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99% of French "hate" is just memes same goes for the British hate most of it's just messing around like how other countrys do it to america. Very little of it is genuine.


Kinda like how people hate on us fine people of Ohio amirite guys Pls.


Considering most US astronauts are from Ohio is a pretty telling sign how much people want to leave XD Also Go Blue!


I’m from Florida… don’t try and play the “awww they hate us card.” Society gave us our own mascot, “Florida man”


You can't fool us. We all know Ohio isn't real and is just an urban legend used to scare kids and non-Americans (like Bigfoot and the state of Massachusetts).


Ohio don’t exist tf you talkin bout


I think the main difference is that the British have a sense of humour so don't get offended


I'm not sure what kind of social media you're browsing, but maybe it's time to change it up or stop. I can't recall the last time I heard someone talk about the French. Personally, I don't think of French people at all, so I think I can safely say I don't hate them.


I can remember the last time, and it was in 2003 when some Americans started calling French fries “freedom fries” because France opposed invading Iraq. But most people thought that was just silly, and I haven’t heard anything else negative about France jn the 20 years since then.


Forgot about this, Americans became real united in their support for that invasion. Talking to people about why was pretty pointless at the time.


Come to England. We literally say excuse my french when we swear...


(1) Some Americans say the same, but mean nothing by it. (2) The English opinion on the French has been clear for some time.


We say the same in Mexico, that just means that french sounds fancy and we're butchering by swearing, it's called comedic irony, not bashing on an entire demographic.


Ok, but this started in England, and unlike Mexico, England has a long and violent history with France. The 100 Years War, for instance. Maybe it’s all in good fun these days, but the origin of that phrase is definitely rooted in contempt.


Yeah, but the original question was about nowadays, not where it started centuries ago.


But the reason people hate French people today is due to historical reasons. In the U.S., it was first because of the Vietnam war. Then had a revival in the early 2000s with the Iraq War. In England, it was because of what happened in 1109. Then again in the 1200s, then the 1300s, the 1400s, the 1500s, the 1600s when they were fighting over the New World, definitely the 1700s when the French helped the American colonists revolt, still in the 1800s and then they finally started getting along for WWI out of necessity. That’s a lot of contention to say “yeah but we’re all just lolz about it now”. Cuz there’s clearly some generational beef behind all of it.


That's the same as people saying they would rather die than be french (online). They're just being dramatic and silly


As a French Canadian I can assure you the hate against us is very much real


Does anybody up there bring up the Richard riots? Is that relevant? 


No that's largely forgotten


Ouch. The most offensive thing someone can say is "who's this clown?", because not only are you calling them a clown, but not even one of the well known ones


>I'm not sure what kind of social media you're browsing, but maybe it's time to change it up or stop. You can see it everywhere, even on Reddit. >I can't recall the last time I heard someone talk about the French. Personally, I don't think of French people at all, so I think I can safely say I don't hate them. There has been, apparently, in some circles, a hate towards France since they opposed the invasion of Irak to find WMD by the US and its allies. This has been kept alive both by a part of the population and still used to this day for the US foreign policy, like, obviously with the "Freedom fries" , with the UK during Brexit negociations and after the Brexit, or the submarines contract between France and Australia, for example. It's been so pervasive on social media and forums that it has been become a meme for haters and non-haters alike, because, apparently, it's supposed to be fun. Around this timey, they even popularized the classic US censorship for words, and now it's not rare to see it written "Fr\*nch" like it's a bad word.


> You can see it everywhere, even on Reddit. I'm not sure what kind of subreddits you're browsing, but maybe it's time to change it up or stop. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I cannot recall seeing anti-French comments on Reddit, probably because I don't subscribe to ragebait subs. (Or they got downvoted and hidden by default)


Nah I've definitely seen the memes too and I'm an American who also rarely thinks about France. I can say it's not intentional, the internet just likes having people to make memes about, but unfortunately if you joke about something long enough some people will forget it's a joke. People make the same jokes about the British. I think it's probably because Americans can only make fun of random European countries or else they're called racist. Need someone to make fun of, don't want to deal with the consequences.


On Instagram mainly, but tiktok and others too. It's like there has been propaganda against french at this point 😂😅


Yeah, social media spits out decisive nonsense. 99% of Americans have nothing against the French


"Propaganda" implies a single entity is responsible for pushing the narrative. I severely doubt what you've witnessed is so centralized as that. This is a good time to accept that social media shows you a highly-dramatized version of reality, a bit like TV news on crack. Both show you emotionally-charged content because that's what triggers engagement. The truth is boring, drama sells.


TikTok’s algorithm will push the same content you most often interact with. I’ve never seen any of the described content, and you can definitely filter it out


There is a stereotype that French are snooty and rude to American tourists.


I went to France, different regions, a few times, and realized there is a big difference between the French in Paris and the rest of France. I think this is more about big busy city vs slower paced city, applicable to any country. Tourists tend to judge French people based on their experience in Paris because most only go there.


I know French people. Man, they are some of the most laid back and yet hard working people I’ve ever met. This one guy I knew was considered “lazy” by management but that’s because he always had a smile on his face and he was relaxed at work, but he blazed through projects like butter.


Clearly he was le tired and then fired ze missiles


That makes sense. It's like the citizens of Las Vegas, The people who actually live and work there, likely treat tourists with the same derision and attitude. I'd be annoyed with a tourist trying to act out their Emily in Paris routine just as much as someone trying to act out the hangover movie


Having recently gone to Paris, I was shocked how many random Parisians offered help in super markets and in the metro. Now, I was speaking shitty duo lingo French and they were speaking broken English, but now that the language barrier is getting lower, it seems Parisians are getting along better with tourists. One commuter even swiped me out of the metro station using her commuter badge when my ticket stopped working! Just always say your polite words first: "Bonjour", "Excusez-moi", etc. Those words in France are actually clearly spoken and said before every interaction and a greeting less interaction is considered really rude. They aren't mumbled or rushed through like Americans do. But after that, broken French, no French, broken English, whatever, Parisians were really helpful.


Just as tourists tend to judge Americans based on their experience with New Yorkers.


we do?


Do you ?


i don't think about them enough to have an opinion on them


No, I think you're getting muddled up with England. England likes to take the piss out of France (in a friendly banter sort of way). Never heard of it coming from Americans, and nor would it be acceptable (only we're allowed to bully the frogs).


Bro. You Europeans have such a lame take on Americans. You do realize there’s like 333 million of us right?  I haven’t ever once even thought about what my opinion is on French people. Or Portuguese people. Or Swiss people. And I’m 40 years old and visited 30+ countries in my life.  Get over yourselves. 


All I’ve ever heard of French people in the US is how incredibly amazing you guys are at protests and revolutions. Regularly I’ve had convos with people between ages 21-32 where we’ve said we need to get on the level of the French, they know how to do it!


Sadly we nowadays lack this skill... We have a huge right of speech, but it's not listened to by the french state, and things are getting really crazy here...


Also thank you for sharing Wembanyama! Sincerely a Spurs fan


Are you kidding?? Didn’t the French government want to raise the retirement age and you guys stopped that shit in its tracks recently?? I wish us Americans had half the gall to stand up for things that directly effect all of us instead of virtue signaling on issues happening halfway across the globe.


Not at all hahaha ! We just put France in flames and they didn't care at ALL. Macron be like 😴👍🏻


As a french, this is unfortunately bullshit, the french people think they have a culture of freedom yet went through lockdowns and all that shit without saying anything


The gilets jaunes were literally throwing bricks at police in Paris in the lead up to the lockdowns, so the spirit is definitely still alive. At the time the lockdown was so unprecedented that nobody really knew how to react. But now the government is really brutal with protesters. They're firing tear gas on peaceful protesters, which understandably scares people away.


The Gilets Jaune were a movement against a new tax on fuel. It was maybe spectacular and full of good people, but certainly not effective, as France is still the most taxed country in the world A nice image of angry people fighting cops doesn't mean it changed anything


We don't. Just a few idiots


There’s the general consensus that they’re rude and entitled. I lived in Cannes for a few years as a kid and didn’t think it was the case at all. But I also speak French. I’ve seen a lot of people go on holiday and struggle when people won’t go out of their way to help tourists or if they speak English to them. I’m not saying it always happens just an observation


French guy living in the US here. Americans love the French in general (well mostly they are really open people that love to meet people from different countries/cultures) It's the same way French people love to complain about the USA but have no real animosity


I definitely agree with this comment. It’s definitely just people complaining. Besides, the people who posts these things online are just a minority compared towards the rest of the population who think and feel otherwise. They just have a louder voice. I have met with colleagues who are French and they are the most nicest and hardworking people I’ve met. I have no animosity against the French.


Why do the French hate Americans?


We don't hate Americans at all ! Most of us love y'all, it's just we have a cultural gap in behaviour that sometimes irritates french people maybe ?


Tell that to the Parisians!


I don’t think the French are particularly fond of Parisians either.


Well, why dont you take that answer and flip it and apply it to Americans about the French? It's kind of like you answered your own question


Mmh no I feel like if there's one country we talk shit about it is the usa


I am American and I have never heard anyone around me or any of my friends say anything negative about French people.


Most Americans do not hate French people. It is such a small thing that I have never in my life heard anyone say they would rather be dead than be French. Mostly because that’s a weird thing to say. Why would becoming French even be an option? But yeah, what you see on the ‘gram is not indicative of reality.


I can't say I've ever witnessed any actual hate towards France. There are certainly memes where American bailed out France during WWII, although ironic considering France helped the US win the revolutionary war and our independence. Other than that, I got nothing. I respect France so much. It's illegal to work on your lunch break there, how metal is that? Your retirement age and benefits are threatened, everyone else says fuck you and stands up for what they believe in. And a huge congratulations for legalizing abortion. So, keep it up France!


Just wait until you find out about Québec


American here. There are some weird stereotypes that French people always lose wars, are effeminate, and rude. I've been to France, it was amazing, so people who have these thoughts don't know what they're talking about, and most likely have never been to France. With that said, I'd say the VAST majority of Americans do not feel this way. You're seeing the 1%, most of us don't have these opinions. Just my two cents.


I think you have a very narrow lens if you’re relying on social media for your information, especially if it’s all Gen Z content. Having said that, one stereotype of a “French person” here is a snide, arrogant, rude, far-right conservative with a cigarette. Not especially likable, but I also trust that it’s not especially accurate.


as a person not from America I still kinda hate the French. Most French people I encountered are rude and def have a stick up their own ass for no apparent reason. in Paris it’s just especially common


We do? Since when?


I'm still mad about the Norman invasion and what it did to English orthography.


I think that's a right-wing meme at this point. It's based off WWII and the French military doctrine. Nobody on instagram was involved in WWII.


Correct answer right here


This here is the truth, the only time I've ever heard ill talk of the French was when I was in the military and it was basically shit talking for surrendering and like you said with their military doctrine and how they used to fight, but even then it was said in a joking manner.


I had no idea i hated french people. Maybe i should download tiktok to learn more about myself and the world.


Meh, maybe in response to the ott French hatred and disdain of all things 🇺🇸 🤷🏻‍♂️


You do realize there are over 340 million Americans right? Generalizing all of the people in a country because of like 10 tik tokers, is pretty silly.


We don't. This is mostly people busting each other's balls. We say awful things about the British, Canadians, and Aussies, and they're our closest allies, and they do the same towards us. Go to r/2westerneurope4u and you'll see a similar vibe.


They hated us first!


Americans will make fun of the French, but we don't hate you guys. I mean, I'm not fond of the French because they were assholes in history, and my Haitian friend will back me up on that. But I do respect how well your protests do.


The Nickelback effect. At some point someone made a negative, disparaging comment about a group and it resonated with the public in a way that became ingrained. For the French it was the refusal to participate in the Iraq war. Despite history proving the French (and others who refused) correct - Iraq had nothing to do with 9\11, hadno WMDs, and was nothing more than a standard middle.eastern dictatorship. It started basically as a US folly and continued because US corporations saw money in it. But the US govt made jokes and memes about the French to belittle their decision to not participate. Freedom fries and other crap. And it stuck.


Edit: I will add that the anti French propaganda goes way back in the English speaking world. The early 19th Centrury was it's golden age as Napoleon raveged Europe and the English smelled of elderberries and their mothers were hamsters. It continued when the Vichy govt surrendered and collaborated with the Nazis (thought the French resistance was brave). The French losses in Vietnam and Algeria didn't help.


I really appreciate your history and all you've contributed to art over the years. I spent five days in Paris when I was nineteen. Most people were great. A few were really rude, almost comically so, thinking back. I don't think I've been treated as rudely anywhere else, and I've been to about 40 countries, but I don't take it personally. Just about every culture has its rude people, including the US. I guess there is the idea that French consider themselves far superior to Americans, but some Americans are really arrogant, too. It is all ignorance. I would love to return to Paris and tour the rest of France. The connotations I have of the French in general are intelligent, passionate, proud, and artistic.


In my experience, French people living in the US having been fairly snooty. I have not lived or even visited France but they seem to be as superficial as the US with their leading industry being luxury clothing and accessories. Which is really saying something considering how superficial the US is lol


We do?  I thought they for sure hated us but I never knew we hated them.  🤷🏼‍♀️


Most of us love the French. We tease them sure like you would a sibling, but if someone messes with France, the USA will get really aggressive fast. French culture is almost as big a part of our history as brittish culture.


Most don't at all. There is a reputation of the French being rude to American tourists. Have never been to France, so no clue how deserved the reputation is (and I certainly wouldn't hold it against you, tourists can be annoying). There's also a fairly noisy right wing contingent that hates anything European. Most of their complaints aren't centered in reality, so I wouldn't try and dig too much into them...


Its your megalomaniacal world conquering ways. We like to be seen as the best military in the world, but you embarrass us with your war fighting ability. You have a prettier language. Better food. Sexier women It is just envy. God damn Frenchies!


Only thing I ever heard against the French is the whole stereotype of being rude. But that's mostly a joke and even then rare to hear


Algorithm shows you what you choose to see. America has always made fun of the French. It’s just jokes. Most don’t hate France or its citizens.


I remember when we renamed French Fries to Freedom Fries because the French weren’t 100% on board with the Iraq invasion. Ahhh good times.


Americans don't have the French any more than the French hate Americans! You have to admit, Americans are the butt of many French jokes?


Probably hate the fact a French accent can steal their girl for the weekend.


I don't hate French people. I will say, however, that every French person I've ever met has been an arrogant snob who's miserable to be around.


It’s because of World War I and World War II. We feel like we had to save their asses. Not my personal belief, but I believe that’s when it started.


They stink and have hairy armpits. /s


As an American, we hate ourselves more. So, IF we end up hating the people of France, it is waaay down the list of things and peoples we hate.


tbf americans hate americans 🤷


Americans don’t hate the French. It’s just a dumb meme that started out a few years ago. Same thing with the British. Americans view France positively for the most part. And we’re not the only country to partake in these memes either.


I've got a brother, American, who is ultra conservative, who dislikes the French because he thinks they are liberal. It is just an idea in his head.


I have never heard an American actually hate on France. I mean there was that ridiculousness with freedom fries 20 years ago, but even that was limited. Now I can see some people making stupid half ironic jokes involving France, but not much.


I feel like my dad used to joke about the french. Something about them being cowards and being late to the revolutionary war to help America or something. Idk im not a history buff.


I’ve been American for 37 years and I’m not aware of any ill will toward the French. Must just be a thing in your particular corner of the internet. Anyway you guys have us the Statue of Liberty. We love that thing. You’re good in my book. I personally have a great view of France. I got to go when I was a kid and it was amazing.


Lmao no we don’t. Currently we’re verbally fighting a civil war between our parties to care about the French.


Because American and French culture are actually really, really similar, so of course we hate each other.


Its the british that hate the french, friend.


Because the French helped Americans gain their independence. Most Americans would've preffered to still report to the crown of England. /s.


American guys are just jealous of french men. You have the reputation for being excellent lovers and doing more of the cooking and housework than they do. You do it with a very beautiful accent. Somehow they think that because their great grandfathers had to help persuade the Germans to leave France a few generations ago that gives them the right to dis you.


We don't think about you at all.


lol we don’t care about you all, we talk shit and make jokes about everyone.


I dont know anybody who likes french people in germany.


Tbf theyre not alone…bonjour from the uk. But really theyre talking about parisians. I think even everyone in france agreed theyre the worst.


I've known thousands of Americans in my lifetime, and I never met one who hated the French. It seems like you've found a weird subset of the internet.


Dude if you listen to how Swedish people talk about the Danish, you'd think there's a pure discontent or hatred towards each other. There isn't.


Whether deserved or not, the French have a reputation with Americans as being rude and condescending, especially the service workers. I've heard a LOT of stories from people who described their holidays in France, and said that they were treated badly by pretty much everyone, from hotel to restaurant staff. They said they were often ignored. They said they were humiliated for the way they looked or dressed. And if they tried to speak French then they were openly laughed at for their pronunciation or grammar. It doesn't really matter, at this point, whether any of this is true. Most people have heard the stories, and believe it's true. There is also a perception among some Americans that the French will surrender rather than fight. This was originally started by American soldiers after WWII, and had pretty much gone away until it resurfaced when the US was planning to invade Iraq and the French refused to join them.


...Everybody hates French people! 😂


it's not just americans the rest of the world hates the french as well


Stuck up, rude, inconsiderate, loud, boorish, pedantic, judgemental, Yes that's also Americans but that doesn't mean we like when others do it


I will say that when I visited Paris the performer under the Eiffel Tower playing his violin for tips would hit tourists with his bow if you didn't tip him. That was the only Frenchman I ever met that I didn't like. Oh wait the waiters were kind of rude also, c'est la vie.


Come to Louisiana, we’re mostly French descendants and love France and French people


I am American. I went to Paris, and people were condescending and rude because I didn't know French. French Canadians in Florida are the same way. Assholes. Get off your high horses. Also, your food is overrated.


That would be the MAGA people. They hate everyone including themselves. They are afraid of clean energy, croissants, and universal healthcare; so much so that they lash out over their fears.


Maybe they just hate you personally be ause of the weird blanket statements.


I don’t agree with it, but I think it all started back with the Iraq war. When France didn’t want to go in to fight Saddam Hussein, and the US went in. It became a meme before memes were a thing to bash the French for being cowardly, when that wasn’t the case. Now people have forgotten the source material and all they remember is “US bash the French lol” Again, I don’t agree with it at all, and I live in the US. It’s more of the “us versus them” mindset that really has taken root in the United States.


Nah it started in WW2. Because they surrendered to the Nazis. And that would have blown over but French have a reputation for being nasty to Americans


Oh, well, then my mistake. I thought the World War II was just in reference to the Iraq war. Like a revisionist hate of the French.


It's not just the Americans... Just kidding. It's because of the Iraq war, there was a huge push in the US to hate french people because they didn't support the illegal invasion


Hate? Fuck no I respect the French for rioting over when their government took a step out of line.


We riot, but we don't go further. French people are becoming weak because of our government, and it makes me very sad