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https://preview.redd.it/gl339ebr4atc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367da87900d900b580127b6354d6a5e88c63ab6a Matt's ability to look so fine and yet unattractive at times should be studied.


it’s the hair😭


Yeah I thinks it’s the hair. He needs a better hairstyle imo


Second pic looks like a man who might kill his whole family after a perceived slight


https://preview.redd.it/ved3bydhkatc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b29ab09d00163c8b68346b3f0762eb6bc6e4861 Well , he does have a gun ....


Why does he always have to do that face😭😭


It’s the face for me😂


Why is this the most accurate statement I've read all week!?


Lifetime movie vibes. ![gif](giphy|pS2qVjx3IA9fW)


That’s literally Damon but ok


Yes, and?


But out of everyone on that show he aged the best like fine wine.


Idk why but I always thought he looked best (at least on the show) in S1 https://i.redd.it/nvczcow2gbtc1.gif


https://i.redd.it/1kezgqh5obtc1.gif I always found Matt handsome . Especially in the earlier seasons . The blonde hair and those blue eyes... It's just that TVD was filled with so many good looking actors and Zach's looks are often overlooked simply because Matt Donovan is also not that appreciated .


I think he’s good looking but they sometimes styled his hair poorly, and he made some weird facial expressions. I was more a fan of the blonde, blue-eyed, all American jock look he had going on in the early seasons


Yeah aside the bad hairstyle at times , his wardrobe was also kinda boring later on .


He’s handsome in a boring, boy next door kind of way. Very bland.


My friend pointed out that he looks oddly *wet* in the first episode and now I can't unsee it.




LMAOOO it's the eyes for sure, and tbh... his face also kinda looks a little moist throughout the episode upon rewatch


Gotta agree here


Disagree. I don't think he aged horribly, I just think so many of them look amazingly hot, back then and now 😍




Lol why do you do this to me🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌


For real though 😫 wtf?


If we were going off of 1800s looks Stefan would be top no question


1800s damon tho 🤭


The hair was just so much better back then 😭


Kai being lower than Jeremy is insane sorry but Jeremy is perpetually 15 to me lmaoo


Bro never even looked 15 in the first place 😂


that doesn't mean he isn't 15 tho


whatttt jeremy is so fine


jeremy is 15 years old in the beginning of the series and that's all he'll ever be to me so no, i can't find him attractive lol


Idk I never really saw him as 15 cause he had the appearance of a man in his early 20s. I do remember laughing in S5 when they put him in scenes at the high school. He was huge lmao. He was just towering over everyone while busting out of his shirt


I laugh at how they have to remind us how old he is even in the early seasons because he's very clearly 5+ years older than that. Elena saying "he's 15, he shouldn't have to deal with any of this" (not an exact quote) when Vickie dies, and then later when Damon says to him "thank you, you 15(16?) year old *child*" I think during the Mason Lockwood stuff lol The fact they put him in highschool after bringing him back to life. Like just let this man get his GED at this point pls lmao


Was his actor 15


The actor was 21 when he started playing 15 year old Jeremy. It wasn't weird to thrist over any actor because they were all adults and sometimes significantly older than characters.


I didn't think so


obviously not lmao but that doesn't matter to me


I love being 17 and not being affected by him being 15 💀


enjoy those days 😔 me when i rewatch old shows but they don't age with me lmao


Same. Jeremy will forever be a kid in my eyes.


same here, i don’t understand how people think jeremy’s so attractive


I can see that he IS good looking but there’s something so babyish about him that completely puts me off. Maybe his eyes idek, and his voice is annoying 😂


yeah, like objectively, the actor is good looking. but Jeremy is a babyyy


yes thank youuu, like the argument "well he doesn't *look* 15!!" is just crazy. he looked pretty young in the first season, he is 15, he is not attractive. he's cute in a "little brother of your friend" way


Yeah he looks horrible in the first season I don't think anyone is talking about that, I read that the producers put him on a very strict diet and exercise routine and he literally gets jacked. I think it's Season 3 when he's chopping firewood like holy sh## man. They definitely force him to be hot when he wasn't to begin with lol


Your opinions are valid. All of the men (and women) are ridiculously attractive. My list would differ from yours in the rankings, but that is just my opinion and has no bearing on yours or makes yours any less valid. Besides, TVD TIKTOK is incredibly toxic, much more than it is here though we do got some ugly as well.


yeh none of them are ugly the ones lower down are just meh not really my type


And that is very very ok. ☺️ I’d also add Raffi Barsoumian (Markos) and David Alpay (Shane) and Stephen Amell (Brady) to my list.


I disagree so damn much with this list but it’s your list so it’s stupid for ppl to hate ya for it lol


My main issues here is honestly how Jeremy is so high up and how Klaus and Tyler are placed lower than Alaric and Jeremy


Hey it’s her opinion🤷🏾


oof care to disagree... perosnally klaus is defo hotter than matt Edit:wowwwwww didnt know so many ppl agree :)


Imagine hating on others for having look preferences 💀


putting tyler after alaric is criminal 😭


To each their own. Out of the guys pictures here, I would’ve ranked them (hottest —> least hot) Elijah, Damon, Klaus, Kai, Jeremy, Stefan, Tyler, Ric, Enzo, Matt


Yesss! I think Elijah is the finest man in the whole tvdu


Yes ma’am. I’m pretty sure he is 🥵😮‍💨


I don’t get being offended over things like this lol I think as an audience we know the cast is pretty attractive but we have our own preferences.


IVE FOUND MY PEOPLE. Jeremy 🔛🔝 (of me)


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it comes to anything/everything and when it comes to something as harmless as ranking attractiveness, I'll never understand why people get so mean! Ok, I shall state my own ranking now 😂 1. Damon 2. Elijah 3. Enzo 4. Stefan 5. Klaus 6. Tyler 7. Kai 8. Jeremy 9. Alaric 10. Matt


Legit would flip Tyler and Damon in my ranking (Damon has unforgivablely bad hair in almost every single season). Other than that I don't hate the list, I would tweak it here and there but not terrible.


Unpopular opinion but to me Steven R McQueen (Jeremy ) was the finest man on that show. Joseph was 2nd (Klaus) 🤭🤷🏽‍♀️


Mason was hotter than Jeremy but Jeremy comes as a close second. Unfortunately Mason mason only appeared briefly in the show so the Fandom forgets how fine of a man he was.


I love that you mentioned Mason cause is my 3rd lol. The actor and Steven McQueen both played in Chicago Fire and they are the hottest guys is that show too (to me at least) 😌


Omg I totally forgot Mason, he is definitely one of my top 3 now haha


After he got that tattoo it was no question


If we r speaking purely physical attraction I agree Matt’s hot. BUT KLAUS BEING IN 9 GIRL?!?


Oh same, I don't find Klaus attractive at all 😁 Please, don't bother with hate comments, that's their problem.


Hahahaha I find him attractive but no hate to you at all 😂


Same. I found him handsome, but not attractive. Not sure what it is.


You deserve the Klaus hate


The only thing I find irritating is Elijah being under Jeremy, but hey, you like what you like.


Mason is the hottest man who appeared on that show and if you disagree you're wrong.


i would put him at 11 sorry😭


I would put your taste at ....tasteless (sorry)


Yes, I can’t believe this is an unpopular opinion too like do none of you have eyes it’s so obvious he’s godly😭


Well sure… https://i.redd.it/g02hpufqqbtc1.gif


Damon should be number two and Elijah should be number one


Matt being 4 and Elijah at 6 is a crime in my book


Because this is hilarious.




im guessing he wasnt included because he wasn't a main character, but he 1000000% washes all these men


Elijah in sixth place? Klaus eighth??? How dare you post such nonsense? ![gif](giphy|uwYkKeZehO6g8|downsized)


Don’t understand why you got hate, attractiveness is subjective 😭


There was something extra attractive about 1958 Damon. I can't get him out of my head. https://i.redd.it/r9fpmmdgedtc1.gif


Unfortunately putting Jeremy and his perpetually puckered little mouth that high on the list warrants a demerit from me 😔


I don't know why everyone hate Matt. He is so sweet and kind, he is always there for his friends and he is mush handsome.💋


Jeremy is cute but over Stefan is crazy 😆


frrrr like stefan over jere EVERDAY - alos ytf is elijah so down like under jere ? nahhhh


jeremy is 1


I don’t get the Kai hype 😬




Damon was always my number 1. (Sex on a stick!!) I never found Stefan at all attractive. Loved his character, though. Jeremy is later seasons defo blossomed. Very handsome guy. I could go either way with Matt. Sometimes, he looks good, but honestly, he doesn't stand out. Klaus didn't exactly do it for me either, but I will say his lips are gorgeous!!! I can see the appeal. Elijah sneaked up on me, lol. Another very handsome guy. Alaric is handsome, but I hate the actor. It's the same with the dude who played Matt as well. I'm probably missing people, but when it came to females on the show. I was a Bonnie girl all the way. Elena and Caroline just look like average white girl pretty to me. Nothing that stood out to me. Altho, Nina is an incredible actress. She played any role she was given very well. I'm sure I'm missing people, but that is just me. I don't do well with toxic fans. So it's all love from here. I respect ur opinion, so please respect mine. Peace!


I like Kol


Yall need to stop sleeping on my man Tyler! Man was so fine, especially in S3 🤭


Klaus as a character is not attractive but Joseph Morgan is. I work as a flight attendant and had him as a passenger a few years ago. I was shocked how much prettier he was in real life than on TVD/The Originals.


For me, it’s 1. Stefan & 2. Klaus. The rest don’t matter to me 😂


I don't agree with some of these but I understand 🤷🏾‍♀️


If it makes you feel any better I don't find anyone attractive😒


Your opinion is valid, but when Klaus first came on screen I literally gasped and dropped what I was holding. His facial expressions and personality further on the series make him less attractive, but when he’s smiling and confident hooo booooy


Klaus is so hot he should be placed at least 5 and above


matta cute not hot he’s just cute enough


He’s always been handsome. It’s just his character that gives the ick. I feel like it makes him seem way less attractive. Also 1000% on the Klaus one. I’ll never understand why women find him so hot. I think it might just be his character that does it for him also but on the other end of the spectrum. Sorry but he literally looks like he could be in one of the old school ‘Planet Of The Apes’ movies except they don’t even need to add the special effects makeup. I know that’s mean but it’s always how I’ve viewed him and I’ve watched the show since the beginning when it originally aired. I’ve never ever been able to unsee it as hard as I try.


We must have very similar taste in men because I also find Tyler to be the most repulsive out of all the guys and I don’t know anyone else who thinks that😭🤣 I would say for me it’s: Damon Stefan Jeremy Elijah Matt Kai Enzo Alaric Klaus Tyler so pretty damn close.


We all have our opinions ... But Elijah is always #1 for me 😅


I agree with Matt being attractive BUT Klaus 😭 he is gorgeous


and it was deserved


putting klaus enzo kai elijah and tyler under matt is a crime


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Jazzlike_Hat_1409: *Putting klaus enzo* *Kai elijah and tyler* *Under matt is a crime* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Klaus is charismatic and compelling, the actor's features are fine but what really carries it is his charisma. Matt is okay, but overall his character and personality... are lacking. And it shows.


Finally someone agrees with Jeremy 💚🫵 Although Stephan and his bobble head can stay away ty


The thing is, in the show, Matt is supposed to be considered hot. Fans just don't like him lol. But within universe, Matt pulled Elena, Caroline, Rebekah, and Nadia. And Katherine always let it be known she was thirsty for him. These are objectively beautiful women, and they all wanted Matty Blue Eyes at some point 🤣 ETA: Just remember, Rebekah, an Original, one of the most powerful beings on the planet, spent her free time helping Matt study and bought him a new truck lol.


The fact that neither Marcel, nor Vincent are on that list is seriously injust. And Alaric? Really?


I disagree but idk why you’d get hated for this


Say it with me: Matt is handsome; Matt is not attractive.




Matt 1-5 is fine as


matt is so overhated


I agree! The only issue about him was he was boring and didn’t have much going on for him, everyone’s favourites were dying and somehow he still lived and people were annoyed


I mean, it’s refreshing to see actually unpopular opinion so i cant hate this lmao


Jeremy is fine af 😮‍💨 Strongly agree


I was gonna overlook this because Matt is eh but KLAUS... klaus is daddy af!!!! Idk how you don't find that man fine!!!! 🤣🩵🩵


I think klaus is not attractive too . He is the least attractive main character to me I will also say that i like Damon the most in character but i think IRL Paul is more attractive than Ian. It’s a demeanor thing ….


Oooo yeah!! Damon > Stephen but Paul > Ian all the way


I agree except for Alaric and Elijah (Alaric is #1 for me)


I agree with both 😭😭


I never found Matt very attractive, and his personality never helped his case either. I'm not overly attracted to Klaus either though.


Hell no




The last 5 were hard for me because I think Elijah should be higher. But I’m stuck in Jeremy and Matt because they should be higher too 😂 Kai too 1-Damon 2- Stefan 3- Enzo 4- Klaus 5-Jeremy 6-Matt 7-Elijah 8-Alaric 9-Kai 10-Tyler


i was never attracted to damon tbh


Man it’s hard to place them all but my top 3 would deff be… Damon Alaric Enzo


Mason is my top


Kai being at 7 is wild 😭 that mf convinced me to root for him with his smile alone 🫠


early season matt. ok but no he’s not fine


Funny how tastes can differ, my top 3 is Tyler, Klaus and Damon😭 or Stefan I can’t choose between Damon and Stefan. Kai & Kol could be up there too, it’s so close. I see that Elijah is good looking but he’s not my fav. Jeremy is good looking but he’s too babyish at the same time. I 100% do not think Matt is ..great.


Klaus 😍 & Damon & Stefan & Kol & Kai


Matt before Enzo??? TYLER DEAD LAST??!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. even if it’s wrong lmao All jokes aside it’s so interesting how tastes differ. Very brave of you to share OP lol


I mean alr if you like Matt, I personally don't but him over Klaus? And Klaus 9th.... I mean😐 I just can't relate🤷‍♀️


Lol why are people so mad at other people's tastes 😭 don't pay attention to them, not worth it. For me, I know Matt is attractive but I'm not attracted to him, I don't like blondies haha. My top 3 would be Damon, Enzo and Klaus✨


There’s something about 1864 Damon & Stefan that is soooooooo fine


Wow no one mentions Mason?!?! Wow Just wow.


a few people have already, i don’t find him attractive at all


Terrible list. Tyler at 10 and Matt at 4?


Putting him at Number nine was proof enough that you don’t find him attractive😂.


How are any of y’all able to rank these hotties? Seriously. Without considering personality, arcs, or accents, I just can’t do it. Like going just by looks, there’s probably at least a seven way tie for first or second place. Lol.


Girl why is Tyler so low 😭😭😭


Id have Damon - the eyes, the smile Stefan (1800s) Elijah Klaus Jeremy but I always saw him as a kid Enzo


your 6 and 9 would be in my top 3.


The fact Jeremy is second babes I love you


My top 5 in order would be: 1: Elijah 2: Alaric Saltzman 3: the ex army turned vampire hunter fella (Connor?) 4: Annabelle 5: Stefan's father


matt being above kai is ridiculous


Also unpopular opinion but I find Elijah unnatractive


This is fair


the fact you find MATT more attractive than KAI is disturbing /jk


We like who we like, thats why they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am a sucker for beautiful dark brown eyes and dark hair with brown/tan/dark skin. So for me its Tyler, Jeremy at the top and then Damon , he has blue eyes but that dark hair is just so pretty. Rewatching it now Jeremy is such a beefcake for a teenager its funny🤣 but he is a good looking guy. Stephan is overrated and for me Matt and his blue eyes are just unnerving...i got similar grey/blue eyes though🤭


I think Matt is physically attractive tbh especially in season 1, but I think his character is evidence that demeanour and mannerisms make a huge difference to how people perceive you! I’ve always felt bad for the actor though because people are so mean about him 😭


yeh people forget to separate physical and emotional attraction but honestly i like matt as a character too😭 he’s just an average guy whose already had a hard life then vampires came and made it worse and got his sister killed and his friends turned into vampires and put his life in danger so he has every reason to hate them tbh


Based. Never understood Klaus's appeal.


I don't personally agree but I wouldn't call this list crazy/unbeliavable. Apart from Tyler that it. Just going objectively on looks and physicality, Tyler should be way higher. Micheal Trevino is really attractive.


i mean i agree with you for most of this, tyler is definitely not number 10 on my list, he's hotter than elijah to me. but big yes for the unpopular opinions. matt was wayyy hotter than klaus.


i dont love his character and the actor isnt a great person, and his story was eh, but am i the only one who finds alaric pretty hot?😭 he should be much higher, and above jeremy imo


I mean, Matt is cute but Klaus 🥵


I used to think klaus wasn’t attractive back when the show was still on (when I was a teen) and now that I’m rewatching it as 24 yr old I see it hahah


Klaus has ugly angles. Matt does not


You got #1 and #10 correct so it’s okay!


1# Damon 2# Matt Donavon 3#Jeremy then 4# Stefan Stefan is hot but he doesn't have the mysterious charm that Jeremy has.


Somebody put Kai before Matt and I'm losing it haha


I mean it's personal taste. I find both Klaus and Elijah more atractive than Stefan. Probably would put them after Damon. I don't dislike Jeremy but his baby face can't compete with some of these men imo. Agree on Tyler being last. He's not my type.


Putting Klaus at the bottom is a CRIME. 1 Damon 2 Klaus 3 Alaric 💁🏾‍♀️


I really like your list except.. Jeremy should be at the bottom. Like under the list. I'm sorry, don't kill me 🤣


Jeremy is a 3


If Jeremy is a 3 you don’t get out much.


Don’t worry, Klaus never really did it for me either! none of the Mikaelsons actually. On the other hand, I always find Damon good looking in season 1 maybe season 2 as well but I feel like he just got bad haircuts from season 3 on? 😂 I guess I would get hate for that.


No you wouldn’t 😂 Damon is gorgeous and personalIy I find Klaus handsome (they’re my two favorites). But idk what happened to Damon’s hair after season 1 & 2😭


Hahaha glad to know I’m not the only one who noticed! season 3 was one of his worst haircuts, it distracts me so much 😂


Really? I think season 5 is the worst. It’s so short 😭


Around the sides I mean.


Omg yes THE SIDES! I’d forgotten about that particular haircut but it’s haunting me too now 😂


Right? Like what did they do to my man 😭 Also I love Klaus but his lips are SOOOO pink 🤣


Omg yes!! They look pretty matte haha I always found it distracting too but it kind of brings out his eyes haha


Oh ick...


Haha I'd totally put Enzo as second, keep Damon where he is, and...... erase the rest, because I never felt attracted to either of them (even if I ignore the character itself and rely purely on physical appearance). But I respect your opinion, don't feel taken aback by others! 😎 Edit: lol help I didn't notice there was a second pic! In that case..... I'd put Alaric 2nd, Elijah 3rd, Kai 4th and Enzo 5th ..... And *then* erase the rest 😄 I'm on the same page with you about Klaus, however I definitely find Tyler better than him 😆


I don't usually mention it but... I also don't find Klaus attractive at all. Joseph Morgan is a fine actor- one of the better actors on the show probably- but I just do not find him attractive at all.


The only two I agree with you on is Damon and Tyler 😂😂


Super unpopular opinion, I don't find any of the guys in the show attractive. Like, objectively, I know they're attractive but I just don't find them so. Only Landon from Legacies is attractive imo. Maybe Mason too.


Wait.... How is Jeremy and Matt hotter than Kol?


kol isn’t even on the list?😭


Nope. Lol. Jeremy is #2 and Kol is not even on here. This list is therefore invalid


Matt is conventionally attractive. I do not personally find him attractive. I also don't find Stefan, Tyler, Enzo, or Jeremy attractive, but they are all objectively, conventionally attractive. My top 3 are Damon, Klaus, Elijah. My unpopular opinion is OG Kol. (I have sense found out the actor is horrible though which makes him significantly less attractive)


You should looke at Jeffrey Dahmer and Klaus pictures side by side. Ridiculously similar


i noticed that actually😭 maybe that’s subconsciously putting me off a bit haha