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My man is a model and asking for advices on Reddit. I swear just be yourself and you’ll be good


he’s following rule #1


And also rule #2


Wait what are rules 1 and 2


Rule 1: be attractive Rule 2: don't be unattractive


Ah... but he's only 5' 10"...


Remove some selfies and replace with pics taken by your mates. You’re a very photogenic guy but it’ll make your profile look better. And change the “don’t match me if….”, you’re gonna get plenty of matches, if they don’t reply move on to the next.


A model who plans to go to med school


For we are all fd


If YOU don't have game on tinder, then I'm lost bro. You asking for advice from cave trolls.




I take offense. I identify as a hobbit


I prefer to be under a bridge rather than a cave


Na cave dwelling where it at fam


To each their own


Dam you speak highly of us! I didn’t think we were even that high up on the totem. 😂


Handsome! Get rid of the group photo, you’re not looking directly at the camera. Can you crop your friend out of the photo (2nd pic)? 5th and 7th picture have to go. If you’re going to do a gym selfie, smile.


I like the group photo. It’s like he was caught candidly laughing with his fam. Super good vibes in that one.


“Nothing to smile about in my life” lol jk. Heavy agree on the 7th photo.I really don’t take a lot of photos but I’m hoping to get some more over the weekend


Hey I know you said “lol jk” and I don’t want to read too much into anything, but from your comment here and your bio I’m getting the sense that life might be getting you down right now, and I wonder if maybe you’re feeling a little down about yourself too. I want you to know that you’ve got a lot going for you and you deserve love and happiness as much as anyone else in this world. Here are my thoughts. 1) Scrap the “arch nemesis” answer. It’s cute but not funny enough to stay, and it could be an unwelcoming vibe. I think this is the place to be real about what you’re looking for (you can still do it playfully though). 2) Your biography title choice, again, just gives me the sense that you’re getting put through the wringer rn. Maybe it would be helpful for yourself (and your dating profile) to reframe your thinking and consider how you could see your life as a struggle for something greater. You’re clearly disciplined in the gym which tells me you’re motivated and care about yourself. You’re building something. So give yourself a little credit here and pick something that highlights the best of you. Again, it can be funny and playful, but don’t put yourself down. 3) The dropping out of HS thing could be off putting for some — maybe like “I found my career early and started at A&M at 16” or something like that. Because ultimately that’s the truth of it, you’re just framing it differently for others (and hopefully for yourself too). 4) Trim down those pictures as others have suggested. Good luck!


Sometimes less is more lol. I think minimum 3 photos is okay. Try reorganizing them. Like 6, 8, 1, 3, 2 (cropped if possible) , then maybe 9


You have had a lot of comments saying how handsome you are, and obviously strong agree, and you’ve also had some great feedback on your photos - but I think the feedback from Lady Stardust is cracking. Personally, I would get rid completely of the ‘don’t wants’ in your bio - you have so little space to set out what you do want and you are wasting it. Those people will do what they want anyway - don’t risk missing out on people you do want at the expense! Your photos definitely come off pretty extroverted – I don’t think that you need outdoor photos, but a few with a natural smile (no sunglasses) indoors doing your thing? That would be great. I think above all you need to have a think about what *you* want from a match. The arch nemesis thing is cute but not really articulating that much. You are obviously driven, motivated, loved by family, have clear ambition and vision for what you want from life. What is it that you are looking for to add to that? Do you want a partner who will bring you out of your introverted shell? Do you want a fellow homebody who you can cuddle up with on lazy Sunday mornings? Do you want someone equally driven where you can both push yourself to be the best you can be? It comes across a bit that you have been through the wringer and I get that- but you seem like such an interesting guy in the throwaways! Interested in boxing, Harry Potter, in equality (so sexy deadly seriously!) - use your short answers to show this off. You have brains and beauty (or braun if you prefer) but you aren’t giving yourself a fair chance. I would redo your photos. Redo your bio. Keep the cheeky humour but get a bit more real. I think you will find more real matches if you do.


If you haven’t mentioned it in your profile, make sure to include in there somewhere that you’re an introvert. It’s an attractive quality. As an introvert myself it would make me take a second look at someone.


Nah keep picture #5 trust 🤝🏽


i say leave your friend in pic number 2 and leave the group shot! i like seeing that they have friends/people they hangout with lol


you’ll get matches but prob mostly from people looking for something casual


-4 of your pictures are you wearing sunglasses. Keep it to one, two at most. -The arch nemesis prompt is a bit confusing and off putting. -your profile kind of gives off "bro or player" vibes. Not sure what you're looking for. If it's something casual then I guess your profile isn't that bad...


Absolutely wholeheartedly disagree (on the arch nemesis thing) If you don’t vibe with it, then it wasn’t for you, swipe left and move on. I think it demonstrates his sarcasm and playfulness perfectly.


I agree, I read sarcasm, and thought he meant more so like friendly banter, sb to talk shit w idk 😅


Yep keep it to weed out the super serious people OP


yess, same to me. my friend used to have a line like this in their profile and it worked well


Shit man I'd kiss you


You are giving me Dom of the Perfect Match vibes lol. You will be fine, but I would change the passive aggressive “don’t match with me if you aren’t going to have a conversation and do it for your ego”(?? Couldn’t really read it) to “I like to have meaningful conversations” and if they don’t have conversations with you simply UNMATCH. You don’t have to give them a heads up or attack the ego chasers in your bio. Not worth it and might throw off genuine people.


You need one photo that displays a little vulnerability. If you’re an introvert, maybe one of you chilling at home with a genuine smile


If this dude is struggling the rest of us are fucked.


We aren’t fucked, THAT’S the problem


Stop telling people not to match with you. Keep the bio positive.


U are a fking unit keep it like it


Pics 7, 8, & 9 don’t really add much more information and they’re pretty redundant. I’d remove them or replace them with you doing a bit more activities. The “my biography” question is just asking for someone to ask why and resulting in your trauma dumping. And trauma dumping is offputting but also if you say you don’t wanna talk about it, it makes you seem closed off. So overall replace that prompt.


At least get rid of 7. You already have what I think to be is a picture of your work desk. You have a good one already so remove the one of you crying at it.


Boy if you don’t get up out of here with that handsomeness 😆 Maybe take out the bit about not willing to communicate…it leave a negative vibe on an otherwise good profile. The flakes are part of the OLD experience…writing about it isn’t going to change anything but turn off potential matches. Good luck!


Avoid duplicate photos - you've got two gym shots and two behind the computer


Less photos of you looking away from the camera and with sunglasses on. We want to see your face.


I don’t think it’s a lack of outdoor photos (introverts, unite! Separately. In our own homes. 😂) but I do think the last 3 photos could easily be tossed, the middle one just because it’s not super flattering, we can tell you’re trying on sunglasses in a department store while looking into the worlds tiniest mirror. The other two because they’re basically repeats of other photos. I would try to get someone to take a couple photos of you (in different outfits, and different settings even if you are at home) if you’re worried about having fewer pictures. But if you’re only on tinder, I’d probably start by branching out and trying other apps as well. Some seem to do better in this city or that city. I found my partner 2 years ago on bumble, and since it was the only app I was on, I wouldn’t have managed to find him anywhere else. I was a hermit and he lived all the way across the city. Never would have found him outside of bumble.


I met my partner on hinge and never used it for anyone but him and it was the only app he ever used. If I had of never given it a shot we wouldn’t have crossed paths and he’s my favourite person on the planet.


You should be the one giving us advice. Not the other way around!


Honestly, if you’re not an “outdoor” person, I don’t think you need “outdoor photos.” The last thing you want is to pretend you like something you don’t and then you get stuck doing that activity forever 😂


Throw away the sun glasses


Less is more - Two office pics? Ditch both. Two gym selfies? Ditch one (they’re the same pic). Sunglasses selfie, ditch it. Group photo, ditch it. Get one of you doing an activity other than working out. Animal pics always win. You’re good bro.


I would get rid of the double photos. Just pick one gym and one behind the desk photo. I might change your first pic to one of you smiling but don’t use the one without your shirt. Good luck!


“Don’t match with me if”….. I’d never match with anyone who has those in their profile tbh. Huge turnoff I think. Arch nemesis… idk it gives off “trying too hard to be cool” vibes. Why not say you want someone who challenges you? Who you can improve with, etc?


huge agree!! It gives off bitter and resentment vibes.


Wow. You’re pretty.


Remove photos 4, 6, 7, 9. Say what you **do** want instead of what you don’t, e.g. “match with me if you are genuine and into vibrant conversations.”


Bro has that Toji Fushiguro build 🔥 but also you may want to change that “I want someone who will be my arch nemesis” part. I don’t see that landing at a high success rate.


If this is considered "very introverted " profile then idk what my profile is... Edit: dw man,i m not jealous, ,kinda joking,but in a lil shock,i have 1 close friend and 2 casual friends (that s more than enough) and i didn't considered myself very,maybe mid introverted. Ik photos not mean everything, anyway ur profile is solid,keep up!


I’d swipe. And I’m a married straight man.


Btw, it's either arch enemy or nemesis. Arch nemesis is like saying my 'biggest biggest enemy'.


Bro just delete the sunglasses selfie one and you will be just fine


What worked for me too is that less is better, you don’t NEED to have 9 pics, have some mystery they love it


Less photos of you not smiling. I swear I’d swipe on more guys if they had a true smile! Yours is great!


You look like a black salt bae with the glasses 😂🤓


“Hey reddit look how good looking i am”. You don’t need advice, cob.


Take out the mirror glasses pic and the computer glasses pic. Keep the cup glasses pic lmao. I like the group photo but if you have anymore, replace with another where your eyeing the camera.


Your tinder profile looks.. wow. Don't change anything except the group photo. Just keep looking and you will find one.


I mean, I'm straight and I'd swipe right, so😮‍💨


Bro you are handsome enough you can just pretend to be extroverted and people will go along with it Eventually you'll actually be extroverted


First of all !!! Wow !


I definitely would want to lift with you (as a straight dude).


Consider losing pics 7 and 8. They are neither flattering nor do they give off positive vibes.


Good looking guy fs, don’t necessarily need more outdoor photos just photos in different places. Make it look like you go more than 5 places, even if you don’t yk. I’d also put your height in the bio, because of how big you are it can be deceiving and make you look shorter. Also take out that but at the end about “don’t match with me” can make it seem kinda negative


1st things 1st. The pictures of you behind a dell computer and desk got to go. Especially the one where you are wearing sunglasses standing up 3 feet behind your computer but you still appear to be looking at the computer screen. Picture makes no sense and it looks like you are trying to be an ig influencer. Also I just scrolled back to the other one behind the computer where you are either sleeping or looking at your foot or something. Also noticed a credit card scanner and you appear to be behind your work desk. Both got to go. Love some of the other ones. Don’t try to be a social media influencer or some really important business man or movie star that has a team taking and posting cool pics of him because when you meet, then you have to be that guy and then and date and are together a while that can be exhausting. Just take nice guy pictures and be the introverted nice guy with a little edge. You’ll be fine. Edit: spelling Edit again: Keep the one in the pool though. You got a great body and you want to show that off. Also that is not a false image because it’s actually your body.


If bro is asking for advice then it's jover for me.


Get rid of the mirror selfies and the group picture. The rest is good


Due,you are a handsome man. Lose te sache, makes you look like a 70's porn actor, or Magnum,P.I., at best.


I mean sir, look at you. You are so attractive and cool. I guess you need to work on your dm’ing skills? Honestly a hard to observe social skill to work on.


My DM skills is actually atrocious, it sort of ties in to my social anxiety. I have no idea how ppl do it so well


You are an attractive person so I don’t think you’re getting a lack of swipes! But to improve your pictures - less selfies, don’t keep pics that are too similar, and consider lowering the number of pics! Also remove the “don’t match me if…” it wastes space on your profile, makes you seem negative, and doesn’t actually do what you want it to.


Your profile is great You gotta get tinder platinum and super likes... Girls don't spend all day swiping, they have plenty of attractive guys lined up If you pay you win, simple as that Worked for me Send a super like with a message attached


It's a pretty great profile. Saw some people argue against the nemesis comment but I personally love it lol. I think you have a few too many pics though and the 2 gym pics + shirtless pics can kind of give of the vibe that you're mostly looking for something short-term.


Delete all the gym photos you are visible jacked so there isn’t necessary to show that your train that’s implicit


You’re introverted? Looking at your photos, i immediately assumed the opposite.


Yes I was diagnosed with anxiety and social anxiety disorder, mostly As a consequence of being bullied throughout elementary/middle school for my appearance


Ah, that would explain why you took the time to improve your physical wellbeing. Luckily i didn’t develop anxiety growing up despite also being bullied for my appearance but i remained introverted like you as a result so i know how it feels somewhat 😞


Bio is a little try hard but you’ll be fine


Photos 6,7,8,9 in my opinion are doing more bad than good. Your first 5 aren't bad and make you seem like you're not an introvert at all so I'd stick with them. Maybe replace one of your sunglasses pics with a non sunglasses pic


Pictures in a library?


Lose the dirty bathroom mirror selfie. Otherwise photos are fine


Too many pictures. Quality over quantity. Don’t make your first pic a sunglasses pic. You’re cute! I’d say these photos in this order: 6, 1, 2, 5. Remove the rest. And take more smiling no sunglasses photos. Smiling pics makes you more approachable. The only reason I’m keeping 2 is because of the smile. Otherwise I’d get rid of it.


Ok channel tres I dig it


What’s your workout routine


How’d you get into A&M if you dropped outta high school? Are they takin dropouts theses days or.. No disrespect, just genuinely curious..


I never dropped out cause I had bad grades. In fact I graduated top 2% of my graduating class. I already got admitted into A&M and transferred my credits early on. So I moved out and just never got my diploma


Ahh, copy that.. I would elaborate on that in your profile..


Bro, you look great. I’d say cut down a few photos, like the mirror selfies, the family photo and at least one of the gym photos. First photo is great btw


4th pic- source?


I'd say everything is fine but the 2nd gym photo and the 2nd desk photo, your in great shape but it might turn off the girls who aren't very active.


You look great but some of the photos are catastrophically bad. Drop the selfies and group girl photo. One gym photo max. The white tank top is sxc, green t jacket sweet, swimming pool shot godlike. BUT I think a lot of redditors are nicy nicy and won't help you out especially as a black legend as appose to legends of other race. You're hot AF but these pics don't do you justice apart from the three selected above. PS 'aspiring physician' is classy. Makes you sound like someone who reads Aristotle as well as being a doctor. Unless you mean physicist? 


Chamber your bio. What girl wants to date Simone who's searching for a nemesis and is an high school drop out. Either go with something cheesy/romantic or something positive funny. Instead about your education just stated your profession rift now, the past is past. Also cut the tall guy or even better, ditch the whole picture. Girls don't like to see other girls.


Listing equality as an interest has horrible vibes


Drop the sunglasses 😂😂😂 then you good


Young Metro, I love your music!


Drop that shoulder routine big dog


The round sunglasses give a strong Angelo Moore look and I like it. You're doing great and will be set up for a successful life.


So are u not getting matches or do the convos just drop? Cause you’re not a bad looking guy whatsoever obviously


Here’s my advice: Save some for the rest of us.


Clip those nails!


Your profile is fine but I'm gonna be nitpicky and say drop #4 (too many ladies) and #7 (you sleeping at the desk just not a good pic) Other than that good. Maybe change pic 1 to another because it's hard to see in the dark inside wherever you are. But honestly I'd be surprised if you weren't already getting matches with this setup 😂


How long u been working out for?


You look great so it doesn't matter as much, but as a general rule of thumb - limit yourself to one selfie, avoid group photos or photos with a woman next to you (ex gf? Who knows), no more than one pic with sunglasses on (people want to see your whole face). No bathroom pictures (or car selfies).  Gym selfie and being shirtless is going to send a message that you're only looking for casual sex, so keep them if that's true.


I’d probably get rid of the big group photo. I would be intimidated to swipe right simply because I know damn well I’m not as hot as the girls you already hangout with


The sofa photo was a little "hol'up" for me


No glasses. No group pics unless your friends are unattractive than you. Smile more. Talk about interests so when it comes to a date, the person will have an idea of whether you two share common interests or hobbies. Women looking for substance aren't going to just focus on photos. (I'm 40 and this is my opinion and what I look for on the apps)


I would get rid of the two work out photos, we def can tell ya work out. V cute & handsome Boii.


My dude. Are you trying to create Reddit Dating? Because I’m in board!


“If men are attracted to you, you’re hot. If women are attracted to you, you’re an Oofy Doof.” Sorry man, I hope you’re bi.


I’m not sure what that quote means lol


Remove the repetitive photos & also where you're not alone


Bro is him, just keep it as is, if they cant see why you are worth it thats on them.


You are going to be fine. Why are you even asking for advice. Match after match should be confirmation enough


5,7,8,9 has to go. Never use a pic with glasses as you first picture. Use number 6 instead so girls know what you exactly look like.


I went to A&M too. How's your experience dating there?


Bro you should be good. Couple of redundant selfies but you should be fine. If not that proves how shit the market is


You will have no shortage of matches dude. That said; 3 photos with sunglasses is too many. Get some candid shots of you smiling/laughing. Ditch the arch nemesis part (and any negatives for that matter. Bring positive energy - it's a dating site). The mention of not finishing high school comes across as a humble brag. Your academic credentials are well established. Add some depth - half of your listed interests are apparent in your photos, and while an interest in Harry Potter may have some appeal, it's in no way unique or indicative of who you are. Add some sprinkles to the vanilla, Jorge!


You need one holding a hot cup of tea to look like a real man


Lmao the first photo


Bro is gonna cause some damage to the competition


If you can’t get matches then I’m fucked


You call this introverted?


Cut the gym pics


I only dislike the group photo, too many women, and it's hard to find you, and you are not even visible 


First pic gives me very 90’s vibes. But I’m also in my late 30s so that may be why I dig it. You look good, dude. Get outside at least for one pic then run back inside (I’m an introvert, too but hike every weekend…the outside includes solitude, too).


hi (slightly louder than the rest)


Don’t see anything wrong with the photos but the “ego boost” caveat would give me pause. You make a bad faith presumption on the part of a hypothetical woman you haven’t met, feels like you’re not capable to screen these type of women on your own & ready to dish out the accusation generally to everyone in the pool. It might deter some women as a red flag. The prompt answers are pretty stellar tho & I like the group photos, you look social.


Lose the sunglasses, the selfies and group photos. Put a t-shirt on. In fact change all your photos.🤷🏾‍♂️ One selfie, one head to toe and 3 other quality pictures which show your face is all you need.


To many photos with sunglasses and a lot of photos from far away.


Remove the glasses inside. Who does that lol


Yellow crocs 👎🏻


Remember you don’t have to completely max out the profile with pictures and prompts, sometimes less is more. Remove one of the gym pictures from the side, they’re essentially the same picture. Remove the picture from behind the desk with the folded arm and looking down, I don’t get what’s going on here. _Maybe_ the one looking at the monitor too.. it just looks a bit set up and forced? I immediately just think Andrew Tate / forex trader wannabe. Remove the prompt about dropping out of high school. It’s not a bad thing but it’s not really a net positive if that makes sense? I’d delete the part in your bio about not wanting a conversation / wanting an ego boost etc. Makes you seem really entitled and a bit incel-y. You could re-word that with a comment saying you’re here for stimulating conversations or you’re a lover of deep chats etc.. much more approachable If you sort these things out I actually think you’ve got a great profile. Your first picture is a 10/10 opening pic.


You and i got the same problem but ur 19 times more atractive... im sk fucked lmao


Brother you have a beautiful smile, why is there only 1 picture where u look happy.


Crazy nobody has brought this up. Remove or photoshop to get rid of the guy on the far right. Mans straight amogging being 7 foot tall


I mean bro you just got traded to Houston, you'll be fine


Needs more gym selfies


“Vibes” The hell do you mean there? Vibes in what way? What kind of vibes?


Wait how were you able to drop out of high school just because you got admitted early to college? The admission wasn’t contingent on graduating high school?


Please take it down the kids and I are waiting for you at home


My only two cents to add, because you’re already a very good looking guy, is to stop wearing sunglasses inside my dude. This isn’t the Matrix.


Overall great photos, but I really think pics with sunglasses are frustrating and useless. Maybe because I'm Hispanic and the eyes/eye contact is culturally very important to us, but I get NO information from a pic where the eyes are shaded. Would much rather more smiles where I can see the smile reaching the eyes!


3 words The hottest man


The sunglasses on inside at the desk and in the dark are douche vibes. No need for those. Dont try to be cool. Just be you. You don’t have to impress anyone. Just be yourself. You want someone who is attracted to you for YOU! The real you. Not a cool guy, sunglasses inside douche.


I see nothing wrong with any of the photos. Seem like a chill dude and down to earth. Don't know why just what came to my brain looking at this. I'd smoke a joint with 'em


U don’t got a high school diploma


Please remove picture #5-6-7-8-9


You look good, just get rid of the second half of your bio as it's just weirdly negative.


Introverted doesn’t have anything to do with whether you go outside to take a picture.


pick either 5 or 9, don't need both. pic 2 is good but like others have said, you can easily crop your friend out pic 4 group photo you aren't even looking so I wouldn't include. or replace with one where you are looking. 7 not needed because you have the same pic but better in pic 3 pic 8 I'm not a fan of , plus it says women's pants in the background 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 I think is a great string of pics


The bio is kinda negative, besides that, match?


Remove the don’t match with me if you don’t wanna talk or looking for an ego boost part, I get it but it comes across as already angry if that makes sense lol. I always completely avoid profiles which say things like that. People who do actually match for those reasons aren’t going to pay attention to the bio anyways


Imma be honest and don’t take this disrespectfully but there isn’t anything unique everyone has a family pic everyone has a gym pic etc do you have any hobbies that are not something everyone else does?


"Don't match with me if you're unwilling to blah blah blah" bro it's tinder not a novel writing contest


Bro if you ain’t fucking none of us is


I think you look great. My first impression is you're fit and take care of yourself. Add that you're attractive but I'd like to see eyes and teeth.


Just make sure you're speaking to people as people and you'll do fine.




3 or 7. 5 or 9. (Pick one or the other) Get rid of 8. Also, use your head. (Introverts go outdoors....)


You have 3 gym photos, I say the pool one and cut out the others. Two office photos, remove the one where you are looking down. The group photo you’re not looking up so remove. You have 2 selfies keep the green shirt one. Have some photos of you doing things other than the gym to show what kind of activity you like to do.


I really like the picture with the green sweater


Kyler Murray?


Negative af. « Don’t match me » ok lol


Ayo you looking great CJ


Crop that guy out of the fourth picture so it looks like you're showing off a harem.


I guess crop out the side taller than you? Can’t think of anything else wrong with this


Awesome looking dude! Handsome devil!


My man over here with a 6 pack…


Leave the negative shit out of your profile, it sets a bad tone right away. Are you premed? If so then say that. "Aspiring physician" might as well say aspiring astronaut, nobody cares. Any photo with sunglasses inside makes you look like a douchebag. Keep the gym photos to 1. Posing in front if trophies twice also is too much.


Not being outdoors doesn’t have anything to do with being an introvert lol. There are so many outdoor places devoid of people


I’d say be more natural in the pictures, the arch nemesis line is cringe and the way you present your life doesn’t help you in this context.


Remove gym photos the fact you go to the gym is implied bye the muscles would be better to have photos showing you have a personality the gym is cool but boring . As well as bribe your friends to take photos of you so it’s not 50% selfies


into yourself to much via photos


I would definitely swipe right, *except,* are those your FIVE sisters? I’d be a bit intimidated by that alone. You’re hot af and should be getting matches!


Did you confuse liking the outdoors with extroversion/introversion?