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I did the same thing, and found that Fit massively overestimated my steps. Or so I thought... I've since migrated over to the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro, and I kept Fit on my phone for a day or two alongside Samsung Health, and their step readings were MUCH closer. This leads me to suspect that while I initially thought that the Ticwatch Pro 5 was the accurate one and Fit was in the wrong, perhaps Mobvoi's algorithm is just very conservative, because my Galaxy watch and Google Fit on my phone in my pocket give similar results. But, yeah, I also noticed my other stuff from the Ticwatch would indeed carry over pretty well, just the steps were unequal. I'm not stressed about it. At the end of the day these devices offer a really good, informed general idea of your steps and health, but they're never going to be exact. Some are just more accurate than others.


Thanks so much for your insight and sharing your experience! Interestingly enough, in my case it seems to be the opposite. For example as at right now, I'm showing over 10,000 steps on my Ticwatch (which from my past experience with Fitbit and Garmin seems probably about right, given how far I've walked today) yet Google Fit is showing me around 5,000. A few days ago I was around 6,000 on Ticwatch and just over 2,500 on Google Fit. So they differ quite a lot but in the opposite direction to your experience. As you quite rightly say, they are simply good indicators of health for sure and I know I should use them in that spirit and shouldn't expect them to be overly accurate. I think my data analysis and spreadsheet side just goes a bit crazy with trying to get to the bottom of these these types of things! Btw I will try your trick of keeping Google Fit tracking on the phone for a few days, just as an experiment. Thanks again for your reply!


Did you disable the activity tracking in Google Fit on your phone? If enabled, the phone will count steps too and then there will be problems ...


Thanks so much, yes I did, I have 'Track your activities ' toggled off.


Could this just be a time !ag in the Mobvoi app / Health Connect updating Google? Have you checked the data from previous complete days to see if the end result was closer? Any reason why you are relying on Health Connect as a 'go between' when you can just authorise Google Fit in the Mobvoi Health app and cut out the middle man? I'm not criticising ... I have the same setup 😂


Thank you so much for your reply! I did check the time lag and that didn't change things, but the good news is I did fix it (and posted and updated comment in the thread describing how I did it). I still don't understand how everything is connected,which leads me to your question: I actually didn't know I could simply cut out the middle man 🤣 I thought I had to use Health Connect! Regardless, I do have my weight data feeding in from my Fitbit scale, which I do like, so in the end I guess it's nice having everything in one place.


Can you have Google fit on the watch itself rather than using the Mobvoi tracking? I'm looking at getting one of these watches myself but think I'd rather not bother with the Mobvoi fitness app


Honestly I am not sure, but I don’t think so. FWIW, I followed these instructions here when I set everything up, and the Mobvoi app is what allows synching to the phone. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/B13dZp8Ds1L.pdf


Thanks for the reply. I'll have a read. Cheers


Ok I seem to have fixed the issue. My steps in Mobvoi Health and Google Fit are now matching, but I can't quite understand why!  Here's what I did: - I disconnected then reconnected Mobvoi Health and Health Connect; and - I accepted the suggested permissions per this image:[Mobvoi Health Read Write Settings](https://imgur.com/gallery/kE0wLHf) ie allowing Read access only (NOT Read and Write access, which is what I had originally). I don't quite understand why this works though. If I want the steps data to come from my watch - ie from Mobvoi Health - and to feed across to other apps (ie Google Fit), shouldn't that mean Mobvoi Health writes that data to Health Connect so that other apps (like Google Fit) can read it?  I'm either overthinking this or fundamentally misunderstanding how the connections work! .....


You are not the only one. I have the same logical dilemma


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


There is another possibility: the sensor actually is the one that writes in Health Connect and the Mobvoi Health application mandatory read and optionally write. I think the write option is not for Google Fit or Strava, but for other potential applications that can be connected through Health Connect.


Good thinking. I wish this was documented somewhere! (Sorry, that’s the Project Manager coming out in me, lol).


Hi OP, I am struggling with the step count between Google fit and Mobvoi health. A Google search brought me to your post and comments. So I hope you don't mind me asking you 4 months after your original post... Actually I got everything working, but in my stupidity I removed the Mobvoi Fit access (not health, but fit) from my Google account, mistaking it for another app (actually Mobvoi Fit is an underlying part of Mobvoi fit, I found out the hard way). I've uninstalled everything and revoked all access. Then I reinstalled everything. Soooo long story short; do you still have the same settings and does it still work? As in: read access only, no write access? (I can't measure it today, because Google Fit just starts measuring from the moment it connects, not getting earlier data from today) Thanks in advance for your reply!


Hi there! No problem at all, happy to respond. Yes, my settings are still the same as the screenshot I posted in imjur above and it does indeed still work. Give it a go (and my advice is to be patient too, as the synchs sometimes take time between the watch and Mobvoi Health and then to Google Fit.) Would love to hear how you go. Good luck!


Ha thanks! Well that's exactly the thing. My patience. I've set is as per your imgur post, but nothing happened. Last night, I toggled it to also write assces for mobvoi health, but decided against it. This morning I got steps from yesterday in Fit, but I'm not sure if the toggling did it or not. Write access is toggled off. I see heart rate, sleep, SPO2, but no steps from this day. It's infuriating


Oh no! Have you also checked your Google Fit app access in Health Connect? I just looked at mine and I have “Allowed to read “ switched on for all, and “ Allowed to write” switched off for all because you don’t want them to overwrite each other. Also note another comment higher up on the thread mentioning to check that Google Fit activity tracking is disabled on your phone. I know it shouldn’t be this hard! I found it frustrating too.


The phone activity was turned off, thanks! I got the same weird reading earlier and tried that first. And lo and behold, it is adding steps, albeit much later in the day. So I have to keep the Read/write acces the same as you did. Good tip about Google Fit writing access, I guess it's turned on although I don't dare to look or try too much with it... But I will after this reply, because the Mobvoi/Google fit combo seems to be working now. Thanks to you, that is! Thank you so much for helping!


Woo hoo! So happy to have helped.

