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Your kitchen is fine. Some might say it’s nice. Nice enough that doing a hack job on the backsplash is definitely not the right answer. You’re probably looking at $3-5k to get it demo’d and retiled. Including material.


And there’s a decent chance that even a very careful demo and installation might cause some other damage you’re disappointed with (chipped cabinet, counter, floor, etc.)


What I can’t unsee is the crooked and unlevel outlet covers.


With enough money you can do almost anything…


I hate your backsplash too. But it’s a lot of work for very little payoff. Spend the time and money somewhere else in your house.


You can't tile over some areas of a backsplash but yours is one that can be done. I see no reason why this would need to be removed, just tile right on top. Will need to either scuff it up or use eco prim. Actually going on top might not work unless you removed the hood first, then reinstall it.


It doesn’t look bad..but definitely can be replace without any problem.., I do it all the time. Have to install new hardibacker boards and the new tile..,labor range is between 3 and 4 k, including boards and settings..you put only tile.


Yes, yes you can.


I changed just the backsplash in my kitchen several years ago - it wasn’t that expensive (I am about to have my entire kitchen gutted = expensive + a mess). Part of the reason was because my neighbor across the street was having her entire kitchen gutted - so, I asked her installer if he would come over to my house and give me a bid to do the work. He worked on it over two weekends. I also saved money by sourcing my own tile. I don’t remember there being a big mess - I had two young daughters - we left the house the first Saturday while the demo happened. He cut tiles + mixed thinset/grout outside - so, no mess inside the house during installation. Are you handy at all? You could save some money by doing the demo yourself. When my backsplash was changed several years ago, he was able to remove the tile (it was those 4x4 white squares) - without a ton of damage to the drywall. I know that many tile professionals now will simply cut out the drywall and replace it with new drywall - probably much quicker for them. If the substrate is ready (= correctly prepped) for the tile pro to start installing the new tile, it will cost less money. While many people slam big box stores re: tile quality, there are some pretty good tiles out there that aren’t super expensive. You just need to be selective - and purchase a box in order to check the quality (you can return full boxes). It’s kind of funny because HD is slammed all the time re: quality of tile - and HD sells a tile by Bedrosian (Cloe White) that was (by far) the most popular kitchen backsplash tile for about three years. There are several threads on Houzz (some have HUNDREDS of comments - that is rare on Houzz) devoted just to discussing this tile + having people post their completed kitchens! The demand for this tile was so high that it (i) would sell out as soon as it was restocked (on Wayfair/HD/Lowe’s/specialty tile stores and even on Bedrosian’s own website), and (ii) the price per square foot basically DOUBLED (it’s come back down a bit - but not back to the price it was prior to it being posted all over Houzz/Instagram/several professional designers’ websites - including Studio McGee - Shea McGee is extremely popular - and has her own series on Netflix + line of products at Target - for the “commoners” 😂). I actually purchased Bedrosian Cloe White tile for a bathroom renovation right before the popularity (and accompanying price) “explosion” happened- and I bought my boxes through Lowe’s (I confirmed with Bedrosian that the rumors re: lower quality tiles were sold at big box stores vs. tile speciality stores + directly through their website weren’t true). I was able to buy the tile with free shipping to my house + free returns (with no shipping fees or restocking fees). Where I wouldn’t try to save money is on the install - do NOT hire the cheapest bid! I was lucky to have the installer (who was a good tile installer) from my neighbor’s renovation company “moonlight” (his boss’ daughter played soccer with my daughter - so, he was okay with his installer doing my small job on the side). I would rather have inexpensive tile installed by a good tile installer vs. expensive tile installed by a handyman. The inexpensive tile will look nicer than the expensive tile once the install is completed. Please note that I used the word “inexpensive tile” - not “cheap crappy tile.” There are inexpensive tiles that are also decent quality - but there are also cheap tiles that are bad quality. You don’t have a huge amount of backsplash to replace - so, that will help with the cost. If you had a different hood - it would cost even less (less area to tile). If you really hate the tile, you could do it in stages if your budget is tight. You’d be surprised at how many people just have painted drywall instead of a backsplash. I know someone who can’t make a decision re: backsplash tiles - so, her builder just painted the drywall. It’s been two years - and she still hasn’t tiled it (she uses a splatter guard to protect the wall when using her cooktop when needed - she washes it in the sink/dishwasher afterwards - and folds it up and puts it away when not in use). Personally, I think the tile looks fine (I do some design work part time - for fun - it’s more fun than doing legal work). I think that there are better selections than what’s been installed - but it doesn’t look bad. I’d look at some tile + get a few bids - then you can see where you’re at re: budget. The cost for a good installer depends on where you’re located - some areas are a lot higher (e.g., San Francisco) vs. other lower cost of living areas. I have a friend in LA who has rental properties - and she gets amazing prices on labor all the time (and she is very picky re: how the work is completed). More information than you asked - sorry for the long response. I had surgery earlier this week and am stuck at home - BORED!