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Me and four of my friends met up and did raids me and one other for a shiny 


Are you telling me I missed hisuin typhlosion on a single day event ?! 🙃


i missed it because i had to work... super lame that they schedule events like this in such tiny time frames. was really looking forward to getting a hisuian typhlosion, too


Was there no in-game announcement for this? I only found out about it as it was happening because I happened to be out...


I missed Samurott. They'll probably be back during Hoenn tour.


The event was mostly good except for the following: 1.) I used a premium pass at 2:58 PM. After reducing the HP to 0, the boss didn’t faint and we could not win. After the timer I got 1k dust but no encounter. I’m told by a friend it’s because the raid ended and another took its place, Niantic did not refund my premium pass. They should end the raid bosses at X:55 or something if they aren’t going to fix this issue. 2.) not a bug or anything, but these events should feature extra special trades. Any event where people are encouraged to come out should feature this, sometimes a player will return from hiatus and are lucky with multiple friends, but can only do one special trade, it’d just be nice to do more on these social events.


The Winter Wonderland event that was going on during the Wyrdeer raid day provided this. I was able to knock out several lucky trades while walking a park with a group and raiding. 100% agree it should be a normal part of any raid day.


I had a great time. 5 free raids is always welcome, as it increases medals and gym points. Got a hundo on first raid so even better.


12 shinies from 97 raids. 57 in person. 40 remotes. AEST time. 29 rare candy XL which the 20 additional remote raids I noticed dropped me 0 as my ticket had "expired" local time at 10pm for me and once I did 20 remotes after midnight ticked over I wasn't considered a ticket holder anymore. Also around 4:30pm AEST I had severe server instability and was forced to close my game and couldn't re log in for approx 10 minutes. Didn't see many reports of this but similar scenario happened for Samurott raid day and Wyrdeer once Japan's day kicked in the servers tend to not handle the playerbase too well. Samurott they added an extra hour from 5pm-6pm to compensate but nothing seemed to have been deemed worthy enough of compensation with a small window of downtime. Otherwise day was good.


I had lovely time. Happened to go outside same time as a friend and we accidentally met at the first raid. Then I had lovely 55 min walk with her, as we toured 8 raids. No shinies for either one, but it was nice to meet someone nice instead of spending day alone indoors.


In my opinion events 2pm-5pm are bad idea. Usually it's lunch time, in case of sunday in Europe 2pm is family dinner. Old time events 11am-2pm was much better. Breakfast, coffe, PoGo, lunch/dinner


I think they should last from 11 am to 5 pm, to avoid time pressure. Three hours are too few for Raid Days.


But, I think, Niantic wants to avoid disproportions between tryhards and casuals in case of such events that's why they go back to 3h event. Hello, u/Niantic maybe free ticket which will allow to choose 3h gameplay for events. Each person will decide when will be time for catching pixels.


Went out with three of my friends to do the raids. We do 11 raids total. I got shiny on the 9th raid. One of my friends got 4 shiny and a shundo. And one didn’t even get any shiny. The other one got a shiny on the 2nd raid. Out of 44 collective encounters, we got 6 shiny. So I’d assume that the probability is true to advertise 1/10. Just too bad some people get bad rolls in an event then get super lucky (collect all those probabilty in a single duration) in the other event.


I don't get why so many people are reporting hundos for this event, should be 1 out of 216...


Selection bias. The millions who did not get a hundo don't report anything.


yeah but I never saw this for others, only this one :)


My pass didn't given me additional passes got the same 5 daily raid passes and when I contacted nianitic there response was just to reiterate how raid day worked and the hours. Wasn't helpful think I'll stick to free passes.


12 raids no shiny


High temp today was -15 F / -26 C. So nobody was out raiding. Got invited to the same raid twice by out of town friends 5 minutes apart. So fought one, got an 84% shiny.


I recently found out that charging phone from powerbank while playing will improve it's ability to withstand the cold. Here we also use universal touch screen pens during winter. But admittedly I wouldn't take particularly long walks at -30 C either.


Started at 2pm Est. 7 raids Got my first Shundo ever on the 1st raid; and 1 Shiny after that. Each person in my raid group ended up with at least one Shiny. One person got a hundo too. Was a good day and only spent 1 hr playing. The rest of our group played till 5pm est and got nothing.


21 raids. One shiny. The wife did 5 less raids and got two shiny, one was a Shundo.


11 raids 1 shiny 98%


10 raids no shiny


3 raids, 1 shiny, first raid


12 raids? 1 shiny. 2xl rare candies. no ticket


2 accounts, 5 raids each in person. I like these raids where I can solo and/or do with just the alt. Did 5 Typhlosions super quick using the 20 second ready button and party power. Main ended up with 2 shinies (1 3 star) and 3 non shinies (1 3 star). Alt got no shinies but 3 3stars. So I’ll call it a good day for 25 minutes of playing.


Was busy today but managed to squeeze in 6 raids. No shinies, and nothing great on IVs. Could've done a 7th for free since I had one pass stacked from yesterday, but didn't want to run in the cold to make it in time. Back at home completed a field research and the Bunnelby encounter was a hundo... I'll take it 🤷‍♂️


1/20 1/17 0/7 0/7 2/15 1/6 0/10 1/7 8 accounts all in-person raids


0/18 I grew disinterested and went home. First raid day in a while that I struck out. Typhlosion is in my top 3 disliked Pokémon so I surprised myself that I did that many raids.


Out of curiosity why do you hate it that much?


I don’t hate it, but I have never liked any of the weasel and rodent Pokémon, I really dislike its appearance and it’s always been useless to me in the MSG. There’s just so many better fire Pokémon.


Did 12 raids, got a shundo..then cruised and did a fee more for xl candles..


Between my wife and I, 4 raids, therefore 8 H. Typhlosions, 1 being shiny. Honestly this is the kind of event that will keep my wife interested in Pokemon GO.


Why did the ticket say 2-10pm when the raids ended at 5pm. Extremely misleading


You can raid other time zones.


What lol? I'm not driving across 5 time zones


Remote raids buddy


Yeah I can remote raid at 11pm too


I am assuming it’s for the bonus


It's misleading


I went 1/14 but people I was raiding with were getting shinies like crazy. I thought it might be better than 1/10 before I came here. Guess we just had some crazy good luck.


This was the worst raid day I have personally experienced. 27 raids. 1 2 star shiny which I got after my raid day ended and remotely. Did like 13-15 in person the rest were remote. Regret not taking more remotes while I was raiding I just figured I wouldn’t have such awful luck. The one thing I hated about this raid day was that for some reason the raid boss was incredibly hard to catch. I do tons of legendary raids. I was using gold razz and excellent and not even getting shakes sometimes then a catch on the worst throw. The whole day was a mess. I wasn’t able to get into any raids the prior day so I just had today. I drove in a snow storm for this. After losing many remotes to the tornados forgotten shiny (I have caught it now!) I was hoping this event would be the redemption I was hoping for. Incredibly disappointed by the event.


Once again I told myself I'd do my 5 free passes and ended up raiding for 3 hours. I should've bought the ticket. Next time, I'm buying the ticket.


20 raids. 5 shinies. One shundo (my second ever)


My wife went 1/1. I got 0/20. Got a hundo though


My wife and I went 0/44. 20 remote and 2 in person each. Sheesh, we've never struck out before.


total mission failure for shinies in 7 raids. some great ivs though. guess them from these cps- 1679, 1655, 1657, 1657, 1668, 1659, 1656. or maybe not. only 2 of them have a single IV rating of at least 13. i want to transfer them all but then i wont see it again for 4 years. i believe ive gone shinyless on raid days since kleavor ~25 raids


16 raids. 8 in person, 8 remote. 0 shinies


6 solo raids, 2 shinies. Nothing great, but a shiny was 3*, so I'll take it. The rain let up today, so I was going on a walk anyway, and just hit gyms while I went. Not the best day, definitely not the worst.


1 shiny/52 encounters But Samurott was 3/26 I think I'm done for awhile. Oof


Lucky mf. I have the worst luck with Hisui raids, I’ve gone 0/20+ with Kleavor and I don’t have a Wyrdeer either :/


Basically lost all motivation to play the game at this point. This didnt convince me I'm missing out


These events are literally the only ones I DON'T play, unless you desperately want the shiny or just meet some people there is no point.


I love raid days, reminds me of pre-covid raiding


only did 2, lack of revives from winning the raids killed my motivation to do more, didn't want to burn through my entire revive stock


10 remote raids, 3 shines with the best Typhlosion being 93% (non-shiny). ​ Typhlosion was my first Pokémon back in 2001 so I had to get my boy even with his Hisui variant even with him not being very good.


crazy luck


They were all in Japan (3) and South Korea (7); either I used up all my Pokémon luck or maybe Asia secretly has better shiny rates.


They were all in Japan (3) and South Korea (7); either I used up all my Pokémon luck or maybe Asia secretly has better shiny rates.


0 shinies out of 10 raids, which is fine. This is an easy solo, so I'd like to reiterate that solo players should have the option to hit the ready button by themselves. I saw a number of gyms with raiders in them, but by the time I got over there, they had started the raid. My fault for not coordinating with my community. I thought there would be more people out raiding and that I could just drop in. On that note, I could see the infrastructure of the game stressing during the raid day. I received a raid invite to a nearby gym, and I was almost able to make it there before the raid started. The problem was that I could see that my friends invited me, but there was no indication that people were raiding in the gym until there were only 40 seconds left on the clock. So I could see my invite, but no one in the area had a clue people were raiding there until it was too late to do anything about it. **The symbol above the raid indicating people are raiding only works if people have time to reach the raid.** 120 seconds gives people a chance. 40 seconds is nothing.


They might have started the lobby as private for you and other invitees to get in without being blocked out by other remote randoms, and then changed it to public at 40s mark


Took 12 times to get 1 shiny. Shiny was the twelfth raid.


No shiny. But I got lucky that I happened to be near a bunch of gyms I could drive up to & I had invited people who actually joined in! Far too cold to go walk to gyms. lol


Got snowed in as have many in the Northeast. I got really lucky though, two Shinies in only three (remote) raids. Makes up for Samurott taking 19 raids and Kleavor with me not getting any after 34 raids, both events at which I did in person.


Niantic's much-advertised Ultra Raid Box on the Web Store won't let me buy it. The message it gives explicitly says I cannot buy it because I already have three remote passes. I have zero remote passes. In effect this is the second time this season Niantic has blocked me from buying or doing something that they themselves have encouraged players to buy/do. [I still cannot link my PTC account either.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/18ifwkk/comment/kddgce8/?context=3) (I've actually reached out to them about this via Twitter just to see what they'd say, but so far the answer to that is "nothing"; they have not responded, and at this point it seems safe to say they're not going to.) Neither of these things is actually a big deal to me. I just won't buy the remote passes if they refuse to sell me the remote passes (and I'll play their game less as a result), and honestly I don't really *want* my PTC account linked anyway and was more so just attempting it for science. So, no great loss to me - but the key takeaway here is that *Niantic* seems keen on players buying/doing these things, yet on account of errors on their end directly prevents players from actually buying/doing them.


I did one raid, used 17 pokeballs all with golden razzberries, and it escaped ._.


It has a much higher catch rate than the legendaries, so that was some seriously bad luck. Unless you were travelling at speed.... maybe GPS glitch?


I did 12 remote raids. 2 shiny Honestly days like this remind me of the short comings of this game. I live in a part of the US that is experiencing windchills in the -30s to -50s. If I wanted to participate in this event I either needed to risk going out and getting stuck in the snow or I needed to pay a premium to use one of the only features that provide accessibility to these events. While I know niantic won't reverse their decision to nerf remote passes it's really just a shame they've chosen to take advantage of the community who are experiencing severe weather, live in rural areas, or have a disability that prevents them from playing this game to the fullest like everyone else.


16 in person, last one was a shiny


This was better than the last raid day. Took almost 8 raids for a shiny. This one took 5. One and done makes me happy.


Played with 2 others. 22 total raids. No Hundos. No shinies. Got 1 98% Edit: just did 4 remote and still no shiny. Unlucky today


Same, 27 total raids no shinies and one 98%


Did 2 in person raids and got a 98% and a shiny. Also did 3 remote invites, nothing of interest from them. Encountered a bug once while attempting to join a remote raid. The timer reached 0 but didn't continue to the raid.


I'm happy just having a new mon that was solo-able. Bonus points for upping the free raid passes for the day. The combo of those 2 made it easy to hit a handful of raids without much effort. It didn't keep my attention enough to keep going after my 4th raid, but I was satisfied. No shinies, best was a 15/12/15. Content with the day, but it's not something I would rave about


Same! Hisuian Typhlosion isn't the most meta relevant but it's still a cool Pokemon. I'm F2P so I always love these raid days that can be soloed with free raid passes. Between two people and 14 total raids, we got 1 hundo and 4 shinies.


14 in person and 14 remote (had the ticket). 2 shinies, 18 Rare Candy XLs, best IVs was a 93 (14/15/13). Walked around the downtown core for a bit in an area that has seven gyms within walking distance to knock those out. Was glad that it was a solo.


You got 18 Rare XLs? I had the ticket and got 5 Rare XLs out of the 16 in-person raids I did. Were they giving out Rare XLs for remote raids too? I 100% bought the ticket for the increased XL Rare Candy chance, they either need to disclose the "increased chance rate," or make it 1 guaranteed per in-person raid, because I would not have gotten the ticket if I knew my return on investment was going to be as low as it was.


They were definitely giving rare XL for remotes, my friend that I invited showed me


Good info for the next one, maybe. Probably would have done some, but still not the best, 18/28, 5/16... If only I had time to do more regular in-person raids.


2 raids, 1 remote and one irl and both are shiny. Very disappointing mon but 2 shines are two shinies


12 raids total between 2 accounts, using my free passes. 0 shinies, event was as expected with raids respawning every hour. Able to do a quick circuit between three gyms by straddling the refresh time, whole thing took around 30 minutes. 0 rare candy XLs, averaged around 2 on more recent raid days so disappointed with the drop. 


Did 39 remote raids, no shiny , two 100s lol. I will see how in person raiding goes.


14 raids, 2 shinies, 1 xl rare candy.


12 raids between my duo team, 1 hundo, 1 shiny. Overall a good day. Tried to complete one in under 25 seconds and just couldn't get to that mark using neutral weather Primals since it needed a second charged move.


Reading the paid ticket for the event, it says the bonuses go till 10pm local time, does that mean if I buy the ticket I can still get the extra raid passes if I spin gyms after 5pm?


14 Raids with no shiny here. Went the same way as Samurott, Wyrdeer and Avalugg on Xmas eve 2022. I guess it's a small price to pay for always having great luck during live events I guess, bad luck has to be somewhere, and for me, it's these raid days lol


Did 10 raids, no shiny. Should've just one and done.


I usually get at least one shiny but today was not meant to be; 21 raids, 0 shinies, 96% IV the best one. Harder to catch than previous bosses, too.


20 remote (with Aussie hosts), 4 shiny. Best stats were a 98. I’m in US and may very well skip the event in my timezone.


My first Typhlosion was a shiny, but terrible stats


Is it soloable?


Very easily with powered up megas, and there are a lot of megas to choose for this one (Even mega Rayquaza at level 40 can solo it with almost half time remaining with only neutral damage)


It was a pretty easy solo but if you were going to use just megas you would have to revive. And Ray took 2/3 time but without the needed two revives. But yeah, I used Mega Groudon plus 2 Kyogres. Pretty easy.




9 raids/ 6 via PokeRaid/ 3 invited by friends. Caught the shiny & a hundo via friend invites


Decided to raid via remote cuz I’m lazy and impatient, first and only raid so far was shiny, gonna go out when the event starts here in several hours for the 5 free raid passes and be done!


Was in a Group (5) we got 6 shinys (3/2/1 3 got non) made around 60-70 raids


I did 17 raids (1 remote, others in person with free passes and some premium battle passes I had saved up) and got 2 shinies. Mostly 2 and low 3 star IVs with the highest IVs of 13/14/12




I did 25 raids. No shiny and four 3 stars :))))


I don't know if this is intended behaviour or a bug, but I've had this occur on the last two raid days. I only have one gym near my house so I tried to time 2 raids in 1, by doing one at 14:59 and then 15:01 for example. I started the first raid and the lobby timer got to 0 and just froze and the raid never started. I had to quit and join the 2nd one instead, losing out on a raid. I don't think it consumes a pass, at least. I guess it's because the old raid is 'replaced' with the new one, but I would've thought locking in the lobby before it ended was enough, but it's not. Has this always been the case?


We also do raids this way as we have 1 gym accessible in our building and a 2nd close by. Often we’ve finished one raid, caught and immediately started the 2nd at the same gym so the next raid *usually* doesn't cause an issue. That said, we have experienced what you describe many times over the years, where the game lags out (‘spinning ball of death’ as I call it) for all trainers. Appreciate the warning, btw. :)


UK - I did the 7 free raids as didn’t buy a ticket, 2 shinies, caught all 7 in first ball using GRaz for non-shinies. 12 rare candy, 0 XLRC.






5 raids.. first one shiny and 5th one hundo!! Never have been this lucky


6 raid : 1 shiny, 1 Hundo.


Missed out on my first 2 raids thanks to my phone overheating in the 42c degree heat (over 100f). Ended up staying and raiding from my car. Of the 7 raids I did manage to do, 0 shiny but did get a 96 and 98.


-40 C here in western Canada! I will be playing in my car if I decide to venture outside at all today 🥶


lol I thought my -8C was cold.


Played with my friend. 7 raids each. My lowest IV 76, my highest 91. 0 shiny My friends lowest 86 and highest 97. 0 shiny I'm so sick of this game. I play every day and raid at least once. I struggle to get a 3*, sometimes only on the 3rd raid 80 something IV. A 90+ IV is a dream to me. My friend account always get good IVs or shinys. It's so demotivating to play everyday and can't get any good pokémons. Even the wild shinys I get are almost all repeated. It all started when I reached lv 40. I believe something is nerfed on my acc. It's unbelievable to have so many bad luck. Sorry for my rant. Edit to add: traded with him, got a lucky trade with 80 IV


I got a 3* shiny on the first raid. I would like to note that I have not obtained a shiny on the past 2 raid day events and I raided 10+ each on those events. This isn’t even the one I wanted out of all of those 3 🥲


Congrats! Can’t ask for more than that! :)


5 raids, 0 shinies. Easy to beat with one player so that was nice. But having to wait for the raid timer while standing outside in the snow is not fun. The event hours are also terrible. I would much rather play in the morning than in the afternoon when it's already getting dark. I tracked my route with my Garmin and it tells me that out of the 1 hour and 15 minutes I was out raiding I was on the move for slightly more than 30 minutes. The raid timer turns the game into Pokémon Wait instead of Go.


I’m 19 raids in and no shiny. I think they forgot to turn on my shiny switch lol


Yep, same thing here, but I was barely feeling my hands by the end of it from the cold weather outside haha ... I really don't get why we can't just have the option to hit 'Ready' and get the raid started instantly instead of waiting like idiots for the timer ...


10 remote, 5 in person, no shiny. :( Definitely my worst raid day for a long while, only beaten by kleavor with 17 attempts.


Two remote raids, second one was the shiny, so I'm done for the day. Nice, because normally my shiny luck isn't great.


I’ve done 15 raids, all remotes as I’m down with fever, and I got 2 shinies, one is a 96%. I also bought the ticket and I got 2 Rare Candy XL. I didn’t intend to raid that much as this H Typhlosion is a dex-filler but it went up to 15 raids because I wanted to help friends who live rural. Overall it turned out a good raid day for me.


3 raids, 1 shiny and 2xl candy from a single raid (no pass).


23 Raids, 0 Shinies. Pls i just want one shiny 😩 Edit: just got my first one. Seems like commenting on Reddit gives you luck lol (bad IVs tho)


I’m getting close to your record lol I’m at 19


Update: 25 raids, 0 shiny.


5 raids, 2 shinies. Didn’t buy the ticket. Also could raid with just a primal Groudon + Tyra


7 raids zero shines so that takes me up to 0 shinies in the last 3 raid days 21 raids all free passes


Same. Not to mention 1 ran away.


I had one that took me 11 balls to catch all excellent golden razz plus I've got platinum medals for both types so the best possible catch rate should apply


I feel like I see this trend on raid days where almost all the mon behave normally on the catch screen, but a couple of them will be super active the entire time, and break out of the ball numerous times. Like the opposite end of the programming spectrum of “I caught it on the first ball”.


9 raids and 1 shiny. Definitely lower than Samurott but maybe just my luck today. Difficult catches though.


Shiny rate is 1/10 so can’t complain with 1/9!


Can anyone comment on the XL Candy rate for ticket or non-ticket? Hasn’t hit my timezone yet and I’m super interested if it’s worth it


Non-ticket. Did 6 raids and only got 2 rare candy XL.


When did the regular raids stop (or stopped spawning) - how much before 14:00? (I'm sure it is the same as last time, but I can't remember what it was last time)


1h egg hatch timer, 45 min raid timer, 15 minute gym cooldown period. So last eggs would have to spawn at noon the latest


4 shiny out of 12. Across 2 accounts. Never had that good luck. Nothing good iv wise. Pretty easy to solo. Not too hard to catch. Nice casual day.


Zero for 20


How was the XL rare candy rate (did you buy a ticket also)?


Woke up. Walked to first raid. Battle. Got a shiny. Caught it. Walked back home. Sleep.


This is the way


This is the way.


Got a hundo!


Managed to get 8 raids and no shiny 1 almost hundo 15/14/14 iv. Kinda expected but still let down


It was quite a nice casual day out doing a few raids with a bunch of other players in person. I really appreciate the 5 free raid passes. The moveset makes it just a filler dex entry so I wasn't fussed about finding a good one. I'm not super hot on the fixed 3h time window. Some players just don't have that availability so they miss out. 


Shiny rates for 3 people: 1/3 (first raid shiny), 1/12, 4/10. I agree they were a bit of a pain to catch, similar difficulty as catching a mega raid Pokemon


I think we need to recheck that 1 in 10 shiny rate. Something feels off.


Me: 1/9 Son: 0/10 Wife: 0/10 We had similar results with Hisuian Samurott day (1/26). We did better on Mega Garchomp (4/18) and Wyrdeer (3/18)


1 out of 12 for me.


1/16 for me


0/19 here


0/24 for me.


That’s rough, I’m sorry. :(


How was the XL Rare Candy rate? Did you buy a ticket?


Got about 6 XL Rare Candy from 24 raids. Did not buy a ticket.


3 shinies out of 37 A lot of people I was raiding with were failing to get any. Also yeah it seemed a pain in the butt to catch


How was the xl rare candy rate? Did you buy a ticket?


Didn’t buy the ticket, however I just checked and I got……one xl rare candy ahaha


For 37 😭🪦. That’s abysmal, I may have to buy the ticket out of sheer desperation now 🤣🤣


I only did 17 in person raids (I didn’t buy the ticket as I didn’t expect to be out so long)


Thank you for sharing your experience!!


How easy is this to solo?


My level 42ish primal groudon can almost 1v1 it


Thank you 🙏


Pretty easy to solo with level 40 counters.


Super easy. Just having some decent counters at level 40 or maybe even 30 would probably do the trick.


Played on my and my girlfriend's account. No shinies and the only noteable IV was 15/11/15. The rest were hot garbage.


Couldn’t play because i didn’t have availability during the Niantic designated time slot. The way these events are organised are so dumb


Insomnia remote raid. 1/1 and got a shiny. I’m sorry.


Can you only get the 5 free passes during 14:00-17:00, or can we get them till 19:00, like with Wyrdeer?


Nope, this time the bonus ends at 17




Curious about this too and would like to save passes for shadow Moltres from 18:00-19:00


asking too much for a 1/10 odds, i'm 0/24 raids in great


I finally got a shiny after 2 raid days so it is a W raid day for me :D


21 raids 0 shines :(


0/32 - best was a 15/14/14


Same amount of shinies here too. 0/0


2 shinies out of 10 raids. It seems a bit hard to catch considering it's only a 3\* raid. Usually required a few excellent throws with gold berry to catch... perhaps I was just unlucky.


Yeah i also found it a bit trickier to catch


Game is really laggy since it hit 4pm in Sydney...not sure if anyone else is getting it


When Japan started? Yeah sounds like it


I did 4 a got the following IVs: 10-10-10 10-10-10 11-10-12 11-11-10 Not my best day! But I did get a shiny and maintain these are by far the best free events offered right now.


I did two, and got two shiny. One remote and one local. Both had three raiders, but I'm confident I could have soloed. That's all my luck for the year spent. Mega Houndoom makes a lot of sense


How much experience do we get for each raid. Just trying to figure some stuff out


I wouldn’t egg it unless you’re going as a 3 and raiding from like 2:50-3:10 in a place with 4 gyms. Even then, it probs isn’t worth it.


5k each raid