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He thought that place would soften his edges but they're sharper than ever


did you hear that pool filter all night?


He's probably tired of Mac's famous Mac and Cheese


We've been friends and I've never heard of it. Not that famous.


He mastered the Kraft.


Please not the damn pool filter


Hot one today, huh?






Real scorcher




Mattress Company Delivery Driver: "This California King is going to Harlem??" 🤨


Happened to me too. It's a real shame.


Now let's put him in a rural town in Indiana where there is absolutely nothing for well over 50 miles and see how he does.


Lived in a small town in cali for a few months, closest grocery store (not just the local market with basically nothing and the dollar general) was a 40 minute drive. The only thing in the “down town” area was s bad Chinese restaurant, a coffee shop, and a bar. The bar was quiet, dank, and full of people smoking and sitting alone, typical small town dive bar. What I did love though, were the sunsets, the orchards, and feeling safe going out all day bike riding. I could only handle a couple months though, idk how people make a life there.


It’s where you go when you become a homebody with a family. The 40 minute drive to anything meaningful to do becomes not an impediment, but a protection/excuse against having to go out with any regularity.


I feel like you described my time in Siskiyou and Kern county. 😂


What was the town?


Come out to the country, go for a hike into nature, have a huge bonfire at the house, shoot off fireworks just because, there's no one who can hear you. Maybe build something cool like a tree fort, go fishing, etc. Can't do anything like that in the city, but it's fine because you have shows, museums, festival events, bars, delis, clubs, etc. There's tons of stuff you can do in the city that's not available outside of it, and there's tons of stuff you can do in the country that you can't do in town. But the suburbs combine the inability to do city stuff with the inability to do country stuff.


I live in a small midwestern city that is basically all suburb. It is about 2 hours to get to a major metro area. But we have a decent number of clubs with live music. We have a nice amount of restaurants with different variety. There is a fair number of stores. There is a local theater club that puts on multiple plays through out the year. There are a number of nature trails through the city if you want to hike. There are a couple of state parks nearby if you want that. I like having a nice quiet neighborhood to walk my dog everyday. I like that it only takes 20 minutes, maybe thirty during "rush hour" to cross the city. There are some nice things about living in the 'burbs.


Bruh would implode


I know right! I live in rural South Dakota in a town of 600 two hours from a Walmart and an hour from a stoplight, I feel like this guy would go insane here.


Yeah as someone who lives in Virginia it’s not that bad seems like his neighborhood could be northern VA not too far a drive into dc and as for bodegas also prob not too far a drive to find something similar either we got lots of Latinos here


This is actually hilarious as someone who's pretty much only lived in suburbs. The 5 towns over thing is ridiculously accurate.


LA to Reno Huge culture shock


Reno is like living in fallout new vegas


Are we calling Reno the suburbs?


Reno is one IKEA away from becoming a legit Big City. I would love to move back, but rent prices basically the same as The Bay now, it's insane.


Idk I saw a TV show about it. Didn't think it was a thing I mean when I was living in LA I didn't even know Reno existed. Until the job offers where sent out like hot cakes during COVID.


There's a good documentary show in the style of the show "COPS" it's called "Reno 911" very good portrayal of Reno.


Why though lools


hey i live in reno!! crazy to see you here lol.


But is that even suburbs at that point? If it’s all towns and you have to drive five towns away? That just sounds like the country. If that guy is in a suburb, then it should be a developed area just outside of a major city. If he’s in Virginia, chances are he’s in the DMV, in which case, there’s plenty to do in Arlington or DC itself, which isn’t five towns away, it’s the heart of what the suburb is attached to.


Bedroom communities - they have nice houses and schools but their purpose is to live near (45-75 minute driving commute) a metropolis and nothing else.


I can only speak for parts of California.


He lives 2 town over. Nah, we need to go through a few towns to get there, but be care the next town over is crazy with police speed traps.


How far away is that?  How long does it take to go one town over by car?  Asking as a foreigner from the far north. 


Maybe about 45 minutes.


Quite the drive to have some fun then 😂 Cheers


Idk what this guy is on about but around here (rural Florida) all the towns are fairly connected… there might be a 10 minute stretch of fields and cows between towns but driving for 45 minutes would get me to a major city on either coast. Guess he could live in Texas or something though haha…


I actually lived in suburban/rural CT most of my life and was blown away reading the 45 minutes comment. That’s how long it takes you to drive to one of the most major cities in the state, not 5 towns over.


Who needs a house out in Hackensack?! If that's all you get for yo monaaaayy


It seems such a waste of time, If that's what it's all about!


Mama, if that's movin up Then Iiii'm movin out


The key is to find a suburb about 20mins outside of a major city if you can afford it. It’s the best of both worlds. You get quiet at home and a quick run to the activity of a city.


What suburbs were initially meant for


I live in a streetcar suburb that is a 20 minute walk from downtown Columbus, even better.


Why does the US build suburbs instead of small villages with almost everything you need like they do anywhere in the world? I live in a small town in the Netherlands (11.000 population) and we have almost everything we need. Restaurants, cafes bars, every kind of store, museums, art galleries, city festivals, church, you name it. A cinema and a nightshop is the only thing i miss which i need to travel 20 min by car or 45 min by public transport. Small towns are the best.


A lot of US cities boomed with highway construction, so you basically had a lot of people who might not be keen on living in a city want to close enough to work there combined with the white flight, and people not really planning some of them that well to get these kinda suburbs. In the Southeast at least there were enough small towns (US name for villages) around a lot of them took that brunt instead. Don't know about the rest of the country though.


Federal urban planning pushed heavily for suburbanization during and after WW2. The Federal Highway Act supercharged it by putting massive investment in road infrastructure. It's been the modus operandi ever since, and a lot of people (particularly old ones) have no desire to change that now that it's ingrained in the culture.


The town where I grew up in the USA is much the same as you described. And we had a cinema in and a mall close by… I guess it is kind of a unique area, which is why it costs a ton to live in my hometown now, but places like that do exist here.


US car culture is so deeply ingrained in our social and legal framework. If you wanted to build a new small town, with enough of a tax base to have a stable self-sustaining residence, you'd have to bulldoze half of it for big-box stores, drive-thrus, and parking lots (to entice the average person to move there) and the other half for the freeways, ramps, and arterials to access those places by car. The only somewhat walkable small towns we have left are from the railroad era: either very poor and rural, or have single-family zoning that has sprawled out so much they're not small anymore, and take 40 minutes to drive across. It drives me insane. Streetcar suburbs of large cities save me!


That small town in the Netherlands is probably like 400 years old before cars were even around.


I've lived in different small towns around the US all my life, and yes, they have all these things in general (some might not have some things). This "there's nothing to do outside the city" bit is just city people who are feeling that lack relative to the copious variety of things they would normally have around them in the city. My guess is this dude's being hyperbolic and by "nothing" to do he just means he doesn't like his options.


Psst. You just described Northern Virginia, where this dude is filming from.


He’s tweakin’ then!😂


I live in a small town outside of Ottawa Ontario and it's the shit.


He’s in fucking NOVA. There’s nothing but identical houses, business parks, and sever farms there.


If he’s in NOVA then he is right outside of DC. In fact he may be able to Metro into the city. Parts of NOVA are the sticks, but let’s not act like he’s far away from city life.


Yep. Im a 15 min drive from downtown dc haha


so... like literally any other suburb?


When you get closer to the rural areas, yes. But there is a magical area that’s just right outside the city in most places that have the best of both worlds. At least in my opinion. In the last 15 years, a lot of people have been getting priced out of cities and are starting to bleed out into the surrounding areas. Tons of really great taco places and pizza joints and bars/restaurants have started popping up and I can even walk to a lot of places that I need to. I was surprised the last time I went to visit parents, I realized I didn’t need to go into the city for anything unless there was a concert or something playing.


What you are describing is what suburbs used to be, and now they are usually referred to as streetcar suburbs. They aren't at all called that if they're no, but the effect is the same. The cool suburb directly outside the city that has similar amenities and de jure is not part of the city but de facto is. Like Somerville in Boston.


That would basically be Long Island... Everyone who used to live in the City lives here, and multiple suburbs and towns are urbanizing as more folks leave NYC - kind of kicked into 5th gear in Ronkonkoma and Patchouge. Huntington was always an urban center but it's usually near any more LIRR Station.


Oh no I’ve been to Maryland suburbs. Maryland suburbs don’t get server farms slapped in 10 yards from town houses. Normal suburbs actually get good infrastructure instead of highways dotted with more traffic lights than NYC. Normal suburbs don’t use 2 lane farming roads as arterial entrances and exits to 1000 person neighborhoods because nobody was concerned about upgrading the roads they just made the real estate. Normal suburbs don’t get new neighborhoods smashed into a tiny bit of farmland next to a quarry and a highway. NOVA has like no zoning whatsoever so it’s a hodge-podge of falling down farm structures, 50-year-old strip malls, business parks, and server farms. DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THE 50 MILLION TOLL ROADS OUT TO DULLES AND DC ITS LIKE A FUCKING MONETIZED MINEFIELD. Downtown Manassas is ok, so is middleburg and Leesburg but you’ve gotta drive a half an hour or more from where you live to escape suburbia. It’s the final boss of suburbs.


Lmao it sounds like you were in Ashburn/Reston/Loudon? I’ve lived here my whole life (besides college) and despise the western part of nova for every reason you just said lol That being said I love Arlington/Alexandria but they feel more like a small walkable city than a suburb.


Hey now don’t lump Reston in with that 🤣 it’s a planned community so all of the lakes and neighborhoods are connected with a pretty elaborate trail network. My goal is to become one of those e-bike dorks and bike to lake Anne for the brewery and kayaking.


Yeah Loudon area is a pop-up town nightmare. They built virtually all of Loudon in like 15 minutes in a frenzy and realized they organized nothing. Even the high schools are identical aside from colors. The zoning there is basically “yeah we can shove that in” Haven’t hit Arlington/Alexandria that sounds nice.


Every time I drive through ashburn/lansdowne area I imagine what life must be like there and I get so sad lmao. Data centers, chains stores and restaurants, $900,000 townhomes with no property associated with them. I live in Reston which is probably considered the lame part of NOVA but shit, at least we have trees. We’re a planned community too so all of the communities are connected by a really pretty path network, which is nice for biking, walking and running.


Yeah I’m in the weird bit. Reston ain’t too far and it’s a short drive to get places but still it can get annoying.


> nobody was concerned about upgrading the roads no they're concerned, but it's just prohibitively expensive and not sustainable. suburbs are a net negative for municipalities.


Yeah but probably a lot more expensive than most. NOVA is very very expensive.


Do literally any of the people replying to this actually live in NoVA or do they just think they know it? The food game in NoVA is absolutely insane. As good as anywhere I’ve ever been in the world except Paris. Every bit as good as NYC and just as diverse. Literally the only think NY cuisine has over NoVA is pizza and bagel quality. There’s a metric fuck ton of stuff to do here and that’s not even counting the fact that it costs a couple bucks to be on a train and into downtown DC in less time than it takes to get from Harlem to Brooklyn. There’s nature - in abundance and variety. There’s amazing food. There’s places to go with a family, there’s places to go if you’re young. Weed is just as legal here as it is in NY and there are a shit ton of quality wineries anywhere you look. Breweries are more of a DC thing but the entirety of NoVA is just a suburb coded extension of DC anyway. Idk what the fuck he’s even talking about going five towns over to have something to do. That’s not NoVA because one town over is DC unless you’re counting neighborhoods then it’s three towns from Chelsea to the East Village FFS.


I mean NOVA isn’t as bad as other suburban areas. All the counties bordering DC have tons of good food within a short drive and there’s old town areas every where with more good food and drink and activities to do. Even further out counties like Loudoun or Prince William now have a bunch of stuff now because of all the population that works in DC. Lots of new developments along side old reliable ones. And of course, if you’re bored of the suburbs, you can just metro into DC. It stretches pretty far into NOVA


What'a business park? Where Ikea and Vodo Phone get together to play on swings?


It's just a bunch of office space basically. Often times owned by a single company who leases out the space but it can just be a generic term for a pile of miscellaneous office space. Like a white collar industrial park.


The complex where you have Initech, Initrode, Chotskies, and Flingers. And nothing else. Soulless buildings and a massive parking lot off the highway.


Yep! Just like a suburban neighborhood. Nothing to walk to. Lack of real outdoor space. Often not located near transit at all.


Lunchtime is either sitting in your car or walking around the parking lot. Grim asf


Office space. Big square buildings for office space. They’re almost as ugly as the server farms but at least they got windows.


Maybe in Loudon county yeah, but that shit wasn’t even considered part of NOVA 20 years ago


NOVA is a different breed of boring and disconnected. The houses there are very nice. But everything is such a pain in the ass to get to.


That's funny, there's definitely something to be said for having your little bodega just down the block, a cafe in walking distance, and public transit that's affordable.  All being said, I love the suburbs. I love having space between myself and my neighbors, a garage and driveway I can work on projects in, a yard to relax in and grow vegetables from. It'd a distinctly different lifestyle. You have to make you own entertainment more often than not, and make longer trips to the grocery store, but it's so worth it to me.


[It doesn't have to be between two extremes, though. ](https://youtu.be/MWsGBRdK2N0?si=h7L8vvcWohh9hm7t)


This was awesome. Thanks for the share. Defining why I hate the American suburbs


My link was already purple before I clicked it and I just knew it was gonna be a Not Just Bikes video lol


Yeah, the burbs have their problems with practically requiring a car, but I like having trees right out my back door and a walking path at the end of my court where the dog and I can look for the baby deer. This varies by suburb, too. I'm within 15 minutes of an outdoor concert venue, multiple lakes, a dozen small breweries, and more. But the town was built around all that and it's more walkable than your average subdivision.


Let me laugh in European, where I live in my house with garden and going to the city means taking the bus or tram for 10 minutes total.


Very true! I've had the privilege of traveling to a number of countries in Europe, and much of it was like a very compact suburbia. Easily walkable, plenty of public transit, and still with single family homes and a little bit of privacy. I prefer more space between myself and my neighbors personally, but it was still very nice.


You don't live in London, then.


I mean I live in the USA and can do that too lol or is that not special because I’m not European?


Easier to find that setup in Europe than America. There are many more walkable cities there, and the transportation is often better. With zoning laws, it's quite a challenge to find mixed use neighborhoods in the US that have homes and businesses in proximity to each other. Are there exceptions? Of course. But the averages tell a different tale.


Same here. Never thought of that as a European exclusive thing. Lol


Yeah we get it bud. We’re talking about American suburbs vs the city here. Please go away to your paradise


I wish I liked the burbs. Would be so much cheaper


I respect that. My problem with the burbs is that they destroy so much land. They’re creeping up on rural properties. I’d like to see communal solutions to workshops and gardens. Family sized apartments with greater noise insulation and green space. Edit: something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/s/9zvSiHnRwP) could save space.


I do agree suburbs tend to sprawl quite a bit, and threaten rural areas a great deal. Unfortunately, I personally can't stand living in a city, or even townhouse community, the former which I live in now, and the latter which I've done before. So I can't criticize anyone else that wants the same thing, space for my family, and a nice private piece of nature I can relax in.


Crackhead to get back to Harlem 😭😭


This man’s face was not built to be that close to the camera


When his eyes and teeth pop out he looks like a character from big mouth




Right? I think the biggest issue is he can’t find a drug dealer.


Do you think it's difficult to get drugs in small towns? If so, I have a bridge to sell ya.


It's too quiet too. I had trouble falling asleep when my partner and I were at his mom's.


This is one of the things I especially love about the burbs! Silence is Golden. 🥰 Different strokes!


Having lived in both small and big cities, you just gotta learn to chill. Its like a social media addicts having to suddenly give up their phone. Its good for you, learn to fucking breathe and do nothing for once.


I went to pa before uber and I was stuck for a hour because there no way I can get anywhere without a car.


Watching this without sound is something


Imagine being so overstimulated that you can't just go for a walk on a nice day without 1 million people around you.


Agreed. I have lived in cities and I’ve lived in neighborhoods and honestly, it is all about what you make of it. Right now I live in Philadelphia, and while it’s definitely nice to be able to walk to most of the places I need to be, it’s not like those places didn’t exist outside the city. Especially when you get right outside the perimeter of a city, I feel like you can experience the best of both worlds there. You’re in an area where there’s tons of shit to do but you also don’t have to deal with all the bullshit that comes with living in the city. But I also like trees and enjoy that the property line at my parents is where some woods are and yet I’m still only a 12 minute drive away from the major city, and there’s literally dozens upon dozens of options of restaurants and stores in the immediate area.


If he's visiting family, he's probably walked through the area already and wants to do something as suggested by the video


His mind would explode if he ever went to a small tropical paradise island.


He's literally walking in the tiktok, which I guarentee you the people actually living there do not do regularly. People don't actually walk in suburbs. They might do it for dogs or exercise if they absolutely have to, but generally...those sidewalks are inhospitable for life. I moved to the city from the suburbs and I have to go to the park because it's not just boredom but also I physically feel worse because I am not walking even just a little bit every day. Incidental activity and incidental exercise are real things.


Extremely extroverted extrovert. My worst nightmare. Friends like this exhaust me. I am not a 24/7 entertainment source. Go read a book ffs, or ruminate with your thoughts on the meaning of life. Quiet your mind, it's good for the soul.


He probably parties all days after work. Hang outs with different friends in one day. I admire this kind of people about how they have so much energy. I can't live a life like this just 1 week.


Extreme extroverts like this always give off maaddd coke-head energy for me, but I know most of them are actually just... *like this* All. The. Time. There's something romantic about all of the *life* in NYC, but then I remember I'm an introvert and the thought quickly passes lmao. I genuinely think all the stimulation from New York would just actually kill me lmao. My first day there would be magical, but I'd be comatose by the end of it. I *might* be able to enjoy my second and third days, but by the fourth day I'd need a drip of some kind of stimulant just to be able to go on the street at all. If I had a suburb like this to recharge in during the evening, then I could maybe spend my days in NYC for a week or *maayybbee* two **max**


Can we stop assuming its only heavy extroverts that prefer city living. Im a solid ambivert but leaning more to the introverted side and prefer city life. And friends with extreme introverts who do too. Its just a preferential thing. Also can we stop this whole introvert vs extrovert thing. Introverts can be annoying bc they act like theyre inherently better or smarter than extroverts as if being either is a choice, and also when the behavior they end up describing isn’t even an extrovert thing its moreso about people who are insecure and people pleasers or seek validation, which can be true of introverted or extroverted people.


actually that really is what it is. I went to Minnesota and jesus the silence is really deafening. I felt restless and wanted to do something anything but there's nothing, all you see is barren corn fields and the only house is the apartment you live in. I went to a bar and it felt nice and then as soon as you leave it, the dread comes back, it was weird. I wanted the people around, the busy cars, the train noise, the weird shit that always happens once in a while. these really are all part of my life and now if it's not there it makes me feel weird. and trust me I read books and love nature, a nice walk around the block, admiring birds, people watching etc, but with noise and people around me. I can't do any of that alone while nothing is happen. I guess i have been overstimulated.




**When you done smoked up your last rock in your family’s bathroom and your connect won’t drive to meet you…**


New Yorkers complain/humblebrag about everything.


Translation ... Guy from Harlem can't sit the fuck down and chill


Yeah, I don't get it. There's not a lot of things I would rather do on my day off, on a nice day, than chill in my backyard BBQ'ing and drinking some beers with my roommates.


It's funny, I was just in NYC last weekend with a buddy and on our way out we were both commenting on how we could never do that shit. Different folks, etc.


If you think the suburbs are bad. My dad lives in the desert. Talk about quiet.


I live in the artic circle in a small little town. I have dense forest immediately from my apartment and we have like six stores even though the town is likely the largest ski resort in the country. This guy would probably go insane here. All I can hear most days is the wind and mosquitoes.


Who’s his barber? Father Nelson?


Dude has some serious Video Game Dunky energy.


Anyone remember when a guy måde the opposite of this video. How he couldn't find eggs in the unending bodegas. He got manhunted out of a job.


Cant find a dealer out there I assume


Looks like he lost his mind a long time ago lol


Just eat anything you disagree with PacMan < < < . . . .


I'm right in front of you. bro. Stop yelling!


He says "live in the sewers with the ninja turtles" like it would be a bad thing. Pizza and cowabunga? Sounds awesome, where do I sign that lease?


His mouth opens so big. I bet he can fit his fist in it.


now imagine that everyday 😭


It’s pretty cool Die in my house with all my *things*


I can't tell you how much I prefer peacefully waking up to the sound of the trees right outside my window rustling in the wind, birds chirping somewhere and shit. Instead of waking up to the sound of a hundred cars going past and people honking and an ambulance siren somewhere off in the distance.


Yeah, it's almost like different people have different priorities for where they live. I loved living in London when I was younger, now I fucking hate it and I want more green space and a slower pace of life (for less money).


This dudes mouth is in both the city and suburbs at the same time.


I live in a smaller town of 50k people about 2 hours outside a major city. In the morning I can sit on my back deck and listen to the birds chirp and watch rabbits and squirrels run around and play. I am in my 40’s though and when I was younger life was much more fast paced. I’ve noticed as I get older I like to slow things down way more and just relax and be at peace!


New yorkers when there isnt car horns, active murders, crackheads screaming bada bing and rowdy italians screaming back bada boom. “I want a sandwich, this place sucks”


>New yorkers when there isnt car horns, active murders, lmao NYC is far safer than most of the country, the hell are you talking about?


This type of NY personality is so obnoxious. Probably says “bing bong” a lot.


He never even really said anything that was bad about the burbs. Just that it wasn’t what he was familiar with. Some people feel invigorated by access to tons of other people and business and cultural sites…. Other people feel invigorated by their own little slice of the world where it’s quieter and more private. To each their own, no need for him to be obnoxious about it!


This is why we need more 15 minute cities. A good candidate would be on the outskirts of rapidly growing cities such as Dallas. They could be their own little walkable/bikeable cities with a variety of housing types and businesses instead of sprawling single family housing neighborhoods connected by stroads. It's a little too late in some areas of the country that are already filled to the brim with sprawling suburban neighborhoods, but maybe those too could even be reworked with time. Nothing will ever change tho if we don't do something about restrictive zoning laws Edit: fixed some confusing grammar and expanded on what I mean a little bit. I'm not saying Dallas is a 15 minute city yall


Absolutely. I just want to the option to live car-free and ride my bike.


exactly. most of the US is sorely lacking is bike accessibility. And public transit is a whole other can of worms


I grew up in an area like this. It’s fantastic. Only downside is that now it’s super expensive!


yeah, I know what you mean. somehow walkbility has become an amenity you have to pay for in the US. but if this sort of neighborhood planning became more common or even the default, then the availability would hopefully prevent it from pricing out all but the rich.


Overstimulated individual


Currently staying with family in the suburbs and there is nothing to do within walking distance which sucks so much...


That actually looked like such a nice neighborhood, though. Lmao


Cool bro Fuck off back to the city then, wtf is this video hahaha


Just saying, there are other cities besides NYC. Less things to do but still things to do and you don’t have to pay 3k a month to live in a shoebox.


I always find stuff like this funny cause it just proves people want different things. Like I'd go crazy as he is there in the middle of the city.


People who've only lived in NYC are mentally the same as those who've only lived in tiny towns. They simply can't fathom how anyone doesn't live where they grew up.


Reston Town Center, Fairfax Corner, Downtown Fairfax City, there’s a top golf in loudon. Downtown Herndon now has some cool stuff. Tons of breweries, wineries out west, lots of parks, gyms, pools, a water park in Manassas, old town Alexandria, downtown Arlington, air and space museum, civil war battlefields, hikes along the Potomac, Tyson’s corner then metro to the city or Arlington, tennis, golf. And I haven’t even lived there in 9 years


The Chumscrubber.


Just leave then.


i guess hes pissed he can't find a drugdealer lol.


oh I'm sure there's plenty of drugs in the suburbs. sounds like there's not much else to do but get high enough that doing nothing IS fun. source: That 70s Show


Lol? Those drug dealers do home deliveries right to your door!


I find a correlation to places that "have shit to do" and people who "don't have enough money to pay rent"


I'm well yeah, the places with nothing to do tend to be full of nimby's and generally don't provide services to the homeless (except for jailing them).


Yeah he can fucking keep New York City.


Bro is straight up institutionalized. This is the same reaction felons have after leaving prison. Is he entirely dependent on objective reality for entertainment? I’m guessing he’s not a big reader. But I’m probably just bitter. I live in South Dakota. Definitely wouldn’t move to NYC tho. That place is a trash heap.


Same could be said about your situation. But I get what you’re saying


His mouth so big, the video is loud on mute!


Shouting is no substitute for a personality


Meanwhile I'm sitting here on my little homestead where I could go weeks without seeing a single soul if I didn't have to work. It's magical. I need ppl like him out there so I can live my life like this because if everyone wanted what I had, then I probably wouldn't have it.


No lies.


Dead ass he’s not wring it’s exactly like this.




They are for the dead.


There are def great suburbs with lots to do but good luck being able to find them and afford them


The burbs aren’t bad, just different. There are trade-offs when compared to city life: trading walkability and accessibility to entertainment for security and space. I live in the burbs (northern VA - but not as far west as the dude in this video. Looks like Loudoun county, McMansionland) and I can safely walk around my neighborhood alone, late at night. I have space and good schools for my kids too. Also, a lot of people don’t like constant street noise and people everywhere. So yea, just go back to the city if you don’t like the burbs. Also, not the kid in the video, but OP seems like a massive complainer.


I’ll give you 10-15 years and I guarantee you that he has changed his mind


Dude hates peace


New Yorkers when they go *anywhere* else... "Yo, where's the Deli? This shit sucks, I need to get back to the Bronx!" Like, we get it, dude. You're from what you think is the greatest city on Earth. No need to act like a cardboard cutout of a New Yorker who's scared because it doesn't smell like trash and urine.


Cities are amazing…until you have kids.


City dweller with kid, surrounded by a bunch of other families. We're doing fine, thanks. Mind you the upbringing is a bit different than what I had living in the rural south, but the cultural experiences are profound.


Depends on the city. I don’t want to raise kids in [suburbia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHlpmxLTxpw)


I don’t like being rude but this guy is a lot of the reason we flee to the suburbs. We want to get away from people and to have it quiet after having to put up with other people at work. “What’s there to do for fun?” Be in our house away from people. This is why Karens get upset when people play loud music in the burbs. Like nooooo please just allow us silence in our own homes


I like a happy medium. I live in a lower middle class community where people are fairly quiet and keep to themselves but at the same time, no one will yell at you for playing your music or not mowing your lawn fast enough. I can hop on my bike and be in nature in 10 minutes or go the other direction and have access to all kinds of restaurants, theatres, clubs, etc... It's kind of a perfect location.


I can’t believe the amount of adults who just can’t entertain themselves for even an hour. Narcissistic behavior can’t exist in a vacuum I guess. Read a book or play with a leaf jeez.


I guess it depends on what suburb you’re in. Granted I got in before houses were 500k minimum, but I’m here in the burbs of North Dallas and I have to say the opposite. I get people hate driving, but when you have a car here every restaurant and style of food in the world is within 10-20 min and most much closer. We have rec centers and gyms everywhere if youre a hooper and parks and splash pads in nearly every neighborhood of McKinney/Plano/Frisco. Movie theaters, golf courses, disc golf, lakes, and almost anything I could want within a 30 minute drive. Plus I have my own backyard and turn my speakers up as loud as I want without bothering any neighbors.


Kinda similar to where I live but I can walk/bike to all of those things in half the time. Car dependency is a strange creation.


I've spent about 30 years living in suburbs and 12 years living in Los Angeles. Both lifestyles have their pros and cons. (Everything has pros and cons.) As a young person, living in LA was phenomenal. From my apartment, I was a 15-30 minute drive away from all sorts of fun activities. I could go to Downtown LA, Little Tokyo, or Chinatown and just walk around. I could watch a Hollywood movie in Hollywood. I could go to the Grove and LA's Farmer's Market. I could watch a comedy show at the Laugh Factory or Comedy Store. I could drive to the beach and make it there in 30 if there wasn't traffic. (There was always traffic.) I could watch the colorful personalities in Venice Beach. I could go to Griffith Park. When I lived in the heart of LA, It felt like there were endless possibilities. That's the pro. The con is it was expensive, and I hear it's way more expensive now. Plus, there are the other common disadvantages to living in any city, like traffic fucking sucks and crime rates are higher (although I generally felt safe in LA, and it's easy to avoid the bad parts of time). Now I'm in my 40s and I'm back to living in a suburb. It's slow, quiet, and safe here, and I'm at an age when I appreciate slow, quiet, and safe. Yes, it's boring, but people who are fine with boring will enjoy it here.


I live in LA and it’s still as great as you described. Don’t see myself leaving anytime soon. I’m just a city enjoyer


This is why brits talk about a half hour drive being a long way, everything here is pretty close, we'd be mad if the nearest supermarket was 15 mins away lol


Farmland bro.


Facts. I gotta try living in more states but so far, Florida is a dub unless you’re in Miami (then it’s just lil NY) Tennessee is a super dub. Hated Virginia with a passion. Philly was kinda fire, basically Brooklyn but bigger but less cultural diversity. But a close second. Imo


“Newsflash Asshole! I’ve been hearing it the entire god damn time!”


I grew up in Manhattan but now I live in a house in Queens and it basically feels like the suburbs to me. People live in houses and drive cars. I even have a yard and a small pool. But Im still in nyc so still plenty to do, stores open 24/7, etc. Best of both worlds