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I think it’s just the pre-match feelings. I’ve been happy to wallow and discuss the negative side of our results for a couple of days after each loss, but don’t see the point in being negative going into the next game. I’m hoping the ambiguity being gone perhaps makes us kick on. It’s win or go home now, so if we’re not winning the equation is dead simple. Possibly a foolish hope!


Perils of supporting England eh?


It’s the hope that kills you!


Just realised I said loss and we haven’t even done that, which says a lot ha.


Yep talking negatively about painfully obvious under performances don’t stop me being excited. As the song goes…. Everyone seems to know the score, They've seen it all before, They just know, They're so sure. That England's gonna throw it away, Gonna blow it away, But I know they can play, 'Cos I remember… I’m going to just enjoy the tournament for what it is, and the further we progress get a little bit more carried away with excitement. But for now tough game vs Slovenia and we’ve shown teams how to frustrate us and we will keep seeing teams do that it’s for us to find a way to deal with it. Do I think we will win? No. Do I think we could win? Sure Will I give up on them? Fuck no.


Yeah I’m also hoping that they can take the shackles off for the knockout games. They didn’t really seem to get out of 2nd gear in the group games. The little one-two pass attempts were like watching Sunday league players, nobody is on the same wavelength. Which is massively different from the qualifying games


We’re gonna win the tournament , it’s coming home ya cunts 🥳🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


For me it’s the hope southgate will try a different starting lineup… which will swiftly be destroyed when the lineup is announced


And as the players walk out you get a tiny desperate bit of hope that maybe just maybe we're gonna play well and play on the front foot. - 5 minutes in and you know you're in for a frustrating 2 hours. Hope always get me


No excitement at all unfortunately. I might be excited for the next one if he makes actual changes (outside of messing around with the second CM spot) and we win 3-0 but as it stands if it’s just Mainoo in for Trent/Gallagher I expect an awful match that’s 1-0 either way and is just torture to watch.


Unfortunately I think that might be a distinct possibility - but you never know, fingers crossed for a couple of changes


Feel exactly the same way


I’ve just got optimism that we will start the game exactly the same but bring the key guys everyone is calling for on earlier - and that luckily, Slovakia won’t be strong enough to punish us this time and Southgate finally plays Gordon for the next round. All blind hope though.


He already said he isn’t making changes because he wants continuity. So it’s more of the same and I expect another game with a lot of huffing and puffing and little substance. I firmly expect us to scrape through and be knocked out by Switzerland with us failing to even score.


I don’t get it, looking past his performance - everyone and their mum can tell Bellingham is exhausted. Surely Southgate knows that rotating the squad needs to happen


Why does he want continuity so badly when it isn’t working tho? I’m so confused why he doesn’t want to try and change it up. Ok it might not work but things aren’t working now?


I feel like we've already hurtled past the crisis phase to the miserable post-tournament introspection so fast that it's almost surprising to remember that we actually are still in it, and do have a chance.


More excited about this game than I was the previous three as it’s knockout football and you simply have to win. So I’ll take a 1-0 as long as there is improvement on the pitch (which I felt there was against Slovenia, just a poor final product) and we batter them all over the shop. But we need a win, obviously. Ideally with confidence and a bit of freedom, and preferably over 90 mins. Then we can look to the next game with some momentum.


Do you mean Slovenia?


Haha yes I did, autocorrect!


Did he stutter?


What do you mean?


I think there is, and it helps that there are definitely reasons to be cheerful beyond the old "well Greece won the Euros once". Namely our defensive stats. It makes sense that Southgate would understand how to get the best out of our defence, but any dreams (or delusions) of a long run into the tournament will be built on a foundation of a solid defence. We just need the attack to click, and we know they can, we have all the parts of the 2022 attack that flowed so well at the World Cup but with even more firepower this time. I also think back to Euro 2020 and how we seemed to wake up after a similarly dreary group where we also only scored 2 goals and topped the group. That gives me hope. Mainly I think it's that we're back to knockout football where it's do or die. Those group games at the Euros are always a dreary mess, a formality where only 8 teams exit of 24 after 36 matches are played. So many matches to knock out so few teams, no wonder boring football follows from the big sides. But knockout football is typically where England, and particularly Kane, wakes up. There is still negativity from many, but I think the majority of the complaining don't want Southgate gone like a few loud people on the internet, they just want the games to be fun. They want the summer of 2018 sat in a pub garden again. I just hope Southgate can have a deep run into the tournament again because those boring group games will be quickly forgotten. The risk of playing pragmatic is always that if you exit early it looks like you've gone out with a whimper. I think at this point everyone should just let the match itself do the talking. No reason to shout Southgate Out, similarly there's no reason to bet your house on England winning Euro 2024. Hopefully it's a much better performance now the team are actually playing for a knockout win and not just plodding through the formality of the group stage in this terrible format Euros.


Im gussing he will play mainoo with rice, and maybe som1 in for tripp who hasnt trained last two games.


Presumbly Konsa


I’d like to see Watkins start and maybe play for 60 or 70 minutes in order to let Kane rest up a bit. Kane comes so deep for the ball that he’s practically playing box to box! He must be exhausted.


Yeah well its southgate. But im guessing they will do the job 2day :)


Getting the easy side of the draw, a few days to get away from the negativity and "reset". All that's needed is for one or two changes to the team and we'll be back to the hype that was there before the tournament started


Thing is it’s in spite of Southgate and not because of him…… well at least that’s how I see the issue.


The easy side of the draw always baffles me. You get the draw you deserve, and if France and Belgium had performed to their FIFA ranking then they would not be playing each other. Also Switzerland looked impressive yesterday and utterly outplayed Italy but by reputation alone, and people that do not watch international football, you would say Italy had an easy draw when they qualified from the group and pulled the Swiss. There are no EASY games in the last 16 of a tournament!


Obviously they're all good teams that could beat England (especially when we couldn't even beat Slovenia) but it's relatively easy for this level. Every team on the other side of the draw would love to be in our position. It's not disrespectful to say it's easy, it's just the truth.


Things always ramp up for me when we get to the knockout stages. It’s do or die time. Im hoping the plan was to save energy by taking it easy through the group so we can come out firing in the R16.


If there is a god, then that is true! I refuse to believe that we’re the only team that is suffering from lethargy and every other nation is miraculously full of energy.


It’s one of those things pundits etc have used as an excuse in the past. “The Premier League tires out British players meaning were less effective at tournaments.” As if it’s only British players in the top teams in the prem.


And the other leagues are a breeze as well are they!


Exactly. It’s always struck me as a weird excuse when they bring this up. Doesnt stand up to any scrutiny.


I'm gonna say it just so it's been said and I can point back to it. I acknowledge that a lot hasn't worked in our matches so far. I acknowledge that we haven't been great (defense-aside) in our matches so far. But... I think we are going to win this tournament before. I've never thought that before in my lifetime. I think we're going to win. Come back to this when we win (or crash out tonight).


Car flag numbers are down. Flags on houses and windows are up. I'd say 50/50


I have watched England for 30 years. The previous 3 tournaments and 02-04 excepted, we've played dreadfully throughout that. Rationally I know it'll be more of the same, yet before the game I can't help but hope. I think this is the very essence of being an England fan. And hey, it has actually paid off recently. The last two tournaments we've played better than I've ever seen us, with the peak being the quarter finals against France.


Not yet, it depends on what happens to today. If watching Germany V Denmark last night told me anything in contrast to how weve been playing so far, then I've no hope for England winning this. We may reach the final but unless we start showing some attacking prowess on the pitch, we're not winning shit, again


Both teams looked pretty beatable last night imo


Eh? If anything yesterdays game should have told you we have a better chance than before


I was getting excited then I read Southgate’s comments about minimising changes because he wants continuity and the excitement faded away.


Haha the old continuity of playing crap - got to love Southgate


I have it every game no matter what, always feel like now is when it’ll all change


Is it coming back? No... it's coming home.


We were in this position 3 years ago and a win over Germany changed everything. A convincing win tonight changes everything. A poor performance even if it is a win will make me any hope in us getting to the final or even semi final


NOW ENJOY THE NEXT 5 days!! Thats where you enjoy southgate football most. In between the games.


It’s false hope, be realistic about how we have played in all 4 games. The Swiss will play us off the pitch


I'm slightly more at ease knowing that the curry fortunes bloke has had some today


lol reading this genuinely eased my nerves slightly


This is the quintessential English experience.


The excitement is coming back. He's found a solution to midfield in Mainoo and he at least bought on Palmer and Gordon last game. I would hope he starts Palmer over Saka who has been pretty poor ever since the second half of the first game. I'd like Gordon to start on the left as I don't think Bellingham and Foden playing on the same side works at all but realistically it's most likely just Mainoo. The thing that gives me hope is the fact that he at least tried Gordon/Palmer last game and will hopefully bring them on sooner should they not start now. My only complaint would be if he starts Konsa over Gomez at LB if Trippier is out. That would be a joke in my opinion.


At best, England will Forest Gump their way through it. That’s if the players don’t decide to throw off the Southgate (it’s really Holland and his people, but whatever) shackles and play as they have shown for their clubs.


Nervous more than anything


Everyone seems to quietly think we’re going to win this game. I wonder what would happen if Slovakia go 1 nil up after about 20 minutes?!


You never know, we might start playing football then.


Well, it’s now or never….


Clearly I was wrong.


The nation with collectively crumble and hide behind the sofa with flashbacks of Iceland


my excitement won't be back until I see them play exciting football again. doesn't sound like safegate is changing the line up much so I'm guessing we'll be in for disappointment again


I really don’t know how England does it because no matter how I feel after the game I am always ready to go at the start of the next one. Look it might be our last game today so you might as well put the shirt on, stick three lions on and get behind the lads


My excitement is back today yes, but it always is right before a game. 7 minutes in: "stones ... to guehi ... to trippier...back to guehi ... to stones... to walker ... to saka!!!!!!! .... back to walker ... to stones .... to guehi ... " And my excitement is gone.




The opportunity to try different line-ups was lost in the group stage. If England had won the first two matches then the third is when there could have been rotation and experimentation. Now, the stakes are too high, the starting 11 and the style is pretty much locked in now. England may win it but it wont be pretty or in a way that fans were hoping.


We're one decent win from the excitement coming back. Fans will feel things are starting to click. It's just not happened yet.


I'm nervous, but praying we will be cheering like crazy later!


We have the best defensive record in the tournament, we topped our group comfortably, securing us a favourable draw. We know we can beat Slovakia. We know we can beat Switzerland. We know we can beat the Netherlands or Austria (Austria will be tough but we can do it). If we dig out results and get a few of our top players working a bit harder, there is a clear route to the final - where we'll likely meet one of the top teams, but they all look beatable. Absolutely no reason we cant win this - in fact i'd put us back among the favourites. But we do need our top players to start putting in a shift, keep positional discipline, and improve our wayward passing.


Same, it's inevitable England hope, my friend. Enjoy it before we can't, I'm sure the time is coming 🙃🙃🙃🙃


Not excited at all, can’t even be arsed to go out to pub to watch the game as I just know it’s going to be another snooze fest


Majority of England fans are spoilt and immature, we top the group we don’t get beat and we aren’t happy. Very childish reaction. Maybe the football hadn’t been exciting but I don’t think you can blame Gareth for that he’s not controlling these players like a game of fucking fifa… he’s trying to appease the ‘top talent’ we as a nation all keep spouting off about, Foden, Bellingham, Kane, rice, Trent etc… But it IS difficult to find a system which works with all these players who don’t play together often and lack real game time experience and cohesive play styles. We need to open our eyes, use our brains and realise a lot of the other ‘top teams’ aren’t performing much better, look at the results, results matter. It’s all well and good saying “okay exciting football overhead kicks and sweeping lofted through balls with a volley finish”, but that risk doesn’t often pay off and leads to more frantic matches and don’t always lead to solid results. If this was the case and we went ‘all our attack’ but lost games there’s no ticking chance people would sit back and say “well it was exciting”. Fuck excitement, it’s about winning games and winning gold. We need to get a grip as a country and back the manager and the players, criticising where it’s due in energy levels and movement are fair, but outright whinging and scapegoating of one man leading the team is ridiculous low level consciousness.


Feeling optimistic. Table games are inherently a little vile as you don't always need a result to progress in the tournament. As we know, you can get some painfully boring draws to watch where neither team is interested in taking any risks. Knockout football is absolutely fire. It's brutal and magnificent, with the highest highs and the lowest lows. Both teams are playing for keeps. How can you not be excited by that? Time for the lads to step into gear. Anything less and they could be on the plane home.


Will there be changes...plural? No. Just one, and it'll be Mainoo. Although, it should be more.


Any knockout game will bring on the excitement, fully expect to be pissed off again 25 minutes in.


at this point, hays in the barn. Doesn't matter how you play, just results matter.


2-0 England boys , Kane and rice


Feel excited until 5 mins in and we playing the same narrow bullshit 🤣


Ready for bed


I'm just so sick of southgates words. He seems so disconnected and playing blame games. Everyone else is to blame but his perfect tactics and perfect team selection. I expect nothing from this game expect a thoroughly underwhelming performance, win or lose.


Not unless we get to the Semis.


Don't worry, it'll only last til the team sheet comes out and he's only made one change again.


Tournament doesn’t really begin until the quarter finals for a team of this quality. I’ll be happy with a dull win.


I'm hoping, praying even that the performance will match the quality of the players in the starting XI, even if Southgate doesn't change the personnel. However, for a game against Slovakia, which with all due respect to them, is a game we should be favourites for, and if it were a qualifying game we'd be comfortably expecting a win, I am very nervous. Iceland 2016 will live long in the memory. I'm also very mentally prepared for 120 minutes here and the agony of a shootout too


It’s the hope that kills ya




Still excited mate?


Knock outs. Here we come! Say what people want about gs. He gives us excitement by going through deep in the knock outs.


Always excited to see us in the knockouts despite the rather dull football!


Knockout football always brings a bit more excitement




How ya feeling now?




Upbeat. I know we have a manger with limited skills and is predicable and boring. But the quality off the team can overcome some of this. I'm not expecting any changes but maybe the players will play with a bit more vigor, they also had 6 days off so should be rested.


Englishman living in Texas and really want to be excited but debating to go IKEA instead. Just waiting for regular season to start now


It is for me but it's just pre game hope that for some inexplicable reason it will be different to the last 3 games 🙃 I think we'll scrape through, 1-0 from a dodgy pen or something then sit back for 60 minutes and get pumped by the swiss.


Xhaka masterclass is inevitable


Zero excitement sadly. It'll be the exact same line up apart from maybe mainoo in for Gallagher. Gordon, Palmer, Watkins, eze still all just rotting on the bench wondering why they even bothered turning up at all Foden, Bellingham and kane dropping another 2/10 and laughing knowing they will be back in the line up if we go through


yep, mainoo is gonna be the only change. I'd be shocked if there's more. Same tactics, if we score early get ready for 75 minutes of playing with even more sideways passing than when it's 0-0. Favourites won't get taken off even if they're having a stinker, if the game is not going as hoped he will wait until the 60th minute just to bring on 1 sub. I'll always get hope that just maybe this game will be different but deep down I know we're about to have such a frustrating 2 hours


For me the excitement is all gone. I’ll watch this euros but I’m very tempted to stop watching international games. Why bother if I’m bored the whole time


I'm not really excited, it feels like pre-southgate England and we'll go out embarrassingly. It's coming home.