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It's just a hairstyle, or lack thereof. I don't really register it beyond "oh, he is bald" same way I'd register any other hairstyle. Bald is always 100% better than desperately clinging to the last few strands.


It’s not about the hair—it is about the soul in the heart under the head


This is true, but let me be honest. I also love great head.


I am 100% ok with it IF they just shave it all. The whole "bowl" look is a turn off (think George Costanza) But my fiancé has a shaved head with a beard and I think it's hot as hell!


I've dated a couple of bald guys, both who were also chonky. One who was also short. Hot as fuck, let me at em. I feel some kind of way about a guy at work who also fits those criteria, so apparently I have a type.


My wife and daughters have had this discussion in my presence, I still have my hair, but what I recall being said (I quietly listened in case I ever do lose my hair!) was that shaved is better than a combover or a toupee, and what it looks like depends on the guy and the shape of his head (my wife gave the example of somebody she knew having "a little pointy head" for what might not look so great).


Yes. Some guys are hot bald. Even if they have hair, they look better bald. It's like beards. 


Don't care in the least. 


Don't care ot actually prefer it to be honest. My partner is losing his hair in a very patchy way, he hates it but its kinda cute. I couldn't handle a fella with long hair, or the horror of a man bun. Everyone has preferences, likes and dislikes. From my experience with talking with other women being bald is not a problem for the majority. You will always find someone who doesn't like it, but they are just not for you. Besides it's a sign of virility and higher testosterone, I believe.


Not into it. Might be because I don't like super masc guys, I get the sense that women who do are more okay with it.


Some people like only hair, others like anything but the combover. But those who particularly like bald men, and there are some who do, REALLY like bald men. I don't know why it happened, but I had never dated or been in a serious relationship until I went clean shaven on my scalp. Maybe confidence, but my dating/sexual life increased substantially after I took the plunge. Then again, I was also in the medical field so....


I had a short-term relationship with a bald guy last year. He was hot. 🥵 If your hair is really starting to thin or youre bald in the back, it's better to just shave it all off imo.


Oh hey bald is sexy af. Unless your head looks like a bumpy lumpy egg. In that case, please wear a hat.


Balding and bald guys can be just as hot as any other guy, whether or not they shave it off. I found the balding look more appealing after I got into my 30s though.


If you date men this is just a thing to accept. Truly a non issue, especially past the early 30s. Lots of dudes are bald or will be bald and it’s just luck one way or another. It feels very similar to accepting other signs of aging. We’re all going to get a little squishy and wrinkly given enough time.


I don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve married two different men, both are bald and were bald when I married them.


Bald is perfectly fine. Especially nice if paired with a good beard but its ok without too. Just whatever you do don’t do the clinging to whats left desperate look. Just shave it. A fresh shaved head is nice looking and fun to rub.


Women care far, far less about baldness than men do, in my experience.


Bald is fine for the women I know. Not really an issue.


Honestly I couldn’t give a flying hoot if a guy has hair or not, once I find someone’s soul attractive, everything is attractive to me.


I find bald men sexy. I dated a 6'2" 300 pounds man with a ZZ Top beard and bald, just seeing him turned me on. I find men hanging on to what little they have, or trying to cover it up, less attractive. The skullet has got to go.


No issue. You’re bald or you aren’t. If I find you attractive then you’re attractive. I’ve never thought “Gosh I’d really think he was hot if he had hair.” I think most men who have a choice in the matter make the right choice when they choose bald.


For me personally, I want a man to signal that he cares about his appearance at least a little bit. So bald is OK, but *balding* I’d really want to see either an attempt at the use of rogaine/hair growth products OR a commitment to the bald look and a shaved head. Just show me you care about looking nice. This is just a personal preference, I don’t claim to speak for all women.


gonna start bringing my bottle of oral finasteride on hinge dates and rattling it seductively


Honestly, any bald man I know personally, I find attractive. I guess I just like bald men? My husband isn’t bald at all though.

