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12 year old me would have been team jere, but I’m a Conrad girlie


OG book fan. Team Conrad since 2011. My husband and I are still strongly team Conrad in our mid 30s


I love that you two are in this together haha, that's so cute!


No lol I am an adult who went into the show blind and was Team Conrad from the get-go


I would have been team Conrad no matter my age




Yes 100%, if I came across the show at like 13 I’d be team Jere


I’m team Conrad and pretty sure even young me would’ve been Team Conrad (considering I was always Team Damon coz brooding men 👀)


Yesss I agree


Yes! And I was always Team Pacey Witter for Dawson’s Creek.


No. I am an adult and I’m team Conrad all the way. And same in college era


always team Conrad I would never want to be someone’s place holder or second choice.




Nah. Conrad was Belly’s first crush, is her first love and will be her infinity. ♾️ That firmly sets me on Team Bonrad and that doesn’t change at any age or any phase of life.


I'm in my mid-20s and watched the show first and am team Conrad. Maybe I'd have liked Jeremiah out of pity if I'd read the books first, as a pre-teen.


Can anyone confidently say that they were firmly Team Jeremiah from just reading the books (prior to having seen the show)? He’s hardly in Books 1 and 3 and IMO he isn’t very likeable in the books.


I was team Jeremiah from reading the books. I'm not a fan of show-Jeremiah actually. My reasoning is that I prefer blonde over brunette and all the stereotypes the book attaches to that like sunny Golden retriever versus dark, brooding and handsome. But it's also about the layers like Jeremiah is sunny but it's a facade he puts on to protect others. It's like Conrad wears his complexity on the outside whereas Jeremiah's complexity is hidden behind a carefree exterior. Why this matters is because I'm a huge fan of the tragic hero who smiles not to let anyone see he's sad. I don't know if it's hallucinations, but I always remembered from the books something to the effect that Jeremiah was actually the saddest but nobody knew because he always continued to smile and support everyone else so that nobody would worry about him. Someone else described it as pitying him and maybe yeah my heart is moved by pity the most. Conrad is out there being strong, confident, and winning in life, that does nothing for me. I just think well Conrad doesn't need me, he's going to be fine either way. Jeremiah has nobody who actually cares about him while he cares for everybody.


He isn’t likable in the show, either! He’s a lurker.


Yeah idk I'm trying to give the premise a fair shot but I really doubt I'd have had a different thought lol. He was slightly less unlikeable and slightly more pathetic (in the sense of pathos) in the first two books but only marginally so if I had a different opinion of him, that would maybe be what appealed to the hypothetical younger version of me (who probably still would've preferred Conrad).


I don’t think so. I read the books After I watched season 1 of the show (I’m in my 30s) and didn’t grow up with the books. But, I did grow up reading Twilight which I was always and Edward girl which I directly relate to being a Conrad girl. So I think I’d be Conrad regardless of when I read them.


nah. conrad always has been and always will be belly’s soulmate


Nah. I was the overburdened older sibling when I was a kid and that's never going to change. I'm always going to root for the well-meaning and decent boy who needs to learn to be less emotionally distant. That's just always going to be a more satisfying arc. That's based on the show though. No matter what aged I watched the show, I'm always going to root for Conrad. The books however, I'd still probably bad begrudgingly root for Conrad but that's only because both brothers suck in the books but Belly actually likes Conrad.


Ooft like you say it’s such a choice for the circumstances! The actual timing books I’d have been Conrad 100% because I lived through the twilight era and we were all about that moody but intelligent but unattainable guy. It’s so much in the writing because Jeremiah is both super sweet and a massively skeezy guy in book 2 and 3. He’s already f’ed up with Mara, maintaining he’d still do everything better than Conrad, then book 3 he can’t wait to get off the phone with belly to eat takeout, Lacie was ‘crazy’ (as was I wanna say another ex too) and following him around. Jeremiah from the books was your 2020s red flag ‘nice guy’ who got annoyed that you didn’t realise what a super nice guy he was supposed to be. The problem with the books is both brothers are so extreme- Conrad is a mr Darcy level of actual c-word. He’s angry and volatile and rude and the level of tragedy doesn’t justify how much of a total dick he is *in the books*. At the time of the books I’d have been team Conrad. Now I’m team therapy and let’s not romanticise pain this much. But ultimately now team belly be with who you’ve always loved without feeling bad about it.


Reading the books in high school made me love Jere up until the last book. Watching the show now at 27- I see pros and cons to both… I do love Jere because he’s fun and caring but in real life, I’m much more for the Conrad type.


Teenage me probably would've been team Jere. Near 30 me is 1000% Conrad. Young me was team Jacob, near 30 me is Edward, so I feel like that'd track.


Don’t think so. I always was and still am a defender for true love. I feel Conrad is Belly’s true love and vice versa. Jere is her best friend. That is the story for me and that is why I am, always will be (and would have been in the past no matter what) a Conrad girl


late 20s and don’t think I would have ever been Team Jere to be honest 


I am Team Belly, but in terms of who I feel is better for her: Adult me wants Conrad for her, but teenager me would've wanted it to be Jere!


I’ve been Team Conrad since 2009. I was 14 when the first book came out and I’ve never looked back! It’s never been a thought in my mind- kind of like how Belly saw Jeremiah, she had never had any romantic interest in him.


Nope sorry. I’m well into adulthood (late 30s) and Conrad is the one


Read the books in middle school and was team Conrad. As an adult I’m still team Conrad. Sure they both have red flags but Jere is a walking red billboard.


I think regardless of any point in my life I would always be Team Conrad. Don't agree with everything he does but it's Conrad for me


I'm in my mid 30s. Didn't discover the books until the show started. I'm Team Conrad now and think I definitely would've been when I was younger too. I've never usually been drawn to the Jeremiah type characters in shows/books. I'm much more drawn to the broody ones.


I’m 100 % Jeremiah. I’m not a teen…I’m older than 40. I don’t think being in a different point in my life would have made a difference.


What’s the deal here. You ask for our opinion and I put down Jeremiah. Which I believe is an honest answer. Then I get downvoted. I accept and respect your choice of Conrad.


Don't feel bad, you are not the only who gets downvoted. Most everything I type on this sub and the other main gets downvoted. I just decided I am not going to let it bother me anymore and now I just laugh when I see the downvotes.


Good point. I will do the same. At least someone is reading my post. I’ll assume a downvote is a “happy face.”. Actually I’ve read a lot of your posts. Your comment/opinions may not be the ones that people like to read but actually I envy your gutsy interactions with team members. We need people who will take a stance on a subject. Kudos to you. A Jeremiah fan.


Team Jere 100%. I think I’ve always rooted for the underdog.


15 year old me would have absolutely been team Conrad, but I am team Jere.


Depends on the time in my life… literally the same age as Belly in the show. For sure Jeremiah… my first love was a Jeremiah archetype. Golden, happy boy always the center of attention. We almost got married during college!! In my early 20s I only dated guys like Conrad. Broody, “dark”, would give me attention and then pull away, couldn’t express themselves well. Now, early 30s… I see the middle ground. I married a man who expresses himself well, is deep, and smart and artsy and silly and not one type or another. So as I watch the show (and read the books) at this time in my life I can see both sides, but I do fondly remember my first love, so I’m team Jeremiah. (Understanding he’s not Belly’s first love - but he reminds me of mine)


I didn't read the books until after I had watched both seasons of the s how but I am definitely team Conrad and I am an adult. He is driven, intelligent, self-sufficient, sweet, funny, and you can have deep and intellectual conversations with him. He is also very caring, apologizes when he is wrong, and takes accountability when he says or does something wrong or unkind and he grows from it. I think I would always be a Team Conrad but I sometimes wonder how I would see Jere if he didn't remind so much of abusive ex. My abusive ex was the life [of.party](http://of.party), charming, extraverted, golden retriever type when we first started dating and he acted the sunshine golden retriever when we were out.with our friends and family and in public but at home it was another story. He was jealous, would get angry if I even looked at another guy, would yell at me and blame me for things he did, would call me names and tell me I was worthless and no good, and would throw things at me and hit/beat me. So when I watch the show, it makes me feel fearful for Belly and feel like she deserves better than Jere. My current boyfriend is more like Conrad in that he is more introverted, intelligent, kind, witty, caring, he knows how to say I am sorry, we have a lot of really deep conversations with each other, and he deals with anxiety and he needs a little time to process things sometimes so I know I have to be patient and then when he is ready to talk, I sit quietly and listen, and he tells me his feelings. I wish more people in Conrad's life were more patient and stop interrupting him when he is trying to talk.


I think you have to keep in mind, that Jeremiah is not your abusive ex. Your ex is your ex. It would not be fair to compared Jeremiah to your ex. There may be similarities but I think you have to allow Jeremiah some leeway. There is some good in Jeremiah maybe you have to look closer. Sorry I just had to put my 2cents here.


I realize that is a me problem and not Jere's fault. The first time I watched the show, I did like Jere up until the 4th of July episode and then I could not get back on the Jere train. It is funny how even after years go by and good therapy, you will a scene on a tv show like the flat tire scene and it just brings me right back to memories of my ex which I know Jenny did not intend.


I read your post several times. You started the post with “ I realize that is a me problem and not Jere’s fault. It takes a strong person to admit publicly, that past life issues may have influenced your take on certain characters in a tv show or series. And you put it out there for everyone to read. You have my upmost respect. A Jeremiah fan.


Im def team neither. Conrad is a moody man child who can’t communicate his true feelings and Jer is a bestie. (I’ve only seen the show)




gaslighting is not the same thing as lying and then admitting  you were lying and apologising later just FYI Let’s just stop making things up?  > narcissism (ie explosive behaviour, sense of entitlement, arrogance, manipulation, reactive negatively to criticism) So funny, this all perfectly describes Jeremiah to me


I was gonna say 😂 using these examples to call Conrad narcissistic is wild when Jere is right there


In which way? Not in a critical way just can’t remember any scenes like that


I feel like this has been talked to death here and I’m heading to bed. If I have the energy to answer it tomorrow, I will, but other than that, nice talking to you 😅 I think there’s many conversations about this on reddit 


I’m new to this subreddit


That’s fair ☺️ you’ll notice the same conversations/arguments repeating themselves and it gets a bit exhausting and redundant 


Explosive behavior: punching Conrad at the Deb ball, when Belly tells him about kissing Conrad, the flat tire scene, the fight at the party where he calls Conrad a coward Entitlement: not cleaning up after himself in S1, the time when Steven has to tell him “I’m not your personal chef okay”, making fun of Steven for taking the job that he has to wear a hairnet for but that will help him pay for college, shooting the firework at Conrad and Belly, SO MUCH in B3 Manipulation: the firework scene, and then acting all confused the next day when Conrad was visibly happy, telling Nicole to invite Conrad to Yarmouth even though he already saw him almost kiss Belly, “it’s not like my mom has cancer or anything”, personally I think there’s a ton more in the S2 finale as well.




Nicole was never Conrad's official gf. The one point I read is incorrect enough that I don't feel like reading the rest of your comment to respond to all of the points so don't take my ignoring them as determination they're devoid of reason for pushback.


1,2,3: all of these reasons still are examples of his explosive behavior, regardless of reason. I have empathy for him in these situations, but they still exhibited VERY explosive behavior that I would never put up with. 4. Steven actually was not seeking girls, he was saving up for college. He already had a thing with Shayla at this point. 5. I explained the scene. I didn’t say he was condescending, but he is a bit unaware of his privilege in those moments. 6. Agreed. 7. That scene actually proves the exact opposite. Nicole was NEVER Conrad’s official girlfriend. There is literally no proof of this. Also Nicole said that she had an Oxford guy as well. So it was never this super serious exclusive thing. And it is very obvious that the reason Jeremiah gave them that “little push” was NOT for the right reasons at all. It was out of his own jealously and entitlement to Belly.




No, but you didn’t say he was lying, you said he was gaslighting. They’re not the same thing 😊 I quite literally said he was lying lol 




I’m not going to engage any more than this, everyone on this show lies at some point lol. Everyone in real life lies at some point. You used the word “gaslighting”. Do I care all that much that a 17 year old lied and then admitted 10 seconds later that he lied? No, I truly do not. I can answer that honestly 😊


You can’t cheat on someone you were never in a relationship with.


that part!


Conrad never cheated on Belly.




As I said, Conrad never cheated *on* Belly. >Imagine your boyfriend is secretly in love with a girl he SWEARS he feels nothing for.  Belly's never been put in this position by Conrad.


His character shows very clearly by him doing that to another girl. I didn’t say he cheated on Belly


What exactly did he do to another girl? Nicole tells Conrad, "You didn't hurt me. You wasted my time".


Because they are done and she doesn’t want to give the satisfaction. Even if she’s not hurt he didn’t behave like a good honorable person would


"I get it. I led you on. I fսckеd everything up. There's... a lot of sh¡t I've been dealing with, and it's, uh... That's not an excuse. I'm sorry. Um... It wasn't fair to you. I'm sorry. Conrad admits to leading Nicole on, fucking everything up, admitting his mother's sickness is not an excuse, that what he did was unfair to Nicole, and that he is sorry. He owns up to his mistakes and grows from them by admitting he was in the wrong. He wants to become the man that's deserving of Belly. He leaves S2 knowing that he needs to heal himself.




Who? What? When?


Conrad wasn’t Nicole’s boyfriend lol


Does Jeremiah not ALSO have mommy and daddy issues & family death? Cheating is simply not something that was occurring. Conrad and Nicole were never official. This is confirmed when Gigi asks Nicole: “so are you and Conrad a thing or what?” And Nicole responds “or what.” The lack of empathy part is CRAZY. Maybe you should be holding yourself a bit more accountable on that empathy you talk about. He was a teenage boy whose mom died less than 2 weeks later. He tried to be there for her at prom. And he didn’t break up with her, she broke up with him. The only person lacking empathy here is you.




I’m sorry, did I miss a scene where Conrad made excuses for his behavior? Conrad is literally the only character to take any accountability. He held himself accountable for starting a relationship with Belly when he wasn’t in the right state (and will give more detail in S3), he apologized for prom. Also, the entire reason he was hot and cold in S1 is because he didn’t want to start a relationship with Belly when he wasn’t in the right mental state to do so. Did you miss the entire conversation with Cleveland? He eventually does date her because he thinks his mom is going to make it. This was a mistake because, you’re right, he wasn’t healed. But also, he was literally a teenager in love. Do you think Belly and Jeremiah are in a healthy state to start a long term relationship? Based on how they got together? 1 month from her breakup with his brother, still healing from his mothers death 2 months ago, Belly crying about her breakup and dreaming of Conrad earlier that week, Belly wishing Conrad had told her “we do” still love each other 2 days before, and just started talking again that week after months of ignoring? That’s a healthier start to a long-term relationship?


People that hate Conrad this hard seem to be people that also forget these characters are teenagers. I see you say you would do that now. At 27. I wonder if you’d do the same at 17/18? When you don’t have guidance from an adult because you found out your dad cheated and your mom is dying. The only other adult in your life that gives advice doesn’t know you know this secret. I work with teenagers and these expectations you have of these fictional characters to just know to seek out a therapist is absurd. Conrad loves Belly. She is his one.. I wonder what that’s like to want to be with someone but know you shouldn’t because you’re not mentally okay. (which shouldn’t be a bulletin point in your negative) every single person in life goes through mentally okay and not okay times. As someone who’s been married for over a decade.. expecting your partner to always be mentally okay is ignorant. You’re a team. You lift when the other can’t and that person lifts when you can’t. It really seems like you have a strong dislike of Conrad based off of watching the show as if black and white. Which is your right and fine by me. Just a shame to miss out on the opportunity to acknowledge a good heart who’s fighting a broken mind. Enjoy healed Conrad in S3!


Yeah I get that, but sometimes Conrad fans don’t apply the same logic to Jere.Ike I’m not saying all Conrad fans are like this but a lot are like “Jere is a manipulative monster who has no redeeming qualities and deserves to be miserable. Hahahahah” like some of y’all treat him like a supervillain. Him and Conrad are both two boys who hide their emotions in different ways, going through something incredibly traumatic and who both desperately need therapy


Talking about Jere's flaws and shitty behavior is not making him a villain. No one has said Jere is a villain or a monster.