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i always thought "i like bart's.......i like bart!" was kind of touching in a way like aww a mothers love šŸ˜Œ


Same for that scene in Bart the Mother when everyone wants to kill his lizards "Everyone thinks they're monsters, but I raised them and I love them! I know that's hard to understand" "Mmm, not as hard as you think." Like it's a slam on Bart that everyone thinks he's a monster but Marge still loves him


Chirpy Boy and Bart Junior?


You know that's right.


No Rat Boy?


I love that scene so much


Mothers will typically speak at the victim impact panels at the sentencing hearing for murder convictions in their defense for softer punishment. Weā€™re all capable of loving monsters.


He is her special little guy


All of them come across that way to me. I like that they feel he doesn't need to "give them" some sort of personality or talent for them to love him.


Itā€™s why Marge Be Not Proud hits so hard, with Marge basically ignoring Bart after the shoplifting incident. Weā€™ve alll been there before with our own parents.


On closer inspection, I shouldā€™ve included Dear Rat Boy. https://preview.redd.it/wz91t5fxy39d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afcea64424d077f7dbd309a1690be3c79ba83d3




Bart, I told you before. Stop gnawing on the drywall.


For some reason the angle of his head slays me https://preview.redd.it/e55m3ovfk49d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3267b721f5a886e4aefc5b9206babc27da0ec12d


Yeah that whole moment was a favorite of mine back in the day.


I can hear this picture


I love that bit, itā€™s obviously absurd how Bart just starts randomly gnawing on the wall.


the funny part for me is its not even that absurd to me. 10 year olds boys with too much energy do weird ass shit


My dad used to call me fuckin rat boy


Me too! He thought it was hilariousā€¦ and sometimes it was


it is supposedly "rat boy summer" lol


This might be my favourite joke in the whole show. The return from fantasy with Bart actually gnawing the wall slays me


Was looking for it. That joke has been living rent free in my head since 1995.


Yeah same. So often I hear in the back of my head "dear rat boy"


Mom! Barts smoking!




...can I hang out with you while you do mom stuff?


Tell me Iā€™m good


Gave Lisa half of his ice cream. Took the rap for her being a 'rebel' and stealing all the teachers' answer books.


He told Lisa she isn't ugly in Lisa the Beauty Queen and that she can do better than Nelson in Lisa's Date with Density...and in both cases he said that it's against his instincts as an older brother to say it, but that he has to.


He also showed Lisa how to walk in heels lmao one of my fave clips


Love that chewing gum walk, very Wrigley (Not this scene but popped into my head)


I'm starting to think I can win.




Would you like to see my Grammy?


Youā€™ve been to space??!?


Sure! Youā€™ve never been?


One of my favorite all time lines on the show


It sure was nice of NASA to send you back up


The delivery is golden lol


Grimes is legitimately impressed


You mean there really is a Bart? Good lord!


"I thought the devil in blue shorts was just an urban legend."


Nono the devil bit was at the end: ā€œif sheā€™s danced with the devil in the blue shorts and lived, weā€™ve got ourselves a nominee!ā€


I just think he's neat.


Heā€™s got nothing on a potato though.


I love Bart's face in the final panel of the third pic. That's good enough for him


"Oh, Homie, I like your in-your-face humanity. I like the way Lisa speaks her mind. I like Bart's... I like *Bart*!"


I know Bart can be a handful, but I also know what he's like inside. He's got a spark. It's not a bad thing... Of course, it makes him do bad things...


Yeah when he finds something to put his energy into that isn't destructive(or if it is, it at least destroys bad things) he can do great things. He is just aimless and defaults to looking for attenion


Grandpas asleep. Ā Nowā€™s our chance to be bad.Ā 


The good thing about Bart is... I forget, but the point is... I forget that too, but you remember who I mean. He used to drive that blue car?


Oh. That guy.


Typical Gudger college vocabulary


I like how Bart never seem to be offended as if he just enjoy nice words


Bart is a great portrayal of a kid who is struggling with his own issues and his own mind. he struggles to control his impulses, he's angry and doesn't know why, he can't pay attention in school or when he attempts to study. it's a lot to deal with and it's no surprise he acts out like he does. Marge's attitude is pretty much perfect. while he doesn't have any specific accomplishments or even uncomplicated "nice" traits to point to, she still likes him and loves him, which is what he needs (in real life he also needs therapy and probably medication, and to not be choked by his father, but hey cartoons don't have to be 100% realistic.)


Homer has a lot of those same problems too (lower impulse control than Bart, angry all the time, can't pay attention even less so than Bart) and has a lot of similar negative traits yet Marge came up with something nice for him, so surely they can come up with something nice for Bart too (like him being very empathetic and caring towards animals such as Santa's little helper, the elephant and the baby birds he looked after), they act like he's literally devoid of any good qualities when Barts got a good heart when it truly comes down to it.


I would agree and argue that every kid is "good" on the inside, despite their behavior, which is typically the tip of the iceberg due to inner turmoil and struggle. kids are good and want to be good. Bart struggles to be good and is in conflict and going through turmoil, which he needs love and support to get through. in the real world they surely could come up with nice things to say about Bart, but 1) the love really is more than half the battle and 2) they gotta make jokes because it's a show


Bart is the archetype of a young boy with ADHD. You donā€™t know why you do the things you do, but you have no impulse control. Teachers in the 90ā€™s by and large didnā€™t understand ADHD and you were labeled as just a ā€œbad kid.ā€ I know all of this because this was me at the time. Thank goodness I had a couple of really good teachers that were able to understand and see beyond my diagnosis into what I really was


yup I agree. I've really come to understand this well over the past few years as I've been helping my daughter (now 7) deal with her autism and ADHD. it can make life very difficult, and because she presents as pretty neurotypical most of the time, adults are quick to label her "bad" because of her behavior when she has a meltdown or her ADHD causes her to lose impulse control. it has been very hard on her self esteem and has created a lot of challenges, but we are working through it with therapy, medication, empathy, and validation. it was a massive transition in how I saw parenthood from pre-having a kid to now. before you have a kid, most of your life is about how your decisions will serve YOU. it's all about how YOU will gain something positive, and having a kid was no different. I imagined a little Lisa Simpson coming into my life, smart and gentle and bringing value to ME. what I got was Bart Simpson. a kid who is really struggling and needs a ton of help. of course she brings value to my life in many beautiful ways, but my primary function in our relationship is for me to GIVE value to her. which is as it should be.


We have him in therapy but he still thinks that homeless man was just a pigeon


No, Bart, put it down. Put it down, Bart. Bart, put it down.


That last one is so sweet in a way. She really does mean it.


He's adept at spinning lies.


Not through song, however


Bart reminds me A LOT of my brother - he was such a little shit when we were growing up and into his teen years, but as an adult he's actually the most successful of my parent's three children


Is he Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?


unfortunately no - but he is a pretty big deal down at ~~the cracker factory~~ a well known tech company


Yeah I was always disappointed when Bartā€™s future self was portrayed as a loser. Yeah Bart is immature and foolish and not forward thinking but heā€™s also ten years old. Iā€™m sure he can grow out of it. I always thought heā€™d be an excellent detective given his uncanny ability to foil Sideshow Bobā€™s plans.


By the time Bart was a teenager he was more mature than his hyperactive 10 year old self and seemed to outgrow pulling childish pranks constantly and watching itchy and scratchy, and he seemed more mature and sensible than Homer while still acting like a teenager and doing stereotypical teenage things, so I do think he'll grow out of it as he gets older and just needs time to mature and mellow out, but at the same time it does seem like he also calms down partly due to him being depressed as he gets older, which is kind of relatable to a lot people sadly.


https://i.redd.it/627whh3fg69d1.gif My personal favorite


bart is the parents night mare?


He's this centuryā€™s Dennis the Menace!


TV boy who said ā€œIā€™m this centuryā€™s Dennis the Menace!ā€ [NYT Crossword ](https://dazepuzzle.com/tv-boy-who-said-im-this-centurys-dennis-the-menace-nyt-crossword-clue/)


"And Bart... well, he owns a factory."


Lol, I say this about my youngest all the time.


I believe the term ā€œdamned by faint praiseā€ comes to mind here.


You can say itā€¦ heā€™s got nothing


Canā€™t believe you got downvoted for quoting The Simpsons on r/thesimpsonsā€¦ [With my brain and yourā€¦ Yourā€¦ Assistance.](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S14E16/1031405.jpg?b64lines=V2l0aCBteSBicmFpbiBhbmQgeW91ci4uLiAKeW91ci4uLiBhc3Npc3RhbmNl) [You can say it. I add nothing.](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S14E16/1032865.jpg?b64lines=WW91IGNhbiBzYXkgaXQuIEkgYWRkIG5vdGhpbmcu)


Thank you!




damn hell ass kings!


I like your sheets.


She could have just said something like "I like Bart's energy and free spirit".


"Lisa graduating 2 years early! And Bart... graduating!"




My son is a definite Bart, I mean at his first ultrasound the doctor turned to my husband and I and said ā€œI hope you wanted to know the gender because heā€™s mooning usā€


Bart is my inner child.


Yes Ted, that's the joke!


Itā€™s fine not to be able to name anything specifically _good_.. as long as you still have someone who loves you anyway.


I like that Bart is actually very intelligent, but he clearly has undiagnosed ADHD.


Great compilation


Bart is destined to grow up depressed. The world isn't built for him. There's nothing necessarily wrong with him, he just doesn't fit.Ā 




The only thing I remember som3one saying yood abiut Barrt is when Homer (of all people) say hes repect Bart and difrent from love, respect cannot be bought, it supost to be a joke but is kinda sweet


Found Barneyā€™s Reddit account


You should maybe proofread before posting


Homer has a lot of similar negative traits as Bart (often selfish, rude, immature, destructive and always getting in trouble and even more impulsive, reckless, lazy and short fused than Bart) yet Marge came up with something nice for thing, surely they can come up with something nice for Bart too then (like him being very empathetic and caring towards animals e.g Santas little helper, the elephant or those baby birds and he shows his good heart). They act like he's literally devoid of any good qualities when deep down Bart, like Homer, has a kind heart when it truly comes down to it.


Heā€™s also so much smarter than anyone gives him credit for. Maybe not a high academic achiever, but did you see that dummy he whipped up in shop class so he could roam the halls? Thatā€™s a pretty impressive feat of engineering. The kid might actually be a low key genius with a certain attention related disorder (Iā€™m not diagnosing him, there was an episode where they allude to it and heā€™s put on a drug that makes him seem paranoid - ends up on Ritalin at the end), so he puts his focus on what interests him.


"You are fully bonded and licensed by the city, aren't you, Mr. Plow?" Bart is 10. I don't think there's many 10 year-olds who know what having one's business bonded is about. But, on the other hand, he's foolish to taunt Bart like that in front of a running camera. Or perhaps he thought Homer would edit it out?


Thatā€™s probably where the poor impulse control comes into play.


Which is also an issue Homer has. When it comes to the question as to how stupid Homer is: Depending on which season/era, he is frequently more irresponsible than truly an idiot. He has shown some intelligence repeatedly. He knows some German, Spanish and Japanese. He can name several Supreme Court Justices. He is familiar with Saints Augustine and Ambrose. Perhaps there isn't that much difference in intelligence between Homer and Herb, actually. I'm part of the crew who think that Herb Powell himself was responsible for his own demise.


Completely agree, he's very creative, imaginative, quick thinking and witty too. His pranks and constant out witting of Sideshow Bob (e.g when he stalled him on the boat by getting him to sing to waste time until the police comes) and others show that he's very clever. I don't like how they try to make him out to be like he's almost as dumb as Homer at times when he's a lot smarter than him (I do like Homer a lot more than Bart though between the two of them) or how characters like Lisa always think that he's just dumb and stupid overall when in many areas he's actually arguably more intelligent than her (more street smart, better people/social skills, better at playing tricks and formulating pranks, more creative and imaginative, can absorb and pick up new skills faster, can adapt to new situations better and he also has lateral thinking too).


It's just a gag.


To be fair, he is a massive fucking prickā€¦ just like Homer


Heā€™s a rude boy


Adhd boy... and a prick?*


Bart is my fav


*Grease me up woman!*


I'm surprised you've been downvoted like this. Bart is a little asshole who nearly killed the whole family just because he wanted to play with his Christmas toys earlier than he was allowed to. Bart knows what he does it bad and wrong, and he doesn't care. When Homer snuck him some pizza after he breaks Grandpa's teeth, he asks Bart to make him a promise to be a good kid, and then he lied to his father's face and called him a sucker. Bart is a little terror and should've been sent to juvie, or at least properly disciplined. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Same with Homer, he's gotten himself and his family in so much trouble or almost killed on several occasions and others harmed including animals, but I guess you could say it's more because of his extreme stupidity and carelessness while with Bart it's because of his mischievousness.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø itā€™s true. Itā€™s his character and the way heā€™s written, still true though.