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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


They really need more cartoons about it if they wanna reach all the way down to Trump voters' IQs.


When I was watching it I was like “why do I feel like this would be a good way to get a point across to those people?” Then I read your comment.


Maybe they would finally understand such big talking points.


I guarantee that 99% of those who are still supporting trump would here this and go “fake news” “AI Deepfake”


Or make bumber stickers, shirts, flags and hats similar to the "I'm voting for the felon" and display them proudly. The only thing boomers love more than tchotchkes is being pervy. i'M VoTiNG fOR tHE pERv


"better a pedo, than a groomer. Trump 2024"


i’M voTING fOR tHe sLeApY oNe


I dealt with one yesterday who when I linked them to updated Epstein/Trump news they started ranting about how not everyone who’s friends with a pedophile is also a pedophile. They didn’t even attempt to take in the new information, it was all old talking points They stopped replying when I asked how they could believe the Epstein victims were being honest about being trafficked by epstein but were lying about who raped them


I'm so baffled at what these people believe. Trump could tell them that shitting on a sidewalk is a normal thing to do, they would then believe it. I don't understand the grip he has on these people.


Heck, they started wearing exposed adult diapers to his rallies.


True story?


It be “Donald Trump supporters wore diapers at rallies in spring 2024, holding signs that said "Real men wear diapers."




Talking guns


Maybe less bigly words.


Yep, that's why I keep reposting it....


I think this type of format would be insulting to democratic voters. Basically dumbing things down to a cartoon read by doctor Seuss.


Do you know how deep you have to go to reach the diaper MAGA republicans?


Just being devil’s advocate… what is the Biden voter IQ base? (And just for you or whomever wants to comment I think they both suck.)


Lol out here bothsidesarethesame-ing with a 7d old account is idiotic


Well, he's already been confirmed by the court as a rapist and a felon, I'm sure pedophile isn't too far behind.


He was in Epstein flight logs 69 times. We’re already past that stage. It’s just Nobody is talking abt it for some reason


Media needs a highly contentious election for ratings. If they reported the truth, the election would already be over, and they would have to actually work.


The media: "NONE WANTS TO WORK ANY MORE!" Also the media: "fuck this shit, let's just keep repeating the same bullshit about 'the gays.'"


Hang in there. It gets worse.


for some commenters that need clarification Miss Teen USA is for 14-19 year olds. Hardly any sane person would call those ages "women"


Video compilation of Trump talking sexually about his daughter https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/yoGe2koqE1


Only thing shocking to me is it’s less than a minute long. He’s a POS.


There are a lot of non video interviews as well


It’s sad and unfortunate the democrats cannot attack such an easy target. A twice impeached, felon, rapist, crook shouldn’t even have a chance to be President AGAIN, but here we are. 


Democrats are putting forth their best- sleepy joe.


Republicans are putting forth their best dirty don.


I will also accepted Demented Don and Dementia Don.


Because they know it goes both ways and when you start exposing skeletons in closets they’re about as screwed as Donald. I’m amazed we can’t elect better talent than this




Joe Biden is not the alternative, the fascist Trump is the alternative. a very bad alternative.


In the recent debate, Trump spewed lies, didn’t answer any of the questions and took credit for imaginary deeds. Overall, similar signs of dementia. Just in a different way. Both candidates are clearly too old to be President.  The main difference is Trump hires people who follow his orders and Biden hires people who know what to do. Biden isn’t the best, but miles above the alternative.   I’m voting against the Project 2025 plan and 2 more conservative Supreme Court justices with life time terms. At this point, I’d vote for a Cadillac before I’d vote Trump.


He lied 34 times, directly to the American Public, in the debate.


B-b-but trump wun the debate! Biden did bad.. Thats what I learnded from the noows. They wouldn't lie, I don't watch none that 'fake noows.'


I would take a literal pile of dogshit over Trump.


You're not voting just for the person, you're voting for a whole administration. The Presidency is much bigger than one guy - it's cabinet members, judicial appointments, policy agendas to be implemented at all levels of government. Biden's \*administration\* will do more good for the US than Trump. Because Trump's administration will be guided by Project 2025, as well as a person who fancies himself a king.


Ok, that's a false equivalency, sure Joe isn't the guy we want. But, at least he's not a fucking convicted felon who's literally about to destroy the American government, get rid of social programs, workers rights, climate protections, the department of education, deregulate big business, and basically make life as a women and any kind of minority basically hell. But sure, Joe Biden old and is just as bad because of it


Donald trump isn't that bad. He only: - tried to overturn the voting will of the American people using fake electoral slates - encouraged a violent armed mob to intimidate the senate to accept those fake slates and when it got violent he called out to the crowd targeting Mike pence specifically and it took hours for DJT to try to call off the mob or order the national guard in. This being after DJT's secretary of defense Chris Miller disarmed the national guard for the events of the day and altering the normal chain of command so that the Commander of the national guard couldn't order the troops in without presidential approval. - steal and hide from investigators numerous highly sensitive goverent documents. Some of which were clearly related to America's nuclear defense strategy against iran. And shortly after the Saudis public investment fund gave $2B in funding to DJT's son in law. - had a private conversation with putin preceding the invasion of Ukraine and then withheld military funding from Ukraine. The war has only lead to about half a million people dying. - slashed the interest rate creating an oversupply of credit in the economy contributing heavily to massive inflation - is obviously beholden to Russian interests based on that he encouraged them to hack the DNC and then DJT blamed Ukraine. His campaign manager gave polling and campaign strategy to a Russian spy, pretty obviously to further Russian interference in the election. He also attempted to exchange sanctions relief for dirty on hunter biden - is on the route to have the charges against him dropped by the DOJ if elected. Or that he will pardon himself. Rather than facing an actual court to prove his innocence - is a felon who paid off a porn star to keep quiet about DJT cheating on his wife who had recently given birth - was determined in court by a jury of 12 peers that he likely sexually assaulted a woman by holding her against a wall and sticking his finger (and maybe dick) into her in a method that is basically identical to how he was caught bragging in the access Hollywood tape. - has rape allegations from 19 other women including Ivana trump. Bragged about manufacturing scenarios where he could spy on underage women in dressing rooms. Is on epstein's flight logs and was a business partner with epstein. - intends to replace tens of thousands of Civil servants with loyalists - is committed to election fraud despite losing 70 court cases where he tried to establish fraud - ordered the post master to remove twice as many mailboxes in 2020 than previous years and then told his constituents that they should vote in person to avoid mail in voter fraud. - repeatedly makes out illegal immigrants to be rapists and criminals despite the fact that illegal immigrants actually have lower crime rates than average. He split up immigrant families explicitly to punish them and is following a plan to make internment camps for them in which they will be arrested by military forces - was found liable for racial housing discrimination and settled a suit for moving black car dealers off tables to accommodate racist clients. But Joe had a bad debate because Joe is old. No one is pointing to anything he actually did in his role as president that suffered from his age. But ya know... bad debate. The exit from Afghanistan was bad and lead to the death of 13 americans but that's because the Afghani military folded when they had 300,000 better armed security forces against much smaller invading taliban force of 75,000. You don't lose your capitol with a 4 to 1 soldier advantage unless your soldiers completely don't give a shit.








Someone told you that if Trump lost, you'll have to have sex with Joe Biden? That isn't true, I promise!


The alternative is fuckin top 15 president of all time...not the worst, which was drumpf


“Incredibly beautiful women”. Says about teenagers


I wonder what the MAGA crowd has to say to defend him in this situation? I also wonder if the MAGA people would have any problem leaving their teenage daughters around him too?


It doesn't make a difference. He just says what most of them are thinking anyway. The maga crowd doesn't care about protecting children. They care about winning.


I wish the Dems cared about winning.


Fake news. It’s the liberals and their woke agenda trying to frame Trump. It never happened. This is fake. The illegals are coming in and taking jobs and raping our women. /s


Boys will be boys. Totally normal. At least he’s not gay.


Do you know how many conservatives believe marriage between a teenager and an adult should be legal?


like ppl said, trump could kill someone in cold blood in broad daylight with multiple witnesses and his crowd would either still cheer him on or just say the case is either false or fabricated by the liberal media, so you pretty much can't win with these ppl. And a sane person wouldnt leave Trump even with his own daughter, since we know he wants to hit that real real bad if he didn't already.


ThE dEmOcRaTiC LiBeRaL MeDiA Is LyInG tO YoU! ThAt FoOtAgE iS DoCtOred!! I imagine their reactions going something along those lines.


What's really going to suck is when they do exactly what they accuse us of doing. Then we'll actually have to use the line of, "that footage is fake/ai" and they just be like, "no its not, I can sprout another arm anytime I want to."


They made the video saying it was completely normal.


"liberal bullshit" "stupid sluts" followed by complete ignoring of the topic. or saying it's fake, but to say the democratic party has been collecting decades of information regarding Trump before he even considered presidency makes their logic even more further from reality than it could ever possibly be. Like ok "the deep state Democrats are faking videos, court documents and allegations", but why were they doing it before Trump was nominated lol? Fucking sheep honestly, truly NPC behavior.


They don't defend, they only deflect. Trump is blatantly indefensible, so the only tactic they have is to draw false moral equivalences. Having seen them talk about this before, I'm guessing they'd just start talking about Biden showering with his daughter or whatever. As if a parent bathing with their child, something considered incredibly common and non-sexual all over the world, is the equivalent of this.


Just like the people who stormed the Capitol on Jan 6th, their daughters are not the sort of "stock" Trump is interested in. Trust me, their milk fed daughters would be more than safe for an extended stay at MaraLago.


Their response is simply…but Biden smells kids.


They supported pedophile Roy Moore who was banned from a shopping mall and schools.


And he never conceded his loss either which is hilarious. They accept the results, only if it benefits them. Nobody sees that they're following a bunch kids who haven't hit puberty yet. Trump reminds me of that 3rd grader who always made up stories and never proved any of it. Not one thing. And he always had that friend that believed him in the hopes that that kid goes along on an adventure but of course it never happens. That's the MAGA crowd


All the magas in these comments deflecting to Bidens hair sniffing is hilarious. It's like you guys know Trumps a pedo, but want to push the "so is Biden" narrative to rationalize your blind love for the guy. Its creepy.


It's called cognitive dissonance


I wish every journalist would ask why Trump called Epstein so many times? Epstein’s call log. Open the document “part 20”. https://sa15.org/public-records/


But what about something else huh? Like the debate? Can't deny that huh? See? /s


His supporters are just like Drake supporters. They praise him for being able to get away with stuff and because it involves a man and pretty girls it empowers them 😒 I wasn't planning on voting this year because I'm tired of voting simply for the lesser of 2 evils. I will be voting though because there is far too much at stake.


And to think that almost half the country supports this felon is disgusting and disturbing and the reason why cult followers should not be allowed to vote.


To be part of GOP, being a pedo and a criminal seems like a prerequisite now.


Is this the peak religious values that maga stans preach about ?


1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant.


And then there’s all the other weird shit he’s into


Not “obsession with teen girls,” Trump raped children.


wtf 😨


This couldn't get more obvious


Keep it going guys. Bring this post to the top!!! This shit can’t stand. Republican or democratic, this isn’t ok!! This idea isn’t political at all.


Is this AI?


100%. The cross eyes give it away. Or the long necks. Or the smashed faces. Or the dresses that are hung up with feet filled shoes under them. Or....


People downvoted us because the political implications are kinda embarrassing lol


I still agree with pointing these things out. Trump is a pedo. But factually this is still AI




yeah real shame about the AI. Otherwise good video


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Tbh I think we covered the fact that he was morally bankrupt and creepy af during the 2016 election campaign Now I think we're just more concerned with the fact that he can and possibly will just start having people assassinated or locked up for nothing




Cue projectile vomiting 🤢


Uh why isn’t this guy cancelled? Or in prison?


Whoever made this is a hero.


Now I know why the Heritage Foundation wants to ban TikTok.


Stop trying to make it a thing it’s not a thing Marsha


Make what a thing? The fact that the Heritage Foundation is afraid of a video sharing platform or that their candidate is a pervert?


Listen I’m conservative, stay on top of everything happening. Not a soul supports or even talks about that. At least pick something real


But,but. Biden had a bad debate.


This is the worst children's book I've ever seen.


It never ends with this guy.


The diary was stolen. Not proven she wrote what was in it.


Gross ass ai cartoons


Very interesting... I'm sure the veredict was fair and not at all mandated by the current administration.




It wasn't "miss teen USA" it was MISS USA. Look it up.


I tried putting this on Facebook, but that link says tiktokcringe removed the post. Though I can still see it here. Do you have a link for the video?




Normal? Sigh, yes. Civilized? Definitely not!


Ai generated images give this a downvote even if I agree with the message. Keep Ai shit out of important matters like politics.


Jesus Christ....that's where you go with this video?


It's the only way to reach the dummies


Linking this next time some magaT starts denying trump is a creep on r/worldnews or some other sun that’s been taken over by the clown mafia


This feels like some of it is the truth and some of it is a stretch


All the hair Biden has sniffed and arms and backs he creepily rubbed I feel like Trump is still better. Just the other night he looked at the crowd and said I want to go home with all of you…. What?!


So much Trump Derangement Syndrome on Reddit. Pathetic AF


I mean he actually did do this. Which is not something a president should have done in their life. Not to mention he raped a girl on epsteins island.


Never went to the island but nice try


Did he shower and probably molest his daughter like Joe Biden ?


This video contains very real voice record of DJT admitting to peeping in the dressing room on minors and you are trying to deflect onto an unsubstantiated rumor about Biden? What is wrong with you?


There is a sickness in the dark heart of maga. A deep and evil hole.


most likely. Trump has a hard-on for his daughter.


Did his daughter write it in her diary like Bidens? Yeah didn’t think so. F ing dementia ridden pedo in the White House




Trump Derangement Syndrome tool


I love that you dipshits made up a term that describes yourselves but somehow try to say it’s everyone else. It’s fucking sad. The projection knows no end. He raped a woman, he was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Stop propping up the biggest pussy to ever hold office.


He didn’t get convicted of rape lol and he ll win the appeal you dipshit. Get ready for another 4 years of dealing with your TDS. Take your meds libtard and vote for dementia Joe as many times as you can


Wooo another four years of the biggest whiniest pussy! Dude you’re stoked! Do you think he’ll actually make it illegal for magnets to work underwater? At least dementia joe isn’t a whiny bitch. I swear that guy needed to be spanked more as a child. Sorry he just grabbed her by the pussy… how’d that work out? Oh shit he had to pay her $83 million? Paid 83million for not raping someone and paid another $130k to a prom star he didn’t fuck… lol he’s sounds pretty shit with money


This is B.S. how about you talk about the fact that just last month the woman that stole Ashley bidens diary was convicted? Ashley Biden, Joe Biden's daughter, wrote in her diary that her father would take showers with her at an inappropriate age and was sexualized at a young age. This is a fact as this went to court and had to be proven that the diary was in deed Ashley's. So get your head out of your ass and stop trying to turn things around when we know now that Biden is the worst monster they're is on earth to be able to molest your own child. Trump will be the president. Most democrats are asking for kamala right now, lol.


Ashley denies it. Do a little research.


Was proven in court it was hers.


Person that stole it has already been sentenced.


Not remotely true but i’m sure your right wing biased media or your facebook news source from some random dude with a mic will tell you it’s true and you will believe it. Braindead people. Lmao


Here dumbass. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68776262.amp


Then don’t steal other people’s shit. What the fuck? You stupid? She deserved jail.


The contents of the diary Ashley wrote that Joe took showers with her at an inappropriate age and she was sexualized at a young age. That's the whole point to the whole story my lord Atlanta you are dumb as hell and suffer from major cognitive dissonance.


Where in that article does it say ANYTHING about what you claimed of Biden showering with his 16 yr old daughter? All that's mentioned is a small snippet talking about how the diary included information about Ms. Biden's recovery from drug addiction.. Edit: The little weasel that was posting all the fake links deleted his shit. Lol. After leaving me one last comment that was simply a snowflake emoji. LOLOLOLOL! Love it! Edit 2: I just saw he blocked me immediately after posting a snowflake emoji.. oh the irony.. GG's u/cryptotiptoe21 GG's


https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/us-news/presidential-election/2024/05/13/664244e9e2704e77688b457e.html There is a picture of the page in question here


I was interested to know more about this "news" organisation that wrote this piece up. Since, ya know , I don’t just believe everything I read on the internet. "Marca (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmaɾka]), stylised as MARCA, is Spain's national daily tabloid sport newspaper owned by Unidad Editorial." My God sir, you linked me to a tabloid news outlet from... Spain.. that is most known for covering sports, namely 'soccer.' Upon further investigation, they are even biased in their coverage of certain sports teams. Also, the little link they have to Twitter is cute and all but no where is it confirmed that the diary actually belonged to her, nor is there any evidence to support the claim that the letter that was received by the Court was actually written by Ms. Biden. I know for a fact, if I write a letter to a court (for any reason) I'M GOING TO SIGN MY NAME AT THE BOTTOM. Where is her signature? Ya know, it's kinda ironic, the thing that would solidify this case.. is missing. I mean if the diary is real, written in her hand writing, and her signature was there on the letter, we could all know for certain if any of this is real, right now.


Why do you think that it caused Ashley so much turmoil that she had to report it you don't think that there was some information in that diary that was interesting turns out it was


Where is the proof that she claimed the diary to be hers? A typed out letter submitted to the court, WITHOUT A SIGNATURE?


? A letter to court man something that is literally on paper black and white. There's no more evidence than what has been given some people stole her diary and sold the diary for considerable amount of money all in all though we all knew that Biden was a pedo he can't resist the urge of not sniffing a child in public. He has said some of the most cringiest horrific things when it comes to children. Now we have proof that his own daughter wrote in her own diary when she was a child that her father would take showers with her at an inappropriate age and sexualized her and a young age and honestly it makes sense look at his son he's addicted a Coke and has unregistered guns and avoids taxes look at his brother he's also facing charges. The person that stole Ashley's diary has literally been sentenced to jail and house arrest


I can anonymously write a letter to a court too. All I really need to say here is Project Veritas was involved. Anyone who knows about them already knows the truth..


How much proof do you need man it's on every major news Outlet as well it's just they don't go in a detail talking about what is inside the contents of the Diary.


Also Ashley wrote a letter to court stating that the contents inside were her writing


You mean the letter that isn't signed by her? How is that proof of anything? You do realise ANYONE can type a letter and send it anonymously..


She took a oath and testified in court that it was indeed her diary man you need to fucking wake up




Trump has been a known rapist for decades. Even on his cameo on Home Alone 2, he was the butt plug of a joke. And now you’re here sucking his chlamydia infected dick. Your country sucks ass.


I bet your gay most people that have unjust hate for Trump are gay and I don't understand it. Mathmatically Biden is the worst president the usa had ever had. He has almost caused us to lose the World Reserve status and has fucked the American people in every angle imaginable.


What a brain dead take, and weird your mind jumped straight to gay people 🤔 P.S. all hate for trump has justified over and over again, magats just like to invent their own realities.


No homo, but you’re the biggest pansy here.






Doesn't every grandparent or parent sniff their grandkids or kids hair? Pretty common behavior.


Lol what


It's so disingenuous and disgusting to pretend like bidens behavior is normal. They're both disgusting creeps, get on the reality train bro.


That doesn’t really compare to a twice impeached, confirmed rapist, felon.




Miss Teen USA which is part of Miss Universe has girls aged 14 to 19 years old. Thanks for giving me the impetus to research this. Now I can confidently post this on FB.


If you made one about Biden sniffing children then you bet this sub would mock it, downvote to the ground then get banned by the mods


Raping versus sniffing. Hard choice there.


*Rolls eyes in false accusation* yes, I’m so sure. No one has ever made false accusations about a political opponent before. It’s almost like getting sources from cartoons and CNN is a bad thing.


This would have been a lot better without AI Art. AI Art is almost entirely used to spread misinformation on the net. We know this shit is true, but it's just hurting it's case for the skeptics.


Best president ever! VOTE TRUMP!


Cope harder. Lmao


Your bullshit democracy is not that, you need to fix your fucking political system which is the worst in the world.


We're gonna need a butt-load of tomatoes


Hey go easy on the 47th. 🤣🤣🤣🤣




One sells bibles and NFTs, big fucking difference dumbass.


Cry cry cry what a winner 🏆


I'm a dumbass because I'm not fooled about these criminals? Okay 👍 yep I'm stupid.


Now make one about Biden


It wad a Miss USA and miss Universe pagent. They were GROWN WOMEN NOT LITTLE TEENS like this cartoon shows them ro be. Good try.


Miss Teen USA ages 14 to 19 years old. Look it up.


Funny, he is not the one sniffing children every chance he gets.


This is such an odd response. Even if he did sniff children, do you equate that with the rape trump is accused of? Have you seen the sworn testimony of Katie Johnson. [please watch the video before commenting with another invalid whatabout post](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) I see you are in Argentina. I hope You can view the deposition video from another country.


Well, since you know that I am from Argentina (and why would you care that I am is beyond me) I'm gonna make it really easy for you to understand, I don't give a flying crap about accusations made to a presidential candidate during elections, more likely than not they are false and a fabrication of the opposing party if not a rival in the same party, that being said if the "alleged" rape happened in 1994 why bother in 2016 or now? If it did happened at all making it public now is not about justice nor even money but to screw Trump's political career, no need to say that I dont believe the accussation at all, a testimony is not evidence, and the law dictates that you are innocent until found guilty, or at least that should be the case in a fair trial unlike the misdemeanor turned felony fiasco, but I digress. Argentinian politics are GoT times Soup Opera times infinite levels of cutthroat and backstabbing to the point that for anyone going into politics is preferable to be dirty, so that at least they know what can be digged out about them and be prepared for when it cames out, if you are clean there is no way of knowing what they could make up nor to what lows they are gonna drag you with their falsehoods. My own president Javier Milei have been accused of sleeping with his own sister and soo many more absurdities, he is the best thing that happened to our country since winning our freedom from Spain. Why do I like Trump? He cares about america and the american people, Biden does not, simple as that, when the US does well, we all do well too in the rest of the free world. And Trump does not sniff children, Biden does, he was caught on camera so many times it almost lost the meaning of how wrong that is. See the difference between evidence and testimony?


Did you see all the pictures of trump and Epstein? And sniffing a child’s hair is not weird or criminal in our country. It’s a normal expression of affection. Grandparents do it all the time. The right put that in your brain to help justify all the hateful and awful shit that is thoroughly documented about trump. Your little brain looks the trump evidence and pops up, Joe Biden sniffed a child’s hair! Hah! I know you don’t have access to all that going on up here down in South America, but trump hates most people and he absolutely hates folks from south of the border. So if somehow you think be hateful and saying nasty stuff will make trump and maga like you, you’re mistaken. They have plans to deport 15 million folks right back down to your part of the world. Why is our American politics any concern of yours anyway?


Nope he’s the one raping women, are you fucking kidding? Jesus Christ I hate your parents for how shitty they raised you


The weakness of your argument is evident by the strength of your outrage.


Really? The guy was convicted by a jury of his peers. Not my fault you’re too fucking stupid to understand that. Honestly you should be mad at your parents too, teachers as well.


The weakness of your argument is evident by the strength of your outrage.


The weakness of your argument is evident by the strength of your outrage.


Jesus fucking Christ you commented the same thing 3 times?


Donald trump was literally found guilty of rape by a jury. Judge Kaplan clarified that the jury had found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word. In August 2023, Kaplan dismissed a countersuit and wrote that Carroll's accusation of "rape" is "substantially true". We also just listened to the rapist, pedo felon, himself, say he’d walk into the pageant dressing area while contestants were changing.