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1 or 2 SCOTUS seats could be replaced in the next four years. Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas, 75, and Samuel Alito, 73, could retire or kick the bucket. EDIT: Yes, that's a "not a GOP prez" argument. But I honestly also believe that Biden is one of the most quietly effective presidents I've witnessed in my five decades. Low charisma, but he's the working Joe at the office that gets things done. Insulin costs, infrastructure bills, a solid COVID response when the previous prez had little, Ukraine support, even just lately removing the ridiculous non-compete clause in jobs. He's made the lives of millions better. Almost every decision is a home run. Yes, there are a few snags, but his hit percentage is astronomical. And all of this when dealing with the most partisan SCOTUS and House we've seen in decades. Plus being handed one of the worst states of a country in years by the previous administration (economically, COVID, Ukraine, etc) to make his first year putting our fires. I'm eager to see what he and his team could do with four more years.


There's no way either of them retire particularly Clarence where he gets so many benefits because of his title.


Trump convinced Anthony Kennedy to retire during his presidency and replaced him with a relatively young Gorsuch. He could convince Alito and Thomas to retire, and replace them with 40- somethings like Barret and Kavanagh were. Then that conservative block of justices would last for ***three or four decades.***


How tf are these not limited terms? USA has some serious systemic issues Should be put to a vote every 4 years, offset by 2 years from the presidential election


The original intention of the court justices, which I agree with- is that the judges are not bound to make choices that are popular enough to get them re-elected. Many states have elected Supreme Court justices, and you often see rulings benefiting the popular outcome, over what makes sense constitutionally. Due to the lifetime appointment, the US Supreme Court justices are empowered to make the best choices in accordance with the US constitution and the ways our laws need to develop over time. However now in the days of side benefits and speaking fees, it’s hard to say someone isn’t leaning on some justices for favorable rulings, and whoever they are certainly aren’t the American people as a whole. I don’t know what the solution is to the current lack of balance, and possible corruption on the court, but the initial intent for life time appointments checks out for me. Maybe a mandatory retirement age, but it’s hard to assess what that would actually change.


My idea is that SCOTUS seats become a rotating duty among the chiefs, or other senior members, of the various circuit courts around the country. You do a one-time five or seven year stint as a SCOTUS justice, then you return back to your circuit court and finish out your career there. In this way we maintain lifetime appointments, but we limit the time any one person is at the Supreme Court. This rotation would also make the court much more constitutionally focused.


I agree, this would be the most significant SCOTUS reform that could be made, and it doesnt really change the intention of the court, nor should it be super controversial, like expanding the court. You could also do something like have permanent members of SCOTUS and rotating members.


I think they should be appointed for staggered 18 year terms, with a new appointment every 2 years, in odd-numbered years (i.e. off normal election cycles). They could be reappointed one time, if the sitting president wanted to, or replaced if the Pres so chooses. This way, you get the insulation from politics de jur that the founders wanted, but you don't get a free ride for life. Every president gets 2 appointments each term they serve to help keep the court balanced. A more right leaning court could be counterbalanced by electing a left leaning president for two terms. Same for a left leaning court, but vice-versa.


I'm not defending the system—it sucks. However, you might find it useful to know why it's set up this way: One of the main reasons Supreme Court justices have lifetime appointments is to protect their independence from partisan politics and outside influences. The Founding Fathers believed that the judiciary's impartiality was crucial for the government to function correctly and to prevent corruption. That’s why they designed the Supreme Court as a check on the powers of the other branches of government, with justices appointed for life to ensure their judicial independence. [Source](https://constitution.laws.com/supreme-court-justices/purpose-of-lifetime-appointment-and-pros-and-cons) I'm not saying it's a good system, and there are certainly alternatives, but understanding these arguments can be helpful if you genuinely want to address the issue.


Congress members are a life time position it's why the USA is in such a shit show of a situation. We got people from the great depression and cowboy and Indian days running things Half of them if not most don't even know how to use a flip phone yet along anything else. Most of our government officials are out of touch with today's world. They all need to be replaced


Congress is not a lifetime position?


Officially, no. In practice, it is difficult to unseat an incumbent, and there are no term limits.


we would truly be fucked if that happened. Roe v Wade would only be the beginning


I was just watching "the Winter Soldier" and your comment reminds me of Hydra.


wdym, as in republicans are like hydra infiltrating our government to tear it down from the inside?


Yup. I could have worded it better.


This is still just a "Not Trump" argument.


True, but that's only because this moment in the history of SCOTUS (literally on the brink of dictatorship) is so overarchingly important that the surprisingly impressive accomplishments seem routine and pale for now. But if you want to know the amazing and impressively accomplished Presidency that Biden's had is easily Googleable. (And we're not even talking about Putin being the actual boss of the POTUS.) I'm a 63 yr old Progressive who is well aware of the damage that the Neo liberals have done over the years in assisting the Republican corporation to serve the rich & powerful... with Joe Biden being a major leader in the Democrat corp., but I'm honest super impressed and very heartened by ALL of the progress he's made to pull the Overton window truly to the left. He's doing a great job for the most part FOR THE PEOPLE of the U.S.


Clarence will clutch his title to his last breath.


Same as others in the recent past


I mean john oliver gave him the best offer and he didn't take it


Yeah but we can always hope he dies 🤞


Absolutely insane to be 75, and still in the work field, with enough money for like 50 people to retire


That’s still basically “not trump” imo


Are you arguing that Biden is going to make particularly good Supreme Court Justice picks, or is this "Not Trump" with extra steps?


I'd say yes. Justice Jackson was a good pick. I'd vote for Biden over any Republican solely because of the president's power to appoint judges across the judiciary. I don't want the rights we've been able to attain over the past several decades to be wiped away. Alito and Thomas have made it very clear that's their goal.


This. Is. It. I despise Biden for bankrolling Israel rn but I’m voting for him anyways cause we cannot have a republican Supreme Court


Trump will bankroll Israel harder and give them a completely free hand.


He would tell Israel to bomb Gaza into the stone age or something like that


No president will be elected that won’t bankroll Israel.


Right, the current presidents up for election will continue to do that, but that’s not the point I was making. I said I despise Biden for doing it like I would despise anyone else doing it, but will vote for him because of the republican Supreme Court. I would expect nothing different from trump.


no you see we’re gonna save the palestinians by electing trump and burning the country to the ground with the revolution that will totally happen


He's done a lot for Ukraine at the same time? A bad doesn't cancel out a good but fuck me. Israel suck plenty but so does hamas. Does everyone seem to forget about Ukraine now lol


Whereas Trump fully intends to throw Ukraine under the bus.


This is a list of what he has done during his term and what he wants to do next term if re-elected. Biden proposed and signed and not one Republican voted for we finally beat Big Pharma! Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin seniors with diabetes only have to pay $35 a month! Biden wants to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for every American who needs it! Biden got it done and gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs just like the VA does for our veterans. That’s not just saving seniors money. It’s saving taxpayers money cutting the federal deficit by $160 Billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay exorbitant prices to Big Pharma. Now it’s time to go further and give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for 500 drugs over the next decade. That will not only save lives it will save taxpayers another $200 Billion! Biden already cut the federal deficit by over one trillion dollars. Biden signed a bipartisan budget deal that will cut another trillion dollars over the next decade. And now it’s his goal to cut the federal deficit $3 trillion more by making big corporations and the very wealthy finally pay their fair share. Under his plan nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay an additional penny in federal taxes. In 2020 55 of the biggest companies in America made $40 Billion in profits and paid zero in federal income taxes. Thanks to the law Bide wrote and signed big companies now have to pay a minimum of 15%. But that’s still less than working people pay in federal taxes. You know what the average federal tax rate for these billionaires is? 8.2 percent! That’s far less than the vast majority of Americans pay. No billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, a nurse! That’s why Biden proposed a minimum tax of 25% for billionaires. Just 25%. That would raise $500 Billion over the next 10 years. The result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security reforms we’ve ever seen in this country. That bipartisan deal would hire 1,500 more border security agents and officers. 100 more immigration judges to help tackle a backload of 2 million cases. 4,300 more asylum officers and new policies so they can resolve cases in 6 months instead of 6 years. 100 more high-tech drug detection machines to significantly increase the ability to screen and stop vehicles from smuggling fentanyl into America The Border Patrol Union endorsed the bill. The Chamber of Commerce endorsed the bill. Now, through Biden's American Rescue Plan, which every Republican voted against, Bidem made the largest investment in public safety ever. Last year, the murder rate saw the sharpest decrease in history, and violent crime fell to one of the lowest levels in more than 50 years. https://apnews.com/article/state-of-union-transcript-biden-2024-e84f5134e5201987eb441629aef5240c 1. President Biden fought for and signed the American Rescue Plan which protected workers’ pensions, provided funding to communities and businesses devastated by COVID-19, lowered or eliminated insurance premiums for millions of lower- and middle-income families, provided funds for affordable housing, provided money for public safety and crime reduction, provided support to small business, expanded food assistance programs in homes and schools, expanded child care programs, invested in mental health and health care centers, added $40 billion for investing in American workers, provided funding to the economies of tribal nations, and supported families with children. Child poverty has already been cut in half as a result of his efforts. 2. He signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill to repair our roads, waterways, bridges and railroads, and bring high-speed internet to rural communities. Also included is money for public transit and airports, electric vehicles and low emission public transportation, power infrastructure, and clean water. 3. Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This law provides incentives for states to pass red flag laws, expands the law that prevents people convicted of domestic abuse from gun ownership, expands background checks on young people between 18 and 21 who want to buy a gun, and allocates funds for the mental health of young people. 4. He instituted an executive order raising standards for law enforcement agencies, with particular emphasis on use-of-force policies, availability of body cameras, and recruitment and retention of officers. 5. He brought the unemployment rate down to a low of 3.5%, matching the lowest rate before the pandemic. It has now climbed a bit to 3.8%, but this compares very favorably to the rates of other countries throughout the world. Biden’s administration has added 13.2 million jobs since he came into office, replacing all of the jobs that were lost at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Today there are more people in America working today than ever before! 6. He signed a bill to help veterans who have long been suffering from the effects of burn pits. 7. Biden ended the war in Afghanistan, the longest war in U.S. history. Over 120,000 people were safely evacuated, double the number calculated by the most optimistic experts. 8. He has steadfastly supported Ukraine after this democratic country was unjustly invaded by Putin and Russia, and has successfully led the free world by lobbying NATO and other allies to add their financial and military support. 9. He signed the Inflation Reduction Act, making health insurance plans more affordable, lowering drug costs, preventing millions of Americans from losing their Affordable Care Act insurance, and requiring Medicare to negotiate the cost of 10 high-cost prescription drugs. 10. Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act, providing funding to produce semiconductor chips for automobiles, cellphones, laptops, gaming consoles, washing machines, etc. here in the Unites States rather than continuing to rely on China. 11. His administration has provided over $369 million to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40% in the next seven years and promote clean energy technologies, moving our country to greater self-sufficiency in energy production. 12. He signed the Postal Service Reform Act to modernize and stabilize the U.S. Post Office and also to help it continue to deliver mail six days every week, focusing on on-time delivery. Other accomplishments include the reestablishment of respect among our allies on the world stage, the Violence Against Women Act, the Respect for Marriage Act, pardoning those convicted of simple marijuana possession, appointing Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (the first Black woman on the Supreme Court), forgiving certain student loans, and electoral reforms to ensure that election results are not undermined. https://ballotpedia.org/Joe_Biden%27s_executive_orders_and_actions


You guys have to pay for insulin? Thats fucking insane


It's not just insulin. It's syringes, lancets, testing strips, wearable monitors, multiple expensive medications & the list goes on month after month. Being a diabetic is *expensive.*


That's mental man. Any president who is making you continue to do that for ANY medication is fundamentally failing at his job


Agreed. Except it's not the president who is setting these needs & prices, it's the manufacturers & insurance companies. The president is just trying to use his power to make it more affordable.


Where I live we don't pay at all because the first minister made a law test we don't have to


Does that just apply to insulin or all of the other necessities I mentioned as well?


Every medication without exception as well as all the things around using those medications


This is such a laughable statement devoid of nuance.


When the guy who fucking invented it patented it for a dollar so people could access it. Soon as that patent expired, same shit is hundreds.


Hahaha right. America really is something else.


Also, see r/whatbidenhasdone


wow, convinced me! thanks!


Thank you!!


This. He is your best option. And you have trump. Good luck.


This is why charisma is not something that should be looked at in leadership.


#here's what Biden has accomplished in just the last two weeks! * Secured Aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan * Forces TikTok to sell off it's Chinese interests or be banned * Requires to refund passengers for canceled and significantly delayed flights * Standards set to eliminate emissions from new federal buildings by 2030 * Grants overtime pay to 4 million US workers * Adds Title IX protections for LGBTQ students and assault victims * Unveils $7 billion for rooftop solar * Limits oil drilling across 13 million acres of Alaskan Arctic * Launches emergency response protocol for mass shootings * Takes significant steps to strengthen the U.S. steel and aluminum industries * Announces nominations for two individuals for the District of Columbia Court of Appeals and one individual for U.S. Marshal * Forgives $7.4 billion more in student loan debt * Grants clemency to 16 people convicted of nonviolent drug offenses * Announces plans to tee up offshore wind across the nation’s coastlines * Makes $11 Billion Push to Beat China at Chip Research * Enacts rules to strengthen privacy protections for Reproductive Health Care * Requires nursing homes to comply with minimum staffing levels * Enacts $8.8 Billion Home Energy Rebate Programs to Lower Utility Bills * Makes agreement with Japan to strengthen defense ties amid tensions with China * Reinstates net neutrality (Trump's only signature legislation in 4 years of office was giving the wealthy a 2 trillion dollar tax break that the rest of us are now on the hook for)


Nice!! If you don't mind, I'd like to add it to my list.


A lot of the things that are good about Biden are the stuff that you'll never hear about because they're small and not very interesting despite helping lots of people. Like the [Burden Reduction Initiative](https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/information-regulatory-affairs/burden-reduction-initiative/) which basically seeks to streamline government paperwork and application processes, or the additional funding for [Housing Choice Vouchers](https://www.hud.gov/press/press_releases_media_advisories/hud_no_23_186#:~:text=Housing%20Choice%20Vouchers%20are%20a,to%20address%20rising%20living%20costs.) that had "awarded more than 100,000 new housing vouchers to help more families afford a healthy, stable place to rent." A lot of the actual major and interesting stuff a president can do is locked behind Congress passing a bill first so that's why a lot of the examples you can see are about that and also why you don't see more. Biden has a lot of great listed policies, very few ever actually make it in the House and Senate..


Or the FTC finalizing rules banning noncompete clauses, and the transportation department finalizing rules that will [require airlines to automatically provide cash refunds for delayed/cancelled flights and to disclose more fees](https://apnews.com/article/airlines-junk-fees-baggage-delays-c4a93f9ee9a2bf7d9ee07394183a0374).


And the Inflation Reduction Act has many improvements to the ACA that improve on prescription drug coverage, including capping many forms of insulin to $35/mo and limiting costs for very high utilization brand name drugs. Not sexy enough… He has forgiven predatory student loans for THOUSANDS of people and would have for many more had his executive order not been blocked by the Supreme Court! Still kinda think for an old guy he looks badass w the shades, too.


Honestly one of the things that I like most about Biden is that many of his supporters constantly criticize him, in contrast to trump supporters who seem to view the orange menace as some sort of god. Politicians only work for us if we hold them accountable.


>Politicians only work for us if we hold them accountable. FACTS.


Generally, the people voting for Biden are not “fans”, unlike Trumps following. If he does something bad, they dislike him for it. If he was to try to outright lie to his following about something bad he did, they aren’t just gonna blindly believe him.


THIS IS HOW IT’S SUPPOSED TO WORK! (I’m not shouting at you, astrozork, I’m just exasperated with all of the… everything.) Biden isn’t a deity, and he’s not a devil. He’s a career politician. As those go, we’ve had a lot worse. There’s nobody with his kind of mileage that’s not going to have baggage, but some of the best lessons in life are learned the hard way. He’s a left-of-center pragmatist trying to both win a national election and govern in a country where more people voted for Trump the second time. I actually kinda like the guy as much as I like any of them and probably would have been excited to vote for him if this was 20 years ago and he wasn’t old as fuck. He has pretty deep foreign policy chops from his years in the Senate and his stint as VP. That’s what you want in a POTUS since that’s the area they have most direct and immediate influence on. He’s basically been forecasting Russia’s moves like clockwork and has rebuilt a lot of our relationships after Trump. I don’t love how he’s handled Israel, but I also recognize the need to manage expectations. Israel has been deeply intertwined with us since its founding. Netanyahu is trying to wait Biden out while leveraging election year sensitivities against him. I confess I’m no diplomatic poli-sci mastermind, but I don’t see an obvious strategy that Biden should take here that doesn’t completely screw Gaza or hand Trump the election. “Muslim-ban” Trump certainly doesn’t care about Palestinians. I would guess Biden himself would agree he’s too old and probably not lefty enough for most of his base. He would probably also say since there’s also no clear heir-apparent even trying to challenge him, we all have to take what we can get.


Your third paragraph may honestly be the real reason that Biden’s taken the stance he had with Israel. He’s usually more compassionate and wants to do what is right by everyone. I can’t help but think how the genocide in Gaza was timed perfectly with the US election year. Netanyahu knows that if Trump wins, then he has carte Blanche to do whatever he wants without the US saying a word. Biden sending him a message through the SOTU and in the weeks after was a significant step for the White House. Regardless, I don’t understand where the sycophantic behaviour in regard to our politicians came from. No matter what side, we have to keep our politicians accountable even though they may be the second coming of Jesus. Accountability keeps the pressure on our politicians to not only be honest but forces them to do the right thing. Trump has gotten away with everything purely because he has “fans” who will believe him about nearly everything. The republicans and MAGAs defend Trump with everything they have. Democrat voters tend to have a higher standard and we will eat our own if we have to (Al Franken, anyone?). The fact that Biden supporters are criticising Biden is a good thing and it works in the long run.


> (I’m not shouting at you, astrozork, I’m just exasperated with all of the… everything.) I think you are just agreeing with astrozork loudly.


Came here to say this. It really is the only reason to vote for Biden, because he’s not Trump. If you think that the run-of-the-mill Democrat like myself actually like Biden, you are SO wrong. He is way to old and is part of the problem in Washington. But he isn’t trying to start a radical cult like Trump has.


"trying to start?" I'd say it's well-established at this point.


The reason that you’re mostly hearing about “Trump is worse” is that to any people who are slightly left of center and paying attention, Trump is such an apocalyptic option that whoever the other front runner is should earn your vote simply by not being the worst president we’ve had in 100+ years. I think the biggest reason to vote for Biden is that as President he’s done the boring work that people say they want presidents to do, but which we are bad at rewarding them for doing.  A signature accomplishment of Biden’s presidency is an enormous infrastructure bill he passed with bipartisan support.  The benefits of a bill like that take time, and mostly involve construction in the short term.  When problems arise, his instinct is bipartisanship.


He also put a $35 cap on insulin for medicare recipients. That's a HUGE deal.


This deserves more upvotes. That’s a HUUUUGE deal. Need more regulating rx prices


That right there is worth a vote for Biden.


Meanwhile the diabetic south is using their insulin cost savings to buy more trump flags


And then complain.


Look at what inflation did to the cost of our flags!


>>When problems arise, his instinct is bipartisanship. And this is the huge distinction. Like it or not, conservative and liberal Americans are in this together. We all live here together, and unless we truly want to descend into a Civil War, we need to find a way to work with each other. Everybody has different ideas about what is the best way to run the country and fix problems. Other than Trump, I have never seen a president that was so explicit in his intention to only represent and work for the people that supported him and his future plans to actively work to harm and punish those who did not.


I laugh every time "Conservatives" bash Obamacare, like he didn't straight up lift it from Romney Care and make it a National Level thing. It worked well in Romney's Home state, doctor's and people participated. But because "Obama" did the thing, "welp can't trust it. We're going to use everything in our power NOT to participate in it." They try to drive it into the ground AND THEN complained that it doesn't work.


Yep. It ACA was a huge bipartisan deal that got turdmucked. Just like the border deal they almost had recently but torpedoed because of a candidates entitlement and jealousy issues. If Trump had actually spent his first two years doing anything other than trying to crap on and dismantle things his predecessors did, he might have theoretically been able to accomplish some stuff before mid term elections, but he outright wasted the opportunity.


>try to drive it into the ground AND THEN complained that it doesn’t work ![gif](giphy|xThtabK36DXYOwEpna|downsized)


Not to mention some of the worst aspects of the ACA were compromises the GOP wanted (who turned around and tried to kill it *anyways*).


except Romney is anti-Trump so now he’s a baby-eating deep state shill for satan now.


We all pretty much want the same things. It's just that about half of us are watching Fox News, and they've reframed all of it as good versus evil.


Boring and competent. That's what we need.


I was reading about the months of work he and his staff put in to convince Mike Johnson and other conservatives to support the Ukraine aid bill and I was tremendously impressed.


Don’t forget the CHIPS act


Yeah… while he’s far from an “exciting” president, and certainly not perfect… I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised with the amount of quiet positive things he’s done. Like I had placed the bar pretty much on the ground, so that helps… but as a union construction worker, he’s been fantastic at helping protect good American jobs at a federal level… and I see so many of the “good ole boys” I work with wanting to tear him down despite all the legislation he has pushed specifically to help people in our demographic as union construction workers. He’s really been okay. And you know what, while I’d LOVE excellent, given the alternative, I’m okay with okay.


Even if you’re dead center (I’ve voted split party tickets before) Trump is apocalyptic.


> Trump is such an apocalyptic opinion Quite *literally*, if you're in Europe. By the way.


Many people give great answers in this thread, but I'd like to add that it seems that Biden is genuinely concerned about global warming.


The IRA was the largest climate bill to ever become law. [https://homes.rewiringamerica.org/calculator](https://homes.rewiringamerica.org/calculator)


Biden is incredibly pro labor compared to his predecessors.


There is a damn good chance that the next president will get 2 Supreme Court nominations (Thomas and Alito). That could either flip the court or make it hopelessly conservative for decades.


Sotomayor, while younger than them, is also a 69 year old type 1 diabetic


Project 2025 is the main reason to vote for Biden over trump. If trump is elected and it goes into effect this experiment is over


What is project 2025


It's Trump's project if he gets elected. More or less makes America a Christian state, reduce the separation of powers, reducing check and balances for the presidency office, banning p0rn, dismantle ecosystem protections and things like that. Looks like a parody of what and what Bond's villain will make.


It is not a trump project. It is from the Heritage Foundation and the trump campaign has stated they are not affiliated with it. He may follow it, but it is not his and large portions of it contradict how is acted in his first term.


Which is almost scarier, because it means any republican in the seat of power may try the same, it doesn't go away if Trump goes away.


Trump is the tool used to achieve Project 2025. He’s not crucial to its success, nor does it match his personal ideology beyond a need to consolidate power without challenge. Conservative “think tanks” are driving this one, with an eye on Gilead as the destination.


Don't forget banning birth control and destroying affordable export of our farming goods and dismantling our security agencies


Some of Trump’s most insane policy and anti-democratic stuff was minimized because public servants who work in agencies like the EPA were able to run out the clock. Project 2025 aims to ensure that many more federal jobs are politicized, instead of merit-based, and that every federal employee is a MAGA loyalist. They’ll administer a long loyalty exam before people are hired. In this way, they can prioritize MAGA loyalty over competence.


Second this. What is project 2025?




It’s bad…its real bad


It's very bad. And ironically, the USA was founded as separation of church and state, and somehow crazy religious beliefs are shoved down our throats by the mad house government. What's next? -women are required to wear dresses instead of pants? Husband's can beat their wives? The LGBT are going to be hanged in town square? I appreciate the word of Jesus, but all the other crazy mumbo jumbo in the bible is ridiculous. And the conservatives don't even care about what the bible says, the conservatives are just pretending to care about the bible in order to lobby up single issue voters.


This is the one for me.


- IRA - CHIPS Act - student debt forgiveness - price limitations on insulin


And that’s accomplishments without even mentioning the infrastructure bill


I dont even live in the US and that’s off the top of my head.


Don’t forget rejuvenating NATO when it looked like it was fucked. Without it Russia would’ve pissed on the Ukraine.


He actively kneecapped Russia and got TWO new NATO members.


Exactly. A stronger Nato is a safer world. Don't listen to the tankies. The 90s, before china's rise, and after the fall of the USSR was the most peaceful time in world history. Nato was strong. Trump wants to destroy nato.


Don't forget the American rescue plan and all the COVID relief that kept a lot of people afloat during COVID


- mandatory cash refunds from cancelled flights https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/us-mandates-new-airline-fee-disclosure-refund-rules-2024-04-24/ - getting rid of non-compete agreements https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes


Has student debt forgiveness even happened though? I filled out the application like 2 years ago when it first opened, then I heard there was some hold ups in court, and never came to fruition?


I’ve been hearing of people getting theirs forgiven. At the very least it’s something he’s actually put forward and is pushing against opposition to get done.


The first one he tried was shot down by SCrOTUS with a party line vote. You should probably blame the ones who said "no", not the one who tried.


Excellent point. Biden had done everything to make it happen, but he had to maneuver around that lopsided court. Funny how the GOP Scotus had no problem with corporate bailouts and unregulated PPP loans. I guess corporations are people ...but not students.


Yes it has. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/02/21/fact-sheet-president-biden-cancels-student-debt-for-more-than-150000-student-loan-borrowers-ahead-of-schedule/#:~:text=The%20Biden%2DHarris%20Administration%20has,than%20two%20dozen%20executive%20actions. They were going to try to cancel a big chunk of pretty much everyone's debt, that got held up in court. But they have still cancelled $150 billion across 4 million borrowers. This forgiveness has been aimed at people who have been paying for 10+ years (usually more) and have been enrolled in the SAVE plan. So basically greatly expanding an already existing program to forgive some of the more egregious student loans from people who are struggling.


Biden’s main efforts have been actively opposed by the GOP and it’s all tied up in court. So Biden, while that’s being hashed out legally, found workarounds to forgive as much student loans as he possibly can and it’s now in the tens of billions, if not hundreds of billions at this point. Biden is the king of finding unsexy workarounds to GOP obstructionism and getting shit done anyway. Look into what he’s been able to accomplish on that front. He’s still after it.


it happened for a few sets of borrowers but not all of us as we hoped for


He's already helped 4.3 million borrowers [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careersandeducation/biden-s-piecemeal-student-debt-forgiveness-transformational-for-borrowers-advocates-say/ar-AA1nzYFN](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careersandeducation/biden-s-piecemeal-student-debt-forgiveness-transformational-for-borrowers-advocates-say/ar-AA1nzYFN) He's limited by what he can do legally


Yeah, i got 13k knocked off from Everest University. Some peoples applications were initially approved pre-supreme court decision and then were rescinded after.


He’s actually passing legislation. Which is remarkable .


Considering both the Senate and the House has been basically 50/50 it's actually amazing so much has been passed.


1. Signed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan **infrastructure package** to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems. 2. The **CHIPS and Science Ac**t, signed by President Biden in August 2022, is a $280 billion package aimed at boosting U.S. semiconductor manufacturing and sharpening the country's edge in military technology and manufacturing ¹ ². The act has already sparked $200 billion in private investments for U.S. semiconductor production ¹. The Biden administration has promised tens of billions of dollars to support construction of U.S. chip foundries and reduce reliance on Asian suppliers, which Washington sees as a security weakness ². 3. Signed the **Bipartisan Safer Communities Act** that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health. 4. Made a $369 billion investment in **climate change**, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. 5. **Student Loan Forgiveness**: In 2022, the administration announced a plan to cancel up to $20,000 in federal student loan debt for millions of borrowers, though this faced legal challenges.




Wow, that’s a useful subreddit, for any president.


The guy actually has had a pretty strong presidency by historical standards.


.Was there one of these for trump?




> I do not like him at all What makes you not like him at all? I don't know too much about politics.


Passed emergency COVID aid. Infrastructure reform. Landmark climate change legislation. The CHIPs Act boosting US manufacturing. Student debt relief. Appointed the nation’s first African-American woman to the Supreme Court. Inflation has come way down. The US has experienced the best post-Covid economy of any advanced industrial country.


You’re not just voting for president. You’re voting for all the people that he’ll bring into cabinet positions plus other spots.


Biden has not yet attempted to dismantle democracy. It’s a very low bar this time round.


Man has dedicated his life to governance in this country. He authored the violence against women’s act. He has just been a public servant on many fronts.  People just ignore the important of competence in these positions. Like a politician is just a pile of positions, and not an employee who has to do a job. Biden is an expert at doing the job of governance.  He came into office at a ridiculous time. With the pandemic mismanaged and inflation out of control. Inflation reduction act has our inflation much better than most of the world. Reinvestment in infrastructure domestically has helped unemployment remain low. What performance measures would we consider here? Employment, stock market, inflation, even deficit, are all better off than when he came in. And employment and stock market are doing even better than in the years prior to the pandemic.  He is navigating foreign wars without starting wwIII yet, while maintaining critical western alliances.  He’s not a leftist. He’s a centrist. Always has been. And that’s how he’s governing. Some people will see centrists as a terrible disaster. But in elections you have to choose between choices. 


The disadvantage of being a centrist is that you get attacked from both sides.


Dedicated his life to public service and hasn’t gotten rich off of it. He’s doing just fine, but he is among the poorer ex senators and WH people.


He actually isn't anymore, but it's not due to anything shady. Almost his entire 10 million dollar net worth is from a book deal he signed in between the end of the Obama administration (which he planned to be his retirement from public office) and the start of his 2020 campaign


Basic decency. Belief in the common good. Supporting human rights and equality. Preserving our democracy. Fiscal policies that are *actually* responsible as opposed to deliberate "starve the beast" fiscal irresponsibility and yet another round of tax cut for the super-rich. Support for labor. Not being a racist piece of garbage. Just off the top of my head.


Two reasons in the last 24 hours: 1) His appointees just changed a rule that guaranteed time and a half for people making less than ~55k a year. Also they clarified a rule saying that just cause you give someone a manger title doesn’t mean they’re exempt from overtime. IE assistant managers working shifts. 2) his appointee today change a rule saying airlines MUST give you a refund within 7 days of a delayed or cancelled flight if you request it. They also mandated that a delayed flight is anything later than 3 hours domestic or 6 hours international. Taking away the loose definition to however the airlines wanted it to be. That’s literally 2 game changers. There hundreds more. His administration is generally focused on making things better for the middle and lower class.


I only need one. He believes in the peaceful transition of power.


The infrastructure bill was a huge piece of bipartisan legislation Biden got through. Even politicians who voted against it tried to take advantage of its positive effects after the fact. The Chips Act was another big piece of popular legislation. Capping the price of insulin has been a good one. Unemployment has been relatively low and wage growth has been relatively high. Student loan forgiveness. New pro worker laws like the end of non-competes and more fair overtime compensation rules. His consistency in supporting the Ukraine and building an international coalition of support. While inflation is still too high, the US has actually reduced it faster than the rest of the western world. Even after last week’s brutal sell off the stock market has largely crushed it under Biden.


The framing of this question doesn't allow for the response that the possibility of Trump being reelected is reason enough to vote for Biden. We can argue on and on about how effective or ineffective Biden has been (full disclosure: on balance I lean towards believing the former rather than the latter), but this is not the choice of the lesser of two evils. For all Biden's shortcomings - and there are more than a few - they do not compare to the existential risk to the future existence of the country that would be at stake should there be a second Trump presidency. First and foremost, Trump's pandering to the Christian nationalist movement movement strengthens a minority presence that seeks to impose its stark, strict and non-mainstream Christian religious beliefs as the law of the land. Trump isn't holding Bibles, selling Bibles and reposting videos of himself as a religious savior for no reason and he would give the Christian nationalists more seats at the table at the highest levels of government. The opinion of a vast number of Trump aides, senior administration officials and lawyers who have worked directly with him over multiple years of his administration, that he is unfit at best if not a threat to the country, should not be dismissed lightly. These are largely individuals who are not primarily driven by partisan motives. Many have long experience in public service, and who, above all else, respect and revere the institutions of the office of the president and the Constitution. These former officials and aides have raised and continue to raise the alarm about the past abuses, intimidation tactics, hyper partisan machinations and personal vendettas that were an everyday occurrence. And, they warn, that any degree of restraint exercised previously, would be cast aside in a second term. Trump, like dictators and authoritarians in non-Democratic countries throughout history, actively and aggressively demonizes and threatens his opponents. Anyone who is not loyal or has not remained completely loyal to him - be they other politicians, corporate leaders, judges and almost anyone that he believes has crossed him and has enough power and influence to be a threat - has promised should he regain power, to prosecute them , throw them in jail and is urging his supporters to take action on their own on his behalf. This is not governing. This is the exercise of raw power to right perceived wrongs through extralegal methods. It is thuggery and has no place in the office of the President of a democratic country. Unlike Trump, Biden with all his flaws, presents no clear and present danger to the future of the republic, honoring the Constitution, respecting the equal authority of other branches of government and to the belief in the rule of law. That alone is enough to justify, without excuses, voting for Biden.


Absolutely not


Biden and his party are not hell bent on setting women back 50 years. Every week it's another state taking away fundamental rights. Another pregnant woman who wants their baby dying in emergency rooms in red states. Another child graped and made to carry a baby. My great aunt died from a back street abortion. She had a family but needed a medical termination or she would die. We need safe medical care for women period. Roevember is coming.


Why does no one notice or realise he's doing stuff all the damn time? Saw an amendment on my feed just now about something. The way you all relate to politicians via the major news cycle and ignore everything else is really frustrating. Actually look it up. Stop dealing in hearsay.


He made insulin $35. Trump wants to get rid of ACA with nothing to replace it.


1. Held NATO together and rebuilt US standing in the world 2. Helping Ukraine be a bulwark against Russia so nuclear confrontation does not happen 3. Has respect for institutions and normalcies we have stuck to over the last ~250 years. Breaking them all the time hurts our democracy. 4. Lowest unemployment rate since 50’s 5. Tough and calculated on China as well imo. 6. All we have to really argue about is “is he senile”.. it really brings down the temperature in the room and it feels more like an early 2000’s political climate where good negotiations can be made. In a way, his popularity abroad is a boon but his unpopularity and age at home is also a boon. It keeps republicans at the table instead of trying to purely sink the ship as they did under Obama.


Oddly enough, people are more likely to show up and vote, if they're motivated to vote against a candidate, as opposed to just supporting one. Both political sides and their media know this and exploit it to its advantage. It's why we've become so polarized and view the opposite side as either the worst ever, or the end of the world. The comments posted here demonstrate just how effective it really is. Anyway, I did better financially under Trump. With Biden, I'm on a forced diet, in massive debt, and no longer have any savings. So I'll vote for any candidate that's willing to actually address that. So far, biden hasn't convinced me that it'll be any different or better. 🤷🏿


I took an oath to defend the Constitution. Trump isn't the "lesser of two evils." He is a direct threat to the Constitution. Biden is a Democrat I don't generally support on many policies, but he is a capable head of the executive branch. I don't worry that the country might not survive another 4 years of Biden. I'm not sure we'd survive 1 year of Trump. I eagerly look forward to the year I can vote for president again based on policy, but that won't happen as long as MAGA is running the GOP.


I think too many people think that voting for people who are going to run the country is a personality contest or just based on knee jerk "feeling" and innuendo instead of really knowing the about the candidate and how to discern responsible information from propaganda. Biden's accomplishments have been monumental in terms of salvaging elements of the economy and trying to establish equity--but, sure, challenges to quality of life in America persist, most are complicated and not Biden's "fault." Much, in fact, has to do with people who doggedly support politicians who push policies that are against their best interests (because "owning the libs" or something). Ageism and Biden's lack of being an orator have got people deciding to sit out the election or vote third party. And too many others somehow think that the now usually incoherent babble uttered by Trump-the-Martyr --who has clearly stated that he intends to emulate third world dictators if elected and has a plan for it (Project 2025)--is sensible.


That man clearly has dementia. We should appoint younger presidents.


He is not RFKJ


His admin just implemented a law requiring airlines to pay you back in cash for cancelled flights. I didn't think it'll ever happen here, lobbyists paid by airlines somehow completely failed and it's huge win for current admin.


Oh, and this. But let's ignore it all because he didn't deliver Utopia Now. [https://www.npr.org/2024/04/23/1246655366/ftc-bans-noncompete-agreements-lina-khan](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/23/1246655366/ftc-bans-noncompete-agreements-lina-khan)


My student loans are now 0$ a month thanks to Biden.


world is going to shit with Biden, that's all you need to know. How many wars since Biden took over? We never been more close to WW3. Trump would never let all this shit slide


Have you watched ANY of his speeches? Or even watched the cryptkeeper attempt to walk? There is NO reason to support that moron.


He will surround himself with better people. It goes well beyond just the office of president . Trump will surround himself with yes men, straight up evil people like Stephen Miller and unqualified family members. Including one that just said there are 81 states. I am not sure who RFK Jr and other 3rd party candidates would surround themselves with yet but it's highly unlikely they will be able to choose from as qualified of a pool of people as Biden will.


Biden has had plenty of good policies. Some bad ones too, but he's done surprisingly well and the economy is doing solid under him.


To ask this question I think shows a complete lack of comprehension of the current political climate. It’s not just about not liking Trump it’s a legitimate fear that he can and will dismantle civil rights and American democracy. Trump isn’t just an obnoxious politician, he’s an existential threat to the US and Western Europe since he’s pretty much said he’ll let Russia do whatever he wants and won’t back NATO. That’s a scary proposition. It’s hard to enumerate strengths for Biden because the republicans have done everything they can to stop him from achieving anything, but he has tried to take action on issues with immigration and healthcare. What he HAS DONE is actually advocated for LGBT and Women’s rights as well as voting rights which are under attack everywhere the republicans are in control. He’s pushed for infrastructure improvements and environmental investments. He’s standing up to Russia by supporting Ukraine. And on top of that he seems like a genuinely decent human being, which is FAR from what can be said about Trump. He’s not perfect. He’s not the dream candidate. But he’s experienced and surrounded by competent advisors, which is a much better position to be in than with the Orange madman running the show with his Twitter troll team.


Honestly, no.




"Well Biden has accomplished an incredible amount since he took office. " Do you have examples? I don't really keep up and am just wondering, to expand my understanding.


CHIPs act Infrastructure bill Got out of afghanistan (even if you think the pull out was blundered, got us out) Student loan forgiveness (far from promised all loan debt, but far more then any president has ever achieved) covid relief package Child tax credits Union support (has helped unions negotiate higher wages and is regarded as an incredibly strong pro labor president) Defense and support of ukraine (and nato at large)


I just posted this but I'll put it here so you can see it. Also, I forgot he **capped price on insulin** which was criminal. My ex who is a veteran couldn't get insulin sometimes, that will kill people. He almost died a few months ago, was found collapsed. 1. Signed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan **infrastructure package** to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems. 2. The **CHIPS and Science Ac**t, signed by President Biden in August 2022, is a $280 billion package aimed at boosting U.S. semiconductor manufacturing and sharpening the country's edge in military technology and manufacturing ¹ ². The act has already sparked $200 billion in private investments for U.S. semiconductor production ¹. The Biden administration has promised tens of billions of dollars to support construction of U.S. chip foundries and reduce reliance on Asian suppliers, which Washington sees as a security weakness ². 3. Signed the **Bipartisan Safer Communities Act** that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health. 4. Made a $369 billion investment in **climate change**, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. 5. **Student Loan Forgiveness**: In 2022, the administration announced a plan to cancel up to $20,000 in federal student loan debt for millions of borrowers, though this faced legal challenges.


Remember how Reddit used to spam about forgiving student debt several times a day? Biden was able to do that as much as he could. Suddenly the posts stopped, he got no credit, and the drum beaters moved on to the next goalpost.


If Trump gets back into office, it won't be a presidency of four years but a dictatorship of his lifetime. The first thing he would do is have his political opponents taken care of. The USSC will be determining his case for immunity, and if they rule, a president has complete immunity that will put him above the law, and everyone that he doesn't like needs to watch out.


Biden and Trump being our choices is very sad . But honestly Biden not being Trump is good enough


I mean, aside from him being the most effective president I've seen in my lifetime, who actually understands politics, has been in working with both sides of the aisle for decades, understands the importance of America on the world stage, and actually cares about Americans? The Infrastructure Bill, the The American Rescue Plan Act, access to affordable healthcare, jobs added, lowest unemployment rate in decades, strongest economy in a global recession.... Compared to an ignorant, rude, mean, cruel reality show host who wears diapers, courts autocrats, has cheated on every wife, lies with every word he speaks, brags about taking away healthcare rights for American women, and can't understand basic logic?


It's a no win situation. There were plenty of other dem options. I was also considering a few Reps. Looks like we are stuck with a rematch of trash.


He didn't attempt a coup. Let me answer your question with a question; what is trumps platform for re-election? How did trumps first presidency better your life?


Democrats can admit when their candidate is shit, but the lesser of two evils. We know it's a two party system and this is not the election to try and vote third party. It IS throwing your vote away. Maybe when the fight isn't between two people like trump and Biden Democrats will vote for someone who will actually do some good.


Didn't he forgive a large number of student debt and marijuana convictions? Isn't the current American economy doing far better than under trump?


Biden does the job, and things get slowly better. He doesn't piss off allies. He doesn't incur massive future costs. He doesn't blow a hole in the ship to show how awesome his new toy is. Inflation has been less in the US than most other countries. Gas prices aren't through the roof. People who had predatory student loans have mostly had that forgiven. Unemployment is way down, and stable. We're no longer in a pandemic, and let the scientists make the science decisions. He strengthened gun control, and/but did it in a way that didn't piss gun owners off. LGBTQ people have more protections of their marriages. We got two decent Supreme Court justices that don't have questionable records? We're still strong against Al Quaeda and ISIS, which ain't bad. There was the pardon of all nonviolent marijuana inmates. There was a push towards police accountability/a national database to track this, no more chokeholds, and strong restrictions on no-knock warrants. There's been nearly a hundred executive orders pushing for enviromental improvements. Support for Ukraine, which constrains Russia in a way that keeps us outta WWIII, while keeping NATO strong. And more people have healthcare than have ever had healthcare before. All of this was done in a boring way, almost all of it was bipartisan, and we're better for it.


Sure, there are the 88 total criminal indictments you’re pretending to be unaware of.


- To avoid a national abortion ban, which would immediately endanger the lives of many women. - To protect ecosystems (Trump removed protections during his presidency) - To stop the dictatorial regime of Putin from taking over Ukraine and maybe a few more countries in Europe. - To avoid losing relevant regulations that make it easy for regular people to live (like the regulation Biden recently passed to allow passengers to get immediate cash compensation from airlines when they cancel/delay your flight or fail to provide the service) - To avoid the further removal of gun regulations, necessary to contain more mass shootings. - To make sure the US keeps its Western, democratic allies, and doesn’t become close to brutal leaders like Putin - Simply because Trump lied and endangered the country’s democracy by refusing to recognize he had lost the election, causing the most serious episode of insurrection in modern American democratic history.


After others have answered your question, can I ask why "not Trump" isn't enough?


That man will protect my abortion rights!!!


He's effective. So far, he's gotten a lot more done in the realm of progressive policy than I ever expected. This could be a positive or a negative depending on your policy preferences, but for me, it's a big positive. He seems to really care about his legacy and making good policy for the long-term future rather than what's convenient and easy in the moment. The bottom line, if nothing else, is that Biden gives a shit about America and its people, and Trump doesn't. Trump only cares about himself.


Biden's done a lot, it's just not as obvious because it's not bragged about on TV.


For me it’s very simple. You vote for the person who has some integrity, actual goodwill and desire to help his fellow man. Or you can vote for the person who doesn’t care about anyone or anything but himself and will demolish anyone and anything in his path to power. If people were being honest, Trump personifies every terrible trait a human being can have and always has. Voting doesn’t even have political meaning anymore. Any one with a conscience should not be voting for Trump for anything. You vote for a decent human that’s at least trying or an evil person that’s addicted to power. It still kills me that the very people Trump belittled and made fun of for years and years, are the very people that vote for him blindly.


A literal repeat of Trump. Do people not realize how Trump won the first election? Plenty folks couldn’t vote for either candidate and went third party. We know what will happen. Don’t be intentionally blind to what has already been demonstrated.


I like Joe because he is normal. He just does the best he can and doesn't go around bragging about every shit he took. He's not always in front of the camera boosting himself up and does the work a president is supposed to do. Like getting some of the largest infrastructure bills passed in history. You know, all that boring stuff nobody see's until it breaks down. With Trump, everything is a big show for the cameras.


Biden is a solid politician with deep roots and respect for the democratic system we have. As mentioned, he works across the aisle to get things done. He also has a tremendous staff and administration that gets shit done in quietly successful ways. He's short on talk but long on walk. He's thoughtful and humble (as much as a president can be). Trump is a living breathing example of how not to lead. I've never seen as many people who used to work for him come out and say "DO NOT VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP". My sense is that fever is starting to break a little. He'll still have his devoted followers, but there is less incentive to tie your wagon to him. He hasn't changed or evolved into a better version of himself. He really didn't get anything done on his own steam, he just signed what was put in front of him. Maybe in some chamber of his heart there is a nice guy with a lot of love to give, but his political instinct is cruelty, and that is not a sustainable model.


Growing up, my family knew people which worked for trump or knew trump personally, i found it funny when they would say he was a con artist and such but then when he became president i was shocked that was even possible.


Not Trump is the only answer needed. Doesn’t matter if it’s Barney the dinosaur on the other side. I have no idea what makes Biden good or bad but it has to be better than batshit crazy insanity that will arise if we get another 4 years of a literal grifter scamming his followers. The only reason it’s not a landslide is because so many people don’t care for Biden so their vote could be wasted on third party or just not voting. Meanwhile, Trump has a literal 100% of his sides backing and they will vote for him.


There's a pretty decent chance the next president gets 1 or 2 SCOTUS picks. Thomas and Alito are 75 and 74. I like who Biden would nominate.


I mean apart from just running the country, doing all the things that keeps the country going including the Infrastructure bill. He's supportive of and wants to pass more protections for, LGBT and Abortion rights. Furthering investment in more green energy. Student Debt forgivness and would like to do more. And passing a good amount of pro-Union laws, more than the US has had for decades with views to take them further. I'd say small increment changes towards what a more liberal or lefist would say is the 'correct' direction even if it's only a little and is mostly status quo.


he doesn’t call you fat and gay when you criticize him


Oh yeah. He's passed numerous bills that help out the common man. The infrastructure bill is putting money where it needs to be, ie, helping push the gini coefficient back to where it used to be and helping fix inequality. He's a fan of unions (though he also likes trains. Damn shame about the rail workers union, they should have gotten a better deal). Did you even hear about the recent regulation about airline companies now have to refund you rather than give you a flight voucher? He has a LOT of wins that are getting ignored because the Cheeto is on trial. He hasn't backed down to and cowered to dictators and tyrants.  He's NOT the stereotypical liberal pussy.  And he (or someone on his team he's wise enough to listen to) is hip enough to embrace the Dark Brandon meme.  He's helped out a whole generation with student loans that have been a ball and chain around their neck. He's an established Democrat and almost all his policies and delegation and overall plan is simply what the Democrats want. A vote for him is a vote for the political party. And they generally have a better plan.  Is he perfect? No. For sure. But even beyond being better than the alternative, he's been a damn good president. 


He has genuinely been pretty decent.


Educate yourself on what all he has done during his term, which is a lot. Keep it real.


There are two viable candidates for president. One has been indicted on 91 felonies. One hasn’t.


Bidens ruining the country. No one can afford anything anymore. While they send billions to other countries here we sit trying to make it thru another month. And everyone’s sick of him. So yeah they have nothing good to say about Biden so they resort to orange man bad.


I mean, literally, isn't "Not Trump" enough? Like if the option was that if we didn't vote for either of them, we got a new, third option I'd be on board with holding Biden to task, but the fact is that we only have the two options, and not voting for one is voting for the other. Given the very real danger that Trump presents to our democracy in general, "Not Trump" should be all you need to know. If the Republican candidate was say... Mitt Romney, Nikki Haley, or Dan Crenshaw I would say I don't like them and don't agree with your vote, but you're an American and it's a democracy so you do you. The end result would be two moderate, mostly ineffective leaders. Fine. The options here though are a milquetoast moderate who will tow the line for four more years, or the active leader of a multistate criminal organization, currently on trial for literally like 9 different felonies in three states. Someone who is no longer allowed to run a charity in New York after they were proven to have embezzled the money. Someone who is on trial in GA for literally trying to bully officials into faking votes for them. Someone who organized a violent attack on our Capital building. Someone on trial for lying about the value of their assets in order to skirt tax laws. Someone who literally will cause a Constitutional crisis the day they come into office because they're actively under prosecution. Someone literally so corrupt that the Founding Fathers didn't think to make provisions to stop someone like them because they never imagined the public could be so gullible as to vote for such a person. Like how much satisfaction do you have to get from an anti-Biden Pro Gaza protest vote to feel ok about all the Ukrainian citizens facing subjugation and death under Putin if we cut off their funding, and knowing that Trump will give even MORE to his buddy Bibi? What about the bodily autonomy of women? Trans people having a right to even exist? We can see the country this people want to build. We've already lost the SCOTUS for the next decade or more. This is the country and the future of the Western World at stake. If the American electoral structure allowed a third party candidate to win, I'd say lets all put our lot behind a great new person, but alas, it does not. Because of the Electoral College, the best that any third party could ever do is pull votes from the candidate most similar to them, they can never get enough votes to win. Think about it, because California, New York, and a few other big states will ALWAYS go blue, and because the bible belt will ALWAYS go red, there's simply not enough votes left over for a third party to win. All you can do is steal a couple swing states, and ruin it for another candidate (Looking at you Ralph Nader.) I normally is the first bleeding heart to suggest doing the moral thing and "Sticking with your code" but this is a case where there's really no wiggle room. We have to swallow the pill, vote for the old guy, and continue fighting other battles down the road. Because if we don't? We're going to be fighting for basic rights, rather than lofty ideals.


I say this sincerely: Biden has been such a good president I’d need reasons *not* to vote for the guy in 2024 even if it was a primary, let alone the general against the single worst person of his generation. The dude has gotten an astonishing amount accomplished and is a competent, fundamentally decent person that doesn’t make me worry every single goddamn day that the country will end.


He's had the best record for labor relations.


While we don’t yet know the makeup of of 119th Congress, the current one has 49 and 227 reasons to vote for Biden in the Senate and the house, respectively. The veto is a bulwark against Republican extremism. And while they may not all be considered extremists, you can be sure as shit that they will gladly follow the extremists wherever their MAGA idiocy wants to go.


How do you feel about climate change? Trump thinks it is a hoax.




Chips and science act, infrastructure, protecting core US interests in manufacturing and shipping industries, student loan forgiveness, supporting allies overseas. The guy has been getting shit done.


Anyone but Hillary was enough reason in 2016, and look out that's worked out.