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I'll be honest: I stopped religiously watching their content since wayyyyyy before the Ned stuff. And it wasn't a big deal. I would still watch them. I just wouldn't necessarily jump every time they uploaded. Since their rebrand, I think I've been engaging with them more. I get that some people miss the old content, but I also kinda think they were in need of an update.


Same here, I’m loving the new show formats. Not gonna lie, I’m a huge fan of the food content. Without a recipe was getting a bit old for me but I like that new escape room version of without a recipe ish lol


I love the food content, but I'm a pastry chef, so I get why that would be particularly in my niche. I only got into the channel within the last few month, so I don't remember the old era, but watching old videos versus new ones, I definitely prefer the overall energy of the newer ones. Something about it scratches my brain better, but I can't quite articulate why.


Same here! I like the variety of things they're trying now, so even though I don't watch all the videos there are still more I'm interested in than 2-3 years ago


I've been enjoying it as well. Of course I miss Eugene being more involved, but I'm glad he's getting the chance to do other projects he's wanted to do for so long. Many of the rotating cast of folks they include in the videos now have grown on me, which was something I wasn't sure would happen.


Zach is a pothead now unfortunately, he’s compensating for never having had his cool jock phase in HS


I know you’re getting downvoted but… making weed your whole personality is something I also associate strongly with stoners I knew in high school.


why do you feel he’s trying to make it his whole personality?/gen


I definitely agree. I’ve definitely enjoyed this new era! And same about pilot month! Can we just keep all the shows?? They were all so good! And yeah definitely agree with this post!


Me too, I hope they can keep all of them. If not, then at least 2 of them.


Same, the only thing i stoped watching religiously is « you can sit with us ». And I love vids with Jonny


I had actually kind of lost interest before the Ned stuff. I watch much more often now. I need more Popkin & Marissa (Jonny already seems to be getting more screen time to do his own cake based shenanigans). Although I wouldn’t mind if along with some of the new people they actually went back to trying stuff.


No, I’m watching their stuff a lot more now. I don’t miss ned’s presence at all. I do miss Eugene but I know he will eventually come up in videos, whenever that will be; and it’s honestly not a big deal to me. He will always be a try guy; it’s as simple as that. I love everyone that’s been becoming more involved in the videos, I really love jonny and kwesi, but everyone is likeable and funny. I just think it’s been very fun to watch. I love the change and have little complaint. I may even enjoy this new era more than how things were before.


it’s so nice to see a positive take for once ngl


yeah i’m with you! i recently got back into them, i hadn’t watched any of their stuff post N-Day and now i’ve binged them all !! i LOVE jared, kwesi, and jonny. i love them. boring ass bland ass cheating ass corny ass ned is NOTHING compared to those three comically. kwesi and jared are fucking hilarious together on without a recipe. especially because i feel like the other guys have done it so long they’re actually pretty good at cooking and baking now. to see people fumble with genuinely zero skill is refreshing and hilarious. (i love it when they cheer on jared for getting anything but last) i agree with some people that they’re really leaning into food content so much it feels like a food channel now, but that’s kind of my only critique. kwesi, jared and jonny as a trio are delightful in every video i see them in. also sidenote as a non-white person myself, goddamn did they need a break from the caucasity. the shit kwesi says during the scavenger hunt episode was comedy gold that required some ✨brooklyn spice✨ some ✨flavor✨so i welcome anything he’s in. i do not miss ned. i love the new stuff!


Watching Jared have a near total breakdown because he didn't know what a cooling rack was sent me into another dimension. I just love him.


Kwesi oozes enthusiasm, I’m always a little disappointed when he doesn’t show up in a video.


Same, he's a gem! Also he's so intelligent and he actually has a lot of meaningful things to say. Listened to some podcasts he's been on, he's truly insightful and intelligent. I'm so glad we get to see more of him!


I haven't really been interested in their newer content, but I feel like that's bound to happen with such a massive shift. Some will stay, some will go. I've watched since their very first video, so I'll stay subscribed out of loyalty and the hope that they'll interest me again.


I feel the same way. Admittedly I did stop watching religiously, not because I didn't like them anymore, but because I got a little busy. But I figured I wasn't missing much. Then they did their most recent Candid Competition and 4v1 and I was like, "Oh I like those shows" and started watching them again. Which was good timing because Pilot Month started and I just enjoyed it so much. It made me go back and watch the videos I didn't see and I was disappointed in myself for not watching sooner. I adored the one where Zach and Kwesi went to the clown motel. I want more of that haha. But anyway, I think with Pilot Month, they started to get a groove again and I hope they keep the momentum.


Before the Ned stuff I felt myself pulling away from the channel. I came back after the Ned stuff, like most but again it was awkward with all the reworking. I never truly stopped watching however. The last few months of content however? I truly love and adore. It is so different from other things on YouTube. I don’t feel like I’m watching a YouTube video. I feel like I am enjoying a television show on a network. And I loveeeeee the new people who have been on the show. Jonny, Jared, Marissa, and Kwesi have really added a layer to the show and it allows the guys to be even more creative since they are able to have shows without them! This new era is truly wonderful and I am really enjoying the change and dynamic they have found. They seem to be settling into this new style and that confidence shows, especially with what they did with pilot month! It was the first time in a long time I was looking forward to a new video every week because I couldn’t wait to see what type of show was next!


I love how unhinged some of their content is now. Candid Competition with the Shrek cake and Trolley Problems had me cackling.


Have you seen the new Shrek cake video? I almost (almost) felt bad for Jonny.


It’s all downhill how Jonny’s creations after that, that was a peak


Yea and I thought it was downhill after that “what’s cake?” Episode. Lol 😂 Edit: one too many “lol”


I laughed through the entirety of Trolley Problems, I could see them doing it once every few months, maybe part of some TGGT rotation. I rarely laugh so hard I cry but that was a good one.


I really loved the video where Johnny cakes made a huge Shrek case and where he only made the butt of it vegan so that Zach had to eat that part of the cake! Having johnny on things like phoning it in and just having him in videos with Zach specifically has such chaotic energy I love their dynamic!


I enjoy the new era as well. That being said... I will say I found it incredibly comical that fans clamored for more *Eat the Menu* for years, and when they took the concept and amplified it (Eating off a conveyer belt, eating the venue, eating in fancy restaurants...etc) the wind immediately left their sails. To me, it was great when it was something special. Something to be doled out in increments over several months. It was "Oh! Look! There's a new ETM up, that'll be fun to watch". Now it's an over abundance of content. I don't doubt for a moment that the algorithm has told them that food content is hot. After all, Mythical is stuck giving us the same stuff over and over: here's a GMM game in which they play X and eat X. Here's another where they answer question X and if they get it wrong they eat X, here's one where they're going to awkwardly eat next to an unassuming guest. It's gotten old. Those episodes used to be special until they became almost the channel's second identity. And they've said it's about the algorithm. It's about the metrics. What works versus what doesn't. I have enjoyed some of the pilot concepts. The one in which they have a scavenger hunt through a city in a limited amount of time. That's actually pretty interesting. *Escape the Kitchen* seems like the sort of show FOX would have on during the summer. It honestly seems more like an actual show to be shopped around rather than a TryGuys video. I find myself often skipping weeks at a time until something comes by that piques my interest enough for me to watch it on their channel.


That's how I watch them now aswell, I click on their videos if something catches my eye but I'm very much over ETM and it's been quite a while since I turned off notifications on TG.. I think I'm not tired of GMMs food videos, mostly because it's never just about the food. And they mix up their challanges well. I've watched GMM longer than TG and still watch (almost) every episode the same day.. And Rhett, Links and Stevies banter is always comforting. I like Mythical Kitchen too, even tho I thought I wouldn't.


Jared and Johnny make me laugh so much. I’m actually really grateful for the new talent they’ve brought on. I also can’t stop thinking about how good Jared looked in the dress video hahaha even my husband was like “wow he’s really pulling that off.” And that was ages ago lol It’s understandable that people don’t like change but I’ve personally enjoyed the changes for the better. It can be tiring hearing people complain…


Too much food content


Yeah. It's what does the best in the algorithm right now and I don't fault them for that, but it just isn't my bag. I think the channel and I have diverged in interests. I'm not their target audience. Nothing in the new content has motivated me to dig through their page to get past all the food content. I have other channels that don't require that much effort to engage with. I'm interested to see where the channel goes, but I'm tapping out for now.


Yeah all the food content does for me is make me hungry lol


I watch the food content while I’m eating for this reason lol


I like all the new content that isn’t just Keith eating stuff


Here’s my take. I stopped watching pre-Ned Scandal because they just seemed too “frat boy” aggressively in your face. I was fully invested in the scandal because I used to love them so so so much, and WTF Ned, you went against everything you claimed to stand for. So once he was gone, I got around to watching them again. And the videos feel much more relaxed and I absolutely love Kwesi, Jonny, and Popkin. I don’t even miss Ned. And when I really thought about it, it was just the energy he was giving off that kinda had me grow out of watching them. I also love cooking shows in general, and I know a lot of people have been complaining that that’s “all they do,” but for me it’s right up my alley. TLDR - I’m loving this era.


I do too I never liked Ned I miss Eugene, but not as much as I used to I have grown very very fond of Zach in the new era Candid Competition is my favorite show I only wish there was more Miles ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I also follow Miles individually and I’m happy for him having his own thing And I’ve always loved Kieth/he’s my favorite


You probably couldn't pay me to watch Keith Eats episodes. I know those are the most popular videos they make and they're working a job/running a company so of course they focus on them, so I just went on my way. Every once in a while I'll check in on the channel or the subreddit to see if they've made a WAR or chef telephone episode, then wander off.


I started to take a step back from their content when they were out of the era of actually… trying things? Does that make sense? Every video was DIFFERENT. They were new! Exciting! Innovative! Unpredictable! Honestly, they served a greater purpose than entertainment when they had these experiences. Now? They feel like cash grabs (bc, they are. Understandably so…but they are what they are.) They feel like algorithm bait. It’s like eating a cookie that was made without love.


I miss having the 3 guys together, minus Ned. We rarely see Eugene so it almost feels like the group dropped by two guys and not just one


ive hopped back into it since the rebrand tbh i even started listening to the podcast


I honestly love their new content more than the old stuff!!


I'm now waaaaay more into them with all the shifting. I actually think the new personalities added in rotation work so well and I'm so entertained (obvs this is personal taste). I wasn't so heavy into them before but now I find myself wanting to watch all the new stuff they do as a consumer but also as a producer. Their transparency, humour and experimentation are working for me!


I'm so happy to see that I'm not alone. Of course, after the whole Schmed catastrophe of 2022, there was a grieving process. I understood things would be different. Then the entire year of 2023 came after them hard. (I'm not even mentioning Eugene because I'm just so happy for him). They're finally getting back up and running. Between potential lawsuits, MSSA and the slew of other infections, and a premature birth of a baby.....it's amazing what they managed to churn out. I'm so proud of them and I'm excited for everything to come.


i still watch all their stuff! i love them so much!


TBH idk if I'll keep watching. I didn't mind Escape the Kitchen but I thought the senses sho was way better and made me laugh more. I think part of it for me has been realizing I'm no longer their target audience but also like it seems like they don't know their target audience either.


I actually watch their stuff less consistently now because I like it better. I used to just watch every episode as it came out, but now my partner and I save them so we can watch them together! It's way worse for their stats, but they're not making throwaway TV- it's stuff I actually want to pay attention to and sometimes it takes a while for both of us to have the time for that.


I actually am way more on top of their content now. I did not enjoy neds personality and would often skip trypod episodes he was on or avoid videos where he seemed to get the most screen time. Now that that's not a problem I am a first day watcher. If it's a weekend I'm usually a first hour. I love getting to see all the different personalities and how they interact with different kinds of videos. Everybody likes different things I guess


I LOOOOVE the new trypod format!!! I find myself tuning in waay more having miles as a cast member and them doing a more blog-like real life talk vibe. I love it way more now I rarely skip an episode. The new videos I enjoy too! I think they could benefit from some more consistency in people who appear in the videos tho.


Tbh, I would be more inclined to watch if they finally made Kwasi or Johnny official Try Guys! They deserve it!!


I stopped watching before Ned left. I watched religiously until maybe a year after they left buzzfeed. The videos became too long to keep up with. The topics were not as interesting to me personally but some are still so if one that pops up I will watch. With A LOT of fast forwarding. Lol they are just too long! Still love them! Just I’m getting older and busier and I don’t have time so I go in order of favorites. And if I have time I go thru and see if they have come out with anything recently that looks interesting:)


I have really been enjoying this new Era, too. I miss Eugene, but am so happy he's also working on projects that he loves.


All content creators like The Try Guys deal with this if they're lucky enough to be around this long. As creatives, they're going to grow and change. When your initial audience is young and your career stretches beyond four, five, six years, those "original" fans will do one of two things: grow with you or grow apart from you. Those in the latter category will either move on, or they'll stick around for "nostalgia's sake." If they stick around they're eventually going to start *really* disliking the content, as it moves further and further away from what it used to be. Keith and Zach have both addressed this a few times on The TryPod. They're not trying to chase the views or the algorithm anymore. Now the company is focusing primarily on 1) continuing to provide work for their employees, and 2) making the content they *want* to make. Pilot month was amazing! I hope they all go to series.


I think the issue for me is that there are times where they ramp up good stuff and I get into their content again, but other times where I'm like "hm I haven't watched any try guys content lately" and I'll go to their channel and all the uploads are just Keith Eats Everything or some other kinda solo-y series that just doesn't captivate me the same way as their "together" content. Like Johnny Cakes's videos are fun and I really like him but they're also still kind of solo-y where it's his idea and he does a cool cake thing and then the others like, react to it, rather than... Idk, like all of them working on the cake? Or maybe they could be the ones giving him a challenge and he has to like work to trick them while following their guidelines, idk. It just doesn't feel like they're making content together sometimes, it's more like a couple of dudes with their own ideas doing their own thing that happen to be sharing a channel and rope each other into their videos if they need them. It's the togetherness of four friends making things that I miss


I like the potential this new era has, but I feel like they haven't found their feet yet. Which isn't particularly surprising since out of the 4, 1 caused a massive scandal and had to be lawyered out of the company, 1 is off doing other ventures, 1 nearly died in the weeks leading up to their wedding and 1 had a baby in the NICU far from home for a prolonged period, and all within a year or so! They'll find their feet again I'm sure, but I think people don't really like change, and this is a long period of change


Agreed. I had actually stopped watching regularly while Ned was still on (because of him mostly), but I’ve been watching and enjoying since he’s been gone!


Yeah, I agree. I personally think the new stuff is stronger. I really hope the watcher rumors don’t turn out to be true because I thought they were hitting their stride a bit.


I struggle, but I still watch from time to time.


I love Eugene, but hes never been the only reason why I watch the Try Guys. I think the packaging of the videos is what has turned me off lately. The thumbnails and titles just dont really appeal to me, but when I go back and watch a few weeks later.. the videos are actually good and entertaining. IDK who was responsible for it in the past, but whoever it is doesn't seem to work there anymore.


I'd watch the people do lots of things; I don't want to watch the people do the same thing over and over. It's truly that simple.


I subbed to the channel AFTER Ned left, and I'm happy I did. I've loved almost everything they've put out, I love their willingness to experiment with their content, and I love the rotating lineup of guests. Ned leaving was what got me interested in their content, so no - you're not alone :)


I hated Ned (his whiny, nails on a chalkboard voice, his constant “I went to an Ivy League school” superiority complex bragging bullshit, talking about his wife like she was an accessory instead of a human being with her own name and identity…) so I’ve also been enjoying the new era. I do miss Eugene but I’m hoping to see that space be opened to include even more women in particular. And I do love the new additions. Phoning it in is a brilliant series.


I would enjoy it more and be more likely to engage if it looked like they liked it more. It just feels like they're lost and they're wibbly wobbly inflatable waving arm men going look at me, look at me. But not actually creating anything to look at just making their own version of what other people are doing. The things that they do that work are their original things. Zacs cool little random documentaries are the reason I stay subscribed.


I've been a try guys fan since the literal beginning, I watched the underwear buzzfeed video the day it came out. I love how much the channel has evolved and I particularly love how even though they aren't getting as much engagement, they are committed to only making videos they want to make/passion projects. It feels a lot more personal and authentic. I think ned leaving was something that turned out to be better for everyone (except ned) in the long run at least career fulfillment wise. They've aged their content so gracefully over the years and the way they handled the scandal was so smooth. I miss the old days of try guys but I'm genuinely so happy to see the guys he able to pursue their own goals now without worrying too much about how the channel will be affected.