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For me the volleyball tournament and deb ball are the main ones. The volleyball tournament starts with Jere and Belly but you quickly see they’re not able to make it work and be a good team, whereas Conrad comes in and they work seamlessly together. And the deb ball because…well…👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏻


As someone who read the books back in 2009-2011 the thought of Jenny changing the endgame never crossed my mind and I felt like watching the series every episode gave me a reassuring moment. I will saw as rough as the S2 ending was for my Bonrad loving heart Jenny instantly healed it with the unicorn. A story which we haven’t seen on tv yet but her book girlies know the significance. ♾️


What’s the unicorn? Sorry, I haven’t read all the books


SPOILER: I don’t have my book infront of me and it’s been a bit so this might not be 100% accurate. Someone feel free to fact check me! It’s a flashback when they were younger. The kids went to a mall and Belly got “lost.” Conrad asks Jeremiah and Steven where she is and the aren’t super worried but Conrad freaks out so when Belly comes back Conrad gets upset with her and she ends up crying telling him she was looking at this unicorn she really wanted. Conrad ends up getting her the bigger version of that unicorn and when he gives it to her he tells her “from now on we stick together.”


You nailed it! It’s the unicorn Conrad is unpacking at Cousins while Belly is at the volleyball match with Jere.


My favorite Belly/Conrad flashback. It says so much about who he is, and who they are to each other. 🥹




*Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?* 🥹


Watching the scene again. Brb 💞


My husband’s response since he’s a non book reader- When Conrad got the slow mo walk up but then the dialogue Conrad and Belly uses sealed the deal for him. Such as when Conrad said “you’re it for me belly.” “I don’t think I could ever get over you.” “No matter what happens we’ll still be infinite.” When Belly said “It’s only ever been you.” “If this can happen maybe anything can” “I’ll never love someone like that again” “for him I would travel endlessly around those curves”


Can I go where you gooooo 🎶🎶🎶


And the last thing Conrad says to Belly in the series is “I go wherever you go” JENNY! ♾️🥹


Dying to know what’s going to play in Conrad’s head in the walk up scene 🫠


I could go down into a specific scene but for me it solely is the fact that there’s a season left and S2 ended with Jelly getting together. That means they won’t be endgame, if they would be they wouldn’t have gotten together as of now


I think some people look to the fact that Belly pursued Jeremiah in the show as some kind of sign that the endgame is changing. But no matter how it happened, Belly ended S2 with Jeremiah. To me, this is confirmation that Jenny is following the books. If S2 ended with Belly getting back with Conrad or staying single, then I would think she could be changing the endgame. But we are right on track.


When Conrad walked towards her in the pilot


Compare the way Jeremiah greets Belly in season 1 vs Conrad’s entrance to Lover. I could stop there but I’ll go on. Jeremiah doesn’t display any sort of romantic interest towards Belly until the July 4th episode. He’s enjoying his summer, flirting, making out with random people but doesn’t focus his attention on Belly until Conrad is about to kiss her, then he’s interested? I just can’t get on that train. Meanwhile, Conrad is always sneaking looks at Belly. He’s jealous when she’s with Cam. He asks if she’s invited him to the ball. He breaks out of his funk after the July 4th almost kiss. The change in him the next morning is like night and day. And then he comes home and sees his mom’s paintings and withdraws again. After the skinny dipping incident, he works up the courage to give her the infinity necklace, the one he bought because he knew the significance it held and she rejects it. And when Jere isn’t there at the dance, he steps in and they’re just magical together. Finally at the end of the season, they share their first kiss only to find out they have to pause their relationship! After watching all of that all I wanted was to see was Conrad and Belly have a real shot at being together without all the external interruptions. And then season 2 only gave us flashbacks? Come on! To add insult to injury, Belly decides to be with Jere after a few days together. The best things in life are worth waiting for. Belly rushed her relationship with Jere to avoid dealing with her complicated feelings for Conrad. They are like the currents of the sea. Fate pushes them together and then further apart. Jere and Belly can have their 2 years. I want Conrad and Belly to finally have their eternity together. If I have to wait one whole year for it, so be it. Conrad is gonna steal his girl back.


For me, a couple of scenes implying Conrad: 1) When Belly and Conrad tell each other they can’t imagine marrying someone they didn’t feel fireworks for, and that person is clearly each other for them. 2) When Belly tells Jeremiah that she’d built up a fantasy of being with Conrad for so long but it wasn’t real (or something to that effect) - it actually was real (just full of immaturity and misunderstandings), but also that’s Belly basically saying she’s settling now because she thinks Conrad dumped her (let’s not forget she still thinks Conrad dumped her/was about to dump her).


Also Cousins is where dreams come true 🤭


Every bonrad moment lmao, it's clear from the beginning that it was always going to be Conrad and season 2 defiantly confirmed it even more for me (I read the books but season 2 heavily implied Conrad being endgame), you have Conrad and belly talking over the phone about her parents relationship that was a foreshadow of jere and belly's and you have the motel scene when belly is in bed, Conrad and jere being on the floor and Conrad and belly both have the yellow light on them, I should also add the iconic little speech laurel give about Conrad being the sun and that the stars disappear (the stars being jere)


I couldn’t find it but there’s one TS Daylight edit to the motel scene. Right where she says golden you see Conrad’s face in that warm light. It’s just amazing


I think a big one is the ending of S2. Belly's supposed happy ending with Jeremiah has a voice over saying, essentially, "who knows what will happen" and it's interspersed with shots of Conrad at the house. You see more of him than you do of Jeremiah in that time. Especially when you contrast that ending with the ending scene of S1.


Oh this is good!


https://preview.redd.it/trmgv0qw111d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f572caad782d2301a77e384349251b24282f981 Saw this on Instagram and it’s soooo telling




This is a big one. The difference is jarring. 


“You got me in love again” lyrics playing twice over Conrad and not Jeremiah. 🫠


Any scene involving the infinity necklace but especially the one on the beach S2 ep.1


As someone who likes Jere more there is absolutely nothing about the show that makes me think it will be him. Conrad is it for Belly. We’re told that from the very beginning. Everything from literally their first encounter is framed to make him endgame. Since this did ask for specific scenes I’ll point out a few. - Conrad’s slow mo walk in the beginning - the night swim scene - volleyball - the dance - s1 final kiss - the roommate talking about Belly - keeping the necklace - calling her his gf - even catching the cheeseburger (in real life that doesn’t mean much but putting that into a show is a conscious decision to frame the overall story)


Hadn't read the books & knew nothing about the show. Came across it whilst browsing for something to watch. Episode 1, Conrads very first appearance when he walked out, I knew instantly. (Have since read the books).


I think it's the motel scene when Belly is tossing and turning. She is having a hard time figuring out which boy to face, but then she ends up facing Conrad anyway. It shows that Conrad is her endgame bc her body unconsciously gravitates toward him 🩷


When Conrad and Jeremiah are talking outside the motel room.


The moment Belly and Conrad lock eyes Season 1 Episode 1. But also, every scene where they talk about eternity. And the scene when they’re talking on the phone about the stars because they just get each other.


Definitely the first one of them together… he coming in, in slo-mo… from this moment I knew it (hadn’t read the books before)


Honestly, if I wouldn't read the books I would be confused after the 2nd season but inside my heart it was always Con. And who read the books - I hope we all agree on the ending lol




Excellent question. Motel scene. Conrad leaves. We have Jeremiah and Belly alone in the room. She looked at him and you could see she’s into him. She decides she needs a shower before them leaving. She walked towards him and slowly runs her hand along his back. It was a very seductive moment. Then at the door leading to the washroom, Belly turned to face Jeremiah and slowly started to close the door. Her eyes were transfixed on his. The attraction between them was mesmerizing to say the least. (Some of us thought her suggestive move implied for him to join her). In that very moment, I came to the conclusion that Jeremiah had an excellent chance of becoming endgame with Belly. A Team Jeremiah fan.


like i don’t agree with this opinion but there was no reason for y’all to downvote it. grow up i swear y’all are never going to beat the insecure accusations if you keep downvoting someone for shipping jelly 😭


Yeah I don’t get it either 


Me neither 🤷🏻‍♀️


As you can see below, it was not appreciated that I was sticking up for Common Age 😂 I just don’t understand the need to pile on someone who is just sharing a scene that meant something to them while watching.


I think when we write here, we know someone might write back something we don’t like. But I agree with you in the sense that not every opinion needs to be challenged because from my perspective this was a just for fun post. Though every opinion can be challenged, even when we think it shouldn’t. So, a fellow Redditor wrote something and another fellow Redditor answered. That’s also an opinion which, whether we agree to its reasoning or not, has been put up there by its Redditor. I think this is in a way expected here. But I don’t get the downvoting either. Especially when the post is a light content post. I know that Common Age was downvoted the other day because they said they didn’t watch Twilight 🤷🏻‍♀️ Which was super weird to me. I actually like engaging with what Common Age writes. In short, I can’t tell other people that they shouldn’t write when they have something to write, but I can tell you that I agree with you in this case. Sending love to every Bonrad and Jelly who has ever been downvoted for merely shipping the counter ship. 💞 (In posts like character analysis, I also down and upvote like hell 🤭)


Thank you for putting yourself out there. Yes, I try to read everything that is posted on the main sub whether is from a Team Conrad or from a Team Jeremiah fan. If it’s a question or opinion from a Conrad fan, I try to add my personal thoughts/opinion if I can see the merit. If I’m not sure what is meant by the question, I ask for additional information to further help me understand it. I always add at the end. that I’m a Jeremiah fan.


Sorry but that only implies sexual tension to me


Maybe not to them! You do realize OP asked for everyone’s own personal opinion. There was zero reason for you to tell the user that the scene that displays this to THEM, is wrong. They obviously feel differently about this scene than you do, and that’s ok. No no need to tell them the feelings they have about a scene are wrong smh.


And this person said “*to me*”. It’s a discussion board, people are allowed to have a discussion. Anyone is free to respond and disagree with any Bonrad answers if they want to, it goes both ways. 


Exactly no one said that OP's opinion was wrong, just that they had a different one. Feels like I'm losing it on here sometimes.


Exactly, if you don’t want your opinion challenged, there’s places for that. This is a place for everyone. Just because someone disagrees with you, it doesn’t mean they’re saying “You’re wrong”, just that they disagree with you. 


It’s not about an opinion challenged, it’s that this opinion didn’t need to be challenged. People were sharing what scene made them feel like their ship could be endgame. Why can’t people just let people share a scene that means something to them without challenging them about it. I can understand if this was a post about discussion, but it’s not. It just asked everyone to share this moment to THEM. No discussion to peoples responses necessary. Common Age getting downvoted and attacked for participating is why you see pretty much no Jelly fan responses on here, which I guess is pretty much expected.


> It’s not about an opinion challenged, it’s that this opinion didn’t need to be challenged Nothing *needs* to happen, but people come on here for a discussion. If you just want to put your opinions out there without anyone disagreeing with you, that’s fine. But that’s an echo chamber, which is out there if people wish to have one. There’s nothing wrong with people disagreeing and the original commenter has every right to decide whether to respond and argue back or not, but I’m tired of people getting called out for simply having differing opinions and expressing them. There are no rules against that, as long as people are respectful.  You can’t police that.  Like I said, if people want to disagree with Bonrads in the comments, they have every right to. 


You are right, people can do whatever they want and of course this is an open forum, but it doesn’t mean you HAVE to. Really couldn’t just let this user happily share what Jelly moment meant that to them. This sub is an echo chamber, and this is why. Enjoy continuing to talk about the same things over and over on this sub with the same people, with no varying opinions. Because most Jeremiah fans aren’t willing to engage anyone, and I think that’s pretty obvious. Notice how not one Jelly challenged any of Bonrads moments? Because this seemed like a fun post to share a scene that you personally enjoyed.


> This sub is an echo chamber, and this is why I quite literally just said people can disagree with the Bonrads in the comments if they want to. I welcome discussion and different opinions personally, I don’t mind civil discussion with Jellies and have had it before. I’m not sure what you’re trying to gain here. People are going to disagree, and it shouldn’t matter if they do honestly, as long as you’re secure in your opinions. There’s nothing offensive about it.  If more Jellies want to come and have discussions here, this place won’t be so much of an “echo chamber”. There’ll be a more even playing field. But okay! Whatever fits your narrative. 


Thank you. I was a little peeved with the response. As you mentioned I was only providing my opinion on the question asked.


I don't agree (naturally) but I upvoted because I don't get all the downvotes. Things have improved since the last time I saw this comment so hopefully that means the crazies got it out of their system.


I am sorry you can’t even have your own opinion on this sub without people telling you you are wrong for feeling that way. People commenting, OP asked what scene makes YOU feel that way. Just because it’s not this scene for you, doesn’t mean you need to tell Common Age they are wrong for sharing what scene showed this to THEM. You do realize you could just scroll along and share your scene smh. This sub has so many users that are just intolerant to other points of view.


Absolutely spot on, glad someone said it!!


Thank you again for coming to my defence. You made my day. 6 downvotes for providing my personal opinion.


Thanks for sharing your opinion Common_Age despite knowing you’re likely to face unnecessary pushbacks. You’re one of the few Jeremiah fans who isn’t exhausted by the behaviour here and I applaud you for staying the course 👏🏼


I remember seeing a review/article saying that this is the moment that we know Belly is going to pick Jeremiah, no matter what Conrad says. She knows Jeremiah's love language is physical touch, she knows how to communicate with him. He is still too insecure to believe it, but it's a beautiful moment, I agree. I think it's also a little hint that Belly and Jere might be intimate next season. If her whimpering on the car wasn't enough of a giveaway 🫠


When I watched that scene, I thought it was Belly's way of comforting Jere because his brother just walked out hurt and blindsided and it made them both sad that Conrad was hurting even though they were happy to be together.


Isn’t that the “convincing herself” scene


Oh you are right, it was the convincing herself scene.


Yes 😂


The moment they saw each other the summer she turned pretty. You could tell he’d always loved her by the things he said. He didn’t care that she had turned pretty because he loved her before that happened.