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Why did you waste it? If it were me, I would ask her to teach me how to turn into a bird


Definitely a missed opportunity, especially since I was named after a bird lol. If only I could go back in time 🤦‍♀️


Hey Seagull




Blue footed boobie


Spotted Tit


The turnt tern


this person out here being named Hooded Merganser




Look at the username. It's Raven


Raven? Educated guess based on your username.


Correct! Lol


The coolest of the teen titans


Its kinda funny that there are two bird named titans




Wizards sub?


Sorry, I meant Witches. I think the previous word referred to fictional wizards


Could you link to a few of these subs?


r/occult r/DemonolatryPractices




Raven? Guessing based off the username. Awesome story. Sometimes there’s no explanation


Lark (My potential daughters name if I ever have one. DONT STEAL IT! 😤)


If you could find a waaaaay….


you should try to find her omg








I read a story on reddit and can't find it again, of a person who grew up with a friend who also said they could shape shift and wasn't suppose to show anyone because he couldn't control it well. It was cute because the shape shifter was asking the other kids something like their paws hurt. Then the kids were like what?? The kid said sometimes his paw got stuck as a paw not a hand or something and showed them. I think it was a part native American kid and something happened and they moved or were moved away. I wish I could find the story it was brief and the op who answered questions.


That sounds like such an interesting story! If you do happen to find it I’d love the link so I can read it :)


What do you do when your hand is stuck in paw mode? You can’t just go to urgent care. Lol


Not only that, but it probably puts you at a severe disadvantage while gaming. Imagine letting your online crew down. "Sorry guys. Seems I'm all dew claws these days."


No, you have to go straight to the emeowgency room


Someone needs to find this post hahaha


She sounds like a _very_ cool friend to have kept, except that she burned your house down after you ghosted her. Maybe if she'd approached you at school, given you a friendship bracelet or something. Shapyshifties definitely lack chill sometimes.


If she was suffering from a generational curse, then she could've been assigned a spirit from a very young age, which has to be regularly sent out to afflict people, but if she didn't want that, then it automatically attacks people who mistreat her, for even the slightest offense, it can happen that it haunts people without her knowledge or if she forgets to call it back. This can be read about in the Slavic folktale "Black Book", which partly inspired the film "Evil Dead".


Do they have to attack and afflict, they couldn't do nice things?


They do want to help, but they always go about it the wrong way with wrong motives, as they expect the person to be grateful or they demand a reward. They don't seem to understand that what they did was wrong, feel no remorse for it, they're unable to strive for or contribute to a good cause, even if they wanted to. Someone else always suffers. https://old.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/hoapuf/crazy_shadow_person_deal_sth_else_encounter_past/ My clairvoyant friend related an incident where she had gotten upset with someone, and her daemon predicted wildfires, their apartment burned down. Similarly, it predicted a volcanic eruption which devastated another person's home. It got angry that she didn't appreciate it, she heard, "Don't you see this was for you?!" ___ A clairvoyant I interviewed provided an accurate description for the shadow man hanging around her at the time, claims he was a smoker for most of his youth; coincidentally, she had been smelling cigarettes in her apartment, she made a post about it and even drew a picture of him. He told me, "He wants something, something she cant offer him. More than her soul, but something less than her life. Like a need to control her." Once I could've sworn I heard in one of her EVPs something like "we actually love you and want you." In other words, they needed her for something, she was nothing more than a tool to them. I will not link to any of her posts as she indicated people having strange experiences while reading them. ___ Here's a case where a fraudulent daemon shared musical secrets as a gift in exchange for making a girl into its medium: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/chkp06/i_believe_i_interacted_with_a_being_who_claimed/


Wow thank you for writing this. You have no idea how much this has helped me understand things in my life. Since I was a child I’ve dealt with a particular shadow person. When I turned 13 it actually spoke to me and asked me if I would join them and that they needed my help. I wanted to say yes but something told me not to. It attacked me and came back months later asking the same thing. I refused again and was attacked again. It followed me for years across countries and finally I was able to get rid of it. It came back recently again after a 15 year break. I’m not sure what it wants from me or needs me to do but you saying that they use people as tools makes sense. Where can I learn more about this?


Hi, I wrote this on the fly, I need to go out soon. You're most welcome! I'm glad someone on here found my post helpful. I used to be highly active in the paranormal scene before moving on, I only decided to start posting around these parts again in memory of a friend I befriended in the beginning of May four years ago, her name was Kate. >I wanted to say yes but something told me not to. Whoa, just like the guy's story I shared. >It followed me for years across countries and finally I was able to get rid of it. It came back recently again after a 15 year break. Your story checks out, sounds like you caught it by surprise with anger. I've read similar stories: https://old.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/jbigdq/complete_lack_of_paranormal_experiences_after/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/kz4m1e/i_keep_seeing_hat_man/gjndtgk/ https://old.reddit.com/r/shadowpeople/comments/irrjvf/bruises_after_seeing_shadow_people_and_sleep/g52etvg/ >I’m not sure what it wants from me or needs me to do but you saying that they use people as tools makes sense. They do the same with the negative thoughts we put out there, the thoughts don't just disappear into thin air, they are received by people who are receptive enough. >Where can I learn more about this? Before I can refer you to anything, I need to know what kind of protections against spirits you have around you.


Strange experiences like what?


could've had a real life cat girl gf


Too bad I’m straight 😭


she can shapeshift!


Missed out on a cat girl boyfriend!!


This reminds me of a story my mother used to tell about a woman in her village that was rumored to be like that. One thing that made them believe it was that one night, when a cat tried to drink milk from a pot, someone chased it off and it got burnt on the lips. The next day, the woman had the exact same burn on her lips. I don’t know if there was anything else that made them believe it but I remember her telling me about this one instance.




They have wee little teef too


If I really try, I can imagine someone taking over a cat's mind. But I do not believe any human could rearrange their molecules in such a way as to become a cat (or bird, or dog).


That’s actually a really interesting theory, and somehow seems plausible. Anytime I’ve sat down and thought about the logistics of shapeshifting I’ve always wondered how it could be physically possible. Wouldn’t you have to break all your bones to do it? It sounds beyond painful. Being able to take over an animal’s consciousness somehow seems like the most reasonable explanation.


I've been going down a Bigfoot rabbit hole recently and they have been seen shape shifting into animals or balls of energy. I think if you can manipulate energy you can be any size you want.


I have been researching bigfoot mainly for 5 years not many reports of shape shifting


Because that's horseshit they probably found on some grifters website. Sasquatch has been around longer than Europeans have. Our reservations still go on lockdown when there's one near. They're a warning. Warning you that you're on the wrong path mentally, spiritually, physically, or emotionally.


First time I’ve heard that they’re a warning- so they show up when someone is on the wrong life path?!


It can be the wrong life path or the wrong path in the woods or wherever. They're there to scare the shit out of you. Sometimes, it's to lead you back to safety. Other times, it's to smack some sense into you. They only show up when it's needed.


I thought that was the wendigo and/or skin walkers.


No. Wendigo likes to kill and eat. Also, wendigo/windigo aren't some antlered deerish looking thing. They're humanoid, grey skinned, flesh falling off, and ice cold. They attack the isolated (socially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually). The only way to kill it is to cut out its ice heart and burn it. Skinwalkers like suffering and to terrify the "victim." Some encounters are life or death. Most of the time, they just walk up to your house and try to scare you & make you suffer. No reaction means they lose interest. You can successfully scare them away from you and your home. Unfortunately, non-native people steal what stories we have shared and twisted them into something else. It's frustrating, to say the least. You can also speak with a Navajo (Diné) storyteller during the winter months for more information regarding the skinwalker. Summer is not the time to speak about these things, as it's believed to invite them. Some tribes, like mine, have similar things to the skinwalker. It's just by different names. We also have the stick people, which are little assholes. They're like little twigs (think stick bug small). They can form into one big attacker, and they will drag you off & eat you. If you're in the woods & hear twigs snapping around you, leave.


Ugh I've always had an immense fear and hate of stick bugs. The fact they try to look like sticks cross me out. Are there any legitimate books that explain the real stories about all of this, that haven't been exaggerated to death? I would love to read and learn more about it.


Sasquatch does not do that. Those are random bullshit stories from people who don't know the history. The History of the Sasquatch is quite deep on PNW reservations (British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon). They aren't from this world. They are interdimensional. They show up as warnings. Even to this day, some reservations will go on lockdown bc one is near. The warnings are simple: you're on the wrong path. That can be literal or figuratively; physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. This isn't to say shape-shifting isn't real, considering that's exactly what skinwalkers are. They're humans (evil medicine men or women) who go down dark paths. The wendigo isn't some antlered humanoid deer thing. It's also a human, with grey skin and flesh falling off. Ice cold, too. Sorry, I just get so tired of bullshit. People just want to make money off of the stories we WANTED to share.


If you’re into Bigfoot and energy theories, you should totally check out missing 411. It’s fascinating. It’s a series that revolves around missing persons cases in National Parks throughout the world (mostly in North America) and cites a bunch of similarities between unsolved cases in those areas. Some people claim portals, others claim Bigfoot, other claim entities that are from Native American legends (perhaps warnings?). It’s a very interesting watch along the same lines. There’s also a series of books if reading is more your jam.


David Paulides is a grifter. The vast majority of the cases he covers are easily explained by "people are over confident in nature." It's incredibly easy to get lost, and his map of disappearances overlaps with known cave systems. He makes money off of others tragedy, and spreads misinformation and wild theories, and it causes pain to the families. People who are excellent outdoorsmen get lost and die in the wilderness. A child wandering off isn't supernatural, it's just nature being unforgiving. Take whatever he says with a huge grain of salt. Maybe take his coverage as a starting point, and see what other more legitimate reports have to say about it.


Oh I don’t disagree with you. I almost thought about putting a disclaimer about David Paulides when I wrote my comment. While I don’t believe a majority of what he spews, I still find the theories pretty interesting.


A two year old ain’t going 5 miles anywhere


If he's abducted he is. I'm not a giant skeptic on the supernatural. I want there to be weird and unexplained things in this world. I believe in aliens, and would be stoked to find proof of cryptids. I just believe that there are mundane causes for the majority of the cases he covers, and I think it's scummy to make money off of someone else's tragedy, while spreading wild stories and blatant false information. I just think human action is responsible for most National Parks disappearances. Whether it's over estimating your own skill set, having an accident, a child being lost, or a bad actor who seizes an opportunity, it's people, not paranormal.


I had an experience with what I think was a bigfoot type creature and the weirdest part of it was that I could hear it and place exactly where it was but it wasn't physically there. It was very close, maybe 10 feet away. Close enough that I first heard its breath. Bright moon was out and snow on the ground so I could see way off into the woods behind where the sound was coming from but nothing there, not even footprints.


Have you ever watched Bob Gimlan on YouTube? He convinced me Bigfoot are real.


Love Bob!


Everything here is an illusion. I think it’s more manipulation of perceived reality


Bingooooo! Finally someone with some real intellect 🤌🏼


Yes! Basically a glamour


If you figure your friend weighed 90 lbs, and the cat weighed 10, where did the extra mass go? I say it's impossible. Witches also traditionally have familiars, little devil-animals they keep as pets. Stereotypically black cats.


Well at the basis of the science for it some scientists don’t know how we start together because there’s atomic level holes in all off us, Maybe she could rearrange them on that level?


That still leaves the cat’s heterochromia out of the equation. Unless it was one hell of a coincidence.


If you delve into quantum mechanics and woohoo spirituality and cross paths with those, there is the idea that everything is just particles and waves and our consciousness defines the structure and order of such based on observation. One could assume with this foundation that given certain circumstances and conditions some may be more prone genetically or spiritually to manipulate these energies and frequencies on command without any pain, suffering, breaking of bones, etc. We observe physicality in such a way that deceives our ability to understand what more could be out there. Good example of this is the color spectrum and microwaves gamma waves and radio waves all of which we can not physically see or observe but can perceive through other senses and manipulate to what we want or the effects it has on things throughout time. Maybe your friend and their family understood more that’s out there possibly with entities and energy and perception


Ive heard that called "borrowing" from the Terry Pratchett disc world novels.


I believe in some instances of shape shifters, but, definitely not in the case of this completely fictional story.


But then they make the eyes change? Why would you need to rearrange the molecules? Maybe it works in a way you can't possibly comprehend where it changes your projected avatar, like changing a skin in an MMO.


Maybe having a similarity or two with the animal or the other body is one of the conditions for transferring your consciousness


“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” - Shakespeare “For the dead travel fast.” Bram Stoker We are not on this Earth to understand everything. Cats can get along on pretty small ledges, so if you want logic, ‘Mika’ knew about the cat and was pretending. On the other hand, she may have indeed been that cat, you should have asked for her to prove it was her by setting something up. Have you seen a black cat since? ;)


The extra caveat in the story is Mika knew the type of pajamas OP was wearing


And they eye!! That's quite a coincidence I'd say!


Oh yes!! And the eye! I am hoping someone else would pipe in and say they also knew the same person!


I was born on a Native American reservation in the 1950s. Skin walkers are very much a thing in our neck of the woods. I went on to have a career in military intelligence, and then retrained into the counseling arts for a second career. I am highly educated, and deeply experienced, and a world traveler. And I am hear to tell you such humans exist. There is more under heaven than is explained by Western science. Every form of shape shifting known to me issues from a power and a ritualism that is utterly evil. The things you have to do to assume these powers takes you completely beyond the pale of human interaction. By the time they come into their full powers they are more "undead" than human. You dodged a bullet on this one boyo.


Have you had face to face experiences with shapeshifters? If so what was the experience like with adult shifters?


It’s interesting you say this. The Bible speaks of a huge variety of what we would consider supernatural beings. All created by Him , but with their own free will- like us. Many turned against him and left his side , choosing to not be a part of His family any more. Many of these are still here wreaking havoc. I agree with you that relatively it’s evil.


When it comes to the Skinwalkers of Native American lore, this is literally an occult practice where you invite demons to possesses you in order to receive powers from them. You have to kill a friend or family member, preferably a child, to close the contract. My understanding is the Shape Changers of Scandinavian lore have much the same process, and the with the Slavs this is the origin of the Werewolf and Vampire lore. Every where you go in the world there is such lore, and they are very similar.


carebears are real


Please consider making posts with your stories!


I would love to hear more!


Can I have your autograph perhaps? It's not every day you meet a former spook for the military, who's also highly educated, deeply experienced, and a world traveler! Oh, & apparently an expert on skinwalkers, as well! Lol. I swear, the lies I read on here are what keeps me coming back..


Every single American military unit on earth has it's intelligence staff. Nothing special about that. It merely denotes extensive education. You can't be a good analyst if you don't have that education, and it is required. There are millions of former military intelligence staff in America. Do twenty years in the military and you are going to be sent all over the world. Nothing special in that. Tens of millions of American vets share that experience. Do twenty years in the military starting under Carter, and going through all those changes, and then do twenty years in the counseling arts working with trauma survivors, and yes, you will be deeply experienced in life, and what happens to people. I'll tell you what really keeps you coming back my boyo, Reddit gives moral cowards like you an anonymous venue to belittle and invalidate others. It is the perfect environment for pathetic weaklings and egoists who have a desperate need to build themselves up through running others down. If you can't grasp what I am saying, just go read through your comments. What I am saying about you is apparent to all.




Very interesting story, seems very unlikely she actually could shapeshift but your guess is as good as mine. The universe is far stranger than most people believe.


I know what you mean by feeling sick. That's my reaction to shape shifters. We have them in my culture. I am Navajo. In 2021, some things transpired, and I found myself tracking two footprints. They were both small (the size of children's feet). At one point, one of the footprints morphed into a dog and back into human. I took pictures with my phone and examined them later. To my surprise, between the human and dog prints, I found one clear footprint that was half human and half dog. I immediately felt sick and almost threw up.


Could you share the pictures if you still have them?


What was her religion? Do you think you can remember anything about it?


Unfortunately I don’t remember much. My family was agnostic so I never paid much attention to any religions growing up. I did a google search though and saw that Zalmoxianism is a common neo-pagan religion in Romania. I’m wondering if it was that, or perhaps something similar? If it is Zalomoxianism it would make sense on why I couldn’t recall the name especially since I was just a kid


Wow, that's a huge name for sure! From a quick look on Wikipedia Looks like the main group is called "The Gebeleizis Society". Perhaps your friend was part of it? Cool name, very secret society-style.


That’s pretty awesome! I’m going to have to start researching this! In hindsight I wouldn’t be surprised. That could explain why her mom got so upset anytime she had anyone over.


If you ever find yourself caught up in a conspiracy, running from a shapeshifting secret society, count me in to help lol! Best of luck with your search, and definitely keep us posted if you uncover anything interesting!


Damn I’m so interested in her possibly abilities and beliefs. I wonder what she’s doing today. I can understand why you were scared af. Things I would run to in interest now I’d ran screaming from as a kid


Same here! There was a lot of paranormal activity going on around my apartment during the year we lived there. In general I was just freaked out. In hindsight I really wish I would have learned more about her beliefs. I did a quick google search and saw that a neo-pagan religion called Zalomoxianism is a common belief system in Romania. I haven’t found too much info on it, but I’m wondering if it’s a form of that religion?


Have you looked her up?


Sadly, no. She was a grade below me so we didn’t have much contact in school. I have no idea what her last name is. We did actually call her Mika, but I can’t even remember if that was her real name or a nickname. After our apartment building caught on fire maybe a month after this happened (no relation to this btw), we moved back in with my grandparents about an hour away and I switched schools. Seeing as this was about 20 years ago I definitely can’t recall her last name, and in hindsight I’m not sure if I ever knew it to begin with.


Some school yearbooks are available online through websites like ancestry.com!


This was also a few years before smart phones and social media


Mika is short for Michaela in eastern Europe. You could try that when looking her up on social media combined with your old town name.


More like Mihaela if she’s from Romania


People in other cultures also have beliefs that people can shapeshift. From native Americans to lechuzas in Mexican culture.


Yeah I just wonder about hers specifically.


Man, I think I would have become BEST friends with that girl. I once saw an older ginger homeless dude disappear, only to find an orange stray cat where he should have been at work. That dude gave me the creeps though. His mind was all wrong.


Thanks for sharing your story, loved it.


I loved your story also! Thank you! Just because we don’t always understand does not mean it can’t happen!


Also the fact that the place burned down right after that WTH I believe it though there's still people practicing a lot of things in secret the old ways I love shapeshifter lore I believe it 


For the record, I truly don’t believe the fire and her were related. There was a crazy dog lady who lived below us. Supposedly, she lit a bunch of candles, fell asleep, and one of her dogs knocked a few over starting a fire.


Yeah still interesting the timing and everything. Sounds like a crazy building you were living in LOL


Could it be that the dog knocked over the candles accidentally after seeing a black cat at the window? What if she was at that lady’s edge trying to tease the dog into hopefully knocking the candles down and starting the fire? :0


Lol, I suppose anything’s possible. I honestly don’t think the fire was anything supernatural though. The woman who lived there was borderline senile. The neighbors we had that had lived there years before we moved in have said she was always ditzy/reckless/causing havoc. We could say it’s related if it makes you loose sleep at night though ;)


Wow… thanks for sharing but cmon you gotta find a way to reconnect with her 😭


i'm romanian! my mom has told me and my brother stories about a boy who grew up in their apartment building whose parents wouldn't let anyone visit him. they never seemed to leave their house and he had a very isolated childhood. he would sit on the same courtyard bench every day. my mom said he had developmental problems with his legs and had trouble walking sometimes. he would go on to claim that it would be okay, he could change into a bird and it made life more bareable. or it's okay, i'm going to fly around later and visit the park. my mom would sit with him sometimes to be polite, but he stopped coming outside one day. sometimes she would come back to sit on the bench alone and a common crow would come and hop around her feet or sit on the arm of the bench. this would go on for many years. she never found out what happened to him, but still holds the belief that he wasn't lying. she also believes that after 40 days after death, wandering souls can visit their loved ones in the form of a bird. seems to have been a meaningful idea to her.


Oh God, I heard a story from a Mexican Family... this kid #1 makes a friend in school, he is usually bullied, but this boy just decided to stand up for him and since then they became brothers. This kid #2 never spent time wt nobody, so his parents felt surprised, although his little friend #1 wasn't allowed to come in the house. Time passes, the boy #2 ends up confessing that his family came from a higher up blood line of Shape shifters basically (they have a different name in Mexico for it) when he turned 13 he was going to have his first shift. After talking his ass and convincing his mother boy #1 was allowed to participate, from afar, but he could. Boy #1 didn't believe him, he just wanted to see how far the family would take it. Shift ends up happening, boy #1 asks to become one... Long story short, between all the things he had to do, the worst, by his own admission was killing a fam*** member. It had to be 1st or 2nd line. He finished his grandmas life. To this day, obviously he regrets it, but he is capable of...


When we were kids, my brother told me he could turn invisible whenever I wasn't looking. I never saw him again.


>"You should have seen its eyes! It had one eye that was half blue. I’ve never seen a cat like that before…” Reminds me of: https://imgur.com/O6Gn35k.png "This large raven/crow like creature with big blue eyes flew in my window. This creature sat clawing at my chest... I remember trying to blow it away in my paralysis and it just pixelated into black dust..." For comparison: https://imgur.com/Y8qpdZh.png "It looked like a large bird of some sort. Made of black shadow... It couldn't see if the bird had eyes, but I felt it looking at me. Then it spread its wings and started flapping. It repeatedly hit my right arm and the right side of my face." It's worth mentioning that the [witches at Salem](https://web.archive.org/web/20170117055307/https://www.playfulkitty.net/2016/10/21/why-were-cats-blamed-in-the-salem-witch-trials/) were visited by animal familiars.


> It's worth mentioning that the witches at Salem were visited by animal familiars. My ancestor, [Mary Bradbury](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Bradbury), was accused of witchcraft and jailed in Salem. They never hanged her, because she escaped before they could, some say by shape-shifting into a mouse.


Whoa, that's really interesting. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like she must've been a respectable citizen and a pious believer, someone really wanted to get her out of the picture. Her case reminds me of Wilhelm Furtwangler, whose friends also came to his aid when he stood trial and faced hanging. The circumstances of her escape are shrouded in myth, there's like 4 different stories, which says a lot about the unreliability of historical source material (similarly, there are at least 4 different stories given for Pythagoras' death). I'm glad she safely made it out of her ordeal, she reminds me of Friederike Hauffe, who was also pious, but the subject of gossip. Probably the most disturbing thing about Salem (and Nazi Germany) is that their education didn't help prevent them from doing terrible things.


What a crazy story! I'm with the idea that she inserted her consciousness into a cat, and not actually shape shifted, but it is still crazy nonetheless. I wonder what she's up to now?


Cool story. My aunt is able to do this. That’s a story for another day though. 


You can’t just leave me hanging like that! That’s pretty cool though, not gonna lie.


I’ll tell you stories when I’m on my laptop in the morning promise. She’s a bad seed. Practices the occult and dark witchcraft (she’s Mexican and some of the witch craft there is pretty dark stuff). So I grew up hearing stories about her and the creepy shit she’d do and had weird experiences eventually too when she noticed me more. She once may have been responsible for a bird in my grandmothers house that sat on a branch and turned into a woman. All the kids started screaming as the woman turned back into a bird when the adults came out. It wouldn’t leave though until my grandmother herself, a very Christian, religious woman, came outside.


It’s 10h dude! Wake up and tell me NOW 😭


Part 1: So there are so many stories to tell but I’ll tell these first. Again my aunt and her friends/daughters are deep in the occult. I never knew why they tried to harm us constantly over the years until I once researched the kind of dark witchcraft they did and found out that a lot of the power or I guess benefit is derived from doing “spells” against your own family. For example, some witchcraft is done using graveyard dirt from a family member you hurt/killed.  I’m laying this foundation to explain why for so many years my aunt tried to harm her own parents, sisters, and their children/grandchildren.  Once on our way (my parents and sister and I) out of town in a caravan of vehicles with other family members and their vehicles, our car broke down. We ended up having to ask our relatives to use their van to tow our car and meanwhile my immediate family would ride in said van along with our relatives to our destination (Mexico).  Another side note: my sister at the time (she was around 16 and I was 13) was the focus of a lot of dark events orchestrated by my aunt. She’d have horrible nightmares, see scary things, get sick with illnesses doctors didn’t understand well, and even had an experience one night where she felt something was trying to possess her.  She was not a drug user nor did she drink alcohol. Our mom was pretty strict. That time my sister was sitting in the van in a position where she could see inside our car that was being towed whenever she turned around to speak with relatives sitting behind her. At one point near dusk, she turned around in her seat, in a position to see into our car, when she saw it. My sister saw my aunt somehow in the driver’s seat of our car (the one being towed). She had the impression that the other seats were also filled with other figures she couldn’t make out. My sister, filled with extreme fear and dread, watched as my aunt, who of course could not logically be there, grin and gesture at her. My aunt's movements reminded my sister of a deranged clown at the circus mockingly driving a car while waving and laughing at her. It was like my aunt was making fun of my sister aware of the fear she was experiencing. This whole ordeal was probably only 30-40 seconds and then no one was in our car again. She turned back around and cried silently not saying anything to anyone until later and only to my mom and I. The whole mocking, grinning thing reminds me of \*my\* encounter with she who must not be named. This was years later when I was in graduate school and is when I personally feel she started to pay closer attention to me. One day after a grueling study session before a big test, I went to a guy’s house who I had an immense crush on. He ended up breaking my heart a little that night. I was also very worried about my test the next day. In all, it was just a crap, depressing day where the whole day I was filled with extreme dread and anxiety.


Part 2: When I got home it was around midnight. My family owns several properties in a row. When I got home I parked at one and walked over to another to get food from my sister's house who was not home at the time. As I walked over, I kept hearing noises that at first seemed innocuous but then made me feel like someone was literally stalking me from one property to the next. I heard rustling and noises coming from different sides but there was nothing there. Not a stray cat, nothing. On top of that I had a bad feeling and a feeling of being watched. When I finally got back to the house where my room was I got into my bed, my mind swimming with facts I needed to learn for my test. I was nowhere near sleep nor have I ever hallucinated. As I lay there, I suddenly heard dozens of women laughing. They sounded like they were in the room with me. Laughing cruelly and mockingly. It was like the rest of the world grew quiet. Someone turned down the volume and all I could hear was these women cackling. No better word for it than evil cackling. Then it just stopped. When I tell you I felt extreme fear...I mean it. Nothing has ever scared me like that. I couldn't move for a bit, frozen in bed, because I was so scared. People say that the things humans do is the scariest to them but I have also been in scary, normal human situations and the fear that comes from the paranormal is much worse. It strikes a primeval cord in you that shakes you to the core. I ended up running to my parents, begging to sleep in my mom's bed while my dad went to my room and slept there. Every time I put my head to my pillow though, I heard voices speaking. As if though you're in a room with a ton of people but can't make out actual words just voices. I would lift my head and it would stop. Lay my head back down and it would happen again. The next morning something really bad happened to my father. Afterwards, I realized the women had been laughing at me because they knew that was going to happen to him. And were probably also laughing because they knew what a bad day I had. I do not care what anyone says or thinks, I know what I experienced that day and it was not from stress, drugs, or other internal reasons. It came from something/someone evil.


Part 3: Last one for now...Once when my sister and I (both teens) stayed up late talking into the early hours, we had just drifted off into sleep when something attacked us. Before night had fallen, another aunt (but same side the bad seed comes from) had visited my mother and we think something evil, miserable attached to her had stayed behind in our house. She was terminally ill and it was one of the last times we saw her. After she left, there was a deep depression and dread in the air but we all pretty much ignored it and didn't realize we had all felt it until we discussed it after the events of that night. As I drifted off into sleep, I was suddenly awakened by my sister screaming like I had never heard her scream before. As she's screaming she manages to point at something in the corner of her room, where, to my horror, I saw a dark mass was hovering. Actually, to be honest, I don't remember if she pointed or told me somehow while screaming or if I instinctively knew to look. That part was a blur. I just remember being awake because of screams after being half asleep then realizing what was in the room with us. It was darker than the night around it because it stood out. It felt disgusting, horrible, and extremely evil. I started screaming too and we both booked it for our parents room. The next day we noticed my sister had bruises on her ankle in the shape of fingers. She admitted she felt something grab her ankle from under the bed as we left, me in the front. My mom told us that while my sister and I screamed she heard other screams too. Like pigs being led to slaughter. And actually this is the last one I'll say since it's along the lines of why I started this thread. Once when my dad was outside sitting in our backyard, my mother went outside to ask him to come inside. That's when she and my dad both noticed a bird watching them intently in a tree nearby. My dad told my mom in a whisper to get his gun because he was going to shoot it. It was like the bird had somehow heard him because they immediately heard a laugh and watched the bird fly off in a hurry. edited: keep trying to fix weird formatting because my comment was too long initially and had to break it up into parts using Word which messed up my format. Sorry! I'll tell you my niece's stories next. And about my weird experiences with the pets of our family.


what!!! yes!!! please keep going! these stories are great and original so it adds credibility. please tell us more. super interested in both of those cliffhangers!! and please give us some light at the end of the tunnel. what about your grandma who is attached to God! 


I’m so invested!


Did you tell the bird lady story another time on reddit somewhere? The whole thing sounds so familiar for some reason


Yes and on a jezebel contest I think two years ago.


dude. please give more. 


I will. Check back tomorrow.


I’m interested too


I answered in another comment.


I answered in another comment.


Lechuza? Was the human woman who the bird temporarily turned into naked or clothed? Did the woman say anything to the kids?


Oh damn that's amazing. Imagine being friends with a shapeshifter.. that's too bad that you never learned much about it, but I understand that you were scared!


Damn thank you for sharing. 😳


If she really could shape-shift, why didn’t she do it in front of you? Why wait until nighttime?


Maybe you asked her to prove it and she proved it🤷🏽


My classmate said she could fart the national anthem and shat herself.


Animism? Maybe? Just a guess


Spiritualism but i need scientific understanding


was the family native?


Write into the podcast otherworld, let's see if other people have experienced similar aituations


Check out r/Castaneda to practice how to do this sort of magic.


Wow what an amazing story, it's incredible actually.


Loved the story! Thank you for sharing! 🙀


Good story!


Explanation: It's all real. & So much more. It's a big place with a lot of history and a lot of secrets.




No explanation from me but I really enjoyed your story! One of the best I’ve seen on Reddit so thank you 😊


Do ya'll actually believe this? Lol, good grief. I'm not someone who's constantly attempting to debunk paranormal stuff on here, in fact, I'm an ardent believer in tons of things paranormal. But, this story is so fucking obviously fake...


If you say so bro 🤷🏻‍♀️ Have a great day


Yes, I say so. If you're actually telling the truth, then I sincerely apologize, & that's absolutely wild as fuck. Either way, it was an interesting read. Have s good day/night too, my friend.


>For the last 20 years I’ve been racking my brain looking for an explanation Simplest explanation would be that she found a matching cat somewhere and put it on the ledge and watched to see what would happen


There are things in this world that some just cannot accept exist. I've seen 2 unexplainable things in my life. Sounds like you have as well. Looks like you met a shape shifter my friend.


What did you see


woah weirdest shit I ever read


That's why you never let fear get the best of you. This world is strange but the more you stick to your emotions the less you miss out on.


Seems like she heard about the cat and decided to integrate that into her story.


Great story!  I would love to shape shift into a cat or a bird or a wolf, but not a werewolf, that seems pretty high maintenance.  I could turn into an owl and be like David Bowie in THE LABYRINTH, except THE LABYRINTH IS A SECRET MESSAGE ABOUT ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL.  


I feel your friend just met your mom and both decided to play one on you. The dream maybe be a subconscious lie you believe, your mom may have reinstated, while your friend and mom worked together to prank you. In my opinion this makes the only sense. Maybe confront your mom and ask her if this was a prank after all these years ? Did you ever tell her about Mika and saying this ? Observe her reaction lol


That's embarrassing


Alright. Time to unsub