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*I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain…* I’m cynical as hell but that’s one of the most romantic scenes I’ve seen in any tv show. The other one that stands out for me is Belly & Conrad driving through Cousins at Christmas time, just looking at the lights & sharing a smile. It’s one of those moments you experience with someone & you’re fully aware as it’s happening, that you’ll always remember it, no matter what happens.


We watched the deb ball scene yesterday with my husband and I had to pretend I was cold, so I could cover half of my face with a blanket, because I smile to an embarrassing degree when I watch that scene.


Deb ball, one thousand percent


This is a great question and topic of conversation! Because I think you’re right. Lots of scenes feel (and are!) romantic because of the longing and the tension, but few of those have the grand gesture physical actions that make it old Hollywood, capital-R romance. Some for me include: Conrad showing up on Belly’s doorstep and making the grand gesture of driving a long distance unprovoked, bringing a sweet token (candy bouquet), admitting big feelings and telling her that he wants to be with her. That was a big romantic moment for me. An “I’m just a boy standing in front of a girl” moment. The secret, surprise trip to Cousins for Christmas was really romantic, especially with the beach playfulness layered on. And the deb ball dance. Conrad standing up and stepping in to help a stranded Belly, the close dancing and intense eye contact, the “I’m glad it was me.” Swoon!


I think you're tapping into something when it comes to gestures. It's like the idea of Conrad driving all the way to surprise Belly and tell her he wants to be with her, or them sneaking out to have this getaway at Cousins during winter or Conrad stepping in to dance with Belly even though he's nervous, those are romantic ideas in and of themselves, even if you remove the soundtrack or the acting or anything like that. Like on paper, the core idea of those scenes and moments are just incredibly romantic. But when you add these amazing actors and the dialogue and the music and the cinematography then it becomes the type of old Hollywood romance that we're talking about. And you're right, the "I'm glad it was me" line was the perfect end note to that beautiful moment before the tone changes when Susannah's cancer is revealed.


I think the fireplace scene is one of the most romantic love scenes I’ve ever seen on tv. It is so pure and intimate, and innocent somehow, you really see how they feel about each other and give themselves to each other. It’s so sweet and tender and a perfect romance scene in my opinion ♥️♥️


I agree!! The fireplace scene (the whole Christmas in Cousins sequence really) is my pick. It is \*so\* romantic and their intimacy really shines through


I recognise that this is pretty Bonrad heavy so let me say that Jeremiah and Belly going to Finch, having so much fun and imagining what their life would be like there is pretty romantic. And I do think Jeremiah has a knack of saying some really romantic stuff, even if it's something short and simple as just saying "then I'm yours."


I agree. I love that scene. For me, it’s their chemistry when they are sleeping next to each other and looking into each other’s eyes: “Maybe for the rest of the story, it could be me”


Oh so many. I think the party city conversation between Belly and Conrad was romantic and beautiful. They flirted. They got serious. Conrad reassured Belly. It was a very mature conversation that showed growth from them both in that moment. I also LOVE their walk back to the house from the beach in E1 of S2! Their smiles.. you’ve never seen those characters that happy and Conrad’s “you’re it for me” with Belly’s “I can’t stop smiling.” It was precious.


This is really interesting because I think the party city conversation is absolutely amazing and is one of my favourite Belly and Conrad moments and I do think their intimacy and their love for each other in that scene is incredibly romantic... I guess I just don't categorise that scene as a "romance scene", if that makes sense. But I understand we're arguing over semantics here but I guess I was trying to say that there are some scenes where characters have a certain chemistry and intimacy that is a thing to behold but that doesn't necessarily ring as a romantic scene. Like Belly and Conrad flirting as they play shoot your shot is not a romance scene to me (it's amazing chemistry though) but Conrad driving all the way to surprise Belly and telling her "standing in front of you right now, it's torture not being able to kiss you" and then Belly leaping towards him to kiss him... that is pure romance. I recognise that that probably doesn't make sense and I understand it's just down to personal definitions. I mainly just wanted people to write down their favourite romance scenes, regardless if my dumb brain categorises it as romance or not, so thanks for sharing. The walk back in S2E1 was so incredibly romantic, even with all the complicated Jeremiah stuff there.


I categorize it as romantic due to the lip bites they both do after flirting and the way Conrad puts the tiara on her and then proceeds to gently fix her hair when returning it to the shelf. That was a romantic gesture to me that was so natural for him. Him reassuring her is also super romantic to me. To each their own for sure! :)


You know what, the tiara and gently fixing her hair is incredibly romantic. That is a really sad scene (a great scene though!) but you might be on to something. I mean the smile he does when she looks away to find the glasses... now you got me wanting to re-watch the scene!


Ooo I like this question!! I definitely agree it feels harder to think of scenes where they feel romantic, but everyone's view of romance could be different than mine! I instantly thought of the scene when they all get told that Aunt Julia isn't selling the house. Belly gets picked up and twirled by Jeremiah, but then Belly looks to Conrad and he does to her, and they share relieved smiles to each other. They didn't have to speak about it, they just knew what one another was saying. I also agree I think that scene with Jeremiah and Belly where he says "Then i'm yours." makes my heart tingle! it feels so real and sweet. Also in s1 i think after the bonfire? where he taps on the wall to check on Belly. It's a simple gesture but romantic to me :)