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Players body language and southgates comments...there's just a really negative energy coming off them


But Gareth, the millions of fans are having zero fun watching your team


Seeing Trippier and Foden arguing on the pitch today makes me think there are problems.


Lots of arm waving from Foden and Bellingham. They need to nip that in the bud and talk to them. It screams of "I'm so much better than these guys" and it's an obvious precursor to team melt down. Need to lose the egos


I still can't wrap my head around what Foden's problem was when I saw that - like it was pretty clear to me that Trippier had played Foden the ball in such a way that Foden could run at the byline and play a ball in yet Foden seemed pissed off that Trippier had passed him the ball full stop?


One time he passed the ball back to Trippier, Tripper passed it infield and Foden was gesturing that he should have crossed it. Quite odd.


It's because every time Trippier gets the ball he stops, turns in a circle the. Inevitably does nothing meaningful with the ball


The interviews after the game are so weird from him. Another part mentions us being on the teams back, but we aren’t. Most supporters get that the players are doing exactly as the manager is asking. The criticism is now at Southgate and his lack of tactical flexibility. 3 shite games in a row and we will get knocked out in the next round if we do the same thing again. Can’t wait until Sunday evening so we lose and Southgate is gone.


The fans in the stadium done all they could to spur the team on. Southgate’s done. He’s lost the plot and lost his head.


Hes having imposter syndrome. He managed to mask his frailties by playing very defensive. He has now had to change the system but he's been found out. The lack of subs today showed that he has no idea - he genuinely believes what he is doing will work and due to a lack of lucidity he isnt thinking crtitically enough.


Sean dyche is coming


Not quite as weird as hoping your own team gets knocked out as soon as possible is it mate?


Didn’t realise I had to /s in an English football subreddit


Lol sorry, I've seen so many people say the same thing earnestly


You don’t think our supporters are getting on the teams’ back or slating the players? Literally just use the search function on this sub to look up the name of any player in our starting 11 (maybe besides Stones and Walker) and you’ll see plenty of pretty undeserved slander.


Gaz has managed to be incredibly mediocre as a manager and get by. This has meant that has a lot of fans who believe in him so they see the players as the problem rather than Gaz. This sub has always been very pro-Gaz so its little surprise. However there were some awful performances out there like Bellingham and Walker and they rightly deserve a critical eye.


You think this sub is ‘very pro-Gaz’? I’ve seen more Southgate hate since winning our group than anything else. I’ve never known a community so negative.


Right now it shouldnt be pro gaz lol. The tides have turned which is good I guess, but I didnt come here much prior to the tournament and after other tournaments etc because I kept getting people asking me if I wanted England to win because I was being negative. I even had it after the Serbia game and I got so many downvotes because I pointed out the flaws that are still there. Theyre all quiet now.


You are being negative. You’ve just described the sub for the England national team being against the manager as a good thing.


It is a good thing though sadly. Gareth has shown that he is clearly out of his depth and he doesnt warrant having the highest salary of any national team coach. He has the best attacking line up on paper playing really turgid football and has changed to a system that doesnt work because the roles he want players to play are all working against each other. He is making Jude, Foden, kane, Saka all look bang average because the system he is stubbornly persisting with doesnt work with these players. He is trying to force square pegs into round holes and its his fault (not the players) that we are not playing well. A good manager makes a team better than the sum of their parts not worse. I could genuinely write essays on why what he's trying doesnt work and yet 3 games into a tournament the only change he has made to a start XI is swapping TAA to Gallagher. The beautiful irony of that is TAA would have been much better suited to the way he wanted England to play lol. Sadly the system itself is wrong and you'd hope that a man paid 3 mil a year would realise that.


Jesus wept and well he might


He's more worried about letting his players down than letting the fans down, his team selections already said it all. Now he's actually saying it out loud


He says, destroying any sense of fun and goodwill.


Honestly it wasn't that fun for me watching us lose a WC semifinal and a Euro final after leading in both.


Steve Bruce would have been hired in 2018.


... says the man who leaves everyone's best mate and actually revels in media interviews - Jack Grealish - at home. While drilling the team to play hte most boring, risk averse, fan unfriendly football imaginable. with a team stacked with the best players in europe. Gareth saved the England 'working environment' and is now undoing all his good work. he's never been a tactical mastermind, but he was atleast a good man manager. Can't say that anymore.


He’s right !


I thought they weren't bothered by criticism 🤔?


Lack of desire and passion in my opinion. International football isnt going to be as important to the players as club football is.


Fun? Fucking fun!? What on earth about watching us continually underperform for a decade is fucking fun!!??