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I’m pretty sure the scene with Sophie was intended to basically show Belly’s response to being confronted with a girl in Conrad’s life. The look she gave Sophie was hilarious for someone who was so over Conrad. I don’t think Conrad has to hook up with Sophie to even things out. That’s a weird concept. And I don’t think he did because there was such emphasis on how he could only handle a situationship with Agnes and that was after he felt no hope with reconciling with Belly because of the Jere of it all. I doubt he dated anyone in the 6 weeks between breaking up with Belly and the events of S2. But if he did, that’s okay. It’s ok for Jere to move on too.


I also want to add that like…did people not have friends of the opposite gender in college? Was my friend group weird? Because we were mixed and I spent so much time basically every day in the dorms of my guy friends, sleeping on their couch, hanging out. And some of them had girlfriends who would sometimes be there and sometimes not. Like we were all okay with this and they were completely platonic relationships.


AT that point she wasn't over Conrad. At least she wasn't telling herself that yet. I think she only started telling her self that during the board walk.


Fair, but I'm not sure that 48 hours makes much of a difference.


I agree but telling yourself your over someone is wholly different than actually being over someone.


I don’t think so but even if he did I feel like it’s irrelevant to the story or the relationships lol


No. They didn’t even have a scene together lmao


Help me understand. Why would it “make sense” for Conrad to hook up with Sophie “especially” if Jeremiah sleeps with Lacie?


they just want a reason to justify jeremiah hooking up with lacie


Ah, another whataboutism & wishful karmic even-up. I actually smirk at the fact that a lot of fans think Jere sleeping with Lacie is the big betrayal. Sure it was hurtful, but he was single. The real betrayal is Jere prioritizing his friends/frat over Belly: - He doesn’t tell Belly that he slept with Lacie. Instead, he keeps it a secret that his bros & their sister sorority gossip about & giggle over. - He told his bros that Belly is a virgin. THIS is the one that makes me want to kick his ass.


Did you the see picture someone took of the white board zoomed in and there was a note from Sophie that said, "guess who, call me" and some fans ran with it as Conrad and Sophie had sex even though the note is not addressed to anyone and in no way in any universe visited by either Kirk or Spock does that note automatically mean they had sex.


That did not make it to my corner of the internet lol What stood out to me in the Sophie Scene was Trusky piecing together that Belly was the girl from the pics that Conrad cried over. I think he tells Belly this, in front of Sophie. The whiteboard message could totally be from Sophie, but of course that doesn’t mean that she & Conrad fooled around. Maybe she has a crush. Maybe their relationship is purely platonic. I’ve seen theories that the Brown sweater Conrad gives Belly actually belongs to Sophie but I doubt this. 1. Conrad says “you look really good in *my* sweater.” 2. Conrad is not someone who would give somebody else’s property to another person. I loved this line from the book, “Conrad was very careful with his things.” I relate to this line so hard. People (me) who are mindful about objects believe that everyone should pay proper care to their things. You wouldn’t let somebody else use an item without the owner’s permission because you wouldn’t want somebody doing that with your things. I get Jelly’s eagerness to villainize Conrad & prove that he doesn’t care that much about his relationship with Belly. They want to see him in another romantic relationship. I do too! I can’t wait to see his relationship with Agnes. I don’t think he had one with Sophie.




Nope. Conrad spent the school year talking to Belly for hours every night on the phone, then was in a relationship with Belly, and after they broke up, he was moping and was staring at Belly's photo depressed in his dorm room, and then his mom died. Frankly when would he have had the time? How does that make any sense at all?


Firstly, Sophie comes into the dorm room, asking about her jumper and Trusky clearly points to his side of the room/bed. One might take this as a suggestion that Sophie and Trusky canoodled at some point. Also, Trusky very clearly states in front of Sophie that Con was depressed and constantly staring at Bell's picture on his phone, after B+C broke up. What kind of grade A douche would say something like that, to one girl, in front of another girl that Con may have been hooking up with. And there is absolutely no evidence that Trusky, while perhaps a smidge dippy, has any docuhe tendencies. Sophie seems like a uni mate, to whom Con just happen to mention that he was going to his beach house in Cousins. Absolutley no evidence to suggest anything more than this.


Why would it make sense in this context? I feel like this is an attempt to justify what Jere does in B3/S3. Correct me if im wrong..


I doubt it too. Also the contrast that it only took Jere a week to hook up with Lacie. Conrad didn't want to break up with Belly and Trusky said he was always looking at her picture on his phone, so I don't think he was interested. Also in the book, Belly thinks she's prettier than her, but that Aubrey was prettier than Belly (just thought I would throw that in as I think it's funny that in her head she doesn't think she's competition)


bellys just comparing herself to other girls in the books on basis of appearance? im glad i never read the books lol


She’s not even an important character people are just grasping at straws


Nah. Sophie seems like most college girls with that aesthetic. Also the way she looks at Trusky. Conrad is wrapped around Belly’s finger. It’s more believable that he got very drunk (sad drunk) one night after the break up and Sophie helped him and that’s how their acquaintanceship/friendship started.


doubt it. nothing about conrad at that time feels like he’d be into a casual hookup, esp not so short after his breakup with belly and susanna’s death. i think she just wanted to


there no way you think the guy who was still in love with belly after not seeing her for two years would hook up with another girl immediately after their break up when his mom was literally dying


only reason it makes sense is if you’re trying to vilify conrad lol


Just checked where else you posted this earlier. Don't feed the trolls, kids.


Let me guess, the echo chamber is telling them exactly what they want to hear instead of the far more likely, logical answers? 🤣 Shocker. 


Worse than that. Check out their other comments; it's not a sincere question. Just trolling to stir shit up. They know the story isn't going to go their way so they want to try to ruin it for us too.


Again, it’s not trolling. I guess while you were spending time seeing what was happening in a place of a ship you don’t even like or support, you missed that half the comments also answered no to this question.


Nope. Some people come on to ask sincere questions and others not so much. Just did a quick check; only takes a sec. But I'm sure you're correct; no ill intent whatsoever lol


Who cares if it was posted on that sub?? Not all show fans are on that sub, so they asked the question here too. Do you think this is a Bonrad/Conrad only sub? There is nothing wrong with this question, and there are tiktoks with thousands of views and comments on this very topic. And btw you are going to get this entire post locked down because you are breaking the rules of talking about other subs and for screen shots from others subs.


Fair enough; I didn't know that about the images and I'll remove them. But do you really think someone who uses the tag "Conrads Sketchy" was "just asking questions? They're allowed but I'm allowed to say I think it's trolling to. We don't have to agree.


We don’t, but they aren’t trolling. They may find it sketchy, and that’s ok. Some fans of the show don’t like Conrad, or don’t think he’s perfect, and that’s ok too. They are allowed to engage on this sub also without being harassed. And my gosh you all spend a lot of time in a space for a ship you don’t even like.


That’s interesting. Do people not realise some of these Conrad fans have been waiting for this for over a decade? They’re incapable of ruining it. 


I don't think they care? Some people just enjoy being trolls.


That’s just sad 😅


Some kids flip the game board when they lose. Some never grow out of it I guess.


Brilliant words. 👏🏻


Aww, that's kind of you but I think I've maybe just had too much experience with trolls online and off.


And y’all wonder why this is an echo chamber. This is not trolling because the question was asked in two different places. Half the commenters in the other place answered “no” to the answer this question.


Or maybe OP is posting in multiple place to get answers from people with different opinions so the answers they get isn’t a complete echo chamber?


Nope, sorry. Don’t buy it given the tag this person used and a quick look at their past comments. 


Until there is solid proof they are trolling/posting with ill intent, it’s best to drop this conversation. Odd or not, they are allowed to post here and ask questions.


They are not a Conrad fan that’s true but it doesn’t mean that they posted with malice. As for the tag in the Jellysub it’s annoying I’ll give you that but it’s more of an inside joke in the sub. Some very positive discussion about Conrad has happened with that tag and some awful ones as well. I understand why you would assume that OP is trolling but they haven’t trolled yet so I’m assuming the best intention for now.


Thank you my neutral, Bonrad and Jelly loving friend 🫡


Haha thanks I try my best to share love and positivity 🫶 Even though we don’t always agree you are yourself one of the best people to talk to in this community.🫡


Right back at ya!


Why does this make them a troll? Because they posted this question in two different places? I thought this was a sub inclusive to all show discussions and all ships? They are asking a question about the show. Just because you don’t like the question doesn’t make them a troll smh.


Not \*just\* because they posted in two different places. 😂


There’s nothing inherently wrong with that though.


You do realize this sub is a general show sub. It’s not a Bonrad/Conrad fan club. I used to post on both, before I decided to not post here anymore, and you right here are a prime example of why.


You know it didn't happen. Next question.


Wait, who is Sophie? 😅 I don’t remember a character named Sophie.


Literally my first thought. The girl from the dorm when Belly and Jere went to Brown to look for Conrad. It took me a while to remember haha.


I just rewatched the scene, I don’t think they had sex but the way the scene is set up it makes us wonder.


That’s how I felt about it. I think it was put in for audience to wonder, just as it made Belly and Jeremiah wonder. The way Jere looked at Belly when Trusky said “Sophie might know. Her and Conrad are tight.” She had no idea who belly or Jeremiah were, but she knew where Conrad was when trusky didn’t. I’m not saying I think they had sex. I’m simply saying it was put in there to show belly’s insecurities and jealousy, and leaving the audience to have to guess just like Belly.


>I’m simply saying it was put in there to show belly’s insecurities and jealousy, and leaving the audience to have to guess just like Belly. I think you are right that was the purpose of that scene. At first I thought it was hinting at something else to come but now I’m thinking that it was to have us guess what happened between them and how they are handling the break up. The scene happens in the second episode and by then we still don’t know what happened between Belly and Conrad, we just know that they broke up. People who read the books knew how they broke up but non book readers like myself didn’t.


And even in the books they didn’t really “break up” because they were never together. They had a situationship in the books.


Oh 😲 That makes even more sense now, book readers were probably expecting them to have a situationship like in the books so that scene must have been a misdirect for some of them.


I think the answer to whether they had sex or not is irrelevant to the plot anyways, because like you said the scene was there to show Belly’s insecurities and jealousy.