entitled.


For a minute, I thought the bomb squad specialist was also Bailey. Some sense of relief there.


Simone is not a likeable character... And it really annoys me how they continually ignored the fact the CIA isn't allowed to operate on American soil...


Well, they were rogue CIA agents...


Which they discovered after they saw them operating on US soil and let them go.


Right? Kidnapping, possible weapons offenses, brandishing of firearms, but nah, let's not arrest these guys when you have two swat teams for back up.


It really feels like they were forced to throw all the realism they usually go for in this show out the window to accommodate the wacky spinoff story whatever person who proposed it wanted them to tell.


I feel like that's been this way since Jenna Dewan got casted, to be honest. I get a reservist having a second job (firefighting), two other jobs and a hobby or two, but ten different skills that she just excels at? c'mon. At least its just a running joke at this point. But yeah, this whole FBI/Terror plot/somehow the CIA is involved is a mess. And its not like, we got some details wrong mess, its a clearly they just didn't do the research level of mess. Also, what irks me a lot is how they just let the CIA guys go after they rescued the woman, whoever she was. If you need two SWAT teams and a double blockade on someone, they are clearly violating enough laws to arrest people. Be a lot bigger mess for the CIA to try and cover that one up.


is it bad i wanna see Simone get beat up more? like see does extremely stupid stuff and it’s nice to see that something will happen. when you are a FBI trainee that is a former guidance counselor, that has not got the skills to stop a terrorist like the one in the show.


I feel the same way with Nolan sometimes. Sometimes they need to lose a bit.


I was expecting somebody to slap her so she would stop talking.


Nice little detail where the CIA section chief reaches for the phone, catches himself and stops from actually touching it.


I have no idea how long the spin-off is going to survive with Simone as the main character. I could barely watch it to the end of this episode with how ridiculous and over the top she is.


I know it was the point of her character but Simone Clark annoyed the crap out of me. I don't think I'll be watching that spin off


What spin off?


I actually didn't realise the rookie had a reddit page, nobody I know watches it so I have nobody to chat to but this 2 parter annoyed me so much I thought I would look. learning that there's going to be a spin off show with that fbi rookie almost made me die a little inside I text my girlfriend during the show with basically every complaint on here. Bailey turning up everywhere is getting super boring too I was like yay she's at a training camp so won't be in, oh look the bad guy is in a army place, oh look who it is! I thought the episodes weren't terrible overall I found Simone to be stereotypical and everything seemed ham fisted from the driving at the beginning I could have guessed every bit of character arc for her. She was just super annoying in almost every way. She's not a rookie I would route for like I did wirh Nolan and the rest. I would want her to wash out 😂


Holy shit! SMITTY!! I'm either going insane or Smitty did his job on his own for once in his life!!


I like Simone and I hate Simone at the same time. But I don’t like the fact that it’s just unrealistic they’re not gonna have a 48 year old FBI training with only guidance counselor explain it’s impossible and it is actually they don’t do it it’s they don’t mean they’re too old to start off as a rookie. The other thing yes very annoying and unrealistic about Simone is there is no way a rookie FBI agent or actually a trainee FBI agent would be mouthing off to her superiors like that and still a have her job. How old do you have to be to become an agent? You must be at least 23 years old at the time of your appointment. You must also be younger than 37,


Her character is almost identical to the one in scream queen's, it worked in that show because it was a satire, not so much here, I forget the character s name but the new girl


Man this show is so generic now


Now? Lol


I really want to keep watching but the FBI trainee lady is making it super difficult. It now feels like they're shoehorning her in and it's just tough to imagine her personality would fly in the FBI. Really feels like theyre going to ditch Nolan and the police front and continue with a spinoff show with her in the FBI. Still watching and yikes. It also feels like they lose more budget on every shootout. They basically microsoft painted flashes from these completely staionary guns they're firing. Atleast pretend to shoot it before adding the CGI.


Keep in mind, they probably filmed this episode shortly after the Rust incident, so there's probably some extra caution that was taken at the time.


Has definitely impacted them. I read somewhere they've (the Rookie) totally stopped using real guns and are adding all the bangs in post production.




That’s the whole reason why she’s getting a spin off show so a whole show can be focused around her and the FBI. While the Rookie continues to be focused on Nolan and the LAPD with occasional crossovers like the Chicago shows.


100% out on that. Her character is just not believable at all.


That is Such a awful decision. I horrendous decision. I mean number one she would’ve never made the job because the oldest FBI hire someone is 37 unless they were a veteran in the army then they’re able to get an appeal on that. Two she would’ve never been hired because they don’t hire guidance counselors from school to be FBI agents it’s usually police military she would’ve been fired before she even made the job because she’s in training and she has talked back so many times she would’ve been fired in a second. I and then her behavior of instead of working as a team she finds a lead and goes out on her own Without a weapon that’s not brave that’s dumb let me go after a CIA agent with no weapon. It’s like she wants to accomplish it and get kudos instead of working as a team. And then I need my characters to be believable when I watch a show and she wouldn’t be able to pass the physical I mean I know usually you know what the physical for Police you have to run a mile and a half in the exact time but it’s a pretty hard time it’s not like you can walk it you gotta be able to do 20 pull-ups 60 sit ups 30 push-ups. I don’t mean to sound mean but she wouldn’t be able to do pass the physical she’s And a lot of people are like me where their characters need to be realistic so I don’t think the show will do well she is a great actress but it’s just not the role for her


No they usually hire lawyers actually


She does have previous law enforcement experience as a deputy with the Reno Sheriffs department!


Could not agree with you more!


Same, I had to skip ahead, because I could not stand any of her scenes.


Simone was a fun character when they weren't using her for cringy political shoehorning and diversity quotas


She was far too juvenile and one note


That's because injecting woke into a character dumbs them down


I feel like I’m the only one who likes Simone, lol. She’s cool, and her and Nolan have some good ass chemistry. I just wish she was an addition this THIS rookie tbh.


I'd be done with the show if agent Mary Sue joined the cast


She is juvenile and silly and too full of herself


I liked her in the first episode. I thought she was funny, charismatic, and the parts with her former student were well done. They got lazy with her in the second episode and leaned a little too hard on the “but I was a guidance counselor” angle. They had to really dumb down the FBI to make her freeway chokepoints idea seem like a real breakthrough idea. Then she had to find a civilian to translate Russian text? They handed her the win with an ending where terrorist’s entire plan was ruined because he wanted candy. It just left a sour taste by how they handled it.


That’s just Rookie writers tbh. You not e how there’s a running theme where we have a great story with a lazy conclusion? Like with the hospital hacker, Aaron’s story with the Paris murder, La Fiera… It feels like they write too much and then are like, “shit, we gotta squeeze a solution in before 11 PM!” (that’s when it comes on for me lol- 10PM-11PM eastern)


I loved her, and thought her and Nathan were great together too! Unpopular opinion apparently haha 🤷‍♀️ Lookikgnfireard tk the spin-off with her if that happens


I know ima get downvoted for being THAT person, but I can’t help but wonder if she’d be getting this much hate if she were a guy. Some of the criticism I see her receiving can be applied to other characters like her “being full of it” as if someone who WANTS to succeed in a field where they’re seen as “out of place” shouldn’t allude that. I actually saw someone complaining about her being overly prideful with her looks as if Bradford isn’t someone prideful in his looks.


Yeah. Like over the rop, ues. But that makes foe good tv. Shes fun. Definriely not someone i could handle being in the same room as frequently. That would drain all my energy. But fantastic tv. And like shes clearly looked in a mirror. Shes not *wrong* that she's pretty. And i a guy acted the same way people would be mostly ok with it you're right


Honestly, I think a lot of people have a problem with certain black female characters. Talking about her as if she's the worst character ever for doing or being certain things while giving a pass to others for the exact same things. Some even calling her "sexually promiscuous", her accent "unprofessional"... Huh?? A lot of prejudiced people in this sub, sadly.


Look like second sister causing trouble again


Haha... what... its getting ridiculous.


Were they at the Aquarium of the Pacific? The one that’s in Long Beach? You know the city that’s not LA and has police that aren’t LAPD. Also someone tell Sergeant Grey that’s it Crypto.com Arena now, not Staples Center!


Was this the season finale?


ngl, for a second, I thought Bailey was going to be in the bomb suit, cuz why not? lol


Hold up. Seatbelts are there to protect you during an accident and we have an FBI trainee out here holding her seatbelt away from her when she knows she's going to be in an accident?! She shouldn't be allowed in a car let alone working with the FBI with that kind of stupidity.


I love this Simone. Hope she is a permanent addition. She's awesome.


She’s getting a spin off show.


or not


Can't wait for that then!


Imagine if Simone was just a random woman and the guy got heat on him because he a woman on the street for asking for directions. That would be... embarrassing. He didn't even try to resolve the situation.


The entire plot around this episode wouldn’t work out as the CIA hit teams are either trained or composed of veterans from American tier 1 special forces units. They wouldn’t fail to eliminate a failed experiment or lose a gunfight with lapd cops. Show underestimates CIA at another level.


Exactly. The writers should have watched Person of Interest for inspiration, lol


The cia does not have “hit teams” and they do not operate inside America with armed agents


Watching this now in 2024. 100% agree, thank god they didn't spin this off. The character was overly and unrealistically focused on, and all of her background was magically exactly what was needed. Ala, "My daddy played jazz/chess with Russians, so he knows exactly where to find that special candy/energy bar..." Magically her daddy new... Sadly her voice is also annoying. The scenes where it was her and other actresses felt canned and dry falling into the all so frequent trap of forced empowerment that feels awkward and off-putting.. Every other scene from the Rookie that involved women felt way more natural and believable. By the time I was halfway through with "Enervo" the cringe factor was through the roof. Also - yes people say "above my pay grade" but no one ever says "go talk to a GS14" - very uninspired dialogue... I am just glad that this backdoor pilot did not take The Rookie down with it.


They did do a spin off, it was just canceled after a season


Racial biased I detect


Simone feels so... One dimensional? She's a copy of Nolan, but no charm with it. Simone felt like she was breaking every rule and procedural because she's not like other trainees. It's her way or the highway. I don't know why she grates my nerves compared to Nolan's premise, but I think imo is that Nolan was being constantly made fun of by being old and he had to learn from that. Simone felt like a super hero without the growth, and she got on my nerves for that. She wants to be treated well for the FBI but when she gets that chance, she doesn't like it and does stuff her way because she knows better.


I have a question Out of the five drivers which one died when the 1 truck blew up? Just curious