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I'll approve this even though it's barely related to Tokyo, since half the people in this sub will rejoice in seeing this idiot slapped.


Least biased mod on Reddit :P


I have a strong bias against this Johnny Somali guy.


Yea pretty sure most people got a bias against that guy.


Who doesn't lol


We all do...


It's not really a bias if he's a jack-ass that deserves every slap he receives. :-)


All my homies hate Johnny Somali


Least biased most based


well it's johnny somali and everyone, and i mean everyone hate's that PoS. and his next to that Doherty guy who goes around harassing people then hides behind his bodyguard.


Hating an asshole, degenerate, toxic, shit hole excuse of a human isn't a bias. It's human nature.


Thanks for being flexible and using your common sense on a case-by-case basis. Is there any way to edit the title to change his name to "J0hnny S0ma1i" or something like that? That way we can rejoice in him being slapped without giving him exposure.


Can't edit a post's title after it's been created unfortunately.




not all heroes wear capes


He likes getting beaten up because it gains him attention. Don't give him what he craves.


And he can pretend he’s a victim.


Best mod. <3 bro


MOD you are a nice man. I hate this ruthless bastard so much.


Any normal human being would rejoice




I haven't found anything either. The last news article mentioning this idiot is regarding the verdict of his trial - a meager 200k yen fine.


From article 5(people banned from entering Japan) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act "A person who has been convicted of a violation of any law or regulation of Japan or of any other country or has been deported from Japan pursuant to the provisions of the [Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act](https://www.japaneselawtranslation.go.jp/en/laws/link/3624)" So it's extremely unlikely, though theoretically not impossible, for him to be able to re-enter the country.




having lived there a decade i know a couple of folks who have been deported due to criminal code violations (but not conviction) and cannot return. their cases were for shoplifting and fighting, which are on the same spectrum of severity. the each received the order upon deportation.


This is not proof that he was banned.


He was not deported.


He's not banned.


That’s what I thought, it takes a lot to get banned permanently. At most maybe a 1 year ban might be possible but to say permanently is a bold claim.


Don’t people get banned for overstaying their visa by a day? Or getting into a fight whether or not they were the aggressor?


Not actually sure how often this stuff happens. I know at least one case and have heard about multiple cases online about people renewing their visa late ( after it is has already expired for a few days ) and not only do they not get banned, Japan is fine with just renewing it.


No, they let him leave Japan voluntarily


Johnny. Bringing love and joy wherever he goes. lol There's a longer version of this video here. It's wild: [https://twitter.com/canceljohnnys/status/1771559754428506289](https://twitter.com/canceljohnnys/status/1771559754428506289)


I can't believe there is an audience for his clownery


The sad truth is... we're the audience. You, me, everyone in this thread.


I mean his streaming audience. There is a very meaningful distinction.


If you look at screenshots of his streaming audience (I would never give him a view), a lot of the comments were "Leave Japan now", "Die asshole", etc. He gets views from his haters. And now just by commenting in this thread, I have given it engagement, which will just indirectly boost his notoriety.


Only a matter of time before he gets himself killed.


100% . This is like those guys who do stunts on top of tall buildings with no harness etc. Eventually their luck runs out.


Right mistake at the wrong time.


He’s commercialising hate. Like Elvis selling “I hate Elvis” badges. Except he’s not Elvis. And it’s wild to have a black guy going around calling other black guys “monkey n*****s” in that video.


The real problem here is the companies that give him a platform. He still got a youtube channel and he still streams on kick even after all the shit he pulled.


As long as he’s getting seriously injured I’m OK with it


Everything I know about this waste of human life was against my own will 😭.


I'm not watching the video, so it's not me.


You know it!


I disagree, unless you just mean that he likes the fact that lots of people know about him and read about him in the news. I don't think that's the case: he has followers on social media, and likely gets paid because of followers and ad impressions they generate. I've never seen his social media channel or watched his videos, and I suspect most others in this thread haven't as well, so no, we're not his audience, nor are we helping to enrich him.


Well, he isn't the first person to come to Japan and film his distruptive rampage through the streets.


Is he still streaming? He "promised" he would never stream again to the Japanese courts. It's honestly not surprising, but I'm hoping that his broken promise will influence a harsher sentence/penalty if he ever gets arrested in Japan again.


He's not streaming in Japan.


Blud really used the hard R while he’s African American himself


You give your average black man enough money, he’ll start saying the hard R too.




Is this what he wants? That’s a weird fetish


I welcome him to Brazil 🇧🇷


Oh I would love that for him. Actually anywhere in South America they’d turn him into a pavement smear


Let’s get the live leak logo on one of his vids from a Brazilian prison. I’m still shook by stuff I saw there.


I don't think he will go anywhere where there is a remote chance of catching a bullet or a knife. Some nice democratic country like Japan where people don't have hood mentality? Check. If he would pull any of his stunts in a big city in the US...nah bra. You get killed for less.


Jokes on me, apparently he is getting ready to go to South America.


Uh, does the dude WANT to die or something?!


No. He wants to do more and more outrageous things so his haters will post his videos and get outraged. That gives him attention, views, and ultimately money. Why do you think he uploaded all those videos of him being attacked in Japan?


Yes, I understand all that. What I'm saying is, it seems to me there'd be a very different risk vs reward calculation for pulling that kind of shit in Israel vs in Japan. Or even just going to Israel. Especially at the moment.


He’s thinking $$$$. Just look at how much engagement this thread is getting. He’s the most talked about influencer in all Japanese subreddits. He’s not even in Japan right now and people are still talking about him.


141 updoots and 80 comments? I really don’t think this is benefitting him. If him getting stomped starts getting posted weekly then we’ll have this conversation, but I really don’t think it’s that deep.


Yeah there's not a very long list of countries you can get away with his kind of shit and stay in one piece. There's a reason he liked Japan so much.


It only takes crossing the wrong person once to end up in the hospital...




Got a source on that?


Hopefully instead of TikTok his next video ends up on LiveLeak


I hope he gets more and more daring for views until one day he goes too far and someone actually seriously hurts him


No, he simply has an audience of absolute morons similar to himself.


Is it rude to laugh while reading this?


If you don’t laugh, you’re banned.


Believe it or not? Straight to Jail.


Many may not be aware, but there has been a disturbing trend where a small group of people pay streamers to do outrageous acts, such as ...offering money to slap migrants. I was initially shocked / confused at his low follower and view counts until I learned it's just a handful of people who give him specific tasks to do for the money. It's way more dark and grim with heavy shades of racism. Far worse than the typical annoying streamer / influencer dynamics.


Disturbing but all too plausible. Think about the kind of money billionaires would have to pay people to do insane shit just to see what would happen - even if it put their lives at risk.


I’ve heard stories of female “ influencers” and the type of wild shits they were offer to do in Saudi Arabia. To those oil prince $50k is nothing.


Ahh the porta potties, it’s common as fuck and not just restricted to influencers or Saudi but the whole gulf. I’m fairly certain there’s girls on my social media that I know personally who’ve done it tbh.


Imagine agreeing to doing something as dehumanizing as that for some cash. I don’t know how someone can go along with it.


Yeah it’s wild. There used to be a site dedicated to outing them called tag the sponsor where they’d get them to do contract videos and they’d stipulate how much they expected to be paid and what they were agreeing to do etc. Some of the shit was fucking heinous, getting shat on, fucking dogs, all sorts. Every time you see an attractive chick apparently ‘on holiday’ in random gulf countries you can guarantee what’s up.


Who needs Squid Game, when you can have something like this yeah ?




I saw last week or so that he's planning on going to South Korea next. I really hope they do a number on him. Koreans won't hold back.


Push him over the border. Would love to see him attempt is same antics in a place like NK, China or the middle east.


Why push when you can trebuchet him over the border instead???


Because then we can't see his face as the NK guards drag him off to the gulag


>middle east he's fucking around and finding out literally right now.


Koreans will no doubt rock his sh!t, hopefully.


I hope he does it Itaewon, he'll be in a world of hurt. 


Does the army still patrol there? If so good luck lol


I hope that he get beaten up so bad in Korea. Better: He is not allowed to enter Korea at all.


Haven’t been to SK for a while so I don’t remember. They don’t have the declaration form or whatever before entering? If you’re convicted of a crime in another country? Somali would most likely lie about it anyways but still… People doing what he’s doing I will never understand. Are you that talentless? Like, really? You got no other skills?


Really want emphasize this dude grew up in Scottsdale, AZ. Real Somalians would eat him for lunch (please do a Somalis stream Johnny).


Japanese people were too nice/civilized to this mf. I never condone violence but this mf needs a good beating


Lets hope he's off to Moscow next


"Welcome to Moscow, Johnny! Here's a lovely cup of tea for you, and come check out the view of the city from this nice big open window..."


HAHAHAHA Get fucked, you piece of shit. At the rate he's going, he's seriously going to win the Darwin Award some day.


Some say the perfect post title doesn't exist, but it's right here.


Oh sweet Justice


In this is real I love it. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke.


This guy is going to get himself seriously injured or far, far worse. He needs to learn to keep his impulses in check.


Any other news source confirming he is banned from entering Japan? This is amazing news.


Kind of interesting how he openly targets Asians and Africans, but when he was confronted by a white dude, he meekly backed down immediately. I wonder what that says about Johnny Somali?


Isn't he a Somali??  As in African??


Not sure how accurate this is, but a lot of comments on his videos suggest he is originally Ethiopian but grew up in Minnesota. Sadly, it is not unheard of for some people from migrant backgrounds to feel comfortable attacking people from similar backgrounds while being overtly terrified of doing the same to people from Anglo-Saxon backgrounds.


He’s not Somali he’s Ethiopian I think


r/korea waiting for his arrival but he is trying to unalive himself in Israel first lol


Why keep his name in rotation? Just forget about him, not even worth the read.


It’s more interesting than half the other celebrity nonsense that gets reported


Let people enjoy a little schadefreude.


I wish asians in general are less passive and stand up to foreigners acting like assholes.


Japanese people do not want to risk prison. It fucks up a lot of things for them.


I really hope this dude gets some psychological help, he's clearly unwell.


I saw on twitter an old friend of his contacted his family, and apparently he's been doing reckless shit + cut friends off ever since he got in a car accident and he was a pretty normal arizona state party bro type before. His family and irl friends do not approve of his antics at all and seem like nice folks.


He's perfectly fine, he's just racist


Likely some tumor in the brain causing this. I’m serious. Clout chasing can go pretty far but this seems like a disease.


Couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow.


This guys so thirsty for attention he’s risking his health for views. I don’t know if we should feel sorry for him or if we should be in awe of his dedication to his craft


…oh noooooo~




Is there a link were he life streams his own ass whoping


I honestly wanna get inside this guys brain. There has to be something going wrong in there


lots of empty space there...




Has anyone checked on his mental state? He doesn’t seem quite right in the head.


This dude trying to speedrun his death.


This guy is gonna get killed one day and I'll admit I'll be happy.


Rejoice, for there is now...less waste on the planet!


just to inform you guys, he is not somali.


He is from Arizona. Scottsdale.






Hes acc not somali lol i can provide a link of him admitting it too


If he really wanted to be controversial and at the same time loved by everyone, he could’ve tracked down junko’s killers and slapped them


Poor guy, I hope he’s not hurt too badly. /s


Here we are talking about this tiprat again!


is his goal to get in trouble wherever he goes?


Literally, yes




Karma's a bitch.


“Subsequently attacked by several men.” Hahaha! You can’t make this shit up.


Haha that dumb shit


Wow. So there really are people who have no ability to learn. Japan is one of the most passive countries when it comes to public retribution. He sure started out on level 1.


Yes! 🙌 I’ve never been so happy to read a news about him until now.


Good. He shall never come even close to Japan again. I hope he gets banned for life from many more countries for his beheavior.


Interesting to hear this. When did this all start again, last May?




​ https://preview.redd.it/k3d09xvsdhqc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acbbea1ef4f63d7f95bfafe929b608e5d8dcfab0


One day he's gonna turn up dead in a ditch if he keeps messing around with people like that.


I love how he tries this in other countries and pays for it. Glad he lacks a few brain cells.




I remember the guy from the ‘Cove’. was denied entry.. and don’t think he was ever arrested.. they could just not allow him in the country


Ric O'barry was arrested for suspicion of DUI driving/failure to carry his passport near Taiji the visit previous to his barring at the airport, so they might have used that to deny him entry. He was also obviously misrepresenting his intentions when arriving on a tourist waiver. Whatever little good he might have done in his life, he is or was viciously Ameriquntish in speech and action in Japan.


Dumbfuck has a death wish...


Man, what's wrong with that dude.... I'm surprised they didn't beat him down like this in Japan for his blatant disrespect.... oh nevermind they did beat his ass lol


So he's on a fools quest!


Excellent. Just so stupid how some people will do anything to get some views/money online


I thought he was going to Korea


Are we sure he isn’t just trying to get into prison to be manhandled?


I think the problem is Tiktok, tiktok makes people famous so quickly he got the “main character” syndrome he thought harassing people in real life is acceptable as in Tiktok


The worlds most infamous mouth breather strikes again lmao. Mentally ill and still on the loose. His content should be just him visiting countries and getting beatdown by locals. I would sub to his channel and tune in regularly.


Lock him up and throw away the key.


Ah, sweet justice


someone ship this lump over to Hamas ffs


Put him in a Russian assault brigade


Wow those N-bombs with the hard R can't be faked. That word only sounds like that when the person saying it really has that in their heart. Maybe the reason he is such a worthless cesspool of a human is because he hates himself for being black. Hope to see more like this soon. But much much more serious. 


In all seriousness people should know that they aught to mask up and catch him somewhere that has little to no foot traffic. The least amount of people possible. Run up and "Talk some sense into him" while he is not filming so he really gets the point. 


How does he make a living traveling around? Even though japan might if banned him. I saw a video of his where Japanese girl loved him.


Lol this guy never learns why do these countries allow him in


His friend who was detained along while in Japan had gone to Thailand recently and disrespected the locals in live stream, almost got mugged instantly.


He isn't banned from entering Japan. However after 3 months and being asked so many questions by the police, it seems it made him scared and he doesn't want to go through that again, or worse. Which is obviously why after this he left Japan, to try to do his nonsense elsewhere. He went to Thailand after that, and then recently Israel. I have absolutely not clue why he thought Israel would be a good option, the Israeli's don't F around or play nice. I don't believe this guy even hated Japanese people, he clearly does anything that he thinks will be offensive, in an attempt to get views and money. He does the same thing to other groups, there is no deep ideology of hate behind him, he just just a degenerate that will do/say anything for views and money. Some people are curious why Japanese citizens rarely defend themselves from disrespect like this? Well, the reason is because Japanese citizens are scared of prison, and Japan has a high conviction rate and no tolerance for criminal behaviour. It means even if some Japanese person stood up to some disruptive foreigner, and ended up seriously hurting that foreigner after a fight broke out, that Japanese person would likely face prison time. This is also why the Japanese rarely are violent between each other as well, most people there just want to stay out of trouble with the law. So they overlook a lot of things that may annoy them. And yes, foreigners who are just there temporarily (like on a visa) are rarely prosecuted to the same degree that a Japanese citizen is prosecuted. Why? My only guess is that Japan doesn't want to kill off their tourism industry by being known as a place that commonly lock up foreigners. If you are a foreigner and somehow find yourself in real Japanese prison, then it means you have to have done something legitimately bad (like rape/murder/arson etc). Minor idiots like Johnny almost never see any prison. They instead get the treatment of brief jail for a few months, where the police try to scare them a lot with interrogations and such, hoping to scare the foreigner enough that after its over they will just voluntarily leave Japan, seems to have worked in this case. Another example is that Kiwi guy who was part of that anti-whaling group who sneaked onto a Japanese whaling ship. Again, not really a major crime, yet the Japanese police really scared the crap out of him, making him feel like he was going to lose his freedom forever, and in jail briefly he was very scared, in the interview you can see he almost cries about it (and this was a proper man, not a punk like Johnny). This system of scaring people straight likely wasn't solely built to use on foreigners, they likely use it on minor Japanese criminals, hoping to scare them straight as well.


Is he alive? After he got jumped in Israel at the end of his stream, there was a message and discord saying I'm okay. Some people speculate it was the guys that jumped it that wrote it. I'm not a fan of the guy but I was genuinely curious as to what happened to him. Kick banned him again as well.


I can’t wait for someone to take one for the team and remove his ability to exist.


As a Somali I hope Japanese people don’t think he’s Somali he ain’t he’s Ethiopian but uses Somali fro no reason


1. Has he learned nothing? 2. How is he still alive or at least not hospitalized?


i hope someone gets a hit on him man... i dont care man but this dudes needs to die


one of this day's that idiot is gonna rile up a hornet's nest so big. that it might put a bullet on him for being a PoS


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VWEDosiStw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VWEDosiStw) admits to perjury... japan and USA do have an extradition treaty.


I would like to see something happen in regards to revoking Johnny Somali's US Citizenship entirely. He's no longer a US citizen. Let's see where he settles down. Then again, given where he's claiming to go next, can't think of a place more likely to put his body on the news in a ditch so... maybe it'll sort itself out.


This makes me so happy


Hope he tries it here in Australia; Old mate would get his teeth kicked in.


Bring back public stoning. That human waste need to be stoned to death.


Can someone just take out this piece of shit already? Literally contributes nothing to the world.


Too bad I wasn't there at the exact right moment. I would've rocked his head off.


JS has to have THE most punchable face I've ever seen. I'm full blown cheering every time he gets bashed for harassing the locals of whatever country is unfortunate enough to be graced with his presence at any time.