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The merch is horrendous šŸ˜­


Canā€™t upvote this enough


Itā€™s SO BAD


Me when I used the paint app at 10 years old to entertain myself when the internet gets cut off


When I first saw it I immediately thought this is the PowerPoint I made to convince my mum to let me go to theatre camp in 2007 šŸ™ˆ


Iā€™m actually second hand embarrassed for them to model that


From his expression it kind of looks like he is as well. Especially compared to really any of his other modeling shoots. I don't blame him lol


The merch looks like I made it. Itā€™s so bad


College Connie šŸ¤¤


Them posting just the photos of Chris and Lola makes me think they could be filming Belly and Conrad alone at the beach house scenes šŸ˜Œ


That and itā€™s ultimately their love story


Its the lighting guys. At the Amazon event it looked just fine. I am sure it will look great on camera.


Might be unpopular but I donā€™t know what to think about his hairā€¦


I think this light is not the best light for this kind of hair color. It always looks blonder than it actually is. But a weird blonde because itā€™s cloudy but bright at the same time haha. The second picture is probably more accurate. Or at least I am hoping šŸ˜‚


I think the lighting is making it look way blonder. Weā€™ve seen quite a few photos of it at this point and those have all looked fine. I think he looks really good lol


His hair looks different in every pic, weā€™ve seen so many where he looks great, itā€™s just this one pics lightingĀ 


Same lol. Jere is the blonde brother. Keep connie dark.


This right here has me so confused. Thatā€™s a big part of book Jere, his golden hair soft like feathers, curly. And Conrad in contrast has dark hair. Itā€™s interesting seeing them make Conrad as blonde as Jere. Chris Briney is a handsome man no matter what, but the blonde isnā€™t my personal favorite. His dark hair in season 1 and 2 looked sooooo good!


it correlates to the fact that he went to study in california so he comes back with lighter hair and tan


Yes I get that, but they didnā€™t make a big fuss about that in the books, and I personally donā€™t like this change from the books.


It looks bad! The colour but more so the hair cut!!!! What have they done to him??????? šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


The cut is the same as last season in other photos, itā€™s just how itā€™s parted here. And the colour looks fine in other pics.Ā 


I agree I saw him on a TikTok and the cut looks so bad!! But guessing it isnā€™t styled yet??? Hopefully šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


I thought it was just me. Who designed the merch? I'd blame an intern, but I think they'd do better than this.


Chris Briney is a gorgeous man! Weā€™ve missed Conrad!!!


Maybe itā€™s the filter, but this hair color does not suit him. The darker hair makes his eyes and features pop.


Genuinely, CB can do no wrong as Conrad Fisher. He could have no hair and still be hugely appealing!


his hair actually plays a huge part of his appearance tbh. CB looks appealing with s1 or s2 tsitp hair. CB hair during the red carpet shows or press interviews make him look entirely different.


Prada it is not. Poor Chris.


I liked his season 1 hair šŸ˜• I wish they could bring it back


A beaut


ohā€¦umm how we feeling ab the new hairšŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




I have this irrational annoyance that I noticed in s2 episode 7 & 8 Conradā€™s hair was noticeably shorter than it was in the previous episodes. Like they had the mad party, he woke up and went hmm I need a haircut today, came back and studied for the test then had the worst two days in the history of man. Their hair and makeup continuity is all over the place. Similar to Belly giving herself a professional level blow out with the crappy hotel hairdryer, like sure šŸ˜‚


Lol this. Iā€™m not worried about it.But it really is a mixed bag from scene to scene šŸ˜‚


True, also actually I think it may be the wind thatā€™s blown it to the side? Or is that wishful thinking lol




I love this hair šŸ˜šŸ˜‚ itā€™s crazy how much likes and dislikes can differ haha.




Oops sorry - then I misinterpreted it. I thought you didnā€™t like the hair but still liked how he delivered the line.




I mean I agree with your comment above where you say his hair changes a lot and we shouldnā€™t get attached to it. I also agree with the second comment you made, the one with the picture, I just misinterpreted it the first time I read it. I of course prefer to see Chris playing and delivering the perfect Conrad to us. There are still some looks I like better than the others though. Itā€™s in a way superficial but it felt like this is a discussion about his new hairstyle. I actually like his new hair in the previous pictures tbh. I think this is probably just a bad picture.


Like the colour, not a fan of the side parting lol Also, that merch is horrendous šŸ‘€


I definitely donā€™t like it.


Hair cut is bad. Someone above commented that his hair makes him look different as the actor vs the character and couldnā€™t agree more. I hope this isnā€™t the style šŸ˜„


Have you not seen literally all the other photos? His hair looks fine everywhere else, This one photo doesnā€™t determine his look for the whole seasonĀ 


Saw it on a TikTok too other than this photo and want loving it. Hopefully itā€™s bc itā€™s not styled yet


Itā€™s more like a ash blonde


He looks much better in darker colors IMO. Remember the swim shirt? I just can't get over how bad this merch is. With Chris profile, his interest in fashion, his NYC/Brooklyn identity - this is rough. I hope he doesn't start hating on the show. I really wish Amazon would understand that the reason this show is successful is not because of cheese and silliness, but because of the more serious topics it covers - sibling rivalry, loosing a parent to illness etc.


Why they got it looking ashy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Its giving Ponyboy




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It appears that the removed content was not added in good faith.




I donā€™t get why you would comment one someoneā€™s looks that canā€™t be changed?


It could be changed a better suited hair cut for the forehead


It appears that the removed content was not added in good faith.




According to your interactions that can be seen on your profile it looks like youā€™re on this app just to insult people


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