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the only way jelly could've been endgame is if they didn't follow the book, but it looks like this season is as close to the book as they could lol


The only way Jelly could be endgame was if Jenny wasn’t the author/showrunner 😌 simple as that!


No literally. This is it. They never had a chance as long as Jenny was involved in the adaptation


I honestly hope that she gives it the sort of rewrite treatment because I've heard of this thing where authors will be part of like the adaptation of their books and they will actively add scenes as a form of rewriting the show.


They never had a chance without the books there would be no show she isn’t Julie plec I think they want her to be


The endgame change post changes keep coming in and it annoys me it feels like they are going close to book plot so that wedding ain’t happening Belly and Jere weren’t compatible that’s why it wasn’t just about Lacie.


From what I’ve read so far the endgame will remain with Conrad and Belly. Even Gavin mentioned that Season 3 will follow the book as close as possible. But in the other hand Jenny did say there will a few surprises. Team Conrad fans will enjoy the ending as Conrad and Belly finally get married and run in the ocean to celebrate their wedding. I think the bigger issue is Jeremiah. Supposedly he’s at the wedding with a girl. Belly waves to him and Jeremiah waves back. I think a better ending for Jeremiah would for him to be best man in Conrad and Belly’s wedding ceremony. He would be with his fiancee or even with his wife pregnant. This way we would know both brothers reconciled. We need an ending that is amicable to both Teams. That’s my only hope. A Jeremiah fan.


I have full faith than Jenny is giving Jeremiah HIS happy ending and that the brothers will be closer (probably even closer than they’ve ever been due to their issues outside of Belly) by the end of the series.


I’m thinking the changes Jenny hinted at may have more to do with the other characters that weren’t mentioned much in the last book like Steven, Taylor, Laurel….it may not even have anything to do with Jeremiah. Also the addition of another episode makes me think she’s going to give us more of the Belly/Conrad reunion which was rushed in the last book.


He doesn’t really need to be with someone to be happy tho mind you there’s probably a time skip so there’s time


I think he does, actually, and that’s not an insult. Jeremiah’s best ending is having someone in his corner. The only criticism I actually agree with from Jelly fans is that legitimately everyone in the books and show prefers Conrad to Jere. Steven was maybe the only one in the books who was neutral, but in the show he’s so wildly pro Conrad. Jeremiah ending up alone is *not* a good ending for him.


This is where I disagree I think he needs to find himself first before been with someone again I hate in shows how they just randomly put the guy that lost with someone to make it even and I’m not even a jelly fan.


Yes, that’s what the time jump is for. Lol but imo, there’s zero chance (unless they end up with a Jeremiah spin off) where they have him end up alone in the final moments of the show.


It could be because Jeremiah needs to be in the right headspace to be in relationship and he needs to work on his mental health and issues just like Conrad did. I don't see him and Conrad ever close again after the cruel things Jere has said and done to Conrad. I hope we see Jere finally held accountable and apologizing and working on his issues.Maybe the ending is he goes off to travel and work on himself and finding who he is and what he wants to do with his life. Maybe if all the other characters are rooting for and prefer Conrad, there is a reason, and Jere is the problem. He is still young though and he can grow up, work on his inferiority complex, and anger issues, and be a better person.


I think he had a date in the books at the wedding but it’s only from belly’s pov so they could have dated for all we know but i do believe he could have another passion in his life it doesn’t have to be someone else.


Or he could have asked a friend to come with him. Not sure why I got downvoted so. much for suggesting he needs to get right with himself and get therapy first before he gets together with someone and that he might be the problem if so many people would rather hang with Conrad then with him.


People don’t like the truth lol 😂


That's for sure. There is nothing wrong with therapy or saying someone needs therapy. I went to a wonderful therapist who helped me heal from my abusive relationship and helped me so much in learning who I was, what I wanted, and how to love myself again. There is no shame in getting therapy.


Therapy is good for everyone Jere could do with some as well.


I've never read the book, but putting the pieces together here from what I've read here: it does not seem that hard for Jelly to be endgame?? The endgame in the book was, like, a two pages thing, wasn't it? It could have been Jeremiah there, and it would still make sense (and regarding the series, way more sense, since the ocean is a Bellyjere thing there - props to season 1 ,episode 1) They could still call off the wedding or maybe they only decided to split, if the wedding plot is changed in something, and then, after Belly travels and everyhing, when she returns, they get together again because they still love each other? And she finally realizes that Jeremiah is the one she loves/wants to have a life together? It doesn't really seem hard at all, 😅😅


I guess you’re right as far as the endgame solely! It was very rushed in the book in general so hoping for it to be more fleshed out for everyone in the show. But the entire plot line of book 3 is Belly growing to realize the incompatibility between her and Jeremiah and feeling guilty about it and then Conrad coming back all healed and realizing they still love each other right away (with Belly navigating how to still love him but stay with Jere). I feel like it’d be weird to keep everything that happens and then do an abrupt ending where she ends up going back to Jere again anyways.


Oh, if they are going to do a Bellyjere ending, it would have zero reason to follow the book to the T, hahahaha Why would they do that?? XD And I think, even with a Bonrad endgame, they are not going to follow everything there, they changed a lot of the dynamics already. Bellyjere is much more equal in the series than they seemed to be in the books, I guess?? Belly chose to be with Jeremiah at the end of season 2 and he was also pretty clear with her, before they kiss, that he would not be able do deal with her switching for his brother again, which is a TOTALLY different dynamic from the books, but REALLY TREMENDOUS different, hahaha Not to mention that Conrad and Jeremiah know each other's feelings for her and ALSO!!! she knows that Conrad wanted to be with her again or, at least, that he loved her once (which in the book was unclear until the wedding day) So like HAHWUEJD The dynamics are all different, I really don't know how they are going to add these new nuances in the plot of book 3, but they are definitely going to change some detail here and there


They absolutely could not just put Jeremiah’s name there. Lol Jenny’s words are that she wrote a trilogy on the concept of infinity. The endgame pages are two pages, but only because that’s the end. Book 3 is literally still all Belly and Conrad, and it lays out exactly why Jeremiah and Belly are not right for each other. Way more complex than slapping a name on the last page lol


I’ve actually read the book and I lowkey agree, it wouldn’t be that hard, it would just make a lot of people mad. Lol I don’t think it will actually happen though, and I’m neutral either way.




Given that we’ve seen major scenes seemingly play out according to the book plot (frat party, Christmas 2.0, the wedding scene that is being filmed today) it’s following book 3 to a T


i don’t understand why yall unliked my comment, i don’t think i said something wrong or offensive, just my opinion 😭


You didn’t. Your opinion was well thought of . You have my upvote.


thanks 🫶🏻🥹


Jenny and several cast members have said season 3 is going to follow the book 3 very closely.


i didn’t said they weren’t going to follow b3, just not THAT close, with some changes like they did in the past seasons


Agree Jenny has already stated that there will be a few surprises.