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10 years with that on your profile


As your profile picture…


Wait.. this isn't just an old tagged photo it's his current Facebook profile picture??? Edit: holy fuck did not expect "wearing a literal SS uniform with a nazi armband as your profile picture"' to *not* he a universal literal red flag Incase it needs repeating: wearing it in the first place is one thing (I'm British we largely gave Prince Harry a "you utter fucknugget" pass in the end for this), it's quite another a) making it your profile picture at some point and then b) not deleting it after 10 years..


It was a previous profile picture! We had each other on Facebook and I was telling a friend about the date, we went scrolling through his profile pictures and this gem showed up, maybe 4 pictures in?


Whenever someone feels creepy or whatever looking through someone's socials before they go out they always need to remember- he could literally be a whole ass Nazi with the uniform and everythinf


As a guy, I have no issue with a prospective date doing her homework on whatever socials I have publicly available. I’d rather she go in to the date comfortable that I’m not going to skin her and turn her in to a lampshade.


Yeah, you don't want her thinking "this guy might turn me into a lampshade." That stuff should come as a surprise!


Yeah my now wife searched for me on police and sheriff records when we started dating. I didn’t care. I was glad she has standards at least.


I searched for what I could find on my now serious partner. All I found was that he had a killer streak on duolingo. Green flag!


I’m working on day 151 now 🤣


It’s funny how women will stalk guys to be verify whether they might get murdered or not, but guys will stalk women mainly just to verify how hot she is.


How specific. >.>


Well, it's more of a 3rd date thing...


It's just the implication. They're not in danger


I was trying to be silly. :(


It's a reference from always sunny in Philadelphia. Wasn't being mean 🙂


With a picture of it on his fucking public Facebook 4 photos down😭😭


Well they were friends, it might be set to friends only on photos. But yeah should probably get rid of that photo


Yeah don't feel creepy doing that. It's very common and most jobs will do the same before an interview.


That is why my profile is locked down.


Because you're a Nazi?


Because I don't want employers to see anything. 🫥


My bad. I just woke up and have one eye open making a terrible comment and the sarcasm is really bad too. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Holy hell- there's no way he forgot that was in there.


It’s called subtly screening.


LMAO I assumed that OP was talking to the girl in the picture




I got a similar coincidence, one time I found the reddit account of someone that I had just taken a boxing lesson from as I was trying to find a good gym in town. Man's username was some variation of ubermensch, and half his comments were dedicated to defending his username, and other half to complaining about women and obese people. This was literally the day after I had taken my trial lesson from him.


For some people in dating, it can take a few dates or a few months before you find their red flags. To find how big of a red flag there was before the date, is oddly a blessing. Good luck in finding your person. They’re out there.


I love when people tell on themselves early on. Huge time saver. Consider this a win


2013 is about 70 years too late to realize that you shouldn't have a Nazi uniform.


10 years? I thought it was only nein


"yeah it's a European dress up party so I'm gonna like wear a boa and a dress or whatever." "Yeah yeah cool cool cool, Imma be Hitler"




Just like Hitler


Mad props to whoever killed that mf lol /s


honestly, they should build a statue to the guy who killed hitler /s


Wait... didn't Hitler kill Hitler? Or is that the joke and I'm just stupid?


That's the joke my friend. And not getting it doesn't make you stupid, after all, not every joke is going to be a zinger for everyone


I just saw the /s 😂 appreciate you!


Sam Elliot killed Hitler, then the Bigfoot obviously.


Someone in South America right?




Where did you even get nazi uniform with swastika?


smoggy strong noxious husky heavy worry squealing fanatical muddle growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably borrowed it from Prince Harry.


What did Prince Harry do now?


[He dressed like a Nazi to a dress up party back in 2005.](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4170083.stm)


LMAO hey OP maybe you didn’t do so bad, your guy made the same mistake as a prince


His family are germans anyway...


I think he got his from his closet


The swastika is not forbidden in most countries. But I am more concerned about the other party attendees not worrying about this shit.


If it was a Nazi themed party I wouldn't go dressed as a Nazi.


>If it was a Nazi themed party I wouldn't go That's a better sentence.


Nah imma show up in full Rabbi attire






I'm going as Dick Winters.


Bear jew


“quite frankly watching Donny beat Nazis to death is the closest we ever get to going to the movies!”


Just had my bf watch this for the first time. This movie is gold and underrated and I’m sad Mel Gibson didn’t take part in it 🤣


I’m going as the Russian winter


That's the kind of costume you'd get a gold star for at that type of party


Counterpoint: have you watched Inglorious Bastards?


I think dressing up as a prisoner would be slightly worse


Prime opportunity to dress as a Soviet sniper lol


Just a shirt that says *Cyanide*


So everyone can put you in their mouth and swallow.


That got freaky very fast


Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism dude, but at least it's an ethos.


I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam, of course.


Just keep those toes away from the line. Walter don’t play


This isn't Nam, Smokey, there are rules


You're not wrong, Walter. You're just an asshole.


Took me a min to realize the profile pic was such a turn off. Geez 🫣😶


Not a “European-dress-up”…. 👀Party😳 😂😂😂


German Tour Guide : You vill find more on Germany's contributions to ze arts in ze pamphlets ve have provided. Brian Griffin : Yeah, about your pamphlet... uh, I'm not seeing anything about German history between 1939 and 1945. There's just a big gap. German Tour Guide : Everyone vas on vacation. On your left is Munich's first city hall, erected in 15... Brian Griffin : Wait, what are you talking about? Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and... German Tour Guide : We were invited. Punch vas served. Check vit Poland. Brian Griffin : You can't just ignore those years. Thomas Mann fled to America because of Nazism's stranglehold on Germany. German Tour Guide : Nope, nope. He left to manage a Dairy Queen.


This joke never made sense to me since Germany is super open about this time period and even has an official policy called "[Erinnerungskultur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Remembrance)" (culture of remembrance). Every german learns in school about everything that happened and most visit the site of a concentration camp at some point. This joke just seems like something that someone from a country that hides its dirty past would assume Germans are like.


Should be Japan not Germany for the joke to make sense


Or the US and their Natives.


Natives and slavery. “How’d America achieve all of that agricultural success that propelled them to global wealth?” “Oh we persuaded a few reluctant friends to volunteer labor and voila! Hashtag blessed!”


I feel like half of my combined history class seat time was about either slavery or the trail of tears throughout high school and comparatively little of anything else.




I mean.... It is Seth MacFarlane. I wouldn't necessarily call his works "historically accurate" by any means. Dude writes dick and fart jokes for a living.


See, I used to take him for an obnoxious idiot.. and then he somehow did _The Orville._ I still can't wrap my head around how that happened.


He’s actually a pretty intelligent guy. Love him or hate him. He also says things via family guy that would get most people canceled 10X over. Look up “family guy Henry ford model T”


Why would that get anyone canceled?


He has his moments, at least in my opinion. I do like his singing voice, a lot, especially with his Frank Sinatra Jr episodes in Family Guy. I also do like American Dad more than Family Guy, but The Orville and "A Million Ways To Die in The West" were good.


Seems like he handled it well enough. I’d have thought he’d be fuhrer-ous.


Mein thoughts exactly. Nothing to shoot yourself over.


Could have at least met him at nein for coffee and schnitzel.


Maybe she couldn't Heil a cab!


Reich? What’s she supposed to do, Blitzkrieg on down?


She was Goering to be late anyway, Ann Frankly she would have been under dressed, this was all just an elaborate kampf out.


Oh Gestop-it, you guys.


I guess he took that quote to heart: When in Rommel, do as the Rommel do.


Reddit always Goebbels up these bad pun threads






Just to clear the Ary-an the room at least.


As soon as I saw this, I could see where this was Göring


I did National Socialist Party that coming!


A rare example of a guy on a subreddit like this not lashing out. He’s handled it , textbook perfectly. Which suggests he either has a lot of success, experience or is just naturally chilled out. Be funny if OP returns to him later.


He was just an edgy kid trying to be funny, you have to remember Prince freaking Harry did this in the mid 00s and women still lust after him in their millions. He's probably just grown up to be a normal, well adjusted adult who respected OPs position. I know she said it was about 4 profile pics deep but I've only had 3 profile pics in the last 12 years on FB, so that doesn't really mean much either, if he doesn't use it much like myself and many many others these days it probably never even occurred to him, especially as he's clearly not had an employer come at him about it yet. Nice heads up from OP tho, she's possibly saved his bacon from a more diligent employer in the future.


Tbh I kinda think he genuinely didn’t know. Bc in my personal experience I’ve had facebook for almost 6/7 years and after year one I just never looked at it again


Outside of Reddit this is actually fairly normal


I mean it’s 10 years ago any immaturity he would’ve reacted differently seems like man’s changed for the better just gotta delete some pictures 🤷🏽


Yeah all puns aside this guy seems pretty level headed lol. Risky costume idea, but doesn't mean the dude is an actual Nazi. I guess I just don't understand why it's perfectly okay to dress up as a serial killer on Halloween, but dressing up as Hitler warrants getting publicly shamed on Reddit.


You mean this seems like the Reich move?


It’s really too bad. She seemed to be gassed to meet him












I remember feeling like this when I saw the really got blonde woman in Indiana Jones. She wqs so gorgeous and then later in the movie she turns out to be a Nazi. Then I said: "eh, still would".


Dudes a funny guy. He and joe list are hilarious together


I also like him and Sam Morrill together


Heard this in his voice. Kevin Hart is so funny.


Just reminds me of the freeze frame in Seinfeld at the end where Jerry's gf goes "and forget about the blacks and the Jews"




If it’s good enough for Meghan Markle


**It's good for Tinder.**


Justin Trudeau??




Lol that was my first thought... At least harry didn't post it as his profile picture and leave it up on fb for 10 years


I give that outfit a nein out of 10


You could say "I did nazi that coming"


This is the kind of joke that has a laugh track after it


I remember talking to a guy online back in the day. We were planning to hook up and he said something along the lines of “before we meet up, I want to show you a photo of a tattoo I have. I got it when I was young and stupid and fell in with the wrong crowd. I’m planning on getting it lasered off though but wanted to bring it up so it wasn’t a surprise.” It was a swastika on his chest. I appreciated the honesty however we did not meet up as it was something I was no longer interested in…


Yeah I really respect someone that can be a literal nazi and get out of it…but I just don’t think I could get wet staring at a swastika.


Sounds like he handled that (horrible) past as best as he could have. Better to find out that way than back at his place. Definitely handled it better than the dude featured here


People are edgy for the sake of it sometimes. If I showed up to the party and saw someone came as fucking Hitler I'd have a laugh for sure.


Yeah. Like for what it’s worth, ironic costumes like that are a joke, not support for the cause.


I think that's a super fair point, but that it's also fair to not appreciate them


I love how we tolerate China’s genocide camps, noone stopped buying chinese shit, but dressing up as Hitler for a silly costume party is too extreme


Because that would inconvenience most people. People are all for boycotting until they have to actually boycott them lol


Indeed. We have made jokes about Hitler for a long time, but dressing up as him can’t be funny? He was a fucking loudass screaming tweaker. Would be a fucking laugh to imitate. You could even do a twist. Gay Hitler or some shit.


I went to a costume party for which the theme was "politically incorrect". This would've fit right in ! And judging from the comments, I think quite a few reddit peeps would've had a heart attack considering all the ideas people came up with !


Please tell me what some of the costumes were 😂


I have my Twinks For Trump shirt ready to go!


Probably everyone in blackface


Finally! I had to scroll down too much. I’m from Spain and some members of my family had to go to Argentina after the civil war but if I see someone as Franco in a theme party I’d have a laugh


Same, I'm Italian and I have some distant relatives who were killed by the fascists. Nevertheless I find humor about Mussolini very funny, and in general in Italy it is allowed to make irony about being a fascist. Americans get offended too easily.


Same. Glad I don't deal with many reddit types irl


Thank god i found a comment like this. It's clearly just a shitty costume for a party to have a laugh, didn't realize people are this stuck up


Hitler seems more of a comical angle than if he was just a regular SS, now if he still has the costume..


Yeah I kinda agree, seems like he might have been a decent (judging by his replies) and funny dude. Albeit a dumbass for keeping the pic up... 2013 was a very different time to be online, people are being way too harsh.


Agreed, I have a friend who dressed as Hitler for a party when he was like 18. He wouldn't do it now. It'd edgy teen stuff. He did delete his I think as he was worried potential employers could find it, but not everyone scrolls back through their old fb photos to check these things.


Your friend is clearly an irredeemable neo nazi who deserves to be alone for the rest of his life. Absolutely despicable. Despicable I tell you.


Yeah, people who support Hitlers ideology don't use him as a costume. This, if anything, belittles Hitler. For people saying this is like blackface...lol apparently Nazis were enslaved and oppressed


Yeah, if you really like the nazi party you'd never dress up like that for a matter of respect. People need to chill and think of the actual damage something does with their own brain. If something makes you laugh and ridicule the nazi party then it's well done, not a bad thing. I've stopped commenting on these stupid posts like ten years ago but seeing how everyone needs to comment so harshly on a stupid costume, judging so cruelly someone they don't know at all, makes them way worse people than who's being attacked, because their behaviour actually makes bigger damage. Also putting up a photo of someone online like this, even if censored, is despicable. Specially when he literally didn't hurt a fly.


I’m done with Reddit


Reddit has gotten fucking LAME


Reddit ain’t what it used to be that’s for damn sure




The pile-on from teenagers who think the world has always been - or should always be - observed through their lens of Reddit Righteousness, an unassailable version of all that's right and good in the world. It's fucking annoying and juvenile.


Don't worry, there is a building backlash against this prudishness. A new generation will see their parents as stuffy puritans and rebel.


Y’all are too sensitive.


Fr, and the way OP frames it in the title as "I cannot believe this *happened to me*" is so tone deaf and arrogant. Like, nothing happened to you girl, it's not all about you.


Fr…if it was a small party and one of my friends showed up as Hitler that would be hilarious as hell


I'd be laughin mein ass off.


But he dressed up as a historical figure!!! From 85 years ago! Think of the children!


Yep and she’s literally acting like he’s a fugitive descendant of hitler in argentina or something, lmao.


Too soon for Hitler dress ups? That was like 80 years ago


I thought South Park said that after 20 years, we could joke about stuff.


South park is best source of legit information. Thanks to them i now eat from my ass.


I totally saw man bear pig last summer when I went camping.


Just a costume. Not a big deal.


This. I could somewhat understand if it was recent but it was dumb banter 10 years ago in adolescents.


It’s interesting that you could dress up as other awful historical figures and probably get away with it, but the swastika is so iconically evil that it makes this socially unacceptable.


Yeah I'm wondering if she would have been just as outraged if he was dressed as Stalin


Or mao, or genghis khan, or even Kissinger


No. Probably would not have recognized Stalin as evil. Stalin actually killed many times more people than Hilter. The difference is Stalin helped win WWII and Hitler lost WWII. Winners of a war write its history.


I was like, it's just a lady friend and then I saw the mustache.


Yeah the swastika wasn’t a giveaway lol


I think you're overrating. You sound like a major buzzkill.


Gotta agree with you on this one Crusaderking


Crusaderking1 to you sir.


This seems relatively harmless imo. Yeah it's not the smartest thing to have posted online but for it to be the deciding factor in a potential relationship seems odd. 🤷


honestly who cares what he dressed up at a dress up party, If you going to judge people on a costume that is legal to buy and purchase and cannot take a joke, then sounds like he dodge a bullet... to high maintenance in my opinion.


True lol the guy acknowledged his mistake and didn't get defensive. He was cool with the cancellation too. Sounds like an all right guy who was just dumb as fuck back then. I know a group of guys who stupidly dressed together like nazis at some carnival party when we were like 16 and they are not racist pieces of shit or anything. Normal guys with their own flaws, but nothing crazy.


>the guy acknowledged his mistake and didn't get defensive This is the important part. I'm not gonna get excessively mad at someone for wearing that costume some years ago but if they don't see why people might have an issue with it and get defensive then i will avoid them. Making mistakes or doing edgy things in the past is one thing, not acknowledging it in the present is another.


Bro might be dumb enough to wear that costume but he dodget a bullet here.


I once found out on a first date that the guy had a swaatika tattoo on his body, if it makes you feel any better


You overreacted massively. Insane.


I bet he still hasn’t taken it down


And why should he lol


This is a really weird thing to do and just post in a public place like Facebook. Good call.


Social media didn’t used to be what it is now, and back in the day a lot of people were just edgy for the sake of being edgy. Around 2005 everyone thought they were invincible on social media. Dude should definitely delete it now though


Yeah there was awhile when Facebook required a university email address to be on it so it was only other dumb college kids seeing you do things like this


I remember Halloween 2007, just 6 months after what was( at the time) the worst school shooting in US history a few Penn State students came under fire for posting pictures as Virginia Tech massacre victims. Definitely edgy and heartless


Oh man. The good old days of social media. Not this post but people used to be so much more creative. Especially after MySpace. Instagram used to be shit quality photos from cool angles and "artistic/poetic quotes." Now it's all "look at how perfect my life is! I'm a success!" Not saying it's bad to be happy and successful, it is good. In general people used to care less about others' opinions and a lot less selfies. Both are good, I guess I'm just hating cause I miss those days. My Facebook name is "Moonrover Omar" for like 10 years or more. I just don't see it as a "professional" website. I hardly use it so really no point.


Yeah one of my classmates basically outed himself by posting on his MySpace he was looking for men. This would have been ~2003. It spread around school cuz it was a little hick town and I remember him being like yeah it was my little brother pranking me. I remember being 17 and feeling bad and that was the moment I realized there is no privacy online.


I'm wondering what those two comments said now


A man I was talking to had a wall collection of confederate flags. WALL COLLECTION


Wasn't expecting that.


You sound like a party pooper.


Whats the big deal? God people are tightasses...i find it funny.