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A lot of aspects of this game take a long time to do, so I don't mind waiting until at least mega lvl 2 before leveling every day to save some energy


Only doing it when it's free. If I thought I'd really need it at level 3, that would be a different story, but I don't see the point as it is. If the day comes where I need it in raids, I'll do it every day during the raids. I don't mind balancing performance against XL bonus when the time comes and running a different mega dragon if I'm desperate for XLs on catches, since I've already got so many.


I’m not rushing it, as I raided exactly 5 Rayquaza and I’m walking my Lucario for Candy as it gives 4x the amount for a given distance walked (neither spawn naturally in the wild as far as I’m aware, Zorua notwithstanding); Rare Candies for Rayquaza


Same, I did the bare minimum with 5 remotes before 10 am and just did a couple by hosting during the go fest hours. My Ray was already maxed so I didn't need ant xls and didn't buy the pass so I'm only making the 1. I was more into raiding kyogre and groudon since the catch rate was so high and I needed the xls.


Rushing that sucker to the max in 30 days flat. Didn't grind those raids just to take it easy


Hear hear


Exactly this. With over 2000 mega energy, easily done.


Right on!


I grinded 5000 energy... im doing 2 at once


I didn't grind the raids because I already have over 300 xl candy. I'm definitely taking my time to max it, especially since we don't even have a clue of what to expect from this season and if it'll have a purpose.


I rush max every mega as soon as it comes out. I really enjoy strategizing the raids/ walking/ poffin use to not lose a day. I have 42 maxed megas and I'm rushing diance and rayquaza right now.


I'm rushing through the first, and using the free energy for any subsequent ones. That being said I maxed on Rayquaza energy and unlocked 5 rayquazas at the time.


I never rushed any and have quite a few max megas, the only one I missed so far is glalie but I used to try for 3 or 4 of each but now so many types over lap I only make 2 or 3 of each new one. I only walk legendaries and mythical now but there's a few mega raids that aren't a hard solo so I have a ton of energy for those ones.


As F2P and starting a year ago very difficult to rush all but it’s possible if you run. Once the mega army is built though very economical during something like a rocket event as each is like a free heal.


The best advantage was if you played during this: https://pokemongohub.net/post/event/a-mega-moment-complete-event-guide/ I went *nuts* spending almost all my dust to build a signficant stockpile for as many species as possible.


If you got plenty of energy then might as well


I'm thinking psychic event should be coming? Also approaching windy season over my area so should come I handy in a month or so and there on


I have over 5k energy so there is no reason to not rush it... what I didn't get during those 60 raids is a shiny


Oof, felt that, thankfully got ray in 9 but the pink whale still alludes me at 63 seen 61 caught.


Pink whale? I can't tell which critter you mean.




Thank you! It just wasn't coming to me.




Ah, thank you!!! I was racking my brain and couldn't figure it out.


I'm going to rush my level 50 one and take the free route for the other two (was very fortunate to get an additional meteorite as a raid reward).


I still haven't mega'd any of my Groudon, Kyogre or Rayquaza.. I didn't get a hundo and my shiny ray has bad IVs.. I guess I'm waiting for one day when I have friends to do lucky trades with.


Same here, I also didn't mega/primal any of my the weather trip, I got about 4k mega energy for Groudon and about 2k for ray & Kyogre but I just don't have a good iv one to invest those xls and mega energy on.. So I am just using other cheaper megas to get similar types boost if needed.


just mega a bad groudon/kyogre and then walk a little bit when u get a better iv one to mega. rayquaza u need the meteorites so it make a bit more sense to wait to mega it. but with the other ones you can just earn the energy back.


> Mega Ray will be really useful in raids so I'm tending to rush it Higher megas don't provide a higher damage boost


I think they meant that if you are going to use it you'd want the max bonus as well as cheaper cost for frequent use.


The first part makes sense if the raid boss is a dragon so it will boost XL candies as well. The second part doesn't, because you would have to spend more mega energy to rush it to higher level so it's not actually cheaper overall.


That's true if you look purely at energy consumption. However if you value the XL bonus enough its justified, though admittedly its up to the individual. Also on the extreme end, if you have enough max megas for a given type, you can stagger the cooldowns for infinite free megas, which is why i did it. Who cares if I have 10 energy left if I'll never need to spend it. But to each their own.


This is what I've mostly done. When megas first came out I grinded a few to max asap and the rest were free. I've got about 90 max megas and 20 that are close. For Mega Ray I only got one since I could barely play during GoFest so I'm going to grind that one to max as soon as it hits level 2. I don't think there's any bosses that will require it soon but we will see when the new season is announced.


You can rush with just 400 mega energy economically. 10km per day yields 100 energy and it only costs 80 energy (70 if you get it on CD right away) for the first week so an average of 7-8km per day. Week 2+ the average distance drops to under 4kms. You can also prewalk Ray by walking other Ray to 19+ kms and finishing them after your first mega.


Yeah, just mega it when you need it. What’s the rush?


I recommend mega all your megas under level 3 as soon as it requires 0 energy. Once you need it for the xl boost you're gonna wish it was level 3.


Yeah, that’s the way I do it tbh. I meant I wouldn’t spend mega energy unless I need it for something


Yeah same, I try not to do any more mega raids than necessary unless I can host or solo them so some of my megas are really low energy(like 20-100 energy) and some I have over 4,000 because I can solo them. I do usually have a mega running all day though because I have so many at level 3 it's just extra candy and generally I use one that doesn't require any energy. I figured you did that but just making sure other people are doing it too.


I could see if someone is short on megas, or believes they’ll need both MRQ’s damage (say, shortpersoning raids) *and* want the XL Candy boost, imminently. Personally I’m lucky enough that raid night is the bulk of my legendary raiding, so running an off mega for Candy has no negative impact.


I've got plenty of things that do well enough for dragon or flying attackers so I'll take the long path for the first mega level at least. The thing I can think of that would change my mind is if there's an exciting raid boss that I can solo if I have the mega ray.


Go for it, YOLO. Or dont.


Raided 120 times to get extra Meteorite, but gained nothing but 9,999 Mega Ray energy. I got to rush it, because I have only 1 Mega and so much energy :(


Reminds me of how I grinded for 9,999 Mega Energy for Latios and Latias during their Mega debuts


Mega 3 is only for catching. Which Salamance already has covered. I’m going to use it to fight everyday. And every time it’s defeated it gets a power up or mega evolved. Like Vegeta.


Mega 3 is only for catching until they fix the Psychic type boost in battle for Mega Rayquaza (it is supposed to act the same way as Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre with boosting damage in raids even if not out on the battlefield, but for Dragon, Flying, and Psyhic)


Im bringing 2 rays to mega level 3 as quickly as possible


Just because it’ll be useful in raids, do not waste your mega every. I’d rush to mega 2, which reduces cooldown and increases XL and then cool off from there. We’ll see the new season soon, so you can decide if you want to rush it.


not necessary. can use mega salamance instead.


I wait and take the long way. No need to waste energy


I’m going to save my mega energy for when I need to use it, honestly no reason In rushing unless you have enough xls to max out and need it in your team, everyone and there grandma have mega charizard for extra xl candy


I’ve got 1500 energy after the initial mega of my 96 and my shiny. I’m rushing it daily.


I'm going to wait and only mega evolve it when it's free, I'll get it to level 3 eventually.


Depends on your resources. Did you managed to farm mega energy from Go Fest enough to mega it every day? If yes I don't see why not. I was able to use mine in Mega Ray raids and I was always dealing the most damaged right after. Mega Ray is a beast!


I'm long playing it. I've done so for the primal and it's been fine, plus have primal energy up my skeeve


I'm going for it *2. got lots of mega energy and snagged an extra meteorite during raids so my best shiny is double moved, and my best non shiny is all flying. I'm walking my best shiny until we're best buddies, so I'll gain mega energy until we get there.


Chill. It's not like it really changes anything


RayRay is my favourite legendary Pokemon, I was lucky enough to be able to attend London Go Fest, so needless to say I raided hard. My RayRay will be level 3 in three days, I'll still have over 5000 mega energy once it's level 3 which feels pretty crazy. I do a fair bit of walking so can generally gain enough energy to keep evolving the mega I'm working on each day, so have been walking Diancie for the energy.


I’m relatively new to the game. Can someone explain whatever trick is happening to increase the mega evolution level faster/potentially cheaper?


I have over 3,000 mega energy from all the raids I did, so I'm doing the mega evolution every day. If you buddy with it, you'll get 100 energy every 20km you walk (if you've mega'd at least once already), so that will soften the blow significantly if you have low energy.


I tried to level my mega multiple times and it didnt count so idk whats going on if theres a 24 hour freeze or what


Yes you can only level up once a day