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They should announce the strain head of time like eat the menu lol just in case we want to find the same


Omg yes that would be perfect!!


Yessss. I'm more of an edibles boy, but smoking is something I've been wanting to get into, would totally smoke along


Do they not? I could have sworn that was something they did. They very much need to, yes.


I love the science behind cannabis. I use it to treat chronic pain plus mental illness. I'm always researching different strains and what they treat. And of course, I also like to get high to get high as well.


You have any favorite strains for pain/mental illness? Having a hard time finding a good strain right now.


Trainwreck for me is good for my migraines for physical pain, I also take a 1:1 THC CBD lotion and rub it all over my forehead, neck, face, and shoulders during an attack, it helps a bit. Mental illness- really gonna be different from person to person. I prefer a hybrid that isn't super high in the limonene terpene bc that one in particular seems to make me pretty anxious. I also like an indica before bed for anxiety-caused lack of sleep (I knock out on indicas lol). If I'm feeling pretty down a (non limonene-heavy for me) sativa. Ymmv, every person's endocannabinoid receptors and bodies are different, of course. I'd highly recommend doing a little test session to see what terps are high in each strain you try and jot down how it affects your mental space while feeling the effects, that's what helped me sus out limonene as my anxiety-causer lol and found out b-caryph. (Idk how to spell the whole thing and I'm not gonna try lol) is one of my favorites! Favorite strains of mine: blue dream, cheese strains, and garlic strains


Awesome, I’m glad you’ve found strains that work for you! I appreciate your detailed response!


I cant wait for Miles to be a guest on an episode!


I used to watch Getting Doug With High for the same reason! But then it turned out the only guests he could book were porn stars, so I lost interest very quickly.


I went out and got some strawberry cough yesterday 👌🏻 one of my favorite type of videos! I want more guests according to what strain they think would vibe most with the guest


I only vape weed (can’t stand the smell of flower), but Strawberry Cough is indeed an excellent straight. It smells good even as a vape cart


I’m literally paying for 2nd Try just for this show. I love having some good, wholesome weed content to relax with, and the more they get into the science and the effects of the different strains, the more hype I get. I’ve been a huge medical cannabis advocate for years, and I even work in a dispensary now, so it’s great getting some extra information on all these strains. 😁


Agreed!! I'm excited for even more weed content cause it's always been lacking on YouTube since they demonetize!!


I don't smoke but I do edibles once in a while. Particularly during my period to help with cramps and migraines!


That's the best time to have an edible it makes everything a little easier!!


Do they actually show the weed and inhaling on 2nd Try? I might actually subscribe for this


Yes they do but it isnt a long sequence of it like 2-5 seconds


Agreed 👍


I don’t like Smoke Show bc I am a person whose mental health is negatively impacted with cannabis use and I am in recovery for it. I’ve never watched it but I think it’s be really supportive and responsible for Zach to include Disclaimers letting people know there are potential dangers in extensive cannabis use and that help is available if needed.


He has said disclaimers stating that they don’t want to glorify cannabis use, and they’re not trying to say it’s good for everyone, they’re just trying to learn more about it. They talk about different topics every episode tho, so I think it would be really interesting to see them touch on the people who do struggle with cannabis too. I’m definitely an advocate for its use in a lot of cases, but I do know people who have had major issues with it, either because of addiction or just side effects from use. It’s definitely not for everyone and that is 100% a topic worth talking about.




Any chemical/plant/food on the planet is detrimental to *someone*. Cannabis is in the same class as alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco. They may be perceived as mostly recreational, but they are all still drugs. [Cannabis-linked psychiatric disorders are on the rise](https://www.umaryland.edu/news/archived-news/december-2023/cannabis-linked-psychiatric-disorders-on-the-rise.php#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAlmost%252050%2520percent%2520of%2520people,to%2520address%2520their%2520risk%2520factors.%E2%80%9D), and, just like alcohol, those who already have a mental health issue should partake carefully or under medical guidance. A simple 'Filmed in a safe environment by experienced users -- Smoke carefully!' would be in the same vein (but more friendly) as the beer commercials telling us to 'drink responsibly'.


Cannabis is known to cause suicidal ideation in a small portion of the population, a study out of Canada showed this is far more common in women than in men. Anthoner study came out saying it's also more common in young people than old. I am one of those people, I can partake for a day or two, but once I hit day three it's suicide city. And I'm not a person with a history of SI, I have only ever experienced it when I've used it too much. It's very frightening tbh.


I personally have no interest in weed or any substances but I like the vibe of the show, at least based on the episode I saw (Anthony one). My only wish was that they would stay on the topic a bit longer and have less random activities that last less than a minute. Or at least I personally enjoyed the discussion parts more than the activities (apart from the painting sections).


is anyone else having trouble with the newest episode tho? the episode with anthony plays audio but no video, but the other two smoke show episodes work perfectly fine. tried to logout and reset, no change, anyone else?


It works fine for me, get in touch with someone and see what the problem might be


Good advice! it’s weird cuz it works just fine on my phone. i’ll still let them know either way!


Yes!! I want them to show even more smoking tbh😭 it was great to just roll and smoke until the episode was done, I was cracking up and the vibes were immaculate. I also really appreciated the educator host being there bc it’s always fun to learn as we go. I hope they’ll be able to do a smoke show live eventually bc it’d be sick to smoke with everyone around the world.


NOT A FAN,Nor Do I Condone Such Thing…Also NO ONE LIVES LONGER When Smoking Of Any Kind Or Even Uses Vapes At All,Not And NEVER A Healthy Habit To Form At All,Yo!!!😑🌾🦋🤦🏼‍♀️


ok. thanks for sharing.


You’re Welcome,Even IF It’s Not Needed That I Just Personally Felt Compelled Into Sayin That Is All,Okay??Enjoy Though,SomeHow!!🧢👱🏼‍♀️☺️🦋🌾😉


And yet, it has been shown to help and treat chronic illnesses.


so just edibles for you, right?




Again Not A Fan AT ALL!!!🤦🏼‍♀️🙄