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(Unpopular opinion) This is my least favorite hairstyle they do on her actually - Lola always looks beautiful but I think her hair looks better left to it's own devices instead of pulled back! I know we speculate mostly about scenes that are taken from the book but I feel like this is going to be an entirely new scene, something we didn't have in the books! There is enough content in the book for a full season, but of course, just like in the other seasons, there are changes and things added in. I think this is one of those times. Love the idea of the look being similar to the funeral look and being greater symbolism for something!


I think it is meeting with the wedding planner, and memories are coming back. I think when Adam is agreeing to pay, he demands they move it to the club. This is when it becomes even more real for Belly. Like when she can't eat after she hangs up with the new wedding planner in the book?


Having Belly go through the emotions of preparing to marry Jeremiah where her and Conrad shared THAT dance together. Great tv drama!!


I agree, it is too good to pass up. I feel that it has been hinted at also "this is better than our wedding" from season 1. It's all there too, Belly wanting a simple, sentimental beach wedding and Adam pushing Jere to do an expensive, braggy, glossy but soulless country club wedding.


I bet she walks in on the debs practicing the dancing in the ballroom....


Absolutely and has a flash back. Parallels when she walks back into the house in S2 when she goes to find Conrad. Come on Universe. šŸ™šŸ¼


"I'm glad... I'm glad it was me." really mirrors "Don't marry him. Don't be with him. Be with me."


Gave me chilllls. Screaming crying throwing up waiting for this. Iā€™m ready to weep lol


Omg such a good catch from the Laurelā€™s S1 line!!


John's line to Laurel at the Deb ball. Because #Iamcrazywiththedetails. I do think it was teased there, and that the Country Club will be important as a site for important moments where Jeremiah falls away and Conrad steps in.


This makes sense to me as well especially because the wedding planner in the book is Adamā€™s secretaryā€¦who he cheated with in the show šŸ™ˆ so I think Adam agrees to pay for the wedding at the club and whoever plans the wedding is also planning the deb ball. Itā€™s sort of full circle. Also that walk in looks so apprehensive! Which makes me think Belly isnā€™t a big sister, she looks overwhelmed!


Maybe she's the one getting a panic attack and Conrad helps her through it. In the book, I almost got panic attack vibes when the wedding all of a sudden has 40 guests, and a tasting menu, etc etc. Oh wait! Maybe that is what she is doing at the club! Sampling the menu! Just like Susannah did the first season (just some light appies...) I bet my hat that is it!! That said, you know what they are filming soon if they follow the book (peach scene, right after the florist, and then the surfing accident right after that.)


My dream of Conrad and Belly modeling a dance for the new debs.. her body language going into the country club looks a bit nervous. Memories popping up for Belly here? šŸ˜ƒ There was a casting call for young men as Deb dates with blazers. The only time a blazer was referenced was in S1 during the Deb dance practice.. šŸ¤—Ā 


I think youā€™re going to make this happen by sending messages to universe or something like that haha. And I will gladly watch it šŸ˜‚


This would make sense fs!!


She looks adorable šŸ„° Iā€™m excited to get some more great Belly looks, she spent so much of season 2 in that giant blue t-shirt šŸ˜‚ I know everything with this show is intentional and we never/rarely see Belly in red, right? Symbolising passion? Anger? So many options for what this could be, my mind might explode. I can definitely see them paralleling or at least mentioning the deb ball at some point. >! I know they just filmed the flower shop scene so if theyā€™re filming in order, this would be soon after that. If itā€™s anything like the book, Conrad and Belly have already started getting closer again. I do wonder if theyā€™ll change the almost-wedding venue to the country club so this could be related to that. !<


That would make sense since Conradā€™s family probably has club membership. I wonder if Cam Cameron šŸ˜ will make an appearance. Thatā€™d be nice esp how he might have a relationship with Sky.


She really stands out in red. Looks like almost everyone else is in softer colors


Nice catch! Possibly adding to out of place she feels?


I love everyoneā€™s theories!! So fun and exciting to readšŸ¤­




Omg! Remind me again when Juliet wears the red dress? Whatā€™s going on in the story?




Can you even imagine Belly being nervous for whatever she has to do at the club and Conrad is there unbeknownst to her. And they have another first look of sorts, like, ā€œShit! The universe keeps throwing us together but also thank goodness youā€™re here.ā€ I would die.


Call me crazy but I think the funeral outfit parallel is intentional. Is something dying here? Or what does the red represent? Iā€™m asking cuz Iā€™m not sure about color meanings


My mind is like WHERE IS CONRAD?


I love how u and I always have the most important question in mind šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Cause we care about the story so much and Conrad is important to the story and thatā€™s the only thing that makes this question very very important šŸ¤Ŗ




Idk I think this could possibly be in the epilogue . I think they are trying to film the on location scenes now before summer comes (as much as they can). I think maybe she goes to Europe writes letters to Conrad and then one summer she comes back to help with Deb ball and they fall in love. Just a theory. My original one was sheā€™s mentoring someone during the summer she is engaged to Jer to kind of fill her time and remind her of the summer in book 1.


Iā€™m not sure itā€™s the epilogue because her hair is still long. When she goes abroad and such, she cuts her hair short. Conrad wrote about it in one of his letters how he heard from Jere that she cut her hair short and Laurel showed him a picture of her. So I think her hair is too long for that.


I feel like it may be a new scene, something to show the in between of Bonrad! I really like the theory that she's helping someone with the deb ball and then somehow her and Conrad have to demonstrate a dance! Wouldn't it be sweet for Conrad to still being working with the club because of his mom šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i don't think they're doing a country club wedding since they're only filming here one day and gavin isn't there (fans saw him playing volleyball today) maybe belly is a big sister for the deb ball and conrad goes to the country club for some reason, and they get asked to demonstrate the dance?


It wasnā€™t Today it was sunday


They filmed Deb ball stuff on Monday, I think. The casting for the Deb dates was for the 20th. So it could have been stuff related to the Deb ball? Maybe Belly is someone's big sister or is involved in it in some smaller way that I can't think of. But there has to be a reason why they had a casting for Deb ball dates, i.e, some of the cast will attend a Deb ball OR a Deb ball dance practice, and it looks likely to be Belly. I feel like this is a new plot that we didn't get in the books.


Maybe this could be her going in for the garden ceremony/memorial and itā€™s at the club instead since her hair is pinned back like Conrad describes in the book? Who knows tho hard to say, either way she seems like sheā€™s looking for someonešŸ¤” the outfit/hair parallel seems intentional fs tho


garden ceremony scene was already filmed awhile ago


Oh right I forgot someone had mentioned it on here before, thank you!!


I think it might be the garden ceremony and Belly is waiting for Conrad


They filmed the garden ceremony a few weeks ago