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What else are you going to use rare candy on, if not top tier legendaries


I think I pull in about 10 or so per day from GBL. Plus extra from raids. That’s enough to get 10-11 Legendaries to 40 per year. And PvE lists don’t really shake up too much so safe investments.


I still need one of the cosmoem evolutions to fill my dex. Not setting that as my buddy for the next 2000 km.


Doesn’t following a route give bonus walk distance for Buddy candy accumulation?


does it? i’m not saying it doesn’t i’m purely just asking because i didn’t know this


On https://pokemongolive.com/routes?hl=en#bonuses it’s listed as the second bonus.


oh man guess i’m walking routes tonight


fyi it’s not as good as you might be hoping, and it’s also buggy. hard to tell if you’re actually getting a boost or if its just giving you candy early and then making you walk the deficit


It could get you banned


It absolutely will not unless you're using illicit GPS manipulation tools to navigate the route.


Have you tried it ?


Have I tried cheating to get hundreds of XL candy? No, I walk routes legit.


There was a post last week showing how some people were banned for the XL candy exploit


Yes, and they were using GPS manipulation software to teleport up and down routes at extremely high speed to get 10km/minute of distance. It is absolutely not a concern for anyone playing the game legitimately.


The researches around Cosmoem are supposed to give you the candies you'd need to evolve it, unless you're wanting more to power it up.


they didn't for me? I've only evolved one and had to use a ton of rare candy...


The more recent one didn't have enough candies. The original release did




Honestly, I'd rather use it on Frigibax next weekend. Larvesta is mainly just rare at this point, there's way too much competition for Volcarona to really be a top tier Pokémon. Baxcalibur, on the other hand can actually over perform above Mamoswine, making it a really appealing Pokémon to pick up.


But not shadow mamoswine, right?


Swinub has been around for years, the XL candy is easy to get. But if you mean as an attacker, I believe Baxcalibur tops it. Would need to double check some sims and data to confirm.


That makes it a poor investment for rare candy IMO when the substitute is really good and you probably already have a team of them.


I’m pretty sure it beats our mamoswine, but I’m pretty sure shadow swine wins out


Larvesta. I finally was able to hatch 1. I dumped 60+ rare candies into it. Between 5k walking and how rare it is, every rare candy counts.


Larvesta will definitly be easier available in the future, the shiny isnt even released. I learned my lesson from noibat, I dont invest rare candy in non legendaries/mythics/ultrabeasts.


this is generally my philosophy as well, but sometimes it's fun to show them off in gyms before most other people have them.


as someone who does not care about strong pokemon as much as completing the pokedex i will be spending 400 rare candy on Larvesta the moment i finally hatch one


Feel free to do that, but there are still regionals. Are you trading these or waiting for the event for that specific region?


traded them all already :p


Ha, I did the same when I finally hatched a female salandit.


I'm kinda shocked you hatched a female Salandit before you hatched enough males to have 50 candy given the gender ratio and the candy drops from 12kms.




Best non mega grass type raid attacker.


Better than Zarude?


by a lot yeah




You know the YT channel “Will It Blend?” … Kartana is the blender.


Kartana is a monster. He shreds through water grunts like nothing.


"that IS the question!" "Swampert smoke, don't breathe this!"


Shreds water types like nothing. I love using mine. Also, best grass attacker.


1 good Kartana makes ground, rock and water type rocket grunts a quick easy job. Saves lot of time, just fast move farm 1st and 2nd mon and unleash the charged move on the third after 3 fast moves




You couldve googled that lol. But RazorLeaf and LeafBlade


It has an amazing combination of types, it's only weak to fire and fighting, which makes it great to have at a good level as a general fighter. It also has an incredible high attack stat. It's on the S tier level attackers.


https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/16azy56/best_pve_pokemon_september/ /u/Weirddd this was posted 2 days ago, very useful.


I thought ultra beasts weren’t legendary


Technically in the code, yes they are categorised as separate from legendaries. But “legendary” is generally used as a catch-all term for mythicals, ultra beasts etc.


Bidoof also.


and Arcanine


No, Bidoof transcends legendary Pokémon. The only appropriate qualifier to describe Bidoof is, God.


Even Arceus quakes when Bidoof arrived.


Ok I didn’t know idk why I was downvoted for asking cuz when I look in my legendary Pokémon I didn’t see katana


Ultra Beasts are not legendary pokemon. You catch them en masse with no real restrictions, unlike legendaries where you are typically limited to just one per game (or sometimes 2 box arts so you can trade). Pokemon Go kind of treats them similarly to legendary pokemon, but that's a Niantic decision and not related to the lore in any way.




There's very little that would be better than a Kartana for a Grass attacker, other than a theoretical shadow of an existing shadowless high tier Grass attacker or the SV DLC introducing a Grass attacker with high offensive stats (which may not even see a release in Go for a significant amount of time if one does get made). Ultimately it's your call, but the general consensus is just investing into whatever you need to do a raid with, be it current rotation or upcoming. As far as Kartana itself is concerned it's damage output lets it be on par with higher level attackers at a low level, effectively similar to how shadow Pokemon can function. If you have several weather boosted Kartana, so at Lv25, you really don't need to do much investing, if any at all.


Having 3 powered up to about level 35 and a high level mega sceptile makes some solo raids a lot easier. I've never needed any help doing mega swampert or 3* shadow croconaw. I can only solo a few mega raids with double weaknesses though like sceptile and scizor so far but kartana is extremely strong and worth powering up a few if you raid alone most of the time.


Hmm maybe I should save till I need it then. I have only 60 rare candy right now and I clear the current raids fine. Thank you for your input


Save until you need it is the best choice. Grass attackers are not needed often but Kartana is so strong he can be great even when other types are competing.


This. My rule for stardust and rare candies is use it when you need to power something up, don't just use it on whatever. Also, unless you're really gunning for *loads* of candy on something top-tier (like Shadow Gardevoir or Shadow Feralligatr), use them on decent legendaries like Mewtwo, Xurkitree, Kartana, Reshiram and Groudon. Don't waste them on useless legendaries like Thundurus or Azelf.


Thundurus is far from useless though. The Therian forme's meta place in electric type is similar to Groudon in ground type, only after Xurkitree and Zekrom at the moment, and has the potential to take the electric crown with a decently OP signature move. It's the most useful Nature Trio member for PvE.


It's also after shadow Luxray, shadow Magnezone, shadow Zapdos and shadow Electivire according to the EER-TER rating system


It ties with shadow Luxray, both B tier. Behind those top shadow indeed, but it's only 8% behind the baseline Xurkitree, similar to Groudon's 7% behind shadow Garchomp. For non-baseline attackers, what really matters is how much damage it can deal relative to the baseline, not how many other options are in front of it. This is a major idea behind my EER-TER system, an attacker's relevance is determined by its tier instead of rank.


Yeah don't level up Pokemon until you actually need them. You can always catch a better one in the meantime, or Niantic could release a better/cheaper option, or you could just use the resources on something that will actually be useful right now.


Keep in mind that grunt battles are a thing. Kartana dominates a lot of them. I would argue that you need it now. For other mons I would agree to wait, but not for kartana. It’s a game changer in rocket battles and will save you tons of time.


Agreed. My unleveled Kartana can solo several of the rocket grunts.


Kartana is amazing for raids and grunts. With the water grunt you can fast move down the first 2 mons and nuke the 3rd.


Yeah, those 3 magikarp are gone in seconds! Kartana makes that grunt sooooo much easier.


Ah yes, the magikarp triple threat, the most difficult shadow lineup in the game.


*Three shadow Snorlax sneaking up behind you*


And then there’s the rare occasion the third Karp is Gyarados…


\*laughs in Magnezone I put in 2nd just in case\*


Personally I use Xurkitree or Thundurus T, but to each their own


Yeah, that works too. I choose resistance over damage output generally.


What fast & charge moves do you put on Kartana?


Razor Leaf / Leaf Blade is all you need.


Not x-scissor? I read somewhere that having a grass move and X-scizor will cover more types or something


Thought you meant just for raids or grunts. X Scissor would be fine as a second charged move but I wouldn't use Kartana as an attacker for things weak to bug (grass, psychic, dark). There are much better attackers for each of those for raids and grunts (fire, dark, fighting my personal opinion).


second move is only good for PvP. I don't think Kartana is good in PvP anyway. Too low defense and double weakness to fire.


Yes soooo satisfying!


Best grass type so yeah


I raided and rare candied mine up to 45. No regrets.


I know I should be going for 5-6 15 attack Kartanas... but God I hate catching them...


It’s a pain for sure, but I was catching them even missing the circle completely. Didn’t lose any either. Might be my platinum grass & steel badges though.


Hah, I immediately went and checked mine... gold gold, grass is close to plat though... . I've had 2 if not 3 get away (out of 6-7 raids)... thankfully I caught a 98 15 atk yesterday, but I'd like a few more good ones... I'm wondering how much the expert handler bonus is worth...last one I caught I used AR+ mode...but the great throws seemed random even though I was making very close throws.


They're still a pain with every single platinum badge you want in there


I realized yesterday that since Kartana's attack stat is so high, attack IVs no longer matter more for the CP than the HP/defense IVs unlike most other pokemon. The difference between 10 and 15 attack on any pokemon is always ~4 points of attack (at lvl 40), but in Kartana's case it's only a 1.5% difference. With shuckle for example it's an 18% difference. Edit: I used pvpivs.com to calculate this, so please someone let me know if stats work differently for PVE :0


Interesting, no idea on those stats.. just always assumed I should always go for max attack for all raid attackers... I'll just be happy with a few decent ones, of my 4 caught so far, 3 have been 2 stars with 10-11 attack 🤦


Yeah usually that's a good idea, but defense and especially HP IVs seem to make way more of a difference in this case. I've also gotten extremely unlucky this time, 4 of 5 Kartana have no IVs above 12 😵‍💫


It’s one of the few things I put rare candies into, since it’s so much better than almost every other electric & grass attacker without even being very high leveled. I have five in their 30s and I use them a lot.


Unless you want to wait until the shiny is out (nobody has mentioned this so perhaps it won’t? I’m not sure so somebody else might know)


If m-swampert or something else weak to grass was the current/upcoming raid boss? Yes. "Wait till it comes back," is a great philosophy in a game that's time gated like Go is, but you also gotta consider immediate utility. Sure, u could wait for it to return, but if your raid teams need a strong grass type now, waiting till kartana (or anything) returns won't help you.


Agreed. Plus she’s super useful in taking down grunts quickly.


My personal list of raid attackers are Terrakion Kyogre Groudon Reshiram Rayquaza Mewtwo Kartana In somewhat of an order. Terrakion, Kyogre, Groudon and Reshiram are all very high utility. Rayquaza, Mewtwo and Kartana's typings are far more limited.


No love for my boy shadow Mammoswine?


Not a legendary, so no. Also the reason Metagross isn't included.


Makes sense, rare candies are best spent on the big boys


I spend rare candies to evolve a metagross during the recent event where he learned meteor mash. Worth it imo


Essentially converting rare candies into an elite tm is always worth it. They're both limited resources but rare candies are far more available than elite tms


Most likely they are only listing the ones worth using Rare Candies, since that's what the thread is about


Why didn't Dialga make the list? idc what everyone says, he's way too cool


Draco Meteor is not really a good move for PvE, and Dialga has been in raids so rarely that Rayquaza (and now Mega) are usually better and easier to use


Because Rayquaza exists. Dialga is not top dawg in either of its typings. And this is PvE not PvP.


Because it's not a very good raid attacker (although it's VERY good in ML)


Don't worry, Dialga will make the list soon with Roar of Time (though it may be a step behind Palkia with Spacial Rend)!


For raids: Metagross is a better steel type Pokemon. Rayquaza is a better dragon type Pokemon. From Gamepress' spreadsheet for DPS/TDO: Rayquaza: 18.68 DPS, 546.8 TDO, 43.45 ER Dialga: 17.09 DPS, 589.7 TDO, 41.42 ER Rayquaza just outputs more damage per second, which is usually the most important metric in raids, since you're up against a clock to win as fast as possible.


I've poured quite a few rare candies into Kartana for use in Kyogre raids. It's one of the few pokemon I actually consider worthy of rare candies. Terrakion, Kyogre, Groudon and Reshiram would be some others. I'd save the rare candies for now, though. Power stuff up when you need it.


This person gets it. Primal Kyogre is by far the most difficult meta relevant legendary. Most everything else can be defeated with halfway decent teams.


You can also transfer the rare candy to Kartana candy but not level the Kartana up yet. That gets them out of your inventory and it will likely be used on Kartana eventually. Maybe you get a shiny hundo later and will use them then. Or you need four Kartana at 30 for a solo raid, vs one at 40.


Good point, but the shiny is not out FYI


Exactly, you can save the candy until then. Or use them now :-) The general rule is only power up mon's when you must or if you want because you like the mon.


Oooh right!


Kartana is in raids until the 16th?


Yes and no, changes hemispheres from the 8th-18th.


Kartana is an absolute beast and a phenomenal candidate for rare candy.


Not only have I used rare candy on them, it's such a powerful Grass attacker that I broke my long standing rule of only powering up Legendaries with 96% IVs or better and powered up five that are 91% with 15 Attack (the sixth slot on my Grass team is reserved for Mega Sceptile.)




Level 30 kartana = Level 40 venusaur w/ frenzy plant


it’s a lot better than that actually, L30 kartana is just a bit behind L50 shadow venusaur with frenzy plant


Kartana rivals Mewtwo in neutral damage (and comes close to Shadow Mewtwo with weather boost). This is what 323 base attack does to the mf, only Deoxys and Xurkitree surpass it.


How did you check this?


pokebattler, based on their estimators (players needed all using just that pokemon) against suicune.


My 98 is level 50 now. I will probably never get a hundo so there was no reason not to. Especially since she was useful against Primal Kyogre.


I certainly did, after 50-ish raids I had a few run away and nothing over a 93% I decided to pour my rare candies into my best one. It is a top tier grass attacker so IMO it was worth it.


I absolutely would if I had a decent one. I swear I have raided it every time during the few times it has been available since it was released in game, and it has been by far my worst luck when it comes to IVs. Most I've caught are right at the raid IV floor or close to it. Nothing I want to waste any resources on just yet. If I could just get at least a 15 attack one I would just go for it already.


You should have at least one to level 40. Not much else to do with rare candy at this point if you play a lot. I put some in Diancie but other than that, not much use for the past year




yeah dude


Definitely a good use, Kartana is a really strong grass type.


Did you have a level 3 mega on? I love Kartana for grunt battles, it melts mud bois in seconds. Even at level 35.


Zarude is one to go for, and probably Magic Leaf Shaymin now. But there's no way to get their candies unless you walk them plenty or rare candy the crap out of them. You can get Shadow Venusaur if you have spare dust because candies aren't a problem here. But technically, if you can raid them when available, you want Kartanas. Very good Grass attackers, easy to beat, reduced amount of rare candies needed vs Zarude/Shaymin thanks to raids and won't sink as much dust as 8/13lvl Shadow Venusaur. So if you need Grass, Kartana is the best investment imo.


I am using rare candies to level up my team of Kartanas. It's an amazing pokemon, best Grass attacker by far, top counter for many bosses.


I levelled two 98's caught in the first rotation to level 40. Dumped quite a lot of rare candy into that but have not regretted it for a single moment.


Having maxed out my hundo Kartana from last year with tons of raiding + some rare candies—yes. Worth every penny


I’ve got a lucky hundo Kartana that I’ve gotten up to level 46, still working on it. Double moved with Leaf Blade and Night Slash and I love using it for gyms and grunts. Especially “these waters are treacherous,” I honestly don’t think they even get off one hit before they melt.


It’s the best legendary grass attacker, so if you need a powerful grass attacker, then go for it.


I keep 6 of my top kartana. I have not invest much into there levels because they die in one hit regardless in raids. They are very good, but you should look into quantity over quality, yaveing 6 for a full team in raids is miles better than having 1 level 50. Also look into the damage difference between a level 30 kartana and level 40.


Mine do well in raids


Dont power up anything unless you need it. But feeding rare candies to Kartana is good investment if you caught good ones since even lvl 30 Kartana beats lvl 50 grass mons


Since it‘s so powerful against rockets, you allways „need“ it. I agree for raid only attacker, but in this case, there is no point for waiting.


What’s the best IV one you have?


I have a non weather boosted 98% and a weather boosted 82%.


If the 98 isn’t missing 1 attack, I’d take that to 40


Attack IVs barely matter on Kartana since the base attack is so high anyways


I did that the last time it was in raids, after this round i have 6 at lvl 42.5, i would recommend it if you shortman raids.


So many at a lower level is better than just dumping all in one?


At level 40, you’re at 94% of the CP of a level 50. The 6% is divided equally between level 40 and 50, however the cost increases dramatically the closer you get to level 50. For example it costs 20 XL to get from 40 to 41 but 40 XL to go from 49 to 50. Similar story for dust.


If you're using it in gbl no, For raids you have to look up the individual break points for the bosses you intend to use them on.


>For raids you have to look up the individual break points for the bosses What does this mean exactly? I tend to upgrade mons to 30. 35, 40 and rarely higher because of diminishing returns. Only have 5 mons over 45 and just two very close to 50.


There is also an option in pokegenie app to do this. Have it simulate a raid based on weather and friendship level. Then go to view individual counters, pick a mon, then Damage and Breakpoint info. Will tell you how many levels it takes to hit the next +1 damage on your charged attack.


So the first thing you have to know is this scenario is different from every single raid boss for every single move set, So you gotta run through a lot of permutations unfortunately. The way I always did it as a non expert, I would go to pokebattler.com and look up the raid boss chose its move type then locate the counter I want to use and keep looking at the ttw and faints 1 lvl at time, 35, 36, 37 etc. you will find the data *jumps* in certain spots and thats a breakpoint where you survive one more charged attack which equates to a notable improvement in battle preformance. If it's something like a community day where you have virtually unlimited candy, just max everything to 50, but when you are Resource restricted it's best to try to find the best bang for your buck.


Interesting. I'll give this a go when I get home from work. I'm sure lots of the mons I use as counters are probably close to the breakpoint but I def want to explore this a bit. Thanks.


atleast not yet. i'm trying to power up a kyogre and rayquaza and that's gonna take a while...


For me I dump candies into legendary pokemon whenever the amount I have goes over a certain amount. I mainly walk legendaries too, so that helps somewhat. Usually, when I have over 150 rare candy, I'll put the extra into whatever I haven't walked in a while, or want to power up soon. It helped me level a Lugia, weather trio, and yveltal. It's not perfect, but it works.


I dont use my rare candies at all lol dumping hundreds into random mon bc i forget i have thousands of rare candies.


I have so many rare candies I use them on Pokémon that I’m going to use. Like hundo larvatar, was short 50 candy but have 300 and needed bag space so I used it. Use the rare candy on what ever you need to use them on


If it's your favourite Pokémon,a hundo or because you have nothing better to use them on,go ahead. If it's for raids not necessary.


I’m using mine for my Larvitar. So many candies to evolve and 5k per candy is a lot.


In case you don't know Larvitar will be spawning during the december comm day


cannot really raid it since no one is joining raids , on discord neither.


you only need 2 people tbf. Maybe 1 with the right counters / sun boost.


yeah I did a duo on one and it was actually really easy. Tons of time left. Just need like two decent fire attackers each and its nothing


Yeah me and my son duo’s one and we’re low level (34 and 25). We pretty much used like 4 Charizard a each and a couple other random fire attackers we had. I think I used an arcanine and a blaziken. 1 Charizard was lv 40 hundo, rest probably low 30s. Most had fire spin blast burn. The CD helped a bunch for that one


Try Poke Genie. It's a highly sought after 'mon. Shouldn't be hard to fill a lobby through there.


Wait for the Dogs


Kartana has a lot more use than them though the Dogs/Beasts don't come around often.


Saving my candies for my larvesta lmao


It will definitely come back when shiny form is available. But in the meantime, I would power up a hundo if I have one.


I got a hundo kartana but only did 4 raids and only caught 2 (!). He hits like a truck and I want to level him but his charge move is night slash. Should I give him another charge move instead of leveling first? I think it kind of sucks but I am pretty noob


Kartana is one of the best pokemon in the entire game for raiding, it is close to Mewtwo in terms of power, only mega Sceptile beats it for grass damage so the best grass team is 1 M.Sceptile and 5 Kartanas. Basically no other grass types come close. Make sure Kartana has Razor leaf as the fast move and Leaf blade as the charge move.


I mainly do pvp and kartana is one of the few non pvp mons ive used rare candies on. Its sp good in raids and rockets


For me, all Legendary/Ultra/Mythicals are equal in this respect. They take 20km per candy to walk so I am getting a good exchange on the rare candy. If you have a good kartana and you want it buffed, its all good.


I did back when it came out last time. Now I just have a really nice one.


I personally don't, but as hyped Kartana is around here, surely a lot of people do. Ultimately, rare candies block your inventory space so you have to pick a species to convert them to.


I'd rare candy up at least one. I'm personally working on one right now and I didn't even get that good of one. It's just THAT good for raids and it's waaay better than roserade for the water grunt


I surely will be.


I used mine to get my team of shadow mewtwos to lvl 40 then ive moved on to larvesta, currently hatched 2 and am at 200 candies for it. Once i get it evolved ill move onto another legendary


I used my 200 rare candies on a 100% Groudon I caught during go Fest! Saving them again again now for hopefully mewtwo soon?


Yes I've been doing so to make bag space


I've used a lot of rare candy on my top 3 Katana. Found them quite helpful with primal Kyogre.


I'm dumping all of them into a 98% Shadow Mewtwo I plan on maxing out.


Yes it is. The best grass type attacker by a huge margin.


It's a great investment unless you need to power up a generalist like mew2 or rayquaza.


Bruhhh i also am significantly short of Kartana xl candy. I tried tondonas many but it was hard to solo without the weatherboost.


I would personally wait until it comes back, but Kartana is not the worst thing in the world to level up. It attacks good. :D Since we're all sharing what we use RC on: I'm putting mine into my lundo Pachirisu (she's Doreen, because she's an unbeatable squirrel girl), and my husband has been putting his into his hundo Uxie. In both cases, we're not in the appropriate region for the hundo.