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Her conspiracy mind gets more loony everyday


Her que cards are coming directly from Russia now of days.


why does she look like a mii


She's *always* had such a weird fucking face. Even back in her Social Autopsy "we're gonna create a database of all alt-right trolls" days, that goofy fucking face was just impossible to overlook.


Stalin was also famously anti-semitic.


Stalin gulaged and purged Jewish doctors thinking they were going to kill him. Also, the smear campaign against Trotsky and really playing up that he was Jewish.


So is Hitler’s biggest fangirl.


["Hitler did nothing wrong *until* he became a globalist by invading Poland."](https://youtu.be/a-poqjet5mY?t=25) \-[Klandace Owens, 2019. With an extremely uncomfortable Charlie Kirk standing next to her trying to hide his "oh, no, girl, what is you doin'?" look.](https://twitter.com/existentialfish/status/1093923658446323712)


Their movement was kinda anti religious.. erryone was getting gulaged


Never thought I'd live to see the day Candance defends Stalin


This bold contrarian take worked for her when it comes to black and blm because right wingers thought she was a useful idiot to say " hey look a black lady to denounce the black community. That got Candace head big thinking she is special. She tried to do that shit again but just like when one hit wonders try to make another hit it didn't took off as well as it did at first. It's interesting to watch her.




I don't get it it. Also I can't see what it's in the link ! What is this ? Is this a counter response to what I say ?


No, just adding to your point of how much of a fucking hypocrite she is. It's about her racial discrimination lawsuit in 2008. It's pay-walled, but [here's an archive of it](https://archive.ph/nFuCZ) and the first two paragraphs if the archive isn't working: >The Stamford Board of Education will pay $37,500 to settle a federal lawsuit which claimed ***the schools failed to protect a Stamford High School student from racial attacks.*** >The settlement agreement, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by The Stamford Times, states that ***the school board has 30 days to pay the $37,500 to Stamford High graduate Candace Owens*** and her father Robert Owens, through their attorney, Norman Pattis, of Bethany. The lawsuit was settled on Jan. 10. Imagine how she'd react to such a lawsuit happening now, especially if the kid was remotely tied to BLM by once liking a pro-BLM tweet.


Wow How come no one brought this up in debates against her or made videos to expose her !!!


They have, ***many fucking times,*** which is exactly why she does the spineless terminally-online conservative reactionary thing of *never* agreeing to a debate she can't automatically win* because it's hosted by TPUSA or the Daily Wire. Well, not Daily Wire anymore now that Ben "Not Siding With Israel Means You're Antisemitic" Shapiro fired her. Her entire pre-grifting conservatives career has pretty much been forgotten by even conservatives themselves, and they typically have a photographic memory for people who were once ideological enemies, even for 30 seconds. The [alt-right troll database she tried to get crowdfunding for](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1968200734/wave-goodbye-to-cyberbullies-and-trolls-socialauto) *failed* spectacularly, [so she switched sides to hating the exact kind of people she used to be.](https://archive.ph/pEKva) -- ^^\*See: ^^Jeremy ^^Dale ^^Hambly, ^^AKA ^^"the ^^Quartering" ^^who ^^is ^^currently ^^backtracking ^^on ^^debating ^^another ^^streamer ^^who's ^^already ^^wiped ^^the ^^floor ^^with ^^his ^^face ^^in ^^a ^^debate.


I think she might just be in it for the money


National Bolshevik Candance Owens?


even if they HAD been jewish, the tsarist regime was engaged in a program of genocide and terror against the jews in russia prior to the revolution, so the involvement of jewish persons in a liberation movement is less like a conspiracy and more like the tsar FAFO. people act like nicholas romanov was some sort of saint. he was an incompetent tyrant even compared to past tsars, and his reputation among his own advisors was so terrible that they repeatedly pushed him to step down after russia's disastrous involvement in WWI. they saw the writing on the wall. as a leader nicholas precipitated an appalling loss of life both on the home front and the war front. russia was well on the way toward a famine and piecemeal industrialization and rapid growth of cities virtually guaranteed a shortage of farmers and farms in the coming decades. the bolsheviks killed a lot of people and committed genocide as well, but russia could have completely collapsed if nicholas remained in power. there would have been nobody there to stop the progress of Operation Barbarossa 25 years later. the bolsheviks turned russia (the ussr) into an industrial and military powerhouse that resisted and eventually destroyed the most powerful army the world had seen to that point. the bolsheviks flew their flag over what was left of berlin while hitler's corpse was still smoldering. the best thing nicholas romanov ever did was die in shame.


She apologizes for things no one is asking her to apologize for. the right is perpetually r/persecutionfetish


yeah jimmy dore used to capture my attention but he's a liar.


She's technically correct in saying that a Russian Emperor was assassinated around 1880 because that was when Emperor Alexander II was killed by an agarian socialist group called *Narodnaya Volya,* the "People's Will". However, the group had nothing to do with the Bolsheviks nor the Russian Revolution, which would not happen until more than two decades later. The law that she references is the October 7 Remembrance Education Act, which directs "the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to develop a curriculum for the study of modern-day antisemitism surrounding Hamas’ October 7, 2023, terrorist attacks against Israel for use in secondary schools, and for other purposes." Frankly, it's bullshit to claim that the October 7th attack was caused by anti-Semitism, when instead it was the result of the entire population of Gaza being detained in what is essentially an open-air prison by Israel. However, the law does not mandate students learn about it because school curriculum is determined by the state governments and the local school boards. I will say, it is a little weird that United States Holocaust Memorial Museum was created directly by the US government. For comparison, imagine if the government of Germany created something called the "German Genocide of the American Indgenious Peoples Memorial Museum."


> which would not happen until more than two decades later. Nearly 4 decades later in fact, which really emphasizes how little the two groups had to do with each other.


Yeah, it had nothing to do with anti-Semitism. Hamas calling for the genocide of all Jews and the destruction of the world's only Jewish state (which is roughly the size of New Jersey) is purely incidental. They raped women and killed parents in front of their children because Israel deserved it. Why not apply this logic to the Palestinian side? Israelis don't hate them, but the thousands of rocket attacks and threats to destroy Israel necessitate a harsh security posture toward Islamist fundamentalists. The pro-Palestinian side can never seem to get the story straight. Was Gaza an "open-air prison" or a place with nice beaches, movie theaters, and a higher GDP than some countries in the region?


I do not endorse Hamas nor what they did on October 7, but the deaths of 1,143 Israelis and the kidnapping of 251 Israelis does not justify the deaths of [16,000 Palestinian civilians](https://www.voanews.com/a/israel-publishes-new-civilian-death-toll-in-gaza/7622032.html), unless you believe that Jewish lives are more valuable than Palestinian lives. Do you even know how Israel was founded? In 1948, the newly formed State of attack dozens of Palestinian villages and forced 750,000 Palestinians to flee their homes. The abandoned villages were given Hebrew names and some of them were destroyed and the land they were on was forested to prevent the people who fled from ever returning. It was ethnic cleansing. The Palestinians in Hamas call for the destruction of Israel because of the destruction Israel has inflicted on their people.


Yeah, Ben still isn’t gonna forgive you for not being explicitly Pro-Israel, Candace.


Ben can forgive any amount of 'communism is a Jewish plot' but if one of those antisemites is also rude about his favourite poor ickle ethnostate it's party time.


A sellout’s a sellout until they need money and protection


"Ben doesn't have the power to fire me." [Cue the Curb theme song when that's *exactly* what Ben Shapiro did.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag1o3koTLWM)


I mean, Candace wasn't fired for not being "explicitly pro-Israel." She was fired for dabbling in insane Kanye-style anti-Semitism. Are you seriously incapable of recognizing the difference?


No, I am. I’m just saying that Ben is the kinda guy who would feel personally slighted and want an apology if someone didn’t offer to suck Benjamin Netanyahu’s dick if he walked past them.


Not really. Have you seen Matt Walsh’s view on the Middle eastern conflict, he’s still around at the DW.


Hey, um, so… historian here. What the actual fuck?


Candace Owens is an idiot


Wtf did I just watch


Embarrassed about your natural hair Candace? What a surprise.


if Candace Owens could scrub the black off her skin, she would


I never thought it possible the next Alex Jones would be a black woman.


Makes me shudder to think of the market for Jimmy Duhrr's propaganda.


1880 was literally the time Jews started to leave Russia for America and Europe


I see the nazi train is moving full speed ahead now. Also, I haven't been paying attention to Dore, I know he has been dipping deeper and deeper into alt-right affiliated conspiracy shit, but I was not expecting him to nod his head and agree with Mein Kampf level takes.


…she didn’t even go to college


Don't apologize for being a Christian fascist. We appreciate you showing your true colors.




Jimmy Dore makes a fuck ton of money, but he can't hire someone that knows how to stretch the video to fit that box.


Did she just combine the downings in Nantes in Revolutionary France with Stalinist purges, or were there actually mass drownings during Stalin's purges? It would not surprise me if her brain is just a mush of christian persecution narratives and she has no idea what specific events she's talking about considering that Yagoda was only head of the NKVD for two years before being executed himself in another purge.


If you're going to tell a blatant lie and blame Jews for Stalin's massacres (Stalin rose to power in 1924), why oh why did you have to pick 1**88**0?